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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years point in bringing Keyes up though was in reference to Boater's comment
that we can call him a racist.
It really isn't about race but about soul and intellect.
We're all blood red on the inside
but there's some folks be them black or white on the outside that look pretty damn yella and I don't mean Asian.
Soetoro is one of them yella fellas...

However I did notice a certain "uppity" attitude emerge from some
right after Obummer got elected
as if his victory signaled the defeat of "whitey". The BLM movement exemplifies
that attitude. It isn't "all lives matter" anymore and that's not only a shame and major setback
for cooperation it is serving to create a dangerous backlash where intelligent people
are beginning to wonder if we're becoming or at least accept being labeled "racist" when in fact what we are
is freedom loving Americans colored Red, White, and Blue.
Oh yeah ,well the DNC just put KIeth Ellison as Deputy Chair,they should just rename their party .."The Fuck Whitey Party" and be done with it....My favoriite Keyes moment ....other than the ones where he intellectually bitch slapped Obama in the moment he exposed the MSM and the GOP when they banned him from a presidental debate in Atlanta.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years point in bringing Keyes up though was in reference to Boater's comment
that we can call him a racist.
It really isn't about race but about soul and intellect.
We're all blood red on the inside
but there's some folks be them black or white on the outside that look pretty damn yella and I don't mean Asian.
Soetoro is one of them yella fellas...

However I did notice a certain "uppity" attitude emerge from some
right after Obummer got elected
as if his victory signaled the defeat of "whitey". The BLM movement exemplifies
that attitude. It isn't "all lives matter" anymore and that's not only a shame and major setback
for cooperation it is serving to create a dangerous backlash where intelligent people
are beginning to wonder if we're becoming or at least accept being labeled "racist" when in fact what we are
is freedom loving Americans colored Red, White, and Blue.
Westeren European culture and Westeren Civilization and thought have been under siege and villified worldwide by the left and progressives for half a century...racist agendas against white even is codefied into our laws.under the guise of affermative action...
I recall watching a video of the Mythologist Proffesor Joesph Campbell where he made the statement that "Love was born in the West"..his point was that in Medival Europe a movment arose where the troubadors and artist were writing about men and women of station and power defying their families their social roles, and the cultural institutions by choosing to marry for love, rather than for the economic or political advantages of their families or clans.This was a revolutionary departure within the cultures of europe and the world....Campbell made the point that it was there in Europe where this phenomena first arose and that it was a statement of the power of the free individual..that the individual's free choice was to be the guiding principal of westeren societies...that the free individual's conciouness of his or her own truth would be what drove the enlightenment of the society....The value that western culture has placed on the free will of the Individual above that of the Institutions of the society is what the globalist seek to destroy...The globalist and the progressives, the collectivists, are dragging us back into a place where the conciouness of the Individual is repressed and outlawed for the "good" of the borg....or as Orwell wrote...imagine a boot smashing a human face forever.....The massive invasion of non western cultures into the West and the villification of Western Culture is being waged destroy freedom...and I personally believe that the reason freedom is under attack is beacuse ..human conciousness can only be delivered through the enlightment of the single person at a time is how the enlightenment of the human race is achieved..that is why both the Buddha and Jesus had zero interest in poloitical structures..they both sought to bring enlightenment to humanity one person at a is the evolution of our consiousness that the global elite and the progressives seek to chain.and the best way for the single human to arrive at their personal enlightement or truth is in an enviorment of freedom.As long as humanity's conciousness is centered in the base levels of physcial survival, then we can be herded like cattle, bred and bled for the benifiet of an insane elite.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I wish they would just cut the crap and admit the truth. Dressing their women that way is NOT a religious thing. If our women looked like that, we'd cover their heads with something, too.
It's amazing how westeren femminists have done this bizzare intellectual yoga, and twisted themselves into actually donning this Medival chastity scarf as some sort of symbol of progressivisim and women's can't fix stupid.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Gad to see the facts of vault 7 have not shaken your steadfast belief in the integrity of Hillary & Obama. I happen to agree with everything on that graphic. and have seen every bit of that behavior from the left, as have you.

Falling for CIA Propaganda is nothing to be proud of son. How much longer will you allow yourself to continually embarrass yourself by defending people who manipulate you into doing their bidding.

