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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Food for Thought


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What To Do When Nothing Seems To Help Your Rashes


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Our new LIVE series, The Future of Health: Luminary Talks continues today. At 12pm PST / 3pm EST Zachary Feder and I will discuss what the pandemic means for your nervous and immune systems, and your psyche.

Without a doubt COVID-19 is a health crisis that reflects pre-existing pathogens, and our collective psycho-emotional and spiritual ecosystem. This Luminary Talk will help.

Click here to join us TODAY, at no cost.
(Don’t worry if you cannot attend live, the replay will be sent to all registrants.)

Zachary is an expert in the psychological, emotional, family, and archetypal elements of healing. He has been guiding individuals through this aspect of their journey for almost two decades.

Having experienced his own lengthy and difficult bout with chronic illness, Zach understands first hand the complexities and challenges of systemic illness -- as well as the profoundly valuable journey of psycho-spiritual transformation it invites us to take.

During our conversation we will discuss:

- The implications of COVID-19 from a psycho-spiritual and archetypal perspective (and what you can do to move from crisis to wellness opportunity).

- How to turn your quarantine into a sacred ceremonial space for deeper connection and parasympathetic activation.

- Being a role model for your children and those you love, during a time when they need it most.

You can still access our first talk in the series, “Women, Lyme, and COVID-19 a conversation with Dr. Ginger Nash”.

REPLAY AVAILABLE: Women, Lyme, and COVID-19 a conversation with Dr. Ginger Nash

  • The current understanding of prevention and support for those infected with the virus
  • How a woman’s immune system is different from a man’s
  • The role of genetics
  • The role of hormones
  • The role of stress for women
  • Solutions for grounding, community, and collective healing
Our goal remains to continue to educate and empower our community, and to inspire you to continue your health journey and embrace self care, despite all obstacles.

To your health,

Dr. Christine Schaffner

PS: A reminder: We know the virus is spread through the breath, mucous membranes (including the eyes) and other yet unknown routes. This means you can keep your face protected by using Briotech HOCl frequently, throughout the day, sprayed in the face and mouth, and onto your hands and any other exposed surface areas. Watch my video and Dr. Klinghardt’s explaining how to use Briotech HOCl spray and SOS.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello, Jimi!

We'd like to take a moment to thank Sayer Ji of GreenMedInfo for his efforts to help make The Your Best Sleep Ever Summit such a tremendous success.
In fact, he has provided you with this complimentary, 287-page report about optimizing your health today, for a happier and healthier life tomorrow.
How would you feel if you could extend your life by 10 years? What about 20 or even 30? What if you were not only able to extend your lifespan but also your healthspan (the years you spend disease and disability-free)?
Today, scientists around the globe are investigating what it takes to do just that, and they are closer than ever before. Answers may arrive just in the nick of time because the "Silver Tsunami" is coming — a groundswell of older individuals who will be retiring and facing a variety of health and socioeconomic challenges, for themselves and for society as a whole.
--->>Click here to discover how to pull back the reins on Father Time with this Science of Longevity special report!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It’s usually no big deal, Jimi...
I scheduled my water bill for an online payment last night: It’s due May 7th. Now, normally, that isn’t worth mentioning to you, but when I hit “confirm payment” I wondered “will we be back to ‘normal’ by the time this is processed?”

A glance at the calendar brings no comfort. I have season’s tickets to a lecture series: will they all be cancelled? When can I go back to exercise class? Will this be over by Memorial Day? Is the state fair still going to happen in August?

Maybe that's the cause of the sense of fatigue I feel and see around me. It’s like we’re in an endurance race, but we don’t know which event we’re registered for. Is this a marathon? A tri? A sprint (clearly not)? I continually wonder things like: “Will I have to mail the birthday gift, or can we go to the party?” And although I heard our salons will be re-open next month—will they really, or do I just give myself a trim now?

