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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So? Whose interest should they have at heart?
What is your take on it all Rossum? You've been awake right along - Do You think BHO & HRC were working to frame Russia in the Uranium 1 deal by setting up an Iranian covert nuclear program inside of Syria to attack Israel and the US to bring about ww3 w/ Russia or did they have a different end game on behalf of establishing a greater Israel by betraying Iran in the end?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think he meant it in the context of our relationship with Israel. I think it's fair to not trust Israehole in that context. They are for their own self interests, not ours.
exactlly I think Isreal would be and has been happy as hell for us to do some of their heavy lifting like fighting and dying in Wars that don't profit us at all.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So? Whose interest should they have at heart?
One of the things that I keep in front of me is..That the Rothschilds established both the banking cartels , and the fiat currencies which enslave the westeren nations and have taken them into countless wars, destoyed their economies, and made their people debt slaves.....and Rothschild also established the state of Isreal.....,I keep asking myself why Rothschild created Isreal and what is their endgame...are they simpley zionist loonies bent on some supremacist kick, or was Isreal established in order for Rothschild to be able to control the oil of the ME, which he knew would be the life's blood of the industialized nations... I don't know..what I do know is what ever Rothschild touches is poison to the rest of the world. They are evil people....and war burns up a helluva alot of oil.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
One of the things that I keep in front of me is..That the Rothschilds established both the banking cartels , and the fiat currencies which enslave the westeren nations and have taken them into countless wars, destoyed their economies, and made their people debt slaves.....and Rothschild also established the state of Isreal.....,I keep asking myself why Rothschild created Isreal and what is their endgame...are they simpley zionist loonies bent on some supremacist kick, or was Isreal established in order for Rothschild to be able to control the oil of the ME, which he knew would be the life's blood of the industialized nations... I don't know..what I do know is what ever Rothschild touches is poison to the rest of the world. They are evil people....and war burns up a helluva alot of oil.
funny thing about that theory was Israel is the one country in the ME that isn't floating on a sea of oil. Only real oil they got they have to steal from Syria.


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Funny that the 5 or 6 articles on Q that are carried by larger news outlets always seek to discredit & demean the Q followers based on a single post taken out of context and showing how it proves the goal of the entire LARP.

While I don't discount that it is & always has been a LARP, I'm pretty sure everyone who follows Q understands it's goal now quite well. It is there to force stupid reactions of Bad actors and con them into taking actions that further incriminate them to expose them when they try to cover their tracks as the Q posts get too close for comfort. Make no mistake it is a PSYOP but it is not to trick normal thinking Americans into marching willingly toward war. It is to misdirect confuse & expose those who make decisions by the social media buzz into making bad decisions based on their belief of what might happen next & and selectively apply pubic pressure where & when needed and it has been very effective in that. Make no mistake, Q only existed this long only because the bad actors are actively monitoring it for clues as to what might happen next.

The fact that a Tom Clacyesque Plotline exists in the Q posts is only because the Bad actors actually used a Tom Clancyesque plotline to weave their intricate web of deceit.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
funny thing about that theory was Israel is the one country in the ME that isn't floating on a sea of oil. Only real oil they got they have to steal from Syria.
But it has the history to give the zionist a moral excuse to reclaim the provides Rothschild a base a military and intelligence base in the ME to destablize the region and create chaos to profit from.and to launch and supply military expeditions.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The fact that a Tom Clacyesque Plotline exists in the Q posts is only because the Bad actors actually used a Tom Clancyesque plotline to weave their intricate web of deceit.

No. The Q followers create the plotline. Q posts some vague and cryptic shit and the followers create the threads. The followers are Clancyesque. :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
No. The Q followers create the plotline. Q posts some vague and cryptic shit and the followers create the threads. The followers are Clancyesque. :)
Guessing you missed BiBi's little Ted Talk the other day. Perhaps you missed that he is literally spinning the plot from "Sum of All Fears" perpetrated in reality as part of the Uranium 1 scandal to justify war in Syria after the faked chemical attacks they staged failed to do the job time & again. That is what Q is warning against. Q is telling Americans that things are not what they seem there as the spin unfolds. I realize that may be confusing if you didn't follow along.

Trump will play along with BiBi play and allow him to unfold the script and try to push us to war in Syria, but Q followers believe he has a different end game in mind. Q followers have been prepped to believe that BiBi will be allowed to march us toward war to ratchet up the pressure on the Iranian Regime & destabilize Iran using the full participation of Mossad while allowing BiBi to further expose himself. Enter the unfolding of the Awan scandal which will expose many of BiBi's misdeeds coupled with the fact that Kushner will become a major target of the Mueller probe where it will come out that he was a victim of pedophilic abuse by BiBi most of his life and BiBi actually secretly owns the 666 building and has been running Kushner as an Israeli asset in the administration using it as leverage against him. As this unfolds we will step back from the brink of war in Syria.

This will further destabilize Iran and those opposed to the regime will rise up against it to overthrow the regime as their hopes of US intervention evaporate in Syria & Iran evaporate. As the Awan & Kushner scandals further expose the Pakistani involvement in attempting to bring about WW3, the people in Pakistan will in turn his up for regime change as well. At least that is supposed to be Trump's play and he is counting on the fact that the popular uprisings of the people world wide to eliminate the embedded corruption of this worldwide cabal and usher in world peace sparked by the revelations in the Q drops. It remains to be seen if he can pull it off but he is counting on popular uprisings of the people worldwide to throw off the chains of cabal manipulation to usher in a different world.

So you see the plot of Q goes well beyond a Tom Clancy novel. How it will all play out remains to be seen. Whether a LARP or information warfare the Q drops were instrumental in bringing Lil Kim to the peace table. Whether we will be double crossed along the way is certainly a possibility and much is in motion that could go wrong, but so far, so good.

Time will tell.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
But it has the history to give the zionist a moral excuse to reclaim the provides Rothschild a base a military and intelligence base in the ME to destablize the region and create chaos to profit from.and to launch and supply military expeditions.
I would argue that Israel is not needed to destabilize the Middle East. Shia and Sunni hate each other and would happily go to war. Persians and Arabs hate each other and would happily go to war. In fact, I think there's a solid argument to be made that Israel's presence actually does much to unite and stabilize the Muslim majority there.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I would argue that Israel is not needed to destabilize the Middle East. Shia and Sunni hate each other and would happily go to war. Persians and Arabs hate each other and would happily go to war. In fact, I think there's a solid argument to be made that Israel's presence actually does much to unite and stabilize the Muslim majority there.
I'm not sure how Isreal makes the ME more stable...and though the historical conflicts you sight may be true, I wonder how much the mossad does to fuel those fires among the differing factions of muslims. It is in Isreal's best interests to have the muslim world at each others throats and I wouldn't put it past Isreal for a second if they have a very active hand in making sure it stays that way.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
UK continues to bang the drum.

Russia’s monster robot army capable of AMBUSHING Nato forces unveiled in show of force
VLADIMIR PUTIN will give the salute to Russia’s new robot combat army at a huge military parade on Red Square next week. He will also showcase his new state-of-the-art Su-57 stealth fighter fresh from war zone trials in Syria.
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