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The Cromwell

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What If the Coronavirus Pandemic Lasted Over a Year?
Oh the corona virus will likely be around for many years perhaps forever to a small degree. As more survive and areas gain herd immunity the risk will lower but will still be there. Kind of like the flu is now. And many areas of the US and the world have not even gotten a real dose of the virus yet. There is no one big peak and then things get better everywhere in the US or even in a state.

Vaccines will help but vaccinating everyone on the planet?
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

This is the same CNN whose lead reported Anderson Cooper was a CIA intern
and which is based in Atlanta, GA, where the CDC lives.

If you recall, on March 14th they published a highly dubious Imperial College fatality estimate as if it were fact, claiming that 1.7 million Americans would die if the entire country wasn't locked down, and that the mandatory quarantine and social distancing measures (not to mention the economic devastation this "health policy" wrought) could last as long as 18-months "until a vaccine is available." The lead author Fergusen later unapologetically retracted that estimate (even though it had already adversely affected the lives of hundreds of millions of people). This was the report that turned the at-the-time much more optimistic Trump, and the next day he bowed to the pressures of the deep state, i.e. military-medical industrial establishment, locking the country down on March 15th, for the first 14-days. CNN continues, daily, to catastrophize. Here's a new piece of highly inflammatory and dubious information from their daily Coronavirus email update:

"A new study modeled on Chinese data suggests that lockdowns can’t be fully relaxed until a vaccine is available — and warns that loosening restrictions could result in a second wave of infections in mid-summer. And worrying new research from the Korean CDC indicates that the virus may “reactivate” in people previously cured of the illness, Bloomberg reports."

The propaganda, however, can not account for the reality that the COVID-19 deaths being recorded around the world are not being clinically or virologically confirmed as anything more than "suspected." Both the US health statistics agency and the World Health Organization have announced that the certification of "deaths by COVID-19" require ZERO proof that a virus is the cause of death. Yet, these "fatalities" are reported throughout the world's media as true, without question. And this is what media outlets like CNN (and thousands like them, incidentally owned by the same 6 corporations) use to fan the flames of fear, hysteria, and ultimately justify a highly destructive global lockdown that will likely cause millions to lose their lives due to the adverse socioeconomic and psychobiological adverse effects that will follow.

Listen to Dr. Scott Jensen describe how the CDC's COVID-19 death reporting guidelines are essentially baseless, and how Dr. Fauci is calling anyone pointing out that the emperor has no clothes "conspiracy theorists." They've got virtually nothing left in the way of credibility, so they resort to name-calling and dehumanization.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Ironically, the most consistent response I had since my last email to you about the plan-demic was that I should watch the world's most controversial "conspiracy theorist" David Icke's interview for London Real which was almost immediately removed by both Vimeo and Youtube. Doesn't the fact of its aggressive censorship make you want to watch it for that reason alone? Here it is for those who want to take the "red pill": THE CORONAVIRUS CONSPIRACY: HOW COVID-19 WILL SEIZE YOUR RIGHTS & DESTROY OUR ECONOMY. I don't think it will shock too many of you, given that so much of what he is speaking about is already happening, or is even being reported on in the mainstream media. For instance, Bill Gates has been talking about the introduction of "immunity certificates" that would require we get a COVID vaccine to be able to leave our houses, go back to work, and travel. There's been plenty of lead up to this. Gates has already been funding research into "invisible ink tattoos that could be used to ID vaccinated kids." You can listen to him discuss his vision for you and I here on youtube here. A few months ago, this would have been written off as conspiracy theory. Now it's being boldly stated by self-appointed social engineers and world health planners such as Gates merely as "what's going to happen." Take what resonates from the Icke interview, and leave what doesn't. I'm certainly interested in hearing back from some of you to see how that landed.

A couple final things to consider. While this is going to make some of you angry and even more concerned about what's going on, I share it because I believe its important that we all know what the planners of this event want to happen next (I'm absolutely not going to stand by it, and if you won't either, please join Stand for Health Freedom where we are developing a campaign to fight for your freedoms). Here's a video of Dr. Mike Ryan, the WHO's Emergencies Program director, saying that they: "May have to enter homes and remove family members." While this sounds outrageous and like a bad science fiction film, it is even more outrageous that hundreds of millions of people, around the world, are standing down in full compliance with whatever the authorities say should happen next.

The reality is that blind faith and compliance with the WHO's and CDC's plan-demic may very well result in the nightmarish scenario described by Dr. Ryan above. The "frog" is already boiling. Social distancing has already been unquestionably accepted the world over despite a significant body of evidence showing it can do great harm: 13 Studies Reveal How Social Distancing (i.e. Social Isolation) Can Increase Mortality. The reality is that independent epidemiological research on social distancing effectively reducing contagion-based morbidity and mortality is equivocal at best.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

If we continue to give up our rights (even shaming or threatening those around us who don't comply), without question, it is unlikely there will be resistance when other agendas are unleashed, such as a Chinese-style social credit system is rolled out, mandatory vaccination, a digital ID tied to vaccination status, a 5G enabled real time surveillance network, a global governance system that will preempt the rights of individual nations, and many others. All, ostensibly, to "save us from a virus," which truth be told, relative to the deaths from equally preventable causes such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, and even seasonal flu, makes a cruel mockery of the actions taken thus far in the name of saving us from COVID.

Thanks for being part of this list and our community. I'll do my best to keep you informed, and I hope to launch the Regenerate Project community soon, where we will be focusing on resilience strategies and deep, evidence-based inspiration through the lens of the New Biophysics, in this trying time! Grab your copy of my book -- or download the Audible version -- so you'll be ready to join me and can share your insights, questions and experiences!