I’m not complaining, I swear I am not. But I just wish I had a sense of I could ration my emotional energy (and my toilet paper) accordingly.

And you? Which of your plans are you up in the air about? And what are you doing in the meantime? I love when you reply and tell me what you’re feeling now.

Live your life for you,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

We see it all the time in the news…

Those with preexisting conditions are at a much higher risk of getting COVID-19.

So if you have conditions like heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, asthma, and hypertension...

Does that mean you’re bound to fall prey to coronavirus, too?

What if I tell you that there’s still time to protect yourself?

You see, decades of scientific research have shown that with your food choices, you literally shape your destiny.

For example, simple changes in diet and lifestyle may help prevent more than 90% of type 2 diabetes, 80% of coronary heart disease, and 70% of colon cancer.

That’s impressive, isn’t it?

So if you have an underlying condition, don’t lose hope!

This is actually the perfect time for you to create a stronger immune system.

With the help of father-and-son duo John and Ocean Robbins, you’ll gain the latest insight on nutrition and immune health through their wildly popular event, The Food Revolution Summit.

If this is your first time hearing about it…

This week-long summit will break down the science, answer critical questions, and give you action steps to help you live your healthiest life.

From April 25 to May 3, you’ll see them interview 24 of the world’s top medical and food experts.

That includes Matt McCarthy, MD; Joel Fuhrman, MD; Christiane Northrup, MD; Michael Greger, MD; Vandana Shiva, PhD; Daniel Amen, MD; David Perlmutter, MD; and many more.

Jim, this pandemic has taught us that health should be our top priority now—not later.

You need an abundance of specific nutrients to create a strong barrier against pathogens that could make you ill.

And that begins with the food that you eat.

Join the 2020 Food Revolution Summit by clicking here.

To your health,

Sarah Otto
P.S. Every interview in this summit will be personally (and brilliantly) conducted by 2 million-copy best-selling author, John Robbins. I met John personally last year, and I can tell you that you’re in for a treat. Sign up here, especially if you have a preexisting condition!

Let's stay connected!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

When the Spanish Flu (note: not because it originated in Spain, but because Spanish newspapers reported it first) swept the globe in 1918, no one knew what to do. There was no consensus on how to behave, news traveled too slowly to make a difference, and the population was decimated.

That’s the last time in living memory that a virus has traveled this quickly and infected this many people.

And whether the people who lived through the horror of the Spanish Flu realized it or not, they were living in traumatizing times.

Now, what the Spanish Flu didn’t do was shut down the world. That’s part of why it affected nearly one third of the global population.

So this particular moment in history – entire nations as well as cities all over the world completely shut down – is a shock we were never prepared for.

And yet… one prevailing idea is that because of our privilege – near ubiquitous access to the internet, widespread and numerous grocery stores, ability to retain income from working from home – we should be spending this time being productive.

As we’ve talked about, not only are you not a machine of production, you are a human being experiencing trauma whether you can identify that feeling at this moment or not.

Therapists specializing in trauma are weighing in and advising the internet: Just functioning during a traumatic experience is more than enough. In fact, when the nervous system is perpetually engaged in fight-or-flight mode, using those higher reasoning centers in our brains to, say, learn a new skill becomes an uphill, nearly impossible, battle.

That’s not to say that you should pass your quarantine days laying motionless staring at the wall in blank melancholy.

No, in fact… Many schools of psychology contend that doing a tiny thing (a baby step) is just as emotionally satisfying as completing a whole task.

So let’s examine some baby steps you can take to bring you one step closer to a place of interest.

If you’re beating yourself up for not ____, try _____ instead!

For example…

Learning a New Language

Maybe you’ve always felt that you should learn Spanish. It’s beautiful, widely spoken, and it’ll look great on your resume. But somehow, you haven’t managed to download one of the myriad language training apps and started practicing your vocab.

Instead of saying nasty things about yourself to yourself, try to get yourself in the mental framework for speaking Spanish.

