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are you the only vapor person you know?


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But never got that "new vaper coughing". For the first several months, every now and then, sometimes I'd inhale it oddly, and get to coughing, but it sure wasn't everytime; that might have had more to do with smoking-cessation recovery, than the vaping.

Got the vape flu here for about 3 days. Lot of nasty gunk come out of my lungs. Now, every once in a while in the mornings if I hit the vaping w/ too high a wattage at first, coughing spells. Think in my case it's the heat more than anything.


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Got the vape flu here for about 3 days. Lot of nasty gunk come out of my lungs. Now, every once in a while in the mornings if I hit the vaping w/ too high a wattage at first, coughing spells. Think in my case it's the heat more than anything.

Yeah... back when I first started, I really needed to start vaping my face off, the minute my feet hit the floor, so I had a special ejuice with almost-zero TH but higher nic than usual, which I vaped at low wattage (6-ish watts)... that got me past the early-days morning cravings. AFter I'd been smoke-free for about 6 months, I realized I no longer had any particular cravings in the morning, and I was able to go back to waiting 15-20 minutes (always waited 20-30 minutes before I could smoke!), so I didn't need any special ejuice; I do usually knock it down about a half-watt, when I first start in the morning, then I can go back to 10w after an hour or so. I dry-burned and re-wicked last night shortly before bed, so it was still set at 9w when I woke up; had a few hits on that, then went to 9.5w; in another hour or so I'll go to 10w.


SnapDragon NY

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I was the only one I know, Haha! I got cut off my Rez cig supply during a blizzard in 2014, walked into a Family Dollar for a pack of smokes, saw the Mistic Bridge Kit and some Haus eliquids and purchased instead of cigarettes! My hubby saw my success and wanted to try that too! We now use better devices, but he will still smoke a few cigs at nite, I completely quit!
PBusardo, after watching a few videos found out he lives very close to me. Otherwise out and about never encountered another vaper! All the bad news reports have all our friends and family scared for our lives, but deep down, I know I made the right decision!
The internet is my help- with forums and You Tube and online stores I knew vaping would be my salvation from a 30+ year smoking addiction!
Now the FDA and States are trying to take it all away, and I am sad, but happy to say I will never go back to cigarettes!


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The internet is my help- with forums and You Tube and online stores I knew vaping would be my salvation from a 30+ year smoking addiction!
Now the FDA and States are trying to take it all away, and I am sad, but happy to say I will never go back to cigarettes!

Glad to hear your success in getting away from cigarettes. :) Congratulations on breaking a vicious cycle of a more rapid death. It is definitely not an easy battle we who do so face. You deserve credit for having the courage and determination to quit cigarettes.

This is only my humbled opinion and some speculation. I think the FDA will find vaping to be a matter of they can think they'll stop it, reality bites them back and disproves their notion. The positive aspects of vaping far more outweigh the negative ones. The negative ones for the most part may be nullified via properly educating people to not act stupidly.

I observe and base the above opinion and speculation in the same light and thinking as that about the nuclear bomb. Once that proverbial genie's bottle was uncorked, there was no getting the genie back into the bottle. There are a goodly number who view the nuclear bomb as a clearly negative idea.

I am not saying vaping balances that negative concept in full. It is at the least though a very good start in bringing humanity more in level with positivity. It is also another proverbial genie that I do not see returning to a bottle. :) Again, I am glad for and with you that you quit cigarettes. Who knows? Your husband may stop the nightly ones he chooses to smoke. At least he has reduced his risks more so than continuing to smoke full time. :)

SnapDragon NY

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Glad to hear your success in getting away from cigarettes. :) Congratulations on breaking a vicious cycle of a more rapid death. It is definitely not an easy battle we who do so face. You deserve credit for having the courage and determination to quit cigarettes.

This is only my humbled opinion and some speculation. I think the FDA will find vaping to be a matter of they can think they'll stop it, reality bites them back and disproves their notion. The positive aspects of vaping far more outweigh the negative ones. The negative ones for the most part may be nullified via properly educating people to not act stupidly.

I observe and base the above opinion and speculation in the same light and thinking as that about the nuclear bomb. Once that proverbial genie's bottle was uncorked, there was no getting the genie back into the bottle. There are a goodly number who view the nuclear bomb as a clearly negative idea.

