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are you the only vapor person you know?


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until recently i didn't know anyone that vapes. seriously,, i stopped in at a vape shop got my equipment and 'figured' it out from there.

after quite a bit of hit and miss on diy. (thank god i can cook, so diy was a bit easier) i am comfortable with simple blends.

i still 'hung out with smokers',, which helped with the 'keeping my patterns the same as i quit cigs'... but i was the odd ball of any given group............and a ton of questions were tossed my way... of which i would always have to preface with ' i am pretty new to this, but it is working for me'.. then answer their question.

as time went on. i have ran into complete strangers who ask questions. this has been a positive for me (and hopefully them too)

what i am getting at with this rambling,, is sometime these message boards are the only 'social' experience in vaping a person may get for a long time.======thank you for the education and for a place to chat/ask questions or show some humor (although my humor can be cutting and dry lol),

i still only know 1 vapor person,, and that's only if they succeed in transitioning from cigs.

kross8-lonely on Mars :)


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Other than my wife, people that work at the various LVSen around here and the folks here on VU: Yup.


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Ive been vaping over 4 yrs now, and alot of my friends, and members of my own family vape these days..not to mention all the folks I've met driving a big truck across this country who the folks I meet at my local shop and down at the casino playing the slots...I know way more folks who vape than smoke tobacco, lololol

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Several people I work with, vape. I know several fellow vapers.

Though the people I know that DIY, is a smaller number.


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I didn't think I knew anyone else when I started, but it turns out I did, I just didn't pay any attention to it. I run a retail store, and have run the same location for eight years. Turned out a ton of my regulars vaped, but never said anything to me about it until they saw me vaping outside my store as opposed to smoking. Cool thing about it is, even though I've always liked most of em, I now have a bit more of a relationship with em now that they feel compelled to stay and chat as opposed to getting away from the smoker.


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Fortunately not. A buddy from work has been vaping for a year and a half and when I decided to take the plunge he helped me out a good bit. He also hosts a weekly show on Vapers tv.

Aside from him, there are several other vapers at my job. Just off the top of my head there are at least 7 that I can think of. three of them either dual use or mostly smoke and just vape here and there or at least tried vaping and gave up on it, two of them have been vaping for a year + and are former smokers, one of them are pretty new to vaping (as am I) and no longer smoking, and one of them I dont even know, just started seeing him out on break vaping. Dont remember ever seeing him smoking ever, so he may be someone who never smoked but wanted to try vaping, dunno.

But yea, Im glad Im not alone there. I also have 1 friend outside of work that vapes and is the one who first got me interested in it.


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for the first couple of years hardly nobody, but now more and more....but Ilive in Kalifornia, and people with politically incorrect vices are usually shamed into the closet.

robot zombie

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i was the one that stirred up everything @ my work and now there is 5 others that are vaping
Bahaha, I made it the norm in my store. We're taking the fuck over! I used to be the lone vaper there. It helps to be in a position of power, where I can encourage smokers to vape so they don't have to slip their smokes past me, but just seeing me always vaping in the back was enough for some. So many times now, I've been approached by a co-worker grinning ear to ear as they presented me with their brand new vape like a child that just found a weird bug. I'm so proud of them for getting so excited about making the switch. Two have gone straight into the rebuildable game! A few of us get together to build after-hours, now. I'm teaching one how to clapton soon. He's super into it, now.

