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Newb review: Captain Jack by Halo


Bronze Contributor
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Background: new vaper who has smoked a pipe periodically in the past, and currently have a coolerdor of cigars. I smoke maybe a cigar every two weeks.

I picked up Halo's Captain Jack and Black Calico to see if either would scratch the pipe itch without the ashtray mouth.

To Captain Jack is dominated by a molasses flavor only less sweet. Tobacco under that, I guess, but leaning toward a grainy sorghum taste. Wet rattan? The smell of heated rosin or amber?

I used to smoke the Captain Black that (one assumes) this is inspired and I don't find this expression satisfying. Worse, I don't think the smell would be particularly nice for non-smokers nearby whereas Captain Black could cause the most rabid anti-smoker to lean in for a whiff and a flash memory of their grandfather.

I don't think I will re-order it based on this experience. Add in the cost of $5.99 for 7ml and it isn't a good value for me. Maybe there's a thread where people exchange bottles of stuff they bought but don't really like. I'll look around.


Gold Contributor
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Member For 3 Years
I don't know of any vendors that work with captain flavoring.

I am a DIYer and I work with it. Not that I ever smoked pipe tobacco, but I do like the taste/smell of captain. I have never added molasses to my tobacco flavors. Sounds hinkey.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Background: new vaper who has smoked a pipe periodically in the past, and currently have a coolerdor of cigars. I smoke