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noob rta


Bronze Contributor
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I have been vaping for about 6 months now..going from Emow to Istick and now use a SX mini M, and a Xvo stick is on it's way.

Tank wise I have moved from Nautilus mini to subtank mini, also have some HOH Kabuki's.

But now it's time to also move in the realm of RTA' I am looking for a decent noob RTA.
Offcourse I have my subtanks with RBA deck, but I am mostly a MTL-er and I want to add a RTA only tank.
It also needs to be short and max 22mm to fit the Xvo stick.

So the question: what is a good noob RTA?
I was thinking to start off with a Kayfun lite+ V2, I know it is an older design, but I hear it has good taste, is good for MTL and most importantly is easy to build.
Will I be fine with this choice? Or are there more modern better RTA's out there??

Why am I thinking Kayfun?:

- short! (Kayfun lite with nano kit--> check)
- color: black --> check is available (at least saw a clone in this color, but prefer original not sure if it also available in black)
- MTL: --> check
- easy to build --> check
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Lemo Drop.

Holds 2.7ml, comes in black, works great MTL, easy to build, GREAT flavor.


Otto Dafe

Member For 4 Years
I would recommend against the KFL if any of the following bothers you:
- Fill screw in bottom
- Nano kit holds like 1.5 - 2.5 mL
- Plastic tank with plastic threads
- Must empty to adjust or rebuild

It is a good MtL vape, but that last part really sucks.


Bronze Contributor
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Member For 3 Years
I am not bothered by the first 3, the last could be tricky, certainly for a noob....but I heard there was a "Kayfun refill tool" that let's you plug the thing when you want to rebuild without draining...I'll look into that

The Lemo drop also looks great and very affordable.!
I am a bit worried about the higth though....the xvo stick has a 35mm recess for the tank so it will stick out quite a bit. It also holds tanks up to 23mm....the Lemo is 23mm it seems, so it will fit but it will be tigth...this will have a chance to restrict the airflow when using with the Xvo stick I think. But that was my bad for giving wrong info in the OP, I have edited my OP to refelct 22mm max is better.

All in all good suggestion! But I think it will not pair as good as the Kayfun with the Xvostick...
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I have to say, everything I have ever bought with a plastic tank has failed. Juice eats the threads. Must be a reaction between PC & Stainless Steel. I put a Pc tank in some juice & left it for a month. Didn't bother it at all. :confused:


Bronze Contributor
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Aah plastic tank are cheap..only 70 cents on fasttech, although leakage is indeed not funny in your pocket...but I think the Kayfun also has a steel tank. I also use juice that is not in the "tank eating" I am willing to take a gamble on that.

The Kayfun lite plus V2 seems a good fit for me...but I know alot of tanks have come out recently....and although most seem for big sub-ohm or DL hit set-ups I am a bit afraid I am missing that one Kayfun killer out there...and it is a expensive tank....

So maybe I should rephrase to: what RTA beats the Kayfun ligth for MTL and is easy, single coil, short and comes in black :)

I am also strolling the internet to see what is out there :) so maybe I can put some suggestions for your verdict here also...


Bronze Contributor
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Yes, the squape rs looks very promising! Especially like the non conductive deck, and that you can switch colors with different tank sleeves....the different deck types are a bit confusing though...but I'll do some more research on that, looks good, thanks!


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I have an ehpro kayfun 3.1 that I've had for quite awhile. I love it and still use it every morning. The 3.1 is slightly longer, but the bottom cap prevents external leaking. It has two coil mounting options and two filling options (not counting top filling). It's a great piece and there are a buzillion accessories available so you can customize the hell out of it. Like a nano kit to shorten it up. A quality kayfun lite or 3.1 clone is a reliable, great performing, simple, easy to build and highly customizable mouth to lung rebuildable tank. Most people recommend something else these days, but the kayfun is still a viable option. Happy hunting.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
another thing to thing about is Airflow. With a Kayfun it is going to be close to a Nautilus on the most open setting. While I love the ease of use and flavor on a Kayfun, I dont like how tight the draw is. If you like the open air flow of a sub tank then the standard Kayfun is not any where close. You can get the newer RBA head for the subtank which is very Kayfun like on the build. It does cut the airflow a bit but not as bad as a kayfun.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yeah, the kayfun definately works best when doing long, slow mouth to lung pulls. I personally like a tighter draw when mouth to lunging and actually have the airflow on my kayfun partially closed off. I find it too airy when wide open. You make a great point and the airflow range definately needs to be considered.

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