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quadriplegic needing help


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Tell you what: you be the beta tester. If it works for you and other people you know want one, I can always make more. But unlike this one, I'd have to charge for the cost of parts - simply because my box of bits and pieces isn't infinite :) Just so they know.
When i first got run over may 4th 1998 i was on study leave for my year 11 exams, when the car hit me it compound fractured my right leg, lacerated liver,ruptured spleen,broke 9 ribbs, punured & collapsed both lungs,C4/C5 smashed vertebrate basil (back)fractured skull,front fractured skull,brain stem swelling,lateral vision parallelises. i was put into an induced coma till may 27th when i was transferred upto spinal unit where i stayed for a further 17 1/2 month at the time everything was so relaxed me & a few other lads used to soke joints the people who couldn't hold or roll got one rolled by either my nan or mum & they would also hold the joints aswell. after say 9 10 month i managed to get enough strength in my arms to sort of put my hands together & get the so far up nearly to my mouth i didn't have enough strength in one are thats why i had put them together. anyay the occupational therapists actually made me basically a fag holder that went over all my knuckles with a straight peice of wire going basically as long as you needed to get the fag to your mouth i'll do a quick picture later. any skipping on to 2008 i got double pneumonia & was put onto a ventilator in ICU in an induced coma for 6 week then another 5 month back across at spinal unit. after that all my movement & strength had completely gone. I still see quite a few people who can't use there arms but still smoke& have been trying to quit but its a similar story with me where they would need probably the same system as you have made me so the next time i go to the spinal unit if i see them i'll tell them about you & what your capable of making.If i don't see them there's a bulletin board so if you want to make a picture card i'll get it stuck up there! all i will do is tell them to go on this website & get in contact with yourself then it just a matter of them telling you what they want & your off sorted. how does this sound to you??

Thanks again Giraut you the doggies dangly bits kudos matey!


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Post your PayPal. I'll throw ya' a 20 right now for extra 'bits'. [...]

Wow, that's a very kind offer, thank you!

But you know what, let's do this instead: I'll send the device to Neal so he can test it. Then if it works good and I have to make a few more for his pals, then I'll hold you to your offer :) How about it?

[...]next time i go to the spinal unit if i see them i'll tell them about you & what your capable of making.If i don't see them there's a bulletin board so if you want to make a picture card i'll get it stuck up there! all i will do is tell them to go on this website & get in contact with yourself then it just a matter of them telling you what they want & your off sorted. how does this sound to you??

Well, I have neither the time nor desire to make a lot of these things to be honest. If you have, say, 5 friends who would want one, I'm okay with that. But anymore than that, and I think I have a better idea: why don't you hook up with the therapists at the spinal unit, and with their blessing and their help, contact a community college near you to have them made? They'd be good, simple pedagogic projects for the kids to learn basic metalworking, a bit of electricity and electronics, provide a useful service to the disabled community, and they'd be made in the UK to boot. On top of that, being educational projects, they'd be virtually free.

But first, let's get you the one I made when you're ready, so you can validate the design. Only when we know it works good should we think about making more :)


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Wow, that's a very kind offer, thank you!

But you know what, let's do this instead: I'll send the device to Neal so he can test it. Then if it works good and I have to make a few more for his pals, then I'll hold you to your offer :) How about it?

Well, I have neither the time nor desire to make a lot of these things to be honest. If you have, say, 5 friends who would want one, I'm okay with that. But anymore than that, and I think I have a better idea: why don't you hook up with the therapists at the spinal unit, and with their blessing and their help, contact a community college near you to have them made? They'd be good, simple pedagogic projects for the kids to learn basic metalworking, a bit of electricity and electronics, provide a useful service to the disabled community, and they'd be made in the UK to boot. On top of that, being educational projects, they'd be virtually free.

But first, let's get you the one I made when you're ready, so you can validate the design. Only when we know it works good should we think about making more :)
Ok thats fine Giraut i'll find out next time i see them.
Thanks alot Giraut.


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oh yes i second that Giraut but needs must my friend & i need & it is a must lol got to laugh otherwise i'd be in tears lol!


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Almost there payeed for just waiting for it to arrive then there will be no mor restless frustrated anxious irritable angry nights for this lad!!