I am not saying vaping balances that negative concept in full. It is at the least though a very good start in bringing humanity more in level with positivity. It is also another proverbial genie that I do not see returning to a bottle. :) Again, I am glad for and with you that you quit cigarettes. Who knows? Your husband may stop the nightly ones he chooses to smoke. At least he has reduced his risks more so than continuing to smoke full time. :)
I wanted to quit smoking- i dragged him into it, I am actually surprised that he vapes at all.Haha, none taste like a cigarette or feels like a cigarette, but at least he vapes all day, just a few cigs at night, to me is a victory, he used to smoke 2 packs a day and now it might be a pack a week. So no nagging from me, nothing worse right, probably go back to smoking full time. I hold out hope for him though, and I really think he is doing OK for now. Even with ecigs you still need the will power and desire to quit, at least thats how I felt the first months of quitting, but I held strong and now I can't stand the smell of them!
I hope that the FDA sees the light and that ecigs have helped more people than they have or will hurt, but with States already banning internet eliquid purchases like Indiana and Utah, I live in NY the biggest nanny State in the union next to California, I am afraid that after August 8th and ecigs are tobacco products and enforce the face to face sales, I will be stuck with expensive vape shops and lack of variety.


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I dont know anyone else that vapes.

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I wanted to quit smoking- i dragged him into it, I am actually surprised that he vapes at all.Haha, none taste like a cigarette or feels like a cigarette, but at least he vapes all day, just a few cigs at night, to me is a victory, he used to smoke 2 packs a day and now it might be a pack a week. So no nagging from me, nothing worse right, probably go back to smoking full time. I hold out hope for him though, and I really think he is doing OK for now. Even with ecigs you still need the will power and desire to quit, at least thats how I felt the first months of quitting, but I held strong and now I can't stand the smell of them!
I hope that the FDA sees the light and that ecigs have helped more people than they have or will hurt, but with States already banning internet eliquid purchases like Indiana and Utah, I live in NY the biggest nanny State in the union next to California, I am afraid that after August 8th and ecigs are tobacco products and enforce the face to face sales, I will be stuck with expensive vape shops and lack of variety.

I think it's good to be patient; some people do take longer to make the full transition, but it's harm reduction, just as you say -- 2 a day is a hell of a lot better than 2 pks. :) But the longer he vapes, and ESPECIALLY if he can find some ejuice that he just LOOOOOOOOOVES, he'll eventually find cigarettes underwhelming, before they become downright nasty -- it just takes longer for some of us to say "why the hell am I even bothering with these stupid things anymore?" Took me about a month, both times I had to make the switch -- had a brief dual-use relapse because of health issues, but it finally does get to be a case of "EWWWWW!" every time you light one. And the smell on your hands, and clothes... ugh. :D

But yeah, nagging is definitely counterproductive. It causes stress, and a stubborn desire to SMOKE, DAMMIT. :D If anyone had nagged me, if it had been anything but my very own idea, I don't think I could ever have done it.


SnapDragon NY

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Thanks Andria- you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink! I am with you on the nagging, if it wasn't my time to quit or my idea I don't think even with ecigs I would have been successful! I have some family members who smoke and when I show them my vape they are so not interested. Vaping is so dangerous, and I am only trading one bad habit for another. I know better! I am so glad for the forums- all of you have been wonderful! Wished I started posting instead of lurking sooner! Hard to believe I stuck with vaping with all the negativity I get from friends and family, but the forums and reading other peoples journeys encouraged me to keep vaping!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Thanks Andria- you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink! I am with you on the nagging, if it wasn't my time to quit or my idea I don't think even with ecigs I would have been successful! I have some family members who smoke and when I show them my vape they are so not interested. Vaping is so dangerous, and I am only trading one bad habit for another. I know better! I am so glad for the forums- all of you have been wonderful! Wished I started posting instead of lurking sooner! Hard to believe I stuck with vaping with all the negativity I get from friends and family, but the forums and reading other peoples journeys encouraged me to keep vaping!

