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What not to vape in a kayfun...

I have a kayfun right now and someone told me that I couldn't vape kings crown 'fight your fate' in it because it would "crack the tank" or something like that. Is this true? If so, why?


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Some juices react horribly with the poly carb tanks.
I had a citrus strawberry in mine and watched the tank fog and spider web n front of my eyes.
Almost had to chuck it because I could not get the horrid plastic taste out of it afterwards.

If you have a steel tank section use that and just be careful to keep it filled.


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Anything that even MIGHT contain citric acid will kill non glass/stainless tank sleeves. Same is the case with SOME cinnamon based juices. Most "absinthe" style juices contain citrus (orange)


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@Samantha ... There is a variety of juices that are known to "crack" polycarb, plastic, acrylic tanks. We call these "tank crackers"... No one really knows why. The assumption is the acidic nature. If you are unsure if one of your juices is a "tank cracker", it's best to check with the vendor.

"Tank crackers" can do more than just crack the tank... some will cause the tank to look hazy... some will "melt" the plastic insulator... some will actually cause little cracks all around the bottom. Though these juices are not considered harmfull to vape, they will/can damage your tank.

It's not an all the time occurrence... I've had everything below in plastic tanks with no problem. In almost 3 years vaping I've only had it happen maybe 10 times.

Known flavors to be tank crackers:
  • banana
  • cola
  • root beer
  • citrus (lemon, lime, orange, tangerine)
  • hot cinnamons (like the fireball type, not bakery)
  • pineapple


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Anything that even MIGHT contain citric acid will kill non glass/stainless tank sleeves. Same is the case with SOME cinnamon based juices. Most "absinthe" style juices contain citrus (orange)

If absinthe is a tank cracker, would anise be one too?


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I doubt there is that much tannic acid in cloves lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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The Clove Tobacco that I get from BEJ has not caused my plastic insert any problems at all on my Kayfun.

But I have a second KFL+ with a quartz tank that I use with all of the questionable liquids.


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Just use the stainless insert instead of the plastic one...

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