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@neal1981: can you describe how you expect Tomo to set up the mod? I'm asking because there's something important to bear in mind: the switch in the Neal Tip needs to be oriented up-down. If it turns sideways, it won't work when you bite on it.

As a result, some creative use of duct-tape or rubberbands will be needed to secure the Neal Tip, atomizer and mod onto whatever stand will be used to hold it in front of you, so as to prevent the Neal Tip from turning.

Obviously I didn't do it because I didn't have your atomizer, and I didn't know how everything will be setup in your home. So I'll be shipping the Neal Tip separately and Tomo will have to figure out the final setup. I'm happy to advise, but I can't do much more from another country :)


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i haven't got a clue till i know what's what as in how it gets adapted the tank & battery as in how it all connects to each other so i won't know untill it gets here & set up.
I'm hoping it won't have to dangle vertical as i don't know how much weight the bar will hold before it starts dropped down like a floppy c**k.


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That I can't tell you. You might have to clamp the mod flat onto the edge of a tray table and tape the Neal Tip so it doesn't turn somehow. The mod itself isn't terribly heavy, but the two 18650 batteries you'll need to add make it heavier. The atomizer and the Neal Tip add to it too of course.
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Ok. Package sent :)

Now then, here's how I think you and @tomo2882 should proceed to install it:

1/ Setup the mod

- Open the battery compartment lid.

- Insert your 18650 batteries into the battery compartment (careful with the polarity). Leave the fire cable dangling from the very top right corner.

- Reinstall the lid, but only close the left-hand side latch (leave the right-hand side latch open). That way the fire cable won't be crushed.

- Screw your Protank III atomizer onto the mod.

- Switch the mod to VW mode and dial the same power as on your iStick.

- Vape on it for some time the normal way until you're happy with the vape, and you don't get dry hits.

- Lock the mod by pressing - and + quickly at the same time. It's a bit tricky on the E-Mech. Once it's locked, you should see a closed padlock icon on the screen.

2/ Install the Neal Tip

- Connect the Neal Tip to the fire cable coming from the mod's battery compartment. BE CAREFUL TO MATCH THE RED AND ORANGE WIRES ON BOTH CABLES!

- Remove the Protank III's regular drip tip.

- Insert the Neal Tip onto the Protank III.

- Make sure the "TOP" label on the Neal Tip faces up (or, when you look inside the tip, the arm of the switch is up, and the half-circle of the switch holder is down).

- Try to bite and take a vape. Don't bite too hard, just enough to activate the mod.

- The way I've sent it to you, the fire extender button is OFF. So as soon as you release the switch in the tip, the mod should stop. Try to switch the fire extender ON: the mod should keep on firing roughly 1.5 second after you release the switch in the tip. It's much more pleasant to take a mouth-to-lung hit with the fire extender ON, but remember that the mod can't be turned on or off when it's activated. In other words, the mod needs to be on and all set BEFORE the fire extender button is activated.

3/ Install the mod so that you can vape on your own

That's where @tomo2882 will have to get creative. He'll have to secure the mod onto something fixed, and then secure the Neal Tip so it always faces up.

For the latter bit, I guess the easiest would be to tape the Protank III and the Neal Tip together, all the way up to the base of the rubber tube, with electrical tape or something, and make sure the Protank III is screwed onto the mod tightly enough.

You guys'll figure it out, I'm sure :) In any case, if you have a question, you can always ask me.
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I'll have to read these instructions while me & tomo are setting it up its all double dutch to me lol.


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yes definitely Giraut its easier to build something when the actually product its there with the instructions hell of alot easier i agree!!


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@neal1981: have you and @tomo2882 gotten around to installing everything yet? Let me know how it goes: I'd like very much to know if you're happy with it :)

If you need help, don't hesitate to ask. I'm still with a customer, so I can't really devote time to help you yet, but at least as far as the mod is concerned, I'm sure someone who owns a Dovpo E-Mech can answer your questions here on the forum.


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yes mate its currently sat nestled 7n my arm pit lol that will do me till i get something permanent,the thing i am missing is the taste i'm getting the hit quite easily but not mch taste,also it th dripper that goes into my mouth it has to be in a curtain position.
Is the a manul download anywhere?


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yes mate its currently sat nestled 7n my arm pit lol that will do me till i get something permanent,the thing i am missing is the taste i'm getting the hit quite easily but not mch taste,also it th dripper that goes into my mouth it has to be in a curtain position.