I've had a lot of smoker friends make the switch over the years. After a while of seeing me vape, the "Man, I need to get on that shit." phase began until it finally progressed to "So, how much would I have to spend to get setup with something decent?" Now, more of my friends vape than smoke and it's just one more thing that we can converge on as friends. Vape talk is kind of a given and it sort of alienates other people from the group at times, heh.

as time went on. i have ran into complete strangers who ask questions. this has been a positive for me (and hopefully them too)
Yeah, I get a lot of curiosity from strangers, too. I think we're starting to get to a point, culturally, where people are getting a bit more comfortable seeing it. The other day, I had a guy ask me about my vape just because. He said he didn't smoke and had no interest in picking up vaping, but he thought it looked cool,"very cyberpunk," he said. Just wanted to know how it worked. And then we spent a few minutes discussing our favorite cyberpunk fiction. Made my day. I get lots of people asking about my juice and saying it smells really good. And then I occasionally get newish vapers asking me questions about their gear, where I buy my juice, what build I'm running, etc.. Just last week, I helped this dude solve his tank problem. He was using max VG juice in a non-rebuildable tank. Hopefully he took my advice and dropped the vg.

I dunno, people talk about the stigma of vaping, but in my neck of the woods, the haters seem to keep it to themselves. I find myself talking to strangers more when I'm vaping in public than when I'm not. It's usually a good interaction. Smokers and non-smokers alike are curious.

OP, don't sweat the not knowing vapers thing. I had trouble with it for a long time, but now I often feel kind of like I'm living in a vaper's world. Keep vaping around your smoker buddies... may find yourself knowing some more vapers soon. They may be closer to you than you think...

If you have good local vape shops, hang out in them more. Vape shops are great for meeting local vapers. The spooks in those places are very into their shit and love talking about it. Over time, they become sort of like bar buddies.


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Other than the guys that work at the couple vape shops in the area, I'm the only vaper I know. The guys at work give me shit about it, calling my mod a hookah and calling the liquid hookah juice. Sometimes it really sucks living in a small town full of hillbillies and rednecks.


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The only other vapor
I know is my hubby and his friend..but in my line of work I am probably 1 of the 3 who actually employees is about 120. .

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Diamond Contributor
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Other than the guys that work at the couple vape shops in the area, I'm the only vaper I know. The guys at work give me shit about it, calling my mod a hookah and calling the liquid hookah juice. Sometimes it really sucks living in a small town full of hillbillies and rednecks.
don't be to harsh...we have hillbillies and rednecks in big cities to they wear ponytails and birkenstocks and have bernie sanders bumperstickers, and they think vaping is more dangerous than smoking.


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I don't know anyone that vapes around here which is weird since there's probably 12-15 shops in town... Pretty much everything I've learned is from this forum and one of the nice guys at my favorite shop that takes the time to answer all my silly questions.


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It's amazing how helpfull they can be when it comes to a pretty girl....they usually just say ""Sup,gramps.".... to me.


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It's amazing how helpfull they can be when it comes to a pretty girl....they usually just say ""Sup,gramps.".... to me.
Thank you but it's usually the opposite. I'd hate to think the way someone looks would alter customer service that much. Either way, the patience is appreciated at that shop.


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Thank you but it's usually the opposite. I'd hate to think the way someone looks would alter customer service that much. Either way, the patience is appreciated at that shop.
are you kidding wife could get me into the are more than happy to do her a favor.


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one of my buddies got the same starter setup as me, but he still smokes and hasnt really taken to vaping.

i go to my local shop a lot. theres a guy there thats really cool and i can relentlessly ask him questions and he is right there the whole time answering me. i noticed that the other customers in the shop seem kinda starved for vaping chat. almost every time i go in there for more than 5 mins i end up chatting with someone. i have a lot of funny encounters with people there. the community seems pretty awesome, i just dont know any of them personally lol...


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When I first started in 2013 I was lucky and started the with my neighbor/friend so I was not alone. I quickly found ( when i started) and found many new friends that vaped. When I started working where i am now there was only 2 people beside me that vaped. Now there are at least 6 that I know of.


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I only knew one guy who vaped before I started. I saw his box mod and thought WTF is all that for just to blow some vapor clouds? And just look at me now.


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I do not know anyone who vapes. All the nicotine addicts I know still smoke. Thanks for my mother I started vaping and quit smoking one year ago.


