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ShanMods...anyone know about it?


Member For 4 Years
Well shit Shan.

I don't think posting your address publicly was the correct thing to do and I very much disagree with that.

I understand going through things and life gets hard. Shit my life has been hard. I'm not discounting what you're going through at all. I really do hope things work out for the best.

That being said we (your customers) have been totally left in the dark. Some of us spent 200+ for a mod earlier in the year and have been waiting patiently. But when you don't give us updates we don't know wtf is going on.

Then your page goes down and we still get no updates. Today is the first day you have updated the Google doc in over 1 month!

Most of us (your customers) know that your mods are superb quality and are willing to be patient. .. but we need to get updated.

If you ordered something and waited months and months and the Google doc wasnt updated and there was no communication by email or Facebook or anything and then the page was taken down. ... what would you think?

Like I said I understand life happens. All I ask is regular updates so I can know the status of my order. Doesn't even have to be daily. Weekly would be fine. Just a mass email with an update if nothing else. Or update the Google doc


Member For 4 Years
Really? Are you seriously about "I very much disagree with that" while you already did the followed to "posting address publicly"?

JamesEh408 likes this.

It seems you are the only one who likes it.

Well shit Shan.

I don't think posting your address publicly was the correct thing to do and I very much disagree with that.

I understand going through things and life gets hard. Shit my life has been hard. I'm not discounting what you're going through at all. I really do hope things work out for the best.

That being said we (your customers) have been totally left in the dark. Some of us spent 200+ for a mod earlier in the year and have been waiting patiently. But when you don't give us updates we don't know wtf is going on.

Then your page goes down and we still get no updates. Today is the first day you have updated the Google doc in over 1 month!

Most of us (your customers) know that your mods are superb quality and are willing to be patient. .. but we need to get updated.

If you ordered something and waited months and months and the Google doc wasnt updated and there was no communication by email or Facebook or anything and then the page was taken down. ... what would you think?

Like I said I understand life happens. All I ask is regular updates so I can know the status of my order. Doesn't even have to be daily. Weekly would be fine. Just a mass email with an update if nothing else. Or update the Google doc


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I'm just curious as to where some of you are getting some of your information from. 1) Shan is NOT a drug addict. 2) None of this was done intentionally on her part. 3) Where are you getting these numbers from? 20k, 15k. Did you see her paypal statements verifying these numbers? It's just a bad situation all around. And yes I understand where you guys are coming from losing money on product you paid for. But when a bunch of people started doing charge backs to her paypal which automatically withdrew the money that was in there for other people's mods and parts, what the hell was she supposed to do?! Then there was Evolv not honouring DNA warranties and not even sending parts. Again something beyond Shan's control. As someone who knows Shan on a very personal level I can assure all of you that it was never her intention to rip anyone off. Shan is not a scumbag scam artist. She worked 4 years building a name and rep for herself only for it to be ripped away from her. She was being harassed around the clock to basically work 24/7 making mods in which she barely made any money off of. I'm talking less than $30 per mod as profit. And I find it absolutely DISGUSTING you people are posting her personal address on her publicly. She has a small child at home, who's to say some crazy doesn't show up at her house?! I understand many of you are upset and feel ripped off but slandering someone and making threats is not the way to go about it. And you can thank yourselves for her Facebook being deactivated in reporting her personal facebook page as being under a false name, in which it was NOT.

So, either you are Shan or someone who knows her quite well. Posting a bullshit "She's not culpable" statement is pure garbage on your part. Get this fact into your fucking head: She Ripped a lot of people off who PAID for a product they never got. Nice touch though with the "poor woman has a young child at home" ploy to try to elicit sympathy.. I really don't think the people who got fucking burned by Shan really care if she is male or female, what they care about is that they got scammed out of money they paid toward a product that most likely will never be made nor delivered. What you or Shan did makes it doubly hard for honest mod makers to make and market their products.

You find it disgusting that Shan's info was posted here? I find it disgusting that you have the balls to defend someone who clearly scammed a lot of people out of their hard earned money.

When you can get off your self righteous horse, perhaps you might want to look at the situation from the customers standpoint.


Member For 4 Years
No problem. Just kidding. Feel free to continue waiting for nothing. Heard her exact same shits since earlier this year. If you know how much time and money other folks have lost, you won't even hold your breath a bit.

