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People that piss you off!


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  • People who are too fucking lazy to return their carts to the cart corral at department and grocery stores. Especially the ones that are parked a few spaces away from them. I will not hesitate to call them out when I see them doing this.
  • Loud talkers on cell phones in line at the store
  • People who have no concept of how to use a fucking turn signal
  • People (especially employees) who stand right at the entrance of stores and smoke. This bothered me even when I smoked
  • People using food stamps to buy prime cuts of steaks and seafood. Talking on their iPhone 6 and hopping into their Hummers
  • Hypocrite religious fanatics
  • Rosie O'Donnell - Because she is a fat, opinionated no talent cow ( I don't hate her because she is fat either - Just saying what she is)


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  • Rosie O'Donnell - Because she is a fat, opinionated no talent cow ( I don't hate her because she is fat either - Just saying what she is)
I've always never liked her.. But really started to hate her when she became a fanatic about 'no guns, ever' and has a gun and a bodyguard who has a gun.. Her excuse when asked? "Thats different, I'm rich.' :mad:


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dunno why, but the content of this thread makes me a little sad. so little tolerance for anyone anymore. that says a lot. :(

I'm with you @kelli, oh sensitive one. :) Reminds me a bit of all that agro second amendment gun fantasy spew a few months back. It's real, it's male (mostly), it's all around us hereabouts, and gives me sobering pause about my virtual VU comrades. :(

Hey! it's just Ray...

Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Oh yeah I remember now! (I'm a drummer right?)

Guitar players who don't play cover songs exact but expect me to.
Guitar players who think their timing is right on and mine's a mess.
Guitar players who think they got a chance with my ol' lady, the bass player.
Guitar players who think I supply batteries and cords as needed.
Guitar players who thinks it's funnier than I do when shit falls off my walls and shelves, including their beer bottles.
Guitar players who don't know how to use a trash can and lousy at guessing how many beers they're gonna drink.

I guess just all guitar players. LOL
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I've always never liked her.. But really started to hate her when she became a fanatic about 'no guns, ever' and has a gun and a bodyguard who has a gun.. Her excuse when asked? "Thats different, I'm rich.' :mad:

That last line is so funny, I can almost overlook the hypocrisy. :D


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Member For 4 Years
You telling me were not all racist then lol.
Well... yes... that's what we are saying.

We have officially declared "racist / racism" as a charge null, void, moot, worn out, and invalid. Game over.

Oh... and it pisses me off when folks attach "phobe" to the end of words to attach a stigma to others. I'm no phobe anything ('cept arachnid). I simply replace "phobe" with "condriac". Makes me sick...


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well... yes... that's what we are saying.

We have officially declared "racist / racism" as a charge null, void, moot, worn out, and invalid. Game over.

Oh... and it pisses me off when folks attach "phobe" to the end of words to attach a stigma to others. I'm no phobe anything ('cept arachnid). I simply replace "phobe" with "condriac". Makes me sick...

Homocondriac? Hmm, not bad. :)

VH fan

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I think some (as usual i might add ) take these threads way to seriously lol. I found a lot of the answers quite funny actually and my guess is they were posted to be taken that way .

If everyone had a similar mindset these threads would be a lot more fun to participate in but unfortunately thats not the case and why i prefer to avoid being in any one type too long .

I just always get in trouble because someone takes something the wrong way .Learned my lesson the hard way .

A few comments in each thread every now and then works much better for me. The title of this thread caught my attention because i knew it was going to be funny and it was.

Thanks folks
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I'm not a politics person, so this looks like the matrix code to me.


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Well, you have both limbs and I am assuming you're not a hooker. Free is free. That's like bitching about a vape prize you didn't have pay for.

as for you being offended, I wasn't revering to you. I have not had one of your mystical magical and possibly mythical hand shakes. I will take your word for it. Good for you being a pitch hitter. ;-)
Lol no thank god I am not a hooker that would just be weird and I do have both limbs so im pretty happy about that as well ;)


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Well, you have both limbs and I am assuming you're not a hooker. Free is free. That's like bitching about a vape prize you didn't have pay for.

as for you being offended, I wasn't revering to you. I have not had one of your mystical magical and possibly mythical hand shakes. I will take your word for it. Good for you being a pitch hitter. ;-)
And wait I'm confused now have I bitched about winning something? I've only won one contest on here unless you're just using that as an example


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think some (as usual i might add ) take these threads way to seriously lol. I found a lot of the answers quite funny actually and my guess is they were posted to be taken that way .

