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quadriplegic needing help


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A disabled friend without the use of his hands once told me he never, ever uses his teeth when he can avoid it, simply because teeth are easy to break and hard to replace. That's why I'm hesistant.

But no matter, I'll make the sip switch work. I'm sure of it - if only because I've got this idea in my head now and I just gotta make it work :)

z man

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I was thinking about the soft sample drip tip condoms that You use at the juice joint to sample flavors....Not the short ones, the longer ones that taper like and around an inch and a quarter long....Not to hard on the teeth,I've used one on an e-pipe with a long stem and it's kinda heavy but I could hold it o.k. Ps. I was thinking just Lip pressure,not teeth


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Glad to see Giraut is on the case.

Neal, Have you seen the specs on the Amazon Echo? I just set one up and sent it over to the UK for an almost blind elderly woman. She loves it and it's doing better every day with Alexa understanding a British accent and phrasing. You have to set it up with a US zipcode, but it has the advantage (loop hole perhaps) of getting Pandora in the UK. I was joking earlier with the "Alexa, hit me". but I've since learned with the IFTTT and developer kits, technically it really could work to set any switch off.

While you can use a computer and do most of the useful tasks Echo offers the visually impaired, it can turn on lights and really anything you can plug into a socket with a voice command. Currently there are three companies that are using it for their IP lighting systems, GE Wink being the least expensive but not out in the UK yet. The development on capabilities is really in the infant stage.

You can probably think of a million ways it would help you cope. It would certainly give you a break when using the computer is too much.

Check this link at and read the user comments. People are finding all kinds of uses for this aside from perhaps triggering an ecig.


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Hmm that is longish. Lemme play around with the hardware I have, to see how this'll work best. I might be able to come up with an even lighter and airier sensor.
If you can't do it matey its not a problem i'll to try to get a high power auto draw battery there's got to be one knocking about somewhere.


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If you can't do it matey its not a problem i'll to try to get a high power auto draw battery there's got to be one knocking about somewhere.

No no, I should be able to work it out. It's just that I haven/t had time to work on it as I had planned: I've had to go see a customer in Germany at the last minute yesterday, and I ain't back home yet.

I'll build this, no worries :) Especially since I'm on vacation next week, so I'll have time.


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can somebody tell me what the difference is between variations of higher pg or higher vg please?


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Or higher PG?
Yes definitely higher pg give the throat hit and when there is a long have between the tubing and device it may be a better change of throat hit

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can somebody tell me what the difference is between variations of higher pg or higher vg please?
The higher pg gives a better throat hit the higher the vg the more clouds where your looking for a satisfying hit period the thing higher pg is best option

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Tim Vatic

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yep, Pg = throat hit
& Vg = vapor
They both carry flavor differently.


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right i think most of mine are 60vg 40pg so i need to do some shopping about i think.


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Okay @neal1981. I've finished the automatic drip tip and it works. I've called it the Neal Tip :) I hope you won't mind.

Here's a photo of the parts: you can see (from left to right) the drip tip (yep, it's square - for now), the main cylinder with the diverter channels, the sensor holder above it, the return spring for the piston, the piston itself, and the 510 adapter:


Here's the thing all mounted, without the sensor:


With the sensor in place:


And finally, a small video of the device in action (only triggering a meter for now, to test it):

Tomorrow I'll clean it up and enclose everything. I've yet to figure out if I should leave the airflow fixed or adjustable: if I make it adjustable, I have to figure out how to make it stay in one piece. Then I'll rig one of my mods for remote-trigger and try it all out.

Stay tuned :)


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Looks amazing tbh & if it gives me that kick i'm desperately seeking you will be the doggies dangly bits Giraut:):):):):)
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Tim Vatic

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Okay @neal1981. I've finished the automatic drip tip and it works. I've called it the Neal Tip :) I hope you won't mind.

Here's a photo of the parts: you can see (from left to right) the drip tip (yep, it's square - for now), the main cylinder with the diverter channels, the sensor holder above it, the return spring for the piston, the piston itself, and the 510 adapter:


Here's the thing all mounted, without the sensor:


With the sensor in place:


And finally, a small video of the device in action (only triggering a meter for now, to test it):

Tomorrow I'll clean it up and enclose everything. I've yet to figure out if I should leave the airflow fixed or adjustable: if I make it adjustable, I have to figure out how to make it stay in one piece. Then I'll rig one of my mods for remote-trigger and try it all out.