If you review all others' comments in this thread, you'll realize none of them are positive.

Didn't know that was her address bro... what I'm gonna go down and start harassing her at her house?


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I will be making 1 post and 1 post only.

First, Trainspotting is not me. Just someone who has been supportive every step of the way. So back the eff off.
The accusations you guys are making are ridiculous. NEVER did I say I wasn't honoring orders. They will just be taking extra time, due to my circumstances. No one is playing the victim here. PERIOD. But I will not have you spewing BS or involving my child's safety.

You want FACTS?

I ordered parts in January, got them 5.5 months later.
I ordered parts in April, never received them after forking out 1210.00 of your money. Couldn't dispute it come Aug because paypal won't honor disputes after 45 days. In March I sent back 8 defective boards, of which I never received... months and months later. 100's of emails, phone calls to Dimension Engineering, no response. Think I'm the only modder who got shafted? Ask around. But to make things right I went and saved as much of my profits as I could to go buy more chips, this time from Clouper [these are what I currently have]. So while you guys claim I'm scamming people. NO. I have spent my own money to do right, because that is the way I was raised. Where most of you are heartless I'll stick to the facts. At this point I stopped offering the DNA, because I didn't want to do business with Evolv any longer. Still, repairs are coming in. I'm still sending out emails to DI letting them know I still have 18 faulty boards, Steve's response after IDK how many months "Send them on back and we'll get you squared away" Like an idiot who had already been screwed out of so much money I sent them back in early Sept [I have tracking to provide proof of ALL of this], nothing. NOTHING. NOTHING. I then decided to try and open yet another Paypal dispute and switch over to the SX350, which surely this would fix everything and make everything right to others, right? WRONG. I dug myself deeper. I haven't touched a DIME of money from the mods since January. Not to pay my bills, nothing. It's why my car was repossessed and I still have to pay for it. IDK why my shop website is still showing as UP because that was cancelled when I couldn't make the 9.99 a month payment. Now this isn't me playing the victim, this is FACTS. EVERYTHING has been taken from me or shut off, other than my electric which I am struggling to pay. Oh wow! I made an etsy account, with my REAL name. Trying to come up with shipping money, that is being deposited in a friends bank account. I don't have a Paypal, that was wiped clean and negative over 5,000.00 by charge backs mainly from people who already had their mods [yet I'm the scammer here] I had to go to the lengths to beg a friend for 25.00 to even close it in the 1st place. My bank account was so over drawn that they closed it. You want to know more FACTS? The list you see, is the list that is STILL being completed, but you can thank YOUR VILE BS for me taking my time because the stress of THIS is no good to my health. For those who want just parts sent. Feel free to FB me once I get my account back since you all were so nice to report me for a fake name. Nah you idiots. My name is Shanndah Burkholder, my ID will provide proof and they'll reactivate my account once they get to my claim.

Now, to the fools claiming 15K, 20K, 25K I've scammed people? No, that's more like the amounts I've lost here, but who cares about my losses right? Exactly. As of right now, there are 18 mods TOTAL that I cannot complete because of parts I never received. 2700.00 is the FACTUAL number here. So instead of the people who have been so kind getting that shaft, the people who have made false claims, bad mouthed me, posted my address, or who have just been completely VILE... I will be putting your names at the bottom of my list. I will cater to the customers who have treated me with a little respect. To post my home address where over a dozen children live at these apartments, and my 6 yr old child lives here. ARE YOU EVEN HUMAN? You care so much about 150 - 180.00 that you are willing to risk the wellness of MY child. No, you just made it personal.

I am not on the run, I'm not going by any aliases, and I'm not changing my name to hide.

You cannot contact me by email because it was cancelled, you cannot call me because comcast suspended my service, and thanks to you LOVELY people you pulled my last form of contact by reporting my PERSONAL facebook because you threw fits over money. I removed my ShanMods, because I am SICK of defending myself, while trying to work on mods and keep a SMALL income to pay my electric bill via Etsy. I've had heart problems since I was 12, and the stress from the past 9 months has relapsed me and I am currently dealing with my Rheumatic Heart Disease [google that, and you'll see what I'm up against]

Is money really SO important to you that you would do this? So important that you would put my child at risk? So much that you would call me a drug addict for losing weight because I have been deathly sick? Get effing real.