Warm regards

Sayer Ji


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
That can sure do it, there are some vitamins that you can load up on, body uses them up at a fast rate, but, there are also some vitamins that can do more damage than good if you load up on them so you want to do a little research and check it out before goin at it (loading up) blindly;):hug:

I threw up capsules!! Or at least that’s what it looked like. I’ve been cutting down on everything now. Except Zinc which I just got.

I wonder if the gelatin in the capsules didn’t disagree with me. It was scary because the last time I was sick like that, was when I had that flu months ago.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I threw up capsules!! Or at least that’s what it looked like. I’ve been cutting down on everything now. Except Zinc which I just got.

I wonder if the gelatin in the capsules didn’t disagree with me. It was scary because the last time I was sick like that, was when I had that flu months ago.
Yes please try to stay close to the recommendations on the bottle, Vit C you can take to your body's limit. by that I mean take doses till it gives you the runs then back off by one dose and you have your bodily limit, Too much vit C will not hurt you but too much D will and many others. I can dose Vit. C at a rate of 11000 units.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Don’t let Amber see this now. She’ll be upset!
I am sure she will, chances of a root canal giving you cavitations are astonishingly high. NEVER GET A ROOT CANAL< IT"S A DEAD TOOTH ALREADY AND NOT ONLY GIVES YOU CAVITATIONS BUT ALSO FILLS YOUR SYSTEM WITH TOXIC MERCURY.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Today, I have a podcast that may very well turn out to be the most important podcast I've ever released. (Yes, seriously).

I genuinely believe the information in this podcast may turn out to be a real breakthrough in our battle against COVID-19.

First, I must issue an important disclaimer...

(WARNING: The information contained in this podcast is NOT to be interpreted as medical advice, and is certainly NOT any claim that these methods can treat, prevent or cure any medical condition.)

The podcast episode is with Dr. Scott Antoine and covers the emerging new paradigm of COVID-19, and a potential game-changing strategy to combat it.

I think this information may blow your mind. And I think it may very well turn out to be a game changer in our battle against this virus.

Without any further buildup ... here it is...

PODCAST: A Potential Breakthrough for COVID-19? With Dr. Scott Antoine
(Watch or Listen HERE)

(Important message: I also want to ask you for your HELP to get the word out to the world -- to friends, family, and especially the global medical research community -- so that more research can be done on this. Please SHARE this far and wide, and help it go viral. It may very well turn out to save some lives!)

You can watch or listen to the episode HERE.

Again, I believe this information may very turn out to be a breakthrough (but more research is still needed to confirm if that is the case). So please help me get the word out as fast as possible and help this go viral by sharing it with your friends and family! I want to get this out into the world, and into the hands of as many people in the medical community as possible, to get research done QUICKLY!

If research is done to confirm this strategy is effective, then you sharing this episode may very well help save some lives.

So please share far and wide with everyone you know!

Hopefully some researchers can pick up on this line of thinking and do some formal research to see if this really works!

I'm optimistic that, after the research is done, this really will be a genuine breakthrough in helping to save lives.

Again, you can watch or listen to the podcast HERE.

Lots of love to you during this challenging time!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

Never before has the topic of vaccination been more pressing, as policies mandating COVID-19 vaccines are starting to be discussed throughout the world.

This is why there has never been a better time to have an in-depth, scientific, and honest discussion about their true risks...

Filmmakers and health freedom advocates Ty and Charlene Bollinger, creators of The Truth About Vaccines, have jumped headfirst into the choppy waters of the vaccine debate to investigate this topic and share what people need to know to make the right decision for themselves and their kids.

Their team has gone all out -- they’ve created the biggest, most comprehensive series ever created on the topic of vaccines.

The Truth About Vaccines is an groundreaking 9 episode docu-series, provides new information that you, your neighbors, and everybody in your community needs to know about.

Don't miss this FREE docu-series starting April 22nd.

Best regards

Sayer Ji,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Quick question -- How many vaccinations did you get as a kid?

For us, it was about 5 or 6 all total. Did you know that kids these days are required to get something like 49 doses of 14 vaccines before they’re six years old? That’s kindergarten age! And by the age of 18, the CDC recommends they get 72 doses of 16 vaccines!

And if a vaccine damages you or your child, you cannot sue the manufacturer! Listen, we realize medical science is advancing rapidly and we want to prevent disease, but doesn’t that seem outlandish?

The mere mention of vaccinations in public sets off a string of heated conversations that hinge more on ideology and “groupthink” than actual truth and scientific fact. And with the current hysteria about coronavirus, there are multiple Big Pharma companies chomping at the bit to get a slice of the “billion dollar pie” projected to be generated from a coronavirus vaccine!

What used to be a private medical decision between you and your doctor is now public information, with forced vaccine programs now advocated by many for “public health.”

Don’t think that can happen in America? Think again…

States like California have already enacted forced vaccine legislation for children to attend school (both public and private). In light of the current climate of fear and panic, it’s not a stretch of the imagination to think that legislation could be passed which requires a digital “proof of vaccination” to travel or even assemble in a public place. Yes, they’re already talking about this!

It’s time to separate FACTS from FICTION when it comes to vaccines!

Introducing ... “The Truth About Vaccines 2020”

Interestingly, between 1991 and 2013, the Institute of Medicine published several reports documenting that vaccines can cause brain inflammation and other serious reactions, injuries, and death!

In other words, the adverse reactions to vaccines can be worse than the disease they are supposed to prevent!

If you ask us, the problem is in too much marketing and not enough education. Even doctors aren’t educated about vaccines while in medical school! They’re just told that they are “safe and effective” without any scientific support.

We need to break through the dogma and uncover the science. Reserve your free “front row seat” to watch The Truth About Vaccines 2020 from the comfort of your own home beginning April 22nd!


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