I guess I'm lucky, I never watch the news or any of the usual talking heads on TV, mainly because I already know they're idiots and I don't care what they think. :D So when we had the coldest winter in 30 yrs, winter of '13-'14, I was ready for anything that could keep me indoors instead of out on the front porch puffing my butts. :D Tried a few of the disposable cigalikes, they were horrible; googled it and wound up over at ECF, and got some good info about a refillable/rechargeable cigalike (I thought the size/shape really mattered!), got an eRoll... and after about 3 1/2 wks of regular use, I was able to quit... but I had to get something that held more of both kinds of "juice" -- liquid and electric. Once I did... that was it. If my stupid appendix had behaved itself, summer of 2014, I'd never have had that relapse, but oh well, it taught me a valuable lesson -- no such thing as 1 or 2 when you've been a slave to the stupid things, they get their hooks back in lickety-split!

Some of my family members have expressed their concerns to me too, but they know I'm the type to read up on anything I do or eat, drink, or spend time on; my mom is skeptical, but I think mainly she's jealous that quitting was so much easier for me than it was for her; my aunt understands very well that it's "all about the money," and is just delighted that I finally found a way to quit, and make it stick. Plus having seen me vaping for about 2 1/2 yrs now, and clearly I'm in no WORSE health than I was then, and actually am doing a lot better, considering I have asthma. She's really thrilled about the whole thing, and nevermind what my mom thinks. :D



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Well you may try shaming me all you want. I am not ashamed though. I had a cigarette today. It was the first I had in three to four months. The gear, even the extra I had with me at the time decided upon acting foul. Out of being easy, I bummed one cigarette instead of walking to the house, which I did anyway but later on.

Not ashamed because I think of three to four months I have not even smoked one cigarette. That is more positive to me than beating myself up over a minor indiscretion. I'm human, ergo I stumble. Stuff does happen when you live, usually called life. Still can see and know why I am avoiding cigarettes though. No desire to return to them full time.

My atonement such as it is, is now vaping dual coil at around 0.8 ohms on the Reo knock off. :) Quit screwing around trying to be fancy with twisted wire coils. They run far too hot for me. Even had a few mushroom clouds and burnt rayon. :( Awe well, live and learn. :)

Went back to basic single strand 28 ga, five and a quarter wrap on 3 mm I.D.. Know this puts a single coil at roughly 1.6 ohms. I measured my leg leads at 5 cm each side. That was possibly too much but it makes slipping them into the wire catches on the deck more simple for me. It also keeps the coils even & uniform more so. :) This helps avoid hot legs, avoiding burning rayon. ;) :)

This also lets me slip by a bit without an ohm meter to check my coils. I'll wrap up and use what I know, get a real close estimated net ohm off two coils on a deck. Not to despair, I will be buying another ohm reader soon. Ah, the gremlins were mean today (well, yesterday).

My MVP 2 finally bit the dust. The positive pin come out from the mod. The witch took it to use as a battery bank. She'll charge it then charge her cell phone off it. :) At least she will until it cycles dead. Then, It'll go to a local hardware chain here for recycle.

SnapDragon NY

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No shaming from me, you are a grown adult and it is your life. I know everyone says that cigalikes suck, but they got me through my hardest times. If I wanted a cigarette I took out my trusty Mistic Bridge with Cool Ice and even used the cartridges too and it got me through, felt and tasted more like a cigarette, even though I had good gear, that worked for me. Simple and easy to use and helped me through my" I really want a cigarette" urge!
I started vaping Nov 2014 but use Dec1 2014 as my quit date- gave myself 2 weeks, I was a menthol smoker for over 30 years, but would only smoke regulars for 2 weeks, yuck, horrible, to get rid of my cig cravings, then only butts and then saw the waste in my ashtray, and I stopped. So repulsed by cigarettes, even hubby smokes some at night in the garage, and still have not had a single urge.
Tomorrow is another day- maybe a better day for you, maybe you need an easier set up all those coil building, meter checking, rayon burning,would put me off vaping too. Maybe a simple set up would help where you could just change a coil, so many great kits out there for not a lot of money on line.
Best of luck.