I'm sick of the accusations. Sick of people thinking they know something about nothing.
I'll continue making these mods, shipping parts to those who have requested, but I WILL NOT justify myself any longer to people as money hungry and heartless as you folks right here. What happens if I stroke out and die from the stress? You gonna go after my kid next?

The police will be involved, but not as ya'll might think.
Thanks have a great evening.

Shanndah "Shan" Burkholder
Your best bet is to just get out of the mod making how can one compete with the Chinese but I will say one think you should have updated your site to say explain the issues offer refunds... I have seen you do nothing but complain and for god sakes if you can make that large of a post you surely can upate your site I just went there and now it sayd when you go to order site suspended ... maybe you are burned out but whatever you are accountable period. Like it or not that’s the way it is...


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I will be making 1 post and 1 post only.

The police will be involved, but not as ya'll might think.
Thanks have a great evening.

Shanndah "Shan" Burkholder

Typical. You have customers waiting over 3/4 of a year for mods, they get pissed off because it appears you ripped them off, now a sob story about how the meanz vapers got my comcast cancelled and are harassing me. As I said previously, the people who got burned don't care if you are male or female, they care about getting zero communications on why their mod maker suddenly went dark and stopped communicating, they care about getting scammed or grifted.

As for the implied threat about the police, you might want to think about that ruse. Customers on this forum have stated that they are willing to file complaints with your local PD regarding fraud. This ain't a joke.

The common theme among grifters, con artists, fraudsters, and scammers is that when the shit hits the fan, they all run for the supposed protection of being a victim.


Member For 4 Years
No problem. Just kidding. Feel free to continue waiting for nothing. Heard her exact same shits since earlier this year. If you know how much time and money other folks have lost, you won't even hold your breath a bit.

If you review all others' comments in this thread, you'll realize none of them are positive.
I hate the police.

I love karma.

Not sure what my next steps are.


VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
So, either you are Shan or someone who knows her quite well. Posting a bullshit "She's not culpable" statement is pure garbage on your part. Get this fact into your fucking head: She Ripped a lot of people off who PAID for a product they never got. Nice touch though with the "poor woman has a young child at home" ploy to try to elicit sympathy.. I really don't think the people who got fucking burned by Shan really care if she is male or female, what they care about is that they got scammed out of money they paid toward a product that most likely will never be made nor delivered. What you or Shan did makes it doubly hard for honest mod makers to make and market their products.

You find it disgusting that Shan's info was posted here? I find it disgusting that you have the balls to defend someone who clearly scammed a lot of people out of their hard earned money.

When you can get off your self righteous horse, perhaps you might want to look at the situation from the customers standpoint.
I like you.. You make good sense... Wnat a free dog I have 3 pregnant Siberian huskies ;)
I think it is her she whines like that always she has no business being in any business with the public I have emails from here with that the same type of speak insane


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I hate the police.

I love karma.

Not sure what my next steps are.
The Karma Police of course, same life Karma. Shan burned you, you can either trust and wait, or report a suspected fraud to the police.


Member For 4 Years
So no free dog for me?

I like you.. You make good sense... Wnat a free dog I have 3 pregnant Siberian huskies ;)
I think it is her she whines like that always she has no business being in any business with the public I have emails from here with that the same type of speak insane


VU Donator
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From what I can see they are Sigelei 100w mods with a custom run done by them very nice I almost bought one today but I just do not need it
I spend way to much on toys ;)


VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
So no free dog for me?
Ummm well where you live? depends they are AKC so they are expensive soon many crazy animals coming are you crazy?
Cause see Siberian Huskies are crazy as hell they ate a couch in less than 2 hours do you want one to eat something or someone if so
I guess ok...


Abnormal Chevy Guy
Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
[QUOTE="I get so tired of hearing sob stories like my dad died or I haven't been in the best health etc. It's a business and personal bullshit shouldn't matter. Personal shit belongs in your personal life not your business life. My motto is, Treat your customers with respect, preform high quality work, and do things in a timely manner.

Excuse me! But when my mother past, my store closed for a few days! My family comes before anyone else. even customers (which most understand)! BTW Personal "bullshit" also goes into businesses!