Okay, so it's all set up and it works. Good!

I didn't notice a faded taste. But it's true that, being bigger and longer, the Neal Tip probably cools the vapor quite a bit. Maybe I could try devising a smaller Neal Tip with a smaller inner volume to prevent that. I'd have to come up with a triggering mechanism that isn't mechanical though. Let me think about it.

Meanwhile, you could try jacking up the power to compensate - provided you don't get dry hits.

You could also try getting a newer generation subohm tank - one that provides more vapor and stronger flavor than the Protank III. But if you do, be aware that the E-Mech can't do very low subohm: I think its lower limit is 0.6 ohms. So if you get a subohm tank, that's something to remember when you buy replacement atomizers.

But hey, at least you can vape on your own now. That's the most important thing. We can always improve on that.

Don't forget to post a picture of your final setup. I'd be curious to see it :)

Is the a manul download anywhere?

For the mod you mean? I can't find one online - including on Dovpo's website. You should've told me before I shipped it out: I'd have scanned it.

No manual for the Neal Tip though - it's a one-off :)


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i'm no moaning Giraut not at all mate this thing is fooking ACE:D:D by any means i'm just happy i can get a good throat hit!
Don't worry about the manual bud i'll ask my career to do it tomorrow.
What power would you go up to Girauti think i've got a couple of boxes of 1.8 single coil some 1.8 dual coils. oh some 2.5ohm dual coils i get confused with what i have got what i have got & what there for lol.

I don't understand the subohm jargon what benifits it has or what they are for? as far as i was concerned they were for cloud chasers,me personally like to have that bit of restriction i can honestly say some of them bigger tanks you get your mouth round & basically one quick hit my lungs were full but no throat hit at all but a couple of hours after later my lungs felt like they were good for me at all lol.

I will get a picture when its finally up & running in its final sitting place:)

Thanks ever so much Giraut i honestly thank you enough mega kudos mega kudos!!!:D:D:D


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[...]What power would you go up to Girauti think i've got a couple of boxes of 1.8 single coil some 1.8 dual coils. oh some 2.5ohm dual coils i get confused with what i have got what i have got & what there for lol.[...]

It's nothing to do with the atomizer. What I was suggesting was simply increasing the power setting on the mod - but not so high that you'd get dry hits.

[...]I don't understand the subohm jargon what benifits it has or what they are for? as far as i was concerned they were for cloud chasers,me personally like to have that bit of restriction i can honestly say some of them bigger tanks you get your mouth round & basically one quick hit my lungs were full but no throat hit at all but a couple of hours after later my lungs felt like they were good for me at all lol.

Don't worry about the subohm jargon. It's just that - jargon. It's a marketing name, really.

Subohm tanks are newer generation tanks that generally work better than designs such as your Protank III. Most of them happen to use coil heads that have a resistance under 1 ohm, hence the name. But that's not why they perform better.

These tanks can generate more vapor, but more importantly, they usually produce more flavor. You don't have to feed them a ton of power if you don't want (or can't stand) big clouds.

[...]Thanks ever so much Giraut i honestly thank you enough mega kudos mega kudos!!!:D:D:D

No problem buddy, my pleasure.

Say, I've had a rethink, and I believe I can provide you with a much, much better design: small drip tip, fully electronic, no moving parts. So I'll get cracking on that new project when I have some free time. But I'm thinking, if I do a circuit board for that, I may as well design in extra controls for you to control the mod entirely by yourself (including adjusting the power and all).

So my question is this: would you be able to turn your head and reach for extra buttons next to the drip tip? If so, I'll separate the extra controls. If not, I'll merge them into the drip tip control using sequences of "clicks".

Joshua Iles

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I've kinda kept up with this and I just have to say that this is the coolest thing I've seen, not just in vaping or this community but sheer generosity and willingness to help others. That's what being human should be about, giving freely of yourself to help where you can. Proof that good people do exist in this world.


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Thanks again buddy

Depending on how & where its situated its hard to say,i would say for easiest & to make sure i have the controls draw activated straight away instead of having it nose controlled shall we call it to find i can't use it & we don't have to mess about shipping it back to you. Does this sound ok with you?


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We should have a sub-forum "The best of PIF" and put this and other stories like this in it.