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Just me. My husband's co-worker who first got me interested has quit. If not for forums, I'd never have been able to be successful with vaping, because the drugstore cigalikes SUCK.



Picky Bearded 'Backy Bum
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Yes, I'm the only vaping person I know. Everyone else either thinks it's just a fad or that it's dumb and they'd prefer to stick to cigarettes. Meh. :/


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I have several co-workers that vape, and family members as well.

Trueman ecig Yilia

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i know e cigarette from work, and then encourged my father and friends to be a vapor and give up smoking, i believe more and more people will accept it as healthier life style

robot zombie

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it is a wierd fad and we are wierd people.....I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time any of us have been accused of being wierd...let your freak flag fly.
Haha, too true.

Weird people are everywhere, man. Everywhere. But nobody can see you if you're not visible. Being a normie is overrated. People who consider themselves normal and act accordingly are the weirdest, shiftiest people you'll ever meet. I can safely say that some of the most unsettlingly weird people I've ever met have been the archetypes of normality. They are the most volatile and incomplete people you will ever meet. They're deathly afraid of who they are and what people would think of them.

Just be yourself... ...stay strange and you'll find yourself surrounded by people who are strange like you. Being weird isn't a problem. Wanting or expecting people to accept you for that is what's problematic. You have to know who you are and where you stand before others can come to understand you and accept you for who you truly are as a person.

I'm the weirdest person most of my friends know and they seem to like that about me. We don't actually have much in common, but our interactions are the real deal. And conversely, I often find myself connecting with people I wouldn't expect to in ways that I could never have imagined.

"What's with all of these people?" thought everybody to themselves about everyone else. We all like to think we're the only ones who think like we do. But the fact of the matter is that beneath all of the idle smalltalk of others are real people who are probably thinking about something weird and much more interesting than whatever non-topic you're discussing... ...they just don't bring it up because they don't want people to think they're weird for mentioning it. People fundamentally don't understand one another because they don't try to and this in turn leads us to repress our true feelings.

I would implore those of you who are starved for people to whom they can relate to give this a shot. The next time that you're having a boring conversation, just tie something weird that interests you into it. One of two things will happen: either they will be put-off and the conversation will end right there, or both of you will realize that you have more in common than you thought you did. Either way, you're both better off for it. If you're comfortable with who you are, then you truly have nothing to lose.

The point to this little rant is that in order to meet people who can relate to you and you can relate to, you have to be able to relate to yourself. It's sort of like how in order to find love, you have to first learn to love yourself. "You complete me." is the most dangerous statement that anyone has ever uttered. If you can't be happy without knowing people like you, then you've still got some things to figure out about yourself. People can sense that about one another, too.


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When I started vaping I didn't know anybody that vaped. When I showed up at the job site with my first vape "a 2.4 ohm halo triton" they laughed and said what the hell is that? Then I told them I have not had a cigg all weekend and wasn't craving one and they should try it. Well it's been a few months now and all the smokers on the job site are now smoke free and so are a couple of my friends out of work too we all vape. A couple of us even went to vape northeast a couple weeks ago and picked up a couple of great new mods and I wouldn't know anything about vaping if it wasn't for reading things like this forum. Thanks to you guys me and 6 of my friends are smoke free


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When I first started vaping, I was totally alone. Did a little Google based research, and ordered a cig-a-like kit for far too much money.

Within 4 months, I'd went to the cig-a-like vendors version of an ego, then on to my first ProVari. At the time, ProVari was THE in thing. I did this because I found forums. Several in fact!

I starting meeting fellow Vapers "in the wild" shortly after the first vape shop opened a few years ago. Ive even been fortunate enough to meet several folks around here irl. Overall, it's been a great experience!


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I only know 1 person that vapes. He is kinda noobie and i gave him a bunch of stuff i no longer used since it was better than the shit he had.
Other than thay, nope.

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I only know 1 person that vapes. He is kinda noobie and i gave him a bunch of stuff i no longer used since it was better than the shit he had.
Other than thay, nope.