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Not sure how she lost money. $45 for chip, maybe $10 in parts but lets bump it up to $20. Thats $65 and shipping was paid by the customers. Sold the low end mod for $145 and high end for $180 to $200. On the low end she made a profit of $80. This chick has lied so much. She just said she didn't spend the money but told us back in August she spent the money on personal stuff. Also she said since she couldn't get replacement chips from Evolv she was going to replace them with cheap Cloupor DNA clone chips. WTF?..... Just pisses me off she plays the victim here and the people who preordered shouldn't be mad they don't have there mods. I think everyone should file a report to her local police for fraud. Also if you are one of the few that payed for it under 6 months ago, most CC will allow a charge back if you file before the 6 months. is up even if you payed through Paypal they will still do it. If she doesn't pay the CC they are will go after her like flies on shit.


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I will be making 1 post and 1 post only.

First, Trainspotting is not me. Just someone who has been supportive every step of the way. So back the eff off.
The accusations you guys are making are ridiculous. NEVER did I say I wasn't honoring orders. They will just be taking extra time, due to my circumstances. No one is playing the victim here. PERIOD. But I will not have you spewing BS or involving my child's safety.

You want FACTS?

I ordered parts in January, got them 5.5 months later.
I ordered parts in April, never received them after forking out 1210.00 of your money. Couldn't dispute it come Aug because paypal won't honor disputes after 45 days. In March I sent back 8 defective boards, of which I never received... months and months later. 100's of emails, phone calls to Dimension Engineering, no response. Think I'm the only modder who got shafted? Ask around. But to make things right I went and saved as much of my profits as I could to go buy more chips, this time from Clouper [these are what I currently have]. So while you guys claim I'm scamming people. NO. I have spent my own money to do right, because that is the way I was raised. Where most of you are heartless I'll stick to the facts. At this point I stopped offering the DNA, because I didn't want to do business with Evolv any longer. Still, repairs are coming in. I'm still sending out emails to DI letting them know I still have 18 faulty boards, Steve's response after IDK how many months "Send them on back and we'll get you squared away" Like an idiot who had already been screwed out of so much money I sent them back in early Sept [I have tracking to provide proof of ALL of this], nothing. NOTHING. NOTHING. I then decided to try and open yet another Paypal dispute and switch over to the SX350, which surely this would fix everything and make everything right to others, right? WRONG. I dug myself deeper. I haven't touched a DIME of money from the mods since January. Not to pay my bills, nothing. It's why my car was repossessed and I still have to pay for it. IDK why my shop website is still showing as UP because that was cancelled when I couldn't make the 9.99 a month payment. Now this isn't me playing the victim, this is FACTS. EVERYTHING has been taken from me or shut off, other than my electric which I am struggling to pay. Oh wow! I made an etsy account, with my REAL name. Trying to come up with shipping money, that is being deposited in a friends bank account. I don't have a Paypal, that was wiped clean and negative over 5,000.00 by charge backs mainly from people who already had their mods [yet I'm the scammer here] I had to go to the lengths to beg a friend for 25.00 to even close it in the 1st place. My bank account was so over drawn that they closed it. You want to know more FACTS? The list you see, is the list that is STILL being completed, but you can thank YOUR VILE BS for me taking my time because the stress of THIS is no good to my health. For those who want just parts sent. Feel free to FB me once I get my account back since you all were so nice to report me for a fake name. Nah you idiots. My name is Shanndah Burkholder, my ID will provide proof and they'll reactivate my account once they get to my claim.

Now, to the fools claiming 15K, 20K, 25K I've scammed people? No, that's more like the amounts I've lost here, but who cares about my losses right? Exactly. As of right now, there are 18 mods TOTAL that I cannot complete because of parts I never received. 2700.00 is the FACTUAL number here. So instead of the people who have been so kind getting that shaft, the people who have made false claims, bad mouthed me, posted my address, or who have just been completely VILE... I will be putting your names at the bottom of my list. I will cater to the customers who have treated me with a little respect. To post my home address where over a dozen children live at these apartments, and my 6 yr old child lives here. ARE YOU EVEN HUMAN? You care so much about 150 - 180.00 that you are willing to risk the wellness of MY child. No, you just made it personal.

I am not on the run, I'm not going by any aliases, and I'm not changing my name to hide.