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No shaming from me, you are a grown adult and it is your life. I know everyone says that cigalikes suck, but they got me through my hardest times. If I wanted a cigarette I took out my trusty Mistic Bridge with Cool Ice and even used the cartridges too and it got me through, felt and tasted more like a cigarette, even though I had good gear, that worked for me. Simple and easy to use and helped me through my" I really want a cigarette" urge!
I started vaping Nov 2014 but use Dec1 2014 as my quit date- gave myself 2 weeks, I was a menthol smoker for over 30 years, but would only smoke regulars for 2 weeks, yuck, horrible, to get rid of my cig cravings, then only butts and then saw the waste in my ashtray, and I stopped. So repulsed by cigarettes, even hubby smokes some at night in the garage, and still have not had a single urge.
Tomorrow is another day- maybe a better day for you, maybe you need an easier set up all those coil building, meter checking, rayon burning,would put me off vaping too. Maybe a simple set up would help where you could just change a coil, so many great kits out there for not a lot of money on line.
Best of luck.

"I know you're adult now son, you have your own choices, your own way to live, but if you want some advice from the lady what brought you into the world ..."

This preluded my mom telling me over the phone that I probably would have been better off in life having accepted a job/career where by I would have ceased to exist. Of course, this is the same mom that forgot me, her first born at least a half a dozen times or more by then, or simply lost me and went out about living.

I joke but figuratively and literally in a good number of ways my mom said, "This son is the wilds, out you go. Learn to live", while giving me a hearty shove. No great wonder I'm the son what scares her the most. No, I don't think it's the "oh but mothers are scared for their children facing the world" kind of fear. I think she is outright terrified by me.

No. I'm not sure "how I feel" about that. Not sure I do "feel" anything about it. It simply is what it is.

I need to go now and do some writing I did not get to do yesterday. But first I need to feed my critters. Fuck. That's how it started yesterday, too. No, today I will write and finish my short story damn it.


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I live in NY the biggest nanny State in the union next to California, I am afraid that after August 8th and ecigs are tobacco products and enforce the face to face sales, I will be stuck with expensive vape shops and lack of variety.
You should prepare for this now, while you still can. Put yourself in the position where you don't have to buy any so-called "tobacco product" ever again, but can continue to vape in the style to which you have become accustomed for the rest of your life.


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No shaming from me either; I completely agree that the whole thing is about harm reduction, and if someone goes from 1 or more pks a day, to having a smoke every few months or so, that is TERRIFIC harm reduction! I just couldn't do it -- I'm every shade of addict that can be imagined, and therefore "moderation" just doesn't compute, to this brain. As Dr House once said... "I'm an addict... I have to find something I can turn up to 11 and not destroy myself." For me, that's vaping, because I literally CAN'T "turn it up to 11", thx to my asthma; I have to vape "moderately". :D

My biggest addiction ever is books -- and lately I've discovered ebooks, and man, am I going to town with that. :D I've got about 20 books between my tablet and my phone, almost all I got for free, and it is SWEET!!! not to have to lug an armload around!!! :D



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Who would I be to judge? Seriously, I've given up the stinkies and then gone back more times than I care to remember :gaah: One cig is nothing in the grand scheme of things, but, for me, it is one too many... I would be back to puffing those nasty lung killers in a heartbeat. For the OP, yes, I am the Lone Ranger in my world. I'm wondering if a local meetup might be in order :sneaka:


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No shaming from me either; I completely agree that the whole thing is about harm reduction, and if someone goes from 1 or more pks a day, to having a smoke every few months or so, that is TERRIFIC harm reduction! I just couldn't do it -- I'm every shade of addict that can be imagined, and therefore "moderation" just doesn't compute, to this brain. As Dr House once said... "I'm an addict... I have to find something I can turn up to 11 and not destroy myself." For me, that's vaping, because I literally CAN'T "turn it up to 11", thx to my asthma; I have to vape "moderately". :D

My biggest addiction ever is books -- and lately I've discovered ebooks, and man, am I going to town with that. :D I've got about 20 books between my tablet and my phone, almost all I got for free, and it is SWEET!!! not to have to lug an armload around!!! :D


So ditto!!! Its why I can't ever own a bookstore... there'd be no profit..... I'd hoard them. I fear one day my house would look like an episode of hoarders cept no junk just books. :xD::xD::xD: Fiance gets very, very upset when I yell at him if he interrupts me while I am reading, I hope one day he will learn. :facepalm: :giggle::giggle:


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You should prepare for this now, while you still can. Put yourself in the position where you don't have to buy any so-called "tobacco product" ever again, but can continue to vape in the style to which you have become accustomed for the rest of your life.
^^^^This^^^^ is very important, hopefully everyone is well prepared by now.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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So ditto!!! Its why I can't ever own a bookstore... there'd be no profit..... I'd hoard them. I fear one day my house would look like an episode of hoarders cept no junk just books. :xD::xD::xD: Fiance gets very, very upset when I yell at him if he interrupts me while I am reading, I hope one day he will learn. :facepalm: :giggle::giggle:

My house already looks like an episode of "book-hoarders". :D Which is maybe one reason I'm turning so much to e-books, I don't have anymore room for actual books unless I buy another bookshelf, and I don't have room for that in my living room! There's already 7 bookcases, 5 of which are fully loaded with books (the other 2 are loaded with CDs, LPs, VHS tapes, and a few DVDs). And in the kitchen/dining area, yet another shelf, filled with cookbooks, herb books, and a few tomes on gardening. :D

I don't yell if I get interrupted while reading, but I've become VERY good at the absent-minded "mmhmm"... then HE will yell at me, "YOU DIDN'T HEAR A SINGLE WORD I JUST SAID!" which makes me come up for air and point out that he isn't nearly as interesting as what I'm reading, but now that he made me stop reading, do tell just what was so fucking crucial. :D

Another cool thing about ebooks -- particularly Kindle books -- it gives me an opportunity to make my opinion known, to communicate how juvenile or brilliant I find the writing, and how much the author needs a new editor, when the current one lets things such as "discrete" stand, when the author really meant "discreet." That particular one drives me up a wall, since they are TWO DIFFERENT WORDS, WITH TWO DIFFERENT MEANINGS.



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I have lots of friends who vape and I see people vaping who I don't know all the time. I disc golf regularly, 2/3 days out of the week, it's quite popular with that type of crowd. But lots more do vape now, then before. But as for people that I know who vape, I'm proud to say that I got my Dad and my Mom to start vaping a few months after me. First they thought, WTF kinda' sh-t is that just looking at it but they tried it and like it. I was surprised because they don't really like new things, they're pretty much ole' fashioned. They didn't get further into the journey like I did, experimenting, building coils, etc. but at least I got them to live a little longer. Love my parents, I'd give my life up for them so they could live longer any day, they're much better people that I am. I was such a sh-t head pot head trouble maker in my teens, so this was a good thing I did..


SnapDragon NY

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You should prepare for this now, while you still can. Put yourself in the position where you don't have to buy any so-called "tobacco product" ever again, but can continue to vape in the style to which you have become accustomed for the rest of your life.
Hi Rossum- that is exactly what I have been doing since the FDA "deeming" Tanks, coils,eliquids,wire, rebuidable coils, and external battery devices, 18650 batteries- I am hoping some of my internal battery devices that are new, but put away will work too! I have had to spend quite a bit of money the last few months, but my favorite vendor is closing up shop in July 14, at 1st he said August, so I have been ordering like mad off his site, now the prices are at least 50% off so I have been saving money too.Just hurts when you have to spend it in a few months instead of spread out thru the year! I will miss that vendor- sad!
I am really hoping that this is just a bump in the road and maybe I stocked up for nothing, but NY seems to be anti-vaping, so better to be safe than sorry!

SnapDragon NY

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I have lots of friends who vape and I see people vaping who I don't know all the time. I disc golf regularly, 2/3 days out of the week, it's quite popular with that type of crowd. But lots more do vape now, then before. But as for people that I know who vape, I'm proud to say that I got my Dad and my Mom to start vaping a few months after me. First they thought, WTF kinda' sh-t is that just looking at it but they tried it and like it. I was surprised because they don't really like new things, they're pretty much ole' fashioned. They didn't get further into the journey like I did, experimenting, building coils, etc. but at least I got them to live a little longer. Love my parents, I'd give my life up for them so they could live longer any day, they're much better people that I am. I was such a sh-t head pot head trouble maker in my teens, so this was a good thing I did..