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Depending on how & where its situated its hard to say,i would say for easiest & to make sure i have the controls draw activated straight away instead of having it nose controlled shall we call it to find i can't use it & we don't have to mess about shipping it back to you. Does this sound ok with you?

Yeah okay. Don't you worry none, what I'll do is, I'll come up with something that I'd want to use myself without moving jack squat. Actually for what I have in mind, I could see myself having it manufactured and sold for vaping totally hands-free while driving. That's a much bigger market than the adaptive devices market.

You'll be the first to get one: you'll be the ideal beta-tester for such a product really :)

Now the problem is to find time: I'm supposed to fly to Finland next week for my work. I ain't gonna get nothing done while I'm there...

I've kinda kept up with this and I just have to say that this is the coolest thing I've seen, not just in vaping or this community but sheer generosity and willingness to help others. That's what being human should be about, giving freely of yourself to help where you can. Proof that good people do exist in this world.

Thanks man, that's much appreciated.


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What is PIF? sorry i'm a tad thick lol.

Giruat the best way i can describe my position & what i can & can't move is get somebody to hold or sit or your shoulders this could be fun lol:p & move your head side to side this will simulate as near as damit show what movement i have.

I can basically just touch my ear on the mattress at either side.

I don't mind being being a guinea pig for anything at all lol!


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A term use about giving to others.


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basically somebody makes something i pay for it then they send it? sorry not with it at all today


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basically somebody makes something i pay for it then they send it? sorry not with it at all today

No. The concept is this: someone does something for you (like lend you money when you're in dire straits) and when you can, you return the favor by doing the same thing for someone else who's in the same situation you were in (i.e. you don't pay the money back, you pay it forward).

It doesn't have anything to do with our transaction (I made something for you, you paid me, end of story), but I think PIF has come to mean simply a kind deed for many people.


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How you getting on withe the new Neal tip Giraut? i've been using this Neal Tip for a while now & my only thing i'm finding hard is the taste as i mentioned before & the mechanism of squeezing the tip with my teeth.

When i had my accident my face went into the windscreen & my forehead hit the oart of the roof where the windscreen meets.The windscreen chipped all of my bottom teeth & knocked one of my top front teeth completely out,i don't want to sound like i'm moaning but after an hour or so its like electric shocks every time i clamp my teeth on it.

Is there anyway of making it easier to activate it? sorry for moaning Giraut!


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How you getting on withe the new Neal tip Giraut? i've been using this Neal Tip for a while now & my only thing i'm finding hard is the taste as i mentioned before & the mechanism of squeezing the tip with my teeth.[...]

Hmm, you should have told me about your teeth. I made the switch hard enough to prevent unintentional activation, assuming you'd have no problems biting on it.

The next Neal Tip won't require biting at all. I'll be a touch sensor, but with a built-in safety so, again, it won't activate by mistake. Unfortunately, I won't be able to work on it until next Saturday. Tomorrow I have to go play a big pool tournament in Maastricht, and then on Sunday morning I fly out to Finland for a week for my work.

I'm sorry about that... Can you get by with this one for now?


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Tbh i never gave it a second thount until it felt like an electric shock going through the front of my face otherwise i would have said that first off.
How will i be able to activate it if its touch activated?

Don't be sorry buddy you didn't know & like i said i never gave it a second thought so its my fault to be fair!

Course it can wait buddy if you couldn't do anything about it i would still rather have tooth ache rather than go through the night and be as frustrated & stressed as i was before this devo thing no worries mate!

hope you have a good pool match,is it a professional tournament?

Enjoy Finland i've heard it's beautiful in some parts!


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[...]How will i be able to activate it if its touch activated?[...]

Touch-activated will be: you put your lips around the tip and the mod fires. Or (and I still have to investigate this) you touch the tip quickly with your lips before taking a full draw, to prevent accidental firing. And with a proper touch sequence, you should be able to raise or lower the power setting too. But I'd need to rig another mod for that.

[...]hope you have a good pool match,is it a professional tournament?[...]

I wish I was good enough for professional playing :) Nah, it's just a regional straight pool tournament with a bit of money and bragging rights for the 3 runners-up.

[...]Enjoy Finland i've heard it's beautiful in some parts!

Yeah I love the place. My work sends me there 6 or 7 times a year.