You cannot contact me by email because it was cancelled, you cannot call me because comcast suspended my service, and thanks to you LOVELY people you pulled my last form of contact by reporting my PERSONAL facebook because you threw fits over money. I removed my ShanMods, because I am SICK of defending myself, while trying to work on mods and keep a SMALL income to pay my electric bill via Etsy. I've had heart problems since I was 12, and the stress from the past 9 months has relapsed me and I am currently dealing with my Rheumatic Heart Disease [google that, and you'll see what I'm up against]

Is money really SO important to you that you would do this? So important that you would put my child at risk? So much that you would call me a drug addict for losing weight because I have been deathly sick? Get effing real.

I'm sick of the accusations. Sick of people thinking they know something about nothing.
I'll continue making these mods, shipping parts to those who have requested, but I WILL NOT justify myself any longer to people as money hungry and heartless as you folks right here. What happens if I stroke out and die from the stress? You gonna go after my kid next?

The police will be involved, but not as ya'll might think.
Thanks have a great evening.

Shanndah "Shan" Burkholder
Bla Bla Bla. More bullshit. No one cares about your poor me story. Facts are you screwed over a lot of people and now you want us to believe you are the victim. Not going to happen. When you quit answer emails and changed your FB page the hand writing was on the wall. You need to do the right thing and deliver the mods or refund the money. Quit giving excuses and find a solution to the problem.


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Anybody know where the dislike button is? Enjoy the day!


Custard Junkie
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I will be making 1 post and 1 post only.

First, Trainspotting is not me. Just someone who has been supportive every step of the way. So back the eff off.
The accusations you guys are making are ridiculous. NEVER did I say I wasn't honoring orders. They will just be taking extra time, due to my circumstances. No one is playing the victim here. PERIOD. But I will not have you spewing BS or involving my child's safety.

You want FACTS?

I ordered parts in January, got them 5.5 months later.
I ordered parts in April, never received them after forking out 1210.00 of your money. Couldn't dispute it come Aug because paypal won't honor disputes after 45 days. In March I sent back 8 defective boards, of which I never received... months and months later. 100's of emails, phone calls to Dimension Engineering, no response. Think I'm the only modder who got shafted? Ask around. But to make things right I went and saved as much of my profits as I could to go buy more chips, this time from Clouper [these are what I currently have]. So while you guys claim I'm scamming people. NO. I have spent my own money to do right, because that is the way I was raised. Where most of you are heartless I'll stick to the facts. At this point I stopped offering the DNA, because I didn't want to do business with Evolv any longer. Still, repairs are coming in. I'm still sending out emails to DI letting them know I still have 18 faulty boards, Steve's response after IDK how many months "Send them on back and we'll get you squared away" Like an idiot who had already been screwed out of so much money I sent them back in early Sept [I have tracking to provide proof of ALL of this], nothing. NOTHING. NOTHING. I then decided to try and open yet another Paypal dispute and switch over to the SX350, which surely this would fix everything and make everything right to others, right? WRONG. I dug myself deeper. I haven't touched a DIME of money from the mods since January. Not to pay my bills, nothing. It's why my car was repossessed and I still have to pay for it. IDK why my shop website is still showing as UP because that was cancelled when I couldn't make the 9.99 a month payment. Now this isn't me playing the victim, this is FACTS. EVERYTHING has been taken from me or shut off, other than my electric which I am struggling to pay. Oh wow! I made an etsy account, with my REAL name. Trying to come up with shipping money, that is being deposited in a friends bank account. I don't have a Paypal, that was wiped clean and negative over 5,000.00 by charge backs mainly from people who already had their mods [yet I'm the scammer here] I had to go to the lengths to beg a friend for 25.00 to even close it in the 1st place. My bank account was so over drawn that they closed it. You want to know more FACTS? The list you see, is the list that is STILL being completed, but you can thank YOUR VILE BS for me taking my time because the stress of THIS is no good to my health. For those who want just parts sent. Feel free to FB me once I get my account back since you all were so nice to report me for a fake name. Nah you idiots. My name is Shanndah Burkholder, my ID will provide proof and they'll reactivate my account once they get to my claim.