If everyone had a similar mindset these threads would be a lot more fun to participate in but unfortunately thats not the case and why i prefer to avoid being in any one type too long .

I just always get in trouble because someone takes something the wrong way .Learned my lesson the hard way .

A few comments in each thread every now and then works much better for me. The title of this thread caught my attention because i knew it was going to be funny and it was.

Thanks folks
This guy, this guy right here!

VH fan

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I'm not a politics person, so this looks like the matrix code to me.

Government will always be fucked because politicians on both sides from both parties are so damn untrustworthy , none of them know what having integrity means . Always out for themselves and sticking it to the people who are responsible for getting them elected just doesn't work for me , fuck all of em .

Take your so called transparency and blow it out your ass , how bout that guys and gals .


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Government will always be fucked because politicians on both sides from both parties are so damn untrustworthy , none of them know what having integrity means . Always out for themselves and sticking it to the people who are responsible for getting them elected just doesn't work for me , fuck all of em .

Take your so called transparency and blow it out your ass , how bout that guys and gals .
I personally just don't care for politics. Never have. If it affects me, I can't do shit about it because there's not enough people speaking out, my voice won't be heard unless there's many others speaking with me.
But thank you for clarifying this for me.

VH fan

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And wait I'm confused now have I bitched about winning something? I've only won one contest on here unless you're just using that as an example

You won too ? Son of a bitch , i have busted my ass day and night trying to win something on here , made sure i contributed as much as i could to get in the good graces of the Mods ( every mod i am aware of has incredible luck by the way , numerous contests wins by all ) , and i can't win shit , i mean WTF .

Maybe i would have better luck if i actually entered one of the contests but i don't see how .

VH fan

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I personally just don't care for politics. Never have. If it affects me, I can't do shit about it because there's not enough people speaking out, my voice won't be heard unless there's many others speaking with me.
But thank you for clarifying this for me.

Thats what i have been saying all along , way too many "me too" types and not enough people who have the guts to make a difference by speaking out . People suck , thats all there is to it , no wonder i much prefer my dog for stimulating convo.

No need to thank me for clarifying , anytime my friend.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Thats what i have been saying all along , way too many "me too" types and not enough people who have the guts to make a difference by speaking out . People suck , thats all there is to it , no wonder i much prefer my dog for stimulating convo.

No need to thank me for clarifying , anytime my friend.
I call it the "igots" syndrome.
Igotz mine!!! you not gotsurs?


Vapid Vapetress
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I think some (as usual i might add ) take these threads way to seriously lol. I found a lot of the answers quite funny actually and my guess is they were posted to be taken that way .

If everyone had a similar mindset these threads would be a lot more fun to participate in but unfortunately thats not the case and why i prefer to avoid being in any one type too long .

I just always get in trouble because someone takes something the wrong way .Learned my lesson the hard way .

A few comments in each thread every now and then works much better for me. The title of this thread caught my attention because i knew it was going to be funny and it was.

Thanks folks

plus the added bonus that you got to diss me.


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Lol... Uh... No, it's not. That's what liberals tell people, but it is not the truth...

You say the liberal position is that racism and charges of racism are null and void? So in your estimation the majority leaders of the house and senate are liberals? o_O You must be further to the right than I imagined.
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VH fan

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plus the added bonus that you got to diss me.

Stop you , i would never dis the vapetress , might as well strap myself in the chair and pull the lever myself , everyone knows you bite if provoked , i don't play with people like that . I know better

If it sounded like i was referring to you i truly apologize , no disrespect meant Kelli.


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And wait I'm confused now have I bitched about winning something? I've only won one contest on here unless you're just using that as an example

I meant you have both arms. You're not a hooker. A man getting something from a woman free shouldn't bitch. You say you give a great lefty. I do not know from personal experience so I gave you the benefit of the doubt.

You didn't win anything. Well except the curiosity from some guys about how great a righty is if the lefty is so stellar.;)

VH fan

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Both worthless leeches, both dumber than a box of rocks that have never held an actual job in the last 35 years.

Yeah i got to admit they are atrocious , can't stand either .