Stay tuned :)

Very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Astounding design! I cant wait to see more!!


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Dammit... This is turning to be rather trickier than I expected.

The device works... once: as soon as the vapor condensates inside the cylinder, it's sticky enough to jam the piston. And if I connect it to the atomizer's air intake, by the time the switch triggers, there's hardly any volume left out of a mouth draw to get any decent amount of vapor.

This ain't working good. So on to plan B :)

@neal1981: I've come to the conclusion that a drip tip mouth switch is the best option - to fire the mod with your lips or teeth.That way you can "pre-fire" the mod before drawing, like we who have the use of our hands do, to get the densest possible vapor. How do you feel about this? If you'd rather not use your teeth, let me know.

EDIT: I couldn't resist. I have a prototype "bite" Neal Tip half-made. It should be done today or tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have to wait for some epoxy to cure...
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Dammit... This is turning to be rather trickier than I expected.

The device works... once: as soon as the vapor condensates inside the cylinder, it's sticky enough to jam the piston. And if I connect it to the atomizer's air intake, by the time the switch triggers, there's hardly any volume left out of a mouth draw to get any decent amount of vapor.

This ain't working good. So on to plan B :)

@neal1981: I've come to the conclusion that a drip tip mouth switch is the best option - to fire the mod with your lips or teeth.That way you can "pre-fire" the mod before drawing, like we who have the use of our hands do, to get the densest possible vapor. How do you feel about this? If you'd rather not use your teeth, let me know.

EDIT: I couldn't resist. I have a prototype "bite" Neal Tip half-made. It should be done today or tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have to wait for some epoxy to cure...
I don't mind biting on it to fire it at all so it will be called the bite neal drip tip lol cheers Giraut!


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Okay, I've finished the second prototype and it works well. Check out this video:

Sorry I've had to rename it "Neal Tip #2": when I entered "Bite Neal Tip" as a title, Dailymotion apparently thought it was some kind of BDSM video and rejected it :)

It can do direct lung hits very well, and mouth-to-lung also. However, in the latter case, since you have to clamp your teeth on the tip, you can't draw as much vapor as you would if you could open your jaw fully. I find the best way to do it is to fire the mod a good second before taking a toke, and then take a slow mouth drag with the airholes wide open. When you "run out of mouth" so-to-speak, slowly open your jaw until the mod stops, then pull briskly what's left of the vapor in the atomizer. It definitely takes some getting used to, but it's doable.

As you can see in the video, there is no contact between metal and your teeth. What you bite on is a piece of rubber tubing. It's rather safe I think.

So now the question is: what do you want me to do with it?

1/ I can send you the Neal Tip alone, and you get a friend who can work a soldering iron to externalize your mod's firing button for you

2/ You send me your mod, I rig it then I ship it back to you with the Neal Tip (no guarantee that I won't destroy the mod in the process though: the electronics in them things are usually very small and very, erhm, Chinese.)

3/ I buy a mod locally, I rig it, then ship it to you with the Neal Tip (again, no guarantee - same as above)

4/ I sell you my Dovpo E-Mech (the one in the video) which is already rigged, and I ship it to you with the Neal Tip. It's not the most exciting mod in the world, but it works well. At any rate, it's not worse than an iStick 30, but it's certainly a lot bigger, being that it has two batteries.

5/ I keep the Neal Tip and you get a handyman friend to make you a copy. It's not terribly complicated to make, I can send you some drawings.

Or if you want some other arrangement (or you don't want it anymore), let me know.


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Okay, I've finished the second prototype and it works well. Check out this video:

Sorry I've had to rename it "Neal Tip #2": when I entered "Bite Neal Tip" as a title, Dailymotion apparently thought it was some kind of BDSM video and rejected it :)

It can do direct lung hits very well, and mouth-to-lung also. However, in the latter case, since you have to clamp your teeth on the tip, you can't draw as much vapor as you would if you could open your jaw fully. I find the best way to do it is to fire the mod a good second before taking a toke, and then take a slow mouth drag with the airholes wide open. When you "run out of mouth" so-to-speak, slowly open your jaw until the mod stops, then pull briskly what's left of the vapor in the atomizer. It definitely takes some getting used to, but it's doable.