Now, to the fools claiming 15K, 20K, 25K I've scammed people? No, that's more like the amounts I've lost here, but who cares about my losses right? Exactly. As of right now, there are 18 mods TOTAL that I cannot complete because of parts I never received. 2700.00 is the FACTUAL number here. So instead of the people who have been so kind getting that shaft, the people who have made false claims, bad mouthed me, posted my address, or who have just been completely VILE... I will be putting your names at the bottom of my list. I will cater to the customers who have treated me with a little respect. To post my home address where over a dozen children live at these apartments, and my 6 yr old child lives here. ARE YOU EVEN HUMAN? You care so much about 150 - 180.00 that you are willing to risk the wellness of MY child. No, you just made it personal.

I am not on the run, I'm not going by any aliases, and I'm not changing my name to hide.

You cannot contact me by email because it was cancelled, you cannot call me because comcast suspended my service, and thanks to you LOVELY people you pulled my last form of contact by reporting my PERSONAL facebook because you threw fits over money. I removed my ShanMods, because I am SICK of defending myself, while trying to work on mods and keep a SMALL income to pay my electric bill via Etsy. I've had heart problems since I was 12, and the stress from the past 9 months has relapsed me and I am currently dealing with my Rheumatic Heart Disease [google that, and you'll see what I'm up against]

Is money really SO important to you that you would do this? So important that you would put my child at risk? So much that you would call me a drug addict for losing weight because I have been deathly sick? Get effing real.

I'm sick of the accusations. Sick of people thinking they know something about nothing.
I'll continue making these mods, shipping parts to those who have requested, but I WILL NOT justify myself any longer to people as money hungry and heartless as you folks right here. What happens if I stroke out and die from the stress? You gonna go after my kid next?

The police will be involved, but not as ya'll might think.
Thanks have a great evening.

Shanndah "Shan" Burkholder

OH WOE IS ME!! Cry me a river.. how about you take responsibility for your actions.. you promised to deliver a product to many people - you did not.. your personal problems are irrelevant. here's an idea - don't start a business and take money from people before you have a product to deliver .. how about you reply back to people instead of ignoring them. most of these people sent you several messages and were not mean to you at all.. and you still ignored them - so your excuses mean nothing at this point.

hmmm and you are calling the people 'money hungry' - oh the people who paid you money already and got nothing in return? yeaaaaa that makes sense..


Custard Junkie
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Excuse me! But when my mother past, my store closed for a few days! My family comes before anyone else. even customers (which most understand)! BTW Personal "bullshit" also goes into businesses!

Closing for a few days is a TAD different than ignoring customers for months on end (7 months for some people).. c'mon now Chevy..


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Well she change her personal name again in Facebook or she block me and she says she is not hidding but just to let everyone know we are not getting our mods supposedly she went bankrupt what a joke but she is trying to sell some clay shit n this sounds like a another ripoff


Custard Junkie
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Well she change her personal name again in Facebook or she block me and she says she is not hidding but just to let everyone know we are not getting our mods supposedly she went bankrupt what a joke but she is trying to sell some clay shit n this sounds like a another ripoff

didn't you see her post? she's not hiding or running from anyone.. she has a medical condition which gives her an excuse to rip people off.. I think we all owe her a big apology..


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I am feeling generous today. Shan, I am going to give my hard earned money to make a product. Now if the product has defaults do to bad equipment you purchased with my hard earned money, and the manufacture you got it from won't honor it's product for a return refund, don't worry and use that money to rebuy more equipment. Now if that breaks again and you have replenished all the funds I sent you, don't worry. My good heart tells me to just keep the money or if there is any left over use it for your personal stuff. Better yet use others also. I'm sure they will understand. See people just want to give you there hard earned money. We feel the need to support your lifestyle, bills and help in the support of your child. If anyone complains they just don't have a heart. When they purchased it, it was suppose to be a 1 1/2 turn around. If they just don't understand that it's taking almost 8 months then they are just selfish people. : /


Member For 4 Years
I bet you will think otherwise if you ever receive any of her mods.

If you can handle more surprises, just open the box mod and check inside. Seriously, my teenage son can do at least 10 times better and fast than she does.

I am feeling generous today. Shan, I am going to give my hard earned money to make a product. Now if the product has defaults do to bad equipment you purchased with my hard earned money, and the manufacture you got it from won't honor it's product for a return refund, don't worry and use that money to rebuy more equipment. Now if that breaks again and you have replenished all the funds I sent you, don't worry. My good heart tells me to just keep the money or if there is any left over use it for your personal stuff. Better yet use others also. I'm sure they will understand. See people just want to give you there hard earned money. We feel the need to support your lifestyle, bills and help in the support of your child. If anyone complains they just don't have a heart. When they purchased it, it was suppose to be a 1 1/2 turn around. If they just don't understand that it's taking almost 8 months then they are just selfish people. : /


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It was a joke dude.