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Ok what gets me are the ones that win something and come on here bashing the comp because they are taking too long to send it to them but when they make an order through Fastech you wont here peep from them when it comes in a month late. (You know who she is)

VH fan

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Oh wally, big difference between lying directly to your customers face repeatedly about when they shipped something to you and a company that is known to take about a month to get something to you don't you think lol.

Trust me , who your referring to would raise holy hell if Fasttech took two months instead of the traditional one month , no question in my mind about that and deservingly so i might add .


Vapemail Stalker
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Those that label anyone that has a different position than another or simply disagrees with them as a "hater"....these days that term is way, way, way overused, routinely, often inaccurately, and is intended as a way to silence and marginalize people to whom others strongly disagree with...

VH fan

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Those that label anyone that has a different position than another or simply disagrees with them as a "hater"....these days that term is way, way, way overused, routinely, often inaccurately, and is intended as a way to silence and marginalize people to whom others strongly disagree with...

Many of us know this Spike , i mean how could someone not know this , how obvious does something have to get before it hits you in the face ( for some even being bashed over the head wouldn't make them notice ) unfortunately .


Platinum Contributor
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People who vape in confined public spaces like a train.
Some young adult was blowing clouds and I almost spit fire trying to calmly explain why not to do that and he replies "its just water vapor".


Vapemail Stalker
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Many of us know this Spike , i mean how could someone not know this , how obvious does something have to get before it hits you in the face ( for some even being bashed over the head wouldn't make them notice ) unfortunately .
Well long as everyone knows, its all good...

Oh, and I cant stand pre-orders either...or to be more precise, bloggers who post deals we click on only to get to the vendor's site and see its a pre-order when nothing about it being a pre-order was mentioned in the blog...ticks me off......ugggggg


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You won too ? Son of a bitch , i have busted my ass day and night trying to win something on here , made sure i contributed as much as i could to get in the good graces of the Mods ( every mod i am aware of has incredible luck by the way , numerous contests wins by all ) , and i can't win shit , i mean WTF .

Maybe i would have better luck if i actually entered one of the contests but i don't see how .
Lol dude I don't win anything ever that was pure luck. It was weird as well because the day before or that day I looked over to my bf and i said this year is going to be a good year and we are going to have good luck. We've only been together four years and every year has just been bad luck


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  • People who are too fucking lazy to return their carts to the cart corral at department and grocery stores. Especially the ones that are parked a few spaces away from them. I will not hesitate to call them out when I see them doing this.
  • Loud talkers on cell phones in line at the store
  • People who have no concept of how to use a fucking turn signal
  • People (especially employees) who stand right at the entrance of stores and smoke. This bothered me even when I smoked
  • People using food stamps to buy prime cuts of steaks and seafood. Talking on their iPhone 6 and hopping into their Hummers
  • Hypocrite religious fanatics
  • Rosie O'Donnell - Because she is a fat, opinionated no talent cow ( I don't hate her because she is fat either - Just saying what she is)
I do not think there is anything in the world that can make you feel shitty about your whole day until someone has three cart fills of groceries pays for it all with a food stamp card at Wal-Mart and walks out to a hummer. Like I work my ass off I can't even feel up the baby carts with groceries. I drive a 2003 Toyota corrolla and it's not even mine the bank owns it.


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I hate when people say o e thing and then do another.

I also hate when people give you there word and break it. What ever happened to the day a legit deal could be made on the truth and trusting people on a handshake.

I was raised that you had your name and that was it. When you're gone that's what people remember. If you tarnish your name people never forget. So you're faithful to the people you care about, you hold honor and respect both for tour self and others. You are fair to those who deserve it and do not deal with those who are not.

This world is going to hell in a hand basket. When I was in my 20s I thought I was riding the bike it was strapped to. In my 30s I realized there is no bike and we are all stuck in the basket.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
VU Donator
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People that talk like experts about subjects that they know nothing about piss me off.

I say about him "he's only got 2 years left in office, not much damage he can do" but he still pisses me off.

Children in general with their running and shouting piss me off and no i'm not an old man.


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You say the liberal position is that racism and charges of racism are null and void?
Yes, but not the liberal position, the "regular" folks' opinion. Remember the story about the boy who cried wolf? Same deal with racism. They have thrown it at so many people, so often, and when it was not appropriate for the situation at hand, that now when they make that charge against people, we need to stop and thoroughly examine each and every time they use it to see if it is just someone throwing the charge out there, or if something really racist happened.