One month after Obama authorizes the CIA to shut down websites distributing propaganda from foreign websites, Twitter, Google, Facebook & others censor right wing sites that have been saying for years that pedophile rings were operating in USA -- Over 750 arrests have been made in "Human Trafficking" aka Pizzagate so far & over 75 people liberated from an unimaginable life, 45 of which were under the age of 18. They haven't touched Washington DC yet, & that is why the hype is at unprecedented levels. Your Idols are very AFRAID, & THEY WILL SAY & DO ANYTHING TO MAKE YOU DO THEIR BIDDING.

Surprised this never happened to your god Obama or Hillary during a speech:
Lawyer’s Pants Catch Fire During Florida Arson Trial
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It's amazing how westeren femminists have done this bizzare intellectual yoga, and twisted themselves into actually donning this Medival chastity scarf as some sort of symbol of progressivisim and women's can't fix stupid.
Starts to make you believe the MK-Ultra mind control claims. They must put the drugs into the into the free range chicken & organic offerings at Whole Foods.....You know, the kind of overpriced crap real people can't afford....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I wish they would just cut the crap and admit the truth. Dressing their women that way is NOT a religious thing. If our women looked like that, we'd cover their heads with something, too.
The Burka & Hijab are only there so everyone in the neighborhood doesn't realize they beat women into submission.

Come to think of it, why are Trump men fighting this trend?

We should just let these idiots have there way so we can beat them for the stupid morons they demonstrate themselves to be and get away with it....Life would be a lot easier if we embrace this on their behalf & show our solidarity!
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VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Gad to see the facts of vault 7 have not shaken your steadfast belief in the integrity of Hillary & Obama. I happen to agree with everything on that graphic. and have seen every bit of that behavior from the left, as have you.

Falling for CIA Propaganda is nothing to be proud of son. How much longer will you allow yourself to continually embarrass yourself by defending people who manipulate you into doing their bidding.

Surprised this never happened to your god Obama or Hillary during a speech:
Lawyer’s Pants Catch Fire During Florida Arson Trial

that'll give you a hint!



Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Starts to make you believe the MK-Ultra mind control claims. They must put the drugs into the into the free range chicken & organic offerings at Whole Foods.....You know, the kind of overpriced crap real people can't afford....
"But honey bunch, we can't afford to eat healthy food."


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
that'll give you a hint!

When I grew up we knew that our elders were the greatest generation that ever lived and they endured hardships in WW2 we couldn't ever imagine. My father lost is tank crew in "Patton's March" to relive Bastogne when his tank slid off a cliff. He was on a cigarette break from driving 12 hrs & jumped off as it went over. If you saw that movie recently that showed this, it was literally my father that lived it.

He was in battle for over 48 hrs, marched for 48 hrs, lost his crew and damn near his life, & was thrown back into battle again. Got a purle heart for his efforts.

We who knew that generation, knew not from personal experience, but from deeply instilled values, know the price of freedom, & the value of skepticism for those in power in the name of the freedom that they fought for.

I never served, really wanted to, but listened to pops who refused to allow me to. He never wanted me to endure what he did. I never served but am old enough to realize by immersion the cost of freedom & the reason why everyone else in the world wants to live here. I inherited his weapons and and well trained & versed in their use & necessity. None of that has to do with what these jackasses, both Democrat & Republican, have made this country into. I find it interesting you say fuck the government.

Just what do you mean by that? Do you mean Trump? Obama, Hillary, Deep State CIA? What are you saying fuck to? Trump hasn't had enough time to do anything yet ( & thats the point), so you have nothing to complain about. I really wish I could understand what motivates you beyond just being a dick. I really hope that really is is just what it is because I would hate to think there are still people left in the world who are as clueless && utterly ignorant as apparently you are.

When I, and most of the people in the nation feel you are being fed a line of bullshit, every msm has fed a line saying these alternative sites are crazy for years, then a CIA leak proves they they have been controlling the media for years & it it is all true, and you still keep going it goes to prove you are supporting facisism, it not only goes it go into & beyond fascism it goes into & beyond Alternate Reality Itself.

Not something to be proud of Son...Stupidity is not a virtue....Something I would like to explain to these dipshit feminists marching for the Hijab.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I never took Trump as a scholar who would transform this country. I never honestly expected much.

What he done is that he has exposed corruption at every level of government & a level of media collusion that none of us ever imagined.

Simply by running, he exposed a level of embedded Media corruption with the DNC which in itself a very profound statement that goes beyond anyone in this nation ever imagined...

This will affect this nation for years to come, America will never be the same, The question we need to ask is is this a good thing?

So far, looking good IMHO, and Trump made a Fan of someone who might not have been.