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I bet you will think otherwise if you ever receive any of her mods.

If you can handle more surprises, just open the box mod and check inside. Seriously, my teenage son can do at least 10 times better and fast than she does.
I got the piece of shit mod from her in August. Read my prior post.


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Honestly at this point the best thing to do would be to refund money. But of course all the money has already been spent. With nothing to show for it. Take her to judge Judy guys!!


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I spoke with a buddy of mine today, he's a well known mod maker and he read this thread. He's really pissed off at Shan because it makes his life more difficult due to the fact that many of his customers are balking at putting down a 50% deposit on a mod which is usually delivered in 15 days. He's changing his business model to making 10 or 15 mods at a time and then putting them up for sale rather than having customers pay a deposit first. I guess that might be the business model going forward for a lot of mod makers if situations like the one with Shan continue.


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Well shit Shan.

I don't think posting your address publicly was the correct thing to do and I very much disagree with that.

I understand going through things and life gets hard. Shit my life has been hard. I'm not discounting what you're going through at all. I really do hope things work out for the best.

That being said we (your customers) have been totally left in the dark. Some of us spent 200+ for a mod earlier in the year and have been waiting patiently. But when you don't give us updates we don't know wtf is going on.

Then your page goes down and we still get no updates. Today is the first day you have updated the Google doc in over 1 month!

Most of us (your customers) know that your mods are superb quality and are willing to be patient. .. but we need to get updated.

If you ordered something and waited months and months and the Google doc wasnt updated and there was no communication by email or Facebook or anything and then the page was taken down. ... what would you think?

Like I said I understand life happens. All I ask is regular updates so I can know the status of my order. Doesn't even have to be daily. Weekly would be fine. Just a mass email with an update if nothing else. Or update the Google doc
The list hasn't been updated in weeks and weeks. I check every other day. It's the same now as before.


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Excuse me! But when my mother past, my store closed for a few days! My family comes before anyone else. even customers (which most understand)! BTW Personal "bullshit" also goes into businesses!

Uh, we are talking about 7 1/2 months. Her father passed in February. At the beginning of March, she opened pre-orders. I stupidly sent her money. Get your facts straight.


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The list hasn't been updated in weeks and weeks. I check every other day. It's the same now as before.
At this point I don't know if it matters but there has been changes to it. You can set it to notify you of changes. However the changes are VERY slow and minuscule


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At this point I don't know if it matters but there has been changes to it. You can set it to notify you of changes. However the changes are VERY slow and minuscule
Do u have the website for the Google doc


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Lol aren't you the lucky one, many others are still waiting on their piece of shit ;)
Yes I got my piece of shit of a mod. In August I posted on her FB page and threatened to do a charge back on my CC. She got scared and shipped it. I think one other person did the same thing. Out of all the people who ordered since March 2014 only 2 people got their mods. Crazy. Like I said in a previous post, the piece of shit fell apart first day. The insides looked like a 9 year old soldered and put it together in school for his Fathers Birthday. Hell my Fasttech Chana DNA30 looks 10 times cleaner on the insides than this. And as of May 2014 it's still rockin and hasn't fallen apart.


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This is what I got from her right now when I never harassed her lol what the cops r going to do to tell why I'm I asking for a mod I paid n never got cry me a river


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N bitch send me this n blocks me wow what a child


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I spoke with a buddy of mine today, he's a well known mod maker and he read this thread. He's really pissed off at Shan because it makes his life more difficult due to the fact that many of his customers are balking at putting down a 50% deposit on a mod which is usually delivered in 15 days. He's changing his business model to making 10 or 15 mods at a time and then putting them up for sale rather than having customers pay a deposit first. I guess that might be the business model going forward for a lot of mod makers if situations like the one with Shan continue.
Back in April I did a preorder with DZNUTZ on his DNA30. Yes it took awhile to get it but the quality and craftsmanship of his product is the best of the best. But after this crap with Shanmods I will never preorder again.

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