Liberals can find racism in a rainbow.
So in your estimation the majority leaders of the house and senate are liberals?
Up until 2 weeks ago, they were. Are you saying these 2 are conservatives?
nan.jpg hr.jpg

You must be further to the right than I imagined.
Stop imagining. Proudly, I stand as far to the right as this fellow. THE best president in my lifetime.

VH fan

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Lol dude I don't win anything ever that was pure luck. It was weird as well because the day before or that day I looked over to my bf and i said this year is going to be a good year and we are going to have good luck. We've only been together four years and every year has just been bad luck

Four years of shit luck , hey, why fuck with a good thing .

PS, enjoyed your company sweetie , you have a great sense of humor , i have been wanting to move on for a while now , just not fun around here for me anymore .

Your a classy girl ,

I'll know who i'll think about when i see "Eddie" in the future.




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I hate those lily livered low life cocksuckers that talk at full volume all the way through the movie at the theater. But I love it when they have the audacity to give me a pissy look after I tell them to shut the fuck up before I anal rape them sideways with a baseball bat. But what I really love most is the surprised look on their face when I start to rush them and they are running for their lives after they retort with "fuck you"


Gold Contributor
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Yes, but not the liberal position, the "regular" folks' opinion. Remember the story about the boy who cried wolf? Same deal with racism. They have thrown it at so many people, so often, and when it was not appropriate for the situation at hand, that now when they make that charge against people, we need to stop and thoroughly examine each and every time they use it to see if it is just someone throwing the charge out there, or if something really racist happened.

Liberals can find racism in a rainbow.
Up until 2 weeks ago, they were. Are you saying these 2 are conservatives?
View attachment 12643 View attachment 12644

Stop imagining. Proudly, I stand as far to the right as this fellow. THE best president in my lifetime.
View attachment 12645

Clearly a disconnect about which party leadership we were talking about, old or new. My original comment that your general position on racism appeared to be the position of the Republican party was correct then. Your post here confirms that. Fair enough.

I identify neither with the term liberal or conservative. I'm more realist and materialist (to put philosophical labels on it) than those other two terms imply, which is to say primarily that I believe in evidence about what is. Therefore we may agree that individual legal charges of racial discrimination need to be accompanied by legal proof, and even agree that we live in a time of excessive unsubstantiated charges of racism.

However, the meme circulating out there, particularly among conservative ideologues, that racism is dead and we now live in a "post-racial" society, is total fallacy. There are many shades of denial in conservatism (this can be said of all ideology) but this is one bit of denial that rankles me badly.



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Therefore we may agree that individual legal charges of racial discrimination need to be accompanied by legal proof, and even agree that we live in a time of excessive unsubstantiated charges of racism.
No argument there...


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
People who do not understand no solicitor signs.
knock on thine door and get screamed at.
Fuck being nice, you are fucking bothering me... I am basically captive in my house while you are spouting about your space jesus watchtower shit.... especially your fucking newspaper since you are to damned stupid to read the fucking signs posted near the driveway.

Four different solicitors today I am beyond pissed off.


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People who do not understand no solicitor signs.
knock on thine door and get screamed at.
Fuck being nice, you are fucking bothering me... I am basically captive in my house while you are spouting about your space jesus watchtower shit.... especially your fucking newspaper since you are to damned stupid to read the fucking signs posted near the driveway.

Four different solicitors today I am beyond pissed off.
Agreed, I live in Utah, the Mormon state! I have nothing against Mormons, I grew up with a few. But when they come knocking on my door, I get so pissed. I have lived here 13 years and never once have I been to church or anything church related! Yet, they bombard my house on a daily basis..


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Agreed, I live in Utah, the Mormon state! I have nothing against Mormons, I grew up with a few. But when they come knocking on my door, I get so pissed. I have lived here 13 years and never once have I been to church or anything church related! Yet, they bombard my house on a daily basis..
I had 2 mormons, 2 jevohah witlesses, and 2 more that just got a fuck the fucking hell off through the door..

R3alJim Shady

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Ooooh I have a new one!

"My new juice line is dropping really soon..."

Shut. Up.

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