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I'm so confused.

Get in line, GET IN LINE!

I have been here since the beginning and I am still fingering stuff out!!!

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I'm so confused.

confused about what?

I think you know me well enough to know that I am a very principled person. usually so much that it is a fault.
as a moderator, we have to stand by those principals and the ones that the forum has, as a member we are as free to say how we feel as anyone One principal is that of which is free speech. free speech means the freedom to be an asshole. which in this case we can bear witness to it.

besides he wants to banned, he wants to be able to go back to ecf a hero. Which is fine, but we have a process to follow for that. unlike ECF, who bans anyone that steps out of line or disagrees with the rule of the day.


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confused about what?

I think you know me well enough to know that I am a very principled person. usually so much that it is a fault.
as a moderator, we have to stand by those principals and the ones that the forum has, as a member we are as free to say how we feel as anyone One principal is that of which is free speech. free speech means the freedom to be an asshole. which in this case we can bear witness to it.

besides he wants to banned, he wants to be able to go back to ecf a hero. Which is fine, but we have a process to follow for that. unlike ECF, who bans anyone that steps out of line or disagrees with the rule of the day.
What did Steve do that got him banned? Not like I miss him, just asking.

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What did Steve do that got him banned? Not like I miss him, just asking.
its all in this thread, I was not a moderator yet when he was sent on vacation. I would rather not step on the thir toes, and let one of the ones who were here tell you.
Last edited:


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confused about what?

I think you know me well enough to know that I am a very principled person. usually so much that it is a fault.
as a moderator, we have to stand by those principals and the ones that the forum has, as a member we are as free to say how we feel as anyone One principal is that of which is free speech. free speech means the freedom to be an asshole. which in this case we can bear witness to it.

besides he wants to banned, he wants to be able to go back to ecf a hero. Which is fine, but we have a process to follow for that. unlike ECF, who bans anyone that steps out of line or disagrees with the rule of the day.

I agree with your with you...

I was just confused about who this guy @AstroTurf
Is but I think I sorted it all out. EFC troll here to stir shit up and get banned.


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Well, I joined there, never was welcomed, got told I was posting in the wrong areas, FINALLY found a wonderful group of people. One of that group got banned, so we all came here and have lived happily ever after. 2 of them actually went on to create their own online specialty shops for vapers. That could never have happened over there, they both would've been shut down immediately.

Recently, a very large group of vapers left there for very similar reasons, but the one that got shut down isn't even a vendor, she helped design a tank and got nothing from that, monetarily, or otherwise. They tried to force her into being a vendor, even knowing she wasn't.

I can't tell you all the asinine reasons I've seen people get booted from there with no warning at all. When they've tried to question the admin there, they get talked to like children. They say you have to be 18 to join there, yet they censor what you can talk about because it's a "family environment and children may be watching".

I have no love loss for that place. I did learn some things. What not to do when searching for a friendly forum.


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I've never even been to the EFC site so maybe you all can help me figure this out...

Are they assholes before they join EFC or do they become assholes after joining?

There's a Chinese riddle fo' you ass...
ASTRO IS A spy dude,
NONE TO DO OVER THERE, so HE come here talking shit...
Steve is probably back with a different name


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What about the other dude? The one that whiskey sold a cloupor box mod I forgot his name
LOL oh Bean!! Yeah, last I heard, ol' Bean was getting back together with his wife and trying to change his life for the better. He hasn't been around since, that I know of.


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LOL oh Bean!! Yeah, last I heard, ol' Bean was getting back together with his wife and trying to change his life for the better. He hasn't been around since, that I know of.
YEAH BEAN , hahahaha
He always say shit like this
I'm good with everybody except one that I will not say his name HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


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YEAH BEAN , hahahaha
He always say shit like this
I'm good with everybody except one that I will not say his name HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
OMG I'd forgotten all that drama. I can't remember who "the one" guy was, but I do remember that fiasco. Poor Bean.