As you can see in the video, there is no contact between metal and your teeth. What you bite on is a piece of rubber tubing. It's rather safe I think.

So now the question is: what do you want me to do with it?

1/ I can send you the Neal Tip alone, and you get a friend who can work a soldering iron to externalize your mod's firing button for you

2/ You send me your mod, I rig it then I ship it back to you with the Neal Tip (no guarantee that I won't destroy the mod in the process though: the electronics in them things are usually very small and very, erhm, Chinese.)

3/ I buy a mod locally, I rig it, then ship it to you with the Neal Tip (again, no guarantee - same as above)

4/ I sell you my Dovpo E-Mech (the one in the video) which is already rigged, and I ship it to you with the Neal Tip. It's not the most exciting mod in the world, but it works well. At any rate, it's not worse than an iStick 30, but it's certainly a lot bigger, being that it has two batteries.

5/ I keep the Neal Tip and you get a handyman friend to make you a copy. It's not terribly complicated to make, I can send you some drawings.

Or if you want some other arrangement (or you don't want it anymore), let me know.
Well you look like somebody out of seedy BDSM movie lol. I think No 4 would be the safest/easiest best way whats the damage on it?


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Well you look like somebody out of seedy BDSM movie lol.

Well, I have to admit... That's my personal policy of never showing my mug on the internet, you see. Unfortunately, it's not very practical to demonstrate a mouth-activated drip tip :)

I think No 4 would be the safest/easiest best way whats the damage on it?

Damage on the mod you mean? It's spotless. I take very good care of my belongings. Well, it's been opened and it has a wire coming out of the battery compartment now, obviously. Even so, if you disconnect the drip tip, the wire stows neatly inside the battery compartment, so you could resell it to another vaper yourself. I think I still have the original box and everything. It's not new and it has a few miles on the clock, but you couldn't tell by looking at it.

I can shoot a few closeups if you want.


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Well, I have to admit... That's my personal policy of never showing my mug on the internet, you see. Unfortunately, it's not very practical to demonstrate a mouth-activated drip tip :)

Damage on the mod you mean? It's spotless. I take very good care of my belongings. Well, it's been opened and it has a wire coming out of the battery compartment now, obviously. Even so, if you disconnect the drip tip, the wire stows neatly inside the battery compartment, so you could resell it to another vaper yourself. I think I still have the original box and everything. It's not new and it has a few miles on the clock, but you couldn't tell by looking at it.

I can shoot a few closeups if you want.

LOL...damage=how much! I think?


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This is one of the most thoughtful contributions I've ever seen within the vape community.

Nicely done, Heisenberg!
Your right there Haadkoe i cannot thank giraut enough!! Heisenberg i thought that straight away lol!

Giraut thanks alot i can't say thanks enough kudos Giraut!


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[...]It can do direct lung hits very well, and mouth-to-lung also. However, in the latter case, since you have to clamp your teeth on the tip, you can't draw as much vapor as you would if you could open your jaw fully.[...]

... and that bothered me. So I improved it today: I added a big red "toke extender" button. What it does is, when it's activated, the mod keeps firing for roughly 1.5s after you release the drip tip switch. That way, you can take a real, full mouthful like the rest of us - those who do mouth-to-lung anyway.

Check out this video:

The only drawback is, you can't turn the mod on or off with 5 clicks anymore. That's why the toke extender has a button, so it can be deactivated. Not that you'd ever need to turn off the mod though: I suspect your friend @tomo2882 will set it up as a passthrough - permanently connected to a wallwart - right?

Also, if there's anything James Bond movies has taught us, it's that all devices should have a big red button :)

Your right there Haadkoe i cannot thank giraut enough!! Heisenberg i thought that straight away lol!

Giraut thanks alot i can't say thanks enough kudos Giraut!

No problem my friend. As long as I'm having fun making something interesting in my workshop, it's my pleasure.

You need to tell me if the price is right for the mod. Then I'll contact you in private to complete the deal and send you the setup.
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I know this might be late, but, isn't there a hookah vape setup that is draw activated? Due to my network at work I can't look it up... Just an idea...

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@Giraut The only thing with the wallwart I would worry about is that it has the right amp draw. Since being confined it would SUCK for him to have a wallwart melt down without being able to react to it.

Steamin Demon

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Or higher PG?[/QUOTE
I would have no problem making up some high pg liquid with whatever amount of nic you want. And any flavor you want.
It could be tough to get something store bought, when you are working with lung capacity restrictions.