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Blonde disaster
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I mentioned it on my facebook page and was blown away at the amount of my "friends" that vape....was a comfort in a way lol


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I only know two other people that vape in my town - one of them got me to try it three years ago, when I first started.

There are ZERO vape shops in my town, closest is about 300 miles and none of our stores sell cigalikes such as Blu anymore.

I am still surrounded by smokers for the most part, but I have given a lot of people their first "puff" on a vape. After all this time, still haven't converted anyone :(


Blonde disaster
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I only know two other people that vape in my town - one of them got me to try it three years ago, when I first started.

There are ZERO vape shops in my town, closest is about 300 miles and none of our stores sell cigalikes such as Blu anymore.

I am still surrounded by smokers for the most part, but I have given a lot of people their first "puff" on a vape. After all this time, still haven't converted anyone :(
Town full of slow learners lolol...


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I only know two other people that vape in my town - one of them got me to try it three years ago, when I first started.

There are ZERO vape shops in my town, closest is about 300 miles and none of our stores sell cigalikes such as Blu anymore.

I am still surrounded by smokers for the most part, but I have given a lot of people their first "puff" on a vape. After all this time, still haven't converted anyone :(
Sounds like a great place to live


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I've converted a few smokers myself. And the area I live has lots of vapers.

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My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I just met a closet vaper today. Actually, I've known her for years, but she had claimed to quit smoking 100 % but she admitted to me today that she occasionally vapes when she wants a smoke.


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I have been noticing more and more people vaping lately, either walking driving or at other locations. Perhaps I'm looking now and never paid much attention in the past. In the last six months I've seen many many folks vaping.

The only two people I know personally are the guys who turned me on to vaping...thank God...after 40 years of smoking I quit the same day I got an aspire battery and clearo with 24 mg juice.


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I just met a closet vaper today. Actually, I've known her for years, but she had claimed to quit smoking 100 % but she admitted to me today that she occasionally vapes when she wants a smoke.

Well, if she isn't smoking when she wants a smoke, then she HAS 100% quit. SMH...



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yep. Thought the same thing.

Vaping isn't smoking.

Drinking orange juice isn't closet alcoholism either.....

Exactly! I drank ice-cold V8 juice when I had to stop drinking beer, because a) it was in an ice cold can, and b) it wasn't sweet -- it also wasn't alcohol!

I haven't had a cigarette in over 20 months, because I've been vaping instead. That means I've been a non-smoker for over 20 months!



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Exactly! I drank ice-cold V8 juice when I had to stop drinking beer, because a) it was in an ice cold can, and b) it wasn't sweet -- it also wasn't alcohol!

I haven't had a cigarette in over 20 months, because I've been vaping instead. That means I've been a non-smoker for over 20 months!


True, my bad on terminology.

But she knows I vape and has never said a word and in fact has had the nerve to imply that I am smoking when vaping.

We used to be smoking buddies - that's how I met her actually. I found it hypocritical, because she has often acted snarky when I've gone out for a vape break or talked about vaping instead of smoking.


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I know of 10. The 7 people I converted at my last job about 5 years ago and yes, they still Vape and 2 coworkers at my current place of employment and my father in-law.


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I know a few who've tried it and didn't stick because they were too friggin' lazy to go online to buy stuff for it.:mad: (we do not have a b&m around here) I even fucking PIF'd our backup batt. to a friend because she "wanted to quit". :cuss:She gave up after a week and then moved. I was all like "Bitch gimme back my shit!":snapoutofit:

And the other day I got stuck waiting for a traffic flagger guy to let us go (newly paved roads!!! YES!:xD:) and he lifts his vest up to his face and starts chucking clouds.... I was like 'holy shit!!! Someone who has something more advanced than me!':stars::stars2::hearts::confetti:

But to answer your question point blank, No my fiance and I know of no other vapers where we live!:cry::cry:

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