He is our President....Rightly so....He earned that honor, because he restored a perceived level of honor & respect for those before us that I haven't seen in years.
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VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
When I grew up we knew that our elders were the greatest generation that ever lived and they endured hardships in WW2 we couldn't ever imagine. My father lost is tank crew in "Patton's March" to relive Bastogne when his tank slid off a cliff. He was on a cigarette break from driving & jumped off as it went over. If you saw that movie recently that showed this it was literally my father that lived it.

He was in battle for over 48 hrs, marched for 48 hrs, lost his crew and damn near his life, & was thrown back into battle again. Got a purle heart for his efforts.

We who knew that generation, knew not from personal experience, but from deeply instilled values, know the price of freedom, & the value of skepticism for those in power in the name of the freedom that they fought for.

I never served, really wanted to, but listened to pops who refused to allow me to. He never wanted me to endure what he did. I never served but am old enough to realize by immersion the cost of freedom & the reason why everyone else in the world wants to live here. I inherited his weapons and and well trained & versed in their use & necessity. None of that has to do with what these jackasses, both Democrat & Republican, have made this country into. I find it interesting you say fuck the government.

Just what do you mean by that? Do you mean Trump? Obama, Hillary, Deep State CIA? What are you saying fuck to? Trump hasn't had enough time to do anything yet ( & thats the point), so you have nothing to complain about. I really wish I could understand what motivates you beyond just being a dick. I really hope that really is is just what it is because I would hate to think there are still people left in the world who are as clueless && utterly ignorant as apparently you are.

When I, and most of the people in the nation feel you are being fed a line of bullshit, every msm has fed a line saying these alternative sites are crazy for years, then a CIA leak proves they they have been controlling the media for years & it it is all true, and you still keep going it goes not only beyond fascism into Alternate Reality.

Not something to be proud of Son...

AGAIN.... you have no idea what you talking about old man...

I'll give you an example
I DONT BELIEVE 911 was a terrorist attack!!


Are you really surprised about this revelations?

Why are we talking about WIKILEAKS again?!

Forget about being a trump fan boi for a DAY OR 2
just think!



MSM FEEDING ME BULLSHIT? UR WRONG OLD MAN...I get more news reading links you guys post here...
I get breaking news notifications from CNN and FOX news... which I don't really give a shit...
I post some on the other thread!

I do watch Local news though and lots of espn!
I love NBA,NFL! I hate MLB!

Do I believe trump has connections with RUSSIA?

Why I shit post trump?!
Don't take it personal old man.


Ask me if I care!

Do I wish TRUMP well

I'm an asshole cuz I don't like trump? I don't like all POLITICIANS..

Good Nyt old man...



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I never took Trump as a scholar who would transform this country. I never honestly expected much.

What he done is that he has exposed corruption at every level that none of us ever imagined. , simply by running, he expose a level of embedded corruption which in itself a very profound statement that goes beyond anyone in this nation ever imagined...

this will affect this nation for years to come, America will never be the same, The question we need to ask is is this a good thing?

So far, looking good IMHO.

Rightly so.
yeah I agree he has stirred the hornets nest,and as history has time and again shown no good deed goes the stupid he needs to be crucified, to those even half awake he has pulled back enough of hr curtain, that they will never look at their goverment the same way again or trust a word they or the media ever say...mass immigration is the only way the corrupt can stay in power the American people have made a profound switch during this election, and the media is trying it's best to ignore it.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Lmao, the nike hijab. Given that traditionally the muslim faith has severely limited women's rights, I wonder if they come with a slightly different slogan. One that reads "Just Don't". haha.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Trump so far has been exactly the president I thought he would... his main value to America. And the primary way he will help make it great again is the exposure of the corruption....

This by the way is what made Reagan so great to the conservatives. Wasn't so much the things HE did as what he exposed.

See the same people HATED both presidents for the same reasons.......

Granted the two men are nothing alike politically.... one was a conservative in nearly all ways.. the other is fiscally conservative. BUT mostly A-political otherwise. Might even lean way left on social issues...

If not for Hillary he may well have run DNC.... and won there two..

Seeing how there were only 2 canidates this time that could win.. Donny or Bernie.... the fix being in at DNC saved us from becoming Russia.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Lmao, the nike hijab. Given that traditionally the muslim faith has severely limited women's rights, I wonder if they come with a slightly different slogan. One that reads "Just Don't". haha.
Yeah Nike's new slogans..."you want another one across the chops woman!" or maybe "Genital mutilation... just do it"..or "Why aren't you indoors"..."You don't need to..speak"....
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