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@Giraut The only thing with the wallwart I would worry about is that it has the right amp draw. Since being confined it would SUCK for him to have a wallwart melt down without being able to react to it.

Well, I wouldn't worry too much. I've never had even the crappiest unprotected 500mA USB power supply from China do worse than go pop with a faint smell of burnt electronics when sniffing it up-close. If they could catch on fire, they wouldn't be sold here in Europe.

Besides, if the mod plugged in all the time with the batteries full, there isn't much current needed to top them up. It's only smart 2A USB devices like the Vaporshark zip charger, trying to charge batteries from dead, that draw a ton of current and kill badly designed USB chargers.
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... and that bothered me. So I improved it today: I added a big red "toke extender" button. What it does is, when it's activated, the mod keeps firing for roughly 1.5s after you release the drip tip switch. That way, you can take a real, full mouthful like the rest of us - those who do mouth-to-lung anyway.

Check out this video:

The only drawback is, you can't turn the mod on or off with 5 clicks anymore. That's why the toke extender has a button, so it can be deactivated. Not that you'd ever need to turn off the mod though: I suspect your friend @tomo2882 will set it up as a passthrough - permanently connected to a wallwart - right?

Also, if there's anything James Bond movies has taught us, it's that all devices should have a big red button :)

No problem my friend. As long as I'm having fun making something interesting in my workshop, it's my pleasure.

You need to tell me if the price is right for the mod. Then I'll contact you in private to complete the deal and send you the setup.
Absolutely brilliant Giraut i haven't seen anything about price matey send me a private message about the price please buddy>


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I agree, The time taken to drop everything to design a specialty PV like you have done was truly amazing and shows the kindness and generosity our members have here on VU, lets hope your efforts were not made in vain and are appreciated :):)


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Giraut you are a proper legend seriously you should make more of these for other people like me!

Barbara E.

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Ok, this is late but I just saw this thread.

Have you thought about one of those devices (I think the IPV3 is one) that has a touch sensor on the top? You'd have to mount it close to your head and find a tank with the right height and a driptip that's bent 90 degrees, but maybe you could turn your face and place your chin on the sensor and vape that way.


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hi barbara i'm guessing you haven't read the whole thread? a most generous guru (Giraut) on this forum is taylor making me one or should i say made me one!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


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Mad respect to Giraut for doing this and I am beyond envious of his skills!


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Giraut you are a proper legend seriously you should make more of these for other people like me!

All 5 of you, you mean? :) How many people in the world are 1/ quads and 2/ want a better vape, do you think? That's a rather small subset of a rather small number of people.

You're the first person I do a mouth switch for. I've done a fair number of devices for visually impaired folks in the past, and one for an arm amputee friend. I do these things every now and then because I'm outraged by the rip-off that is the adaptive devices market. It's a captive market that's mostly funded by public money, and there are a lot of sonsabitches turning a nauseating profit on the back of the disabled to make simplistic devices such as the Neal Tip. On top of that, what are the odds of you finding a company to make you a device for such a specialized purpose?

But also, I do these things for me, because they're fun and unique problems to work on. I have fun tinkering, and it makes someone happy. Everybody wins :) So you don't have to thank me. But I do appreciate the kudos - thanks Neal and everybody!


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Giraut i've not spoken to any of lads from spinal unit but i do know quadriplegic's get warned about respiratory problems & do smoke but people who break the neck at c4 would need one of these.

You are right about things for the disabled being ridiculous prices! its thing like this head mouse extreme i use.
I've just made this picture together just to show you the price of the thing i use plus a screen shot off the pdf price List just for things for helping to use a computer.

Your a good bloke Giraut! there's not enough people out there like you matey.


  • headmouse extreme.JPG
    headmouse extreme.JPG
    130.5 KB · Views: 42
  • Price List.JPG
    Price List.JPG
    322.6 KB · Views: 42


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Giraut i've not spoken to any of lads from spinal unit but i do know quadriplegic's get warned about respiratory problems & do smoke but people who break the neck at c4 would need one of these.

Tell you what: you be the beta tester. If it works for you and other people you know want one, I can always make more. But unlike this one, I'd have to charge for the cost of parts - simply because my box of bits and pieces isn't infinite :) Just so they know.

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