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Interesting to say the least but the thing thats got me scratching my head is Wouldn't i need to see the lcd screen to know what setting i'm on at the time for example like this thing has got a light,wattage,voltage has it got a alarm on t aswell? doe you know what i'm saying? unless you could use it with this. there's a good video here escuse the blonde lol.

Also this might give you an idea its what i use the control the cursor & type with with the onscreen keyboard

Sounds good matey is it normal pool?8 ball ect? let me know how you get on! best of luck buddy;)

What do you do as far as work go? if you don't mind me asking that is? lucky sod lol:D:D

Btw how far away is your place from france? only asking because i've got a place over there in limoges St Junien.

One last thing how harmful is some of the eliquids only reason i'm asking is because some stuff i can be fine vaping all day & some other stuff half way through the day it feels like i've got a car sat on my chest. wha things should i be looking out for or where should i order from any recommendations?

Enjoy Finland bud!


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I used to use Blu eCigs. I stopped them and got a mod and tank because they were so expensive. I loved the pina colada flavor. Your right though, they are a little airy, not much of a nicotine hit though.

Blu on YouTube-

The Blu cartridges are refillable,
I recommend making your own high octane juice or better yet spiking a pre-made juice with a nicotine level that suites you, It will be trial and error. Wonder what a 100mg hit would be like ha-ha. It would be like sucking on a flame thrower I am sure. I have never "made" juice" but I have refilled Blu cartridges and they worked just fine when done with. You can keep refilling them until the coil in them gives out. A safety note is to keep e juice and nicotine off of the skin, it is trans-dermal. Nicotine in certain amounts is a poison. So here we go.
You have to soak the cotton in the cartridge with
A). Juice Needle Bottles from Fasttech-
B) A hypodermic needle again from Fasttech-

***Fasttech has just about everything ecig,mod,tanks etc. you can think of. They are based in China. After all most the e stuff we buy is made in China. Their prices are mega low "no middle man" i.e. buy from Fasttech and sell on eBay"
They have e Cigarettes for sale like Blu and I tried them, Horrible taste. It was like smoking trash truck juice.***

You can get Nicotine from My Freedom Smokes. It goes from 24mg to 100mg and the bottle sizes are from 125ml to 1 liter.
The PG/VG Mix is 100% PG, 75% PG / 25% VG, 50% PG / 50% VG, 25% PG / 75% VG, and 100% VG.
Personally I would kick up the nicotine volume on a 30ml bottle of something I already enjoy.
If by chance you like Pina Colada Blu eCigarettes, I believe you may like Island made by Johnson Creek-
It would be a plus to be able to find out where Blu gets there eJuice from to fill there cartridges. Maybe bring up the question where Blu get their juice on VU, good idea. Blu may make their own juice but I kinda doubt it.
PS- A neat jig to hold the cartridges while filling can be had from the plastic insert in the box for ammo. I had a few because of playing at the gun range with my 38 special. Worked perfect and allows time facing up to absorb and top off the cartridge.
I hope I helped some
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Interesting to say the least but the thing thats got me scratching my head is Wouldn't i need to see the lcd screen to know what setting i'm on at the time for example like this thing has got a light,wattage,voltage has it got a alarm on t aswell? doe you know what i'm saying? unless you could use it with this. there's a good video here escuse the blonde lol.

Also this might give you an idea its what i use the control the cursor & type with with the onscreen keyboard

Sounds good matey is it normal pool?8 ball ect? let me know how you get on! best of luck buddy;)

What do you do as far as work go? if you don't mind me asking that is? lucky sod lol:D:D

Btw how far away is your place from france? only asking because i've got a place over there in limoges St Junien.

One last thing how harmful is some of the eliquids only reason i'm asking is because some stuff i can be fine vaping all day & some other stuff half way through the day it feels like i've got a car sat on my chest. wha things should i be looking out for or where should i order from any recommendations?

Enjoy Finland bud!
That is so cool, thanks for sharing !
Clearwater, Fl


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Neal hasn't been on since November of last year.


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I would love to know how he is doing and if his set up is working for him.


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Neal hasn't been on since November of last year.
Wow, I am so new to this, aka learning the forum ropes. I will note a member's "last time on" in the future. I spent a lot of time on a response for this member. Thank-You for the heads up !

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