Start a new Spanish language TV show! Watch with English subtitles for a while, and then try watching with Spanish subtitles.

Finally Getting in Shape

People commonly cite lack of time when they don’t prioritize their physical fitness. And we are right in the middle of the most popular time of year to exercise – the first few months of the year. Maybe you’d recently developed a gym habit, or maybe you were looking for a chunk of space in which to start one… And that’s all been blown to pieces.

Or has it?

If you don’t have the mental elasticity to throw yourself into P90X, start small.

Simply move. Doesn’t matter if you don’t have equipment – calisthenics! Stretch when you think of it. Lunge as you walk to the kitchen. Drop and do as many push ups as you can as your food spins on the microwave tray. Pick a time during the day where you feel particularly slow or morose and take a walk (take care if you live in a congested city – gloves, mask, etc.)

Becoming a Master Chef

Lots of us spent so much time commuting from work, to picking up the kids from school, to the gym, to extracurriculars, etc., that we didn’t spend much time in the kitchen.

You may feel disappointed in yourself if you haven’t managed to make much more than pasta alfredo and chocolate chip cookies (no mean feat, by the way).

Try this instead: Stand in your kitchen. Open each drawer and cabinet and get to know everything you have in there. The most fantastic dishes can be created just by realizing what we have on hand, and adjusting our recipes accordingly.

Do you have pork and oranges? That sounds like a marinade possibility. What about bone broth and quinoa? Tomatoes and eggs?

Better yet… find a twist on a classic favorite. Instead of fried eggs and toast, maybe try soft-boiled eggs and ripped bread with melted butter. Try adding an unexpected spice to a common dish.

Don’t challenge yourself to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes, it’s enough to just make a meal with love.

The examples and tangential ideas go on and on.

There’s no need to punish yourself for not learning every coding language. Watch a video about the basics of coding while you lay in your despair pit!

But remember – only if you want to. Not because you think you’ll become more valuable or worthy.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


We expected this!

Some social media platforms are already censoring information about our upcoming 9 episode docu-series “The Truth About Vaccines 2020” …

… We can’t let them win!

>> Go here to watch the trailer and reserve your free seat.

And please FORWARD this email to your entire contact list!

Our most important freedom is the right to autonomy and protection of bodily integrity; “forced medical interventions” are a direct violation of the Nuremberg code.

But Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has already set the stage for a “mandatory coronavirus vaccine.” Oh, by the way, Dr. Fauci is on the leadership council of the Gates Foundation which is also pushing for mandatory vaccines.

This is the most important health issue of our day, and we all are “freedom fighters.”

One of the ways you can join in the fight for freedom is to follow us on Social Media.

More of our social media pages:

Lastly, we have GREAT NEWS! We just started a new social media presence in a brand new platform that is free with NO CENSORSHIP!! While all of the above social media platforms are in danger of being further censored and potentially taken down by those who do not want you to have free access to the truth and a strong truth community, AllSocial is a breath of fresh air!

We encourage EVERYONE of you to go there, set up your own account, and follow our 2 brand new pages on AllSocial! You will never be censored for using the word "vaccine" or talking about the real truth about vaccines or cancer. We believe AllSocial is the social media of the future and will replace the other dying social media censorship outlets sooner rather than later.

Here are our new TTAC and TTAV AllSocial media pages and links:

Since we are brand new to AllSocial, we do not yet have a large following. So please! Sign up and start your AllSocial account and follow us there where we can talk more freely about anything and everything without the worry we will be censored or our posts being removed.

We will win this fight for health freedom. :)

Please tell everyone you know about “The Truth About Vaccines 2020” which will premiere on April 22nd.

>> Go here to register <<

You owe it to yourself and your family to learn the truth about vaccines.

It’s no exaggeration to say that your lives may one day depend upon it!

Yours in Health Freedom,

VU Sponsors