So happy for you and your parents! You did a good thing and at least they were open minded enough to give ecigs a try! I only hope vaping will be around in the future to save others from their cigarette addiction and I will be able to keep vaping! I have tried to sway others in my family, but after all the news reports they actually think ecigs are more dangerous than smoking and that I am trading one bad habit for another but worse habit!
I have helped a couple of friends and given away my starter kits, but they are all back to smoking cigarettes, too much work for them I guess, much easier to get smokes! Hey, I tried, I only worry for myself now and need to make sure I have my supplies for years to come.


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So happy for you and your parents! You did a good thing and at least they were open minded enough to give ecigs a try! I only hope vaping will be around in the future to save others from their cigarette addiction and I will be able to keep vaping! I have tried to sway others in my family, but after all the news reports they actually think ecigs are more dangerous than smoking and that I am trading one bad habit for another but worse habit!
I have helped a couple of friends and given away my starter kits, but they are all back to smoking cigarettes, too much work for them I guess, much easier to get smokes! Hey, I tried, I only worry for myself now and need to make sure I have my supplies for years to come.


Absolutely agree 100%. I hope vaping will continue to change people lives by switching tobacco smokers to vapers, like it did for ALL OF US. And I've also had some friends go back to cigs but in the end, it's their decision, maybe it wasn't their "time", sometimes not all things work for all people also. And yeah, cigs tend to be everywhere and much easier to get. But for the determined, non-quitters, and the few with guts, they're the ones with real motivation to quit. Thanks for the kind comment @SnapDragon NY
Last edited:


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My house already looks like an episode of "book-hoarders". :D Which is maybe one reason I'm turning so much to e-books, I don't have anymore room for actual books unless I buy another bookshelf, and I don't have room for that in my living room! There's already 7 bookcases, 5 of which are fully loaded with books (the other 2 are loaded with CDs, LPs, VHS tapes, and a few DVDs). And in the kitchen/dining area, yet another shelf, filled with cookbooks, herb books, and a few tomes on gardening. :D

I don't yell if I get interrupted while reading, but I've become VERY good at the absent-minded "mmhmm"... then HE will yell at me, "YOU DIDN'T HEAR A SINGLE WORD I JUST SAID!" which makes me come up for air and point out that he isn't nearly as interesting as what I'm reading, but now that he made me stop reading, do tell just what was so fucking crucial. :D

Another cool thing about ebooks -- particularly Kindle books -- it gives me an opportunity to make my opinion known, to communicate how juvenile or brilliant I find the writing, and how much the author needs a new editor, when the current one lets things such as "discrete" stand, when the author really meant "discreet." That particular one drives me up a wall, since they are TWO DIFFERENT WORDS, WITH TWO DIFFERENT MEANINGS.


Ditto on the no room to have any more books. I have over five hundred physical books. (I have neighbors who give me boxes of books!! :xD:) I have a bunch of books on my kindle and then even more on my pc so I can rotate them out. And Ditto again on the "do tell just what was so fucking crucial " paragraph. Which is almost verbatim to the exchange between fiance and I. :headbang::giggle: Ya know, I can see a bit of a kindred spirit in you. I mean I know we have alot of different ideas about many different things. But we both have a great love of reading. I know you instilled that love into your son and one day, if I ever have a child, I hope to instill that same love of books in him/her. :D

So back on topic! I was going to help this neighbor woman find a cheap kit or setup. I was looking at the innokin products for her. i researched and took several screenshots. I got phone numbers for businesses (as she has no clue how to work the interwebz! o_O) Aaannnddd she buys a cheap ego knockoff thing for 16 bucks and the stupid woman she bought it from told her to use a 30ml of 3mg nic juice. She told her it was equal to about 3-4 CARTONS of cigarettes. :gaah::facepalm:. The same woman was also supposed to pay fiance and I for cutting her lawn and replacing a cutoff valve for her bathroom sink. We never saw one dime from those jobs... I give up with that woman. She wouldn't believe me when I tried to explain ecigarettes to her. I had to show her how to fill up her tank and tell her about charging safety but I think it all went through one ear and out the other. :cuss2:


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Ditto on the no room to have any more books. I have over five hundred physical books. (I have neighbors who give me boxes of books!! :xD:) I have a bunch of books on my kindle and then even more on my pc so I can rotate them out. And Ditto again on the "do tell just what was so fucking crucial " paragraph. Which is almost verbatim to the exchange between fiance and I. :headbang::giggle: Ya know, I can see a bit of a kindred spirit in you. I mean I know we have alot of different ideas about many different things. But we both have a great love of reading. I know you instilled that love into your son and one day, if I ever have a child, I hope to instill that same love of books in him/her. :D

That's pretty easy actually. What the kidlet sees mom doing all day, naturally he(/she) will also want to do. Since I always had the morning festivities to deal with, my husband took on the bedtime festivities. :) Which included reading a little bit of some storybook to him. So, I'm sitting on the couch reading, day after day, "supervising" as he plays/watches TV... and one day, 3 yrs old, he grabs one of his picture/story books, climbs up beside me, and says "I'm gonna read too, mommy." I just smiled and said "That's my boy!" :D

We always had those wordsearch puzzle books, and this child somehow became able to find the words -- even sometimes words which weren't even in the list! -- before he was 5 yrs old. When he went to kindergarten, the teacher was showing him the picture books, and he pipes up, "don't you have any books for me to READ?" She looked completely flummoxed, looking up at us. But we assured her, he did already know how to read. She got a grin from ear to ear and says to the kid "We're gonna be good friends!" :D When he was 7, he was reading the 14-syllable medication chemical names in the inserts for my inhalers. :D :facepalm: As you might imagine, he is my favorite "book club" -- starting from when he first ushered me into the enchanting world of Harry Potter, when he was 13.

(one secret: when giving rewards for good behavior or good grades... use books! That way, they perceive books as something valuable, to be striven for! They're TREATS! Also -- kids love having their very own library card!)

So back on topic! I was going to help this neighbor woman find a cheap kit or setup. I was looking at the innokin products for her. i researched and took several screenshots. I got phone numbers for businesses (as she has no clue how to work the interwebz! o_O) Aaannnddd she buys a cheap ego knockoff thing for 16 bucks and the stupid woman she bought it from told her to use a 30ml of 3mg nic juice. She told her it was equal to about 3-4 CARTONS of cigarettes. :gaah::facepalm:. The same woman was also supposed to pay fiance and I for cutting her lawn and replacing a cutoff valve for her bathroom sink. We never saw one dime from those jobs... I give up with that woman. She wouldn't believe me when I tried to explain ecigarettes to her. I had to show her how to fill up her tank and tell her about charging safety but I think it all went through one ear and out the other. :cuss2:

Don't blame you a bit. You know what they say... you can lead a horticulture... but you can't make her think. ;) I gave up on trying to "12 step" anyone, a long time ago. People only value what they seek out for themselves -- if someone had tried to push vaping to me, I'm sure I'd have resisted. In fact, a co-worker of my husband's gifted me with a disposable cigalike probably about 6 months before I actually became *interested* in vaping. It was an acorn, and it lay there for a while, not really valued.... but finally grew into a mighty oak. :)

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SnapDragon NY

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Ditto on the no room to have any more books. I have over five hundred physical books. (I have neighbors who give me boxes of books!! :xD:) I have a bunch of books on my kindle and then even more on my pc so I can rotate them out. And Ditto again on the "do tell just what was so fucking crucial " paragraph. Which is almost verbatim to the exchange between fiance and I. :headbang::giggle: Ya know, I can see a bit of a kindred spirit in you. I mean I know we have alot of different ideas about many different things. But we both have a great love of reading. I know you instilled that love into your son and one day, if I ever have a child, I hope to instill that same love of books in him/her. :D

So back on topic! I was going to help this neighbor woman find a cheap kit or setup. I was looking at the innokin products for her. i researched and took several screenshots. I got phone numbers for businesses (as she has no clue how to work the interwebz! o_O) Aaannnddd she buys a cheap ego knockoff thing for 16 bucks and the stupid woman she bought it from told her to use a 30ml of 3mg nic juice. She told her it was equal to about 3-4 CARTONS of cigarettes. :gaah::facepalm:. The same woman was also supposed to pay fiance and I for cutting her lawn and replacing a cutoff valve for her bathroom sink. We never saw one dime from those jobs... I give up with that woman. She wouldn't believe me when I tried to explain ecigarettes to her. I had to show her how to fill up her tank and tell her about charging safety but I think it all went through one ear and out the other. :cuss2:

Hey Celticluvr- good try with your neighbor, she will be back in a day or two when she has a leaking tank or the battery quits working all the while asking for help with a cigarette in her mouth! I agree with Andria, people usually succeed when they seek it out themselves, so maybe she is ready and didn't want to bother you? 30 mls of juice is crazy in the beginning, what if she doesn't like the flavor? 3 nic is not near enough either! I started with 24 nic and have worked my way down to 6&3 nic after more than a year. She will be back for your help- Lucky she has a neighbor that vapes- I knew no one else, had to rely on the local vape shop and then the You Tube, forums and now I purchase everything online! I started out with Mistic bridge kit and some Haus eliquid, still have them in my cabinet, but they worked for me.


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I made the mistake of giving my wife's coworker a jug of DIY juice I made but didn't like feeling sorry for him. I have given him many jugs of commercial juices I wont vape no more but he now wants me to make him juice and I don't want to since its me that has to go through the hassles of acquiring the ingredients, especially the nic. He wants to pay me but the money isn't a issue. Here's a time when PIF is going to bite me in the ass.


Member For 3 Years
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I made the mistake of giving my wife's coworker a jug of DIY juice I made but didn't like feeling sorry for him. I have given him many jugs of commercial juices I wont vape no more but he now wants me to make him juice and I don't want to since its me that has to go through the hassles of acquiring the ingredients, especially the nic. He wants to pay me but the money isn't a issue. Here's a time when PIF is going to bite me in the ass.
How about, "No, I really can't do that on a regular basis, but I'll be happy to share some resources with you so that you can get the supplies to make your own."


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
I made the mistake of giving my wife's coworker a jug of DIY juice I made but didn't like feeling sorry for him. I have given him many jugs of commercial juices I wont vape no more but he now wants me to make him juice and I don't want to since its me that has to go through the hassles of acquiring the ingredients, especially the nic. He wants to pay me but the money isn't a issue. Here's a time when PIF is going to bite me in the ass.
How about: "Buy yourself some nic while you still can. Bring it by, and I'll be happy to teach you how to make juice yourself."


I drink and I know things
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until recently i didn't know anyone that vapes. seriously,, i stopped in at a vape shop got my equipment and 'figured' it out from there.

after quite a bit of hit and miss on diy. (thank god i can cook, so diy was a bit easier) i am comfortable with simple blends.

i still 'hung out with smokers',, which helped with the 'keeping my patterns the same as i quit cigs'... but i was the odd ball of any given group............and a ton of questions were tossed my way... of which i would always have to preface with ' i am pretty new to this, but it is working for me'.. then answer their question.

as time went on. i have ran into complete strangers who ask questions. this has been a positive for me (and hopefully them too)

what i am getting at with this rambling,, is sometime these message boards are the only 'social' experience in vaping a person may get for a long time.======thank you for the education and for a place to chat/ask questions or show some humor (although my humor can be cutting and dry lol),

i still only know 1 vapor person,, and that's only if they succeed in transitioning from cigs.

kross8-lonely on Mars :)
I know a few other truck drivers and some people in Vegas, but since I moved to seattle I don't know anyone. It's a pain because I've been doing diy for years, and I don't have anyone to comment on my recipes.


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I know a few other truck drivers and some people in Vegas, but since I moved to seattle I don't know anyone. It's a pain because I've been doing diy for years, and I don't have anyone to comment on my recipes.
i have met a few here and there,, but they dont really live close to me. i tried to explain the FDA issues to them,, they either didn't know or didn't care.

Canadian Vaper

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In spring I moved from a city of about 200k with a pretty big vaping scene to a town of about 5k, There's no vape shop here, I mostly order online but if run out of something I have to drive an hour for it :X

I've only ever seen 1 vaper in this town and I know her but she only camps here, the smoking rate here is crazy like at least 50%, depending on how indoor vaping regs end up here in Ontario Canada I may end up opening a vape shop, I put aside 10k for it...

I've only lived here for a while, I've tried to convert some locals with limited success, both are dual users smoking a lot less, I just really need more gear to PIF :X

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