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bean as actually a decent dude, once he calmed down. I wish the best for the guy.
but goddamn was he ever a fucknut at first. when he realized that whiskey didn't want her money back for that mod, it kind of hit him hard. a real lesson that a small act of kidness can turn even the most hardened asshole.


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a new vapor has flat out asked me if I would recommend it, a few questions later I realized they were still figuring out what they like and how they vape, so I advised them to look into a joyetech evic mini, one battery, easy to operate, holds up well, updateable firmware, enough power to let them explore.
the one time I endorsed a newer vapor getting one, was few weeks ago, a young lady, had never vaped outside of an ego, she had zero desire to subohm, and had been shopping around for months, she was educated on the subject, and settled on how she vapes.
2 opposite instances, 2 differet responses

I cant advise a new vapor to sped 200$ on any mod, - not a hexohm, a dna, an sxj or any of them. In todays market a 200$ investment is something that should not be made by any vapor until they understand what they are looking for, know how they vape and know for certain that it will fit there needs- at which point they don't need a recommendation, they are simply looking for positive feedback.
As a veteran vapor we owe it to the noobs to help them succeed, not put them on a device that may or may not work for them. In conjunction, I think the first purchase should have the option to run tc, not that they should use it, but let them have it available. Tc is not for everyone; however, they will eventually want to see what its about, so I think they should have that option.
.i don't think an rx is a good mod for a beginner either, quite the contrary i think its a terrible idea for them to go into more than a single battery mod, until they know what they are doing and can be safe.

I don't think you're understanding the provarinazi thing.

the mods are fine, I own all except the radius
as to the attitude, its not the mod, its the people. I started vaping as part of that special club. i was embarrassed to tell people what mod i used, because of how they treat and talk to people. its a fucking mod, it doesn't make you better to vape your 12 mg nic from that vs what someone else is using. Unfortunately that attitude is killing the image of the brand. unfortunatelty the brand endrses it; by having you lifetime terminated if you ask questions, propose ideas, or if youre an electrical engineer and tell them that they are wrong abou the fac that a single 18650 can supply more than 40w. -- looks like i was right about that one. unfortunately that feeling towards the brand in general will continue as long as their fans are advertising for them the same way.
in short the provari feelings are a response to their own behavior. I'm not trying to be a dick just help some that haven't been around understand.

edit- I am a highly principled person, and attempted to try and understand their mentality. After multiple coversations, screaming matches and nonsensicle comments from both parties, I realized that i have a better chance finding a sasquatch; than, i do figuring it out.
SoapBox much?!?



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Get in line, GET IN LINE!

I have been here since the beginning and I am still fingering stuff out!!!
Let me know what your final thoughts are... And I'll let you know if you got it right.



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confused about what?

I think you know me well enough to know that I am a very principled person. usually so much that it is a fault.
as a moderator, we have to stand by those principals and the ones that the forum has, as a member we are as free to say how we feel as anyone One principal is that of which is free speech. free speech means the freedom to be an asshole. which in this case we can bear witness to it.

besides he wants to banned, he wants to be able to go back to ecf a hero. Which is fine, but we have a process to follow for that. unlike ECF, who bans anyone that steps out of line or disagrees with the rule of the day.
Censorship of my free speech is not principled... IS IT?



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What did Steve do that got him banned? Not like I miss him, just asking.
He did not break any of VU Rules... They just did not like him, nor could they withstand his wisdom!


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its all in this thread, I was not a moderator yet when he was sent on vacation. I would rather not step on the thir toes, and let one of the ones who were here tell you.
Ya just don't know, do you?!?

FB a moderator... Thats a H00T!!!


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He's actually free to come back. It wasn't a perma-ban, not that I'm in any hurry to see him again. The answer to your other question, though... lies within this thread, somewhere. Points add up.
How many you gotz honey?


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I agree with your with you...

I was just confused about who this guy @AstroTurf
Is but I think I sorted it all out. EFC troll here to stir shit up and get banned.

Why not an ECF Refugee participating in the forums?

Too Funny!!!


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I've never even been to the EFC site so maybe you all can help me figure this out...

Are they assholes before they join EFC or do they become assholes after joining?

There's a Chinese riddle fo' you ass...
VU Brings out the AssHole in all of us!


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Well, I joined there, never was welcomed, got told I was posting in the wrong areas, FINALLY found a wonderful group of people. One of that group got banned, so we all came here and have lived happily ever after. 2 of them actually went on to create their own online specialty shops for vapers. That could never have happened over there, they both would've been shut down immediately.

Recently, a very large group of vapers left there for very similar reasons, but the one that got shut down isn't even a vendor, she helped design a tank and got nothing from that, monetarily, or otherwise. They tried to force her into being a vendor, even knowing she wasn't.

I can't tell you all the asinine reasons I've seen people get booted from there with no warning at all. When they've tried to question the admin there, they get talked to like children. They say you have to be 18 to join there, yet they censor what you can talk about because it's a "family environment and children may be watching".

I have no love loss for that place. I did learn some things. What not to do when searching for a friendly forum.
Hows that workin out for ya?


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ASTRO IS A spy dude,
NONE TO DO OVER THERE, so HE come here talking shit...
Steve is probably back with a different name
Yea, Yea, Thats it...

A Regular Dick Tracy, You're NOT!!!



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That wouldn't surprise me, either, but he's allowed back now. He had a brief vacation. Though, it's possible his ego took a nice dent and won't allow him back.
Sure he is... And Y'all ain't found him yet.

Too Funny!!!


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Nope. I've never owned a Provape product, nor have I ever defended vendors of stupid-expensive juice who outright lied to their customers.



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SoapBox much?!?

i asked a legit question...
it wasnt addressed by the OP, he chose to log off...
the firebird addressed part and partial the question...
hopefully he doesnt think i am that new, hopefully he doesnt think im a troll...
i asked a question, i didnt attack the OP, he attacked me and called me provarinazi and logged off...
and now the results off my original post have been dragged here... again, i dont consider myself a troll...
do all of you consider me a troll. if so, i will leave the VU with zero trepidation whatsoever...
so far the only thread i feel at home in and dont get attacked is the MTL thread...
that in itself speaks volumes toward the overall attitude of the majority of the forums members


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i asked a legit question...
it wasnt addressed by the OP, he chose to log off...
the firebird addressed part and partial the question...
hopefully he doesnt think i am that new, hopefully he doesnt think im a troll...
i asked a question, i didnt attack the OP, he attacked me and called me provarinazi and logged off...
and now the results off my original post have been dragged here... again, i dont consider myself a troll...
do all of you consider me a troll. if so, i will leave the VU with zero trepidation whatsoever...
so far the only thread i feel at home in and dont get attacked is the MTL thread...
that in itself speaks volumes toward the overall attitude of the majority of the forums members
Watch out for this bunch...

They're all about the Benjamins!!!


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i asked a legit question...
it wasnt addressed by the OP, he chose to log off...
the firebird addressed part and partial the question...
hopefully he doesnt think i am that new, hopefully he doesnt think im a troll...
i asked a question, i didnt attack the OP, he attacked me and called me provarinazi and logged off...
and now the results off my original post have been dragged here... again, i dont consider myself a troll...
do all of you consider me a troll. if so, i will leave the VU with zero trepidation whatsoever...
so far the only thread i feel at home in and dont get attacked is the MTL thread...
that in itself speaks volumes toward the overall attitude of the majority of the forums members
A bunch of posts had to be moved. It wasn't you, or anything you said. Several landed here because of the fallout of a wannabe troll. I think some of my own did, as well, but it had to to with topics and troll posts. PM me if you have any questions.

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