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Problem with magma rda

I have been using my magma and loving it for three weeks and all of the sudden I'm getting absolutely no flavor from it. I've had other people try and they say the same thing no flavor whatsoever I've tried over a dozen builds and still nothing how can the thing still produce vapor but no flavor?


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Member For 5 Years
I have been using my magma and loving it for three weeks and all of the sudden I'm getting absolutely no flavor from it. I've had other people try and they say the same thing no flavor whatsoever I've tried over a dozen builds and still nothing how can the thing still produce vapor but no flavor?

I read somewhere about somwthing called the vapors tongue where you will taste no flavor at all for about a week or two. There were ways to prevent it. A google search on vapor tongue might get you some results.


Member For 5 Years
If it's chucking clouds still, change your flavor. I change flavors in my Magma every couple of weeks. Another question in return, though...are you using it on a regulated mod or a non-regulated mod. Another trick would be to adjust your volts/watts up or down to change the flavor, if you are using a regulated mod.

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