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rta build issues

  1. benjaminvapes

    Asmodus sylvana geek vape ammit 25rta issues need help!

    first few decks I built were fine smoked great, but recently every deck I build a few puffs taste good and then most the time I get a burnt taste. The Ohm on the asmodus device is constantly changing always between 0.50 ohms and 0.70 sometimes moving only a few decimals. Also when I fire away...
  2. FTF61

    Cant get any flavour...

    hi im a new builder, usüng gemini rta 22mm with clapton wire. İ did everythnig but still cant get any flavour. Get 0.23ohms and using it at 55-50 watt. Wires are good and they heat normally but still cant get ant flavour please help me...
  3. N

    RTA Help: Wotofo Troll / Augvape Boreas v2

    Hello everybody I recently started building my own coils and using RTAs and RDAs and generally I am enjoying it but I am having a lot of trouble with my RTAs. The problem is basically leaking. Being fairly new to building I am probably making some little mistakes but I do build carefully and...
  4. X

    Cleito 120 RTA help

    I had lost hope on my cleito 120 after going through lots of coils after a day of using them I would start getting burnt hits. But I recently got the RTA for it so I could maybe bring it out of retirement. Well after trying over and over to wick the pretty nice coils it came with pre installed...
  5. E

    Petri 24mm

    so I just got my petri rta from the mail and I went to put in a build but it will not show the ohms. It won't read on my mods or ohm reader. I've tried swapping the pin with the spare but it did nothing. Anybody have any ideas?
  6. T

    Can't fix the burnt taste

    NEWBIE ALERT i am using a Smok tf-rta and i just recently replaced the coils with prebuilt claptons. This was my first time installing prebuilt claptons, and i have no idea whether i did it wrong or if i am just still really inexperienced in wicking, or both lol. After screwing up a couple...
  7. crew

    Cant dial in my Griffin RTA

    hi all new to this forum i recently acquired a griffin rta. Sold to me by the shop. Saying it would be an easy build and really enjoyable. i have only got it to work really good once. After letting it rest for a few hrs with the juice holes closed. Tried again and horrible hurt on the top of...
  8. Jaximus

    Advanced Coil builds for RTAs

    Hi there, So I have recently I have really been struggling with my tanks. These being a smok TF-V4, an orchid V4, a steam crave rdta and a kanger subtank. I love to DIY on the rebuildable sections of these and have found the best builds for both flavour, and cloud production, to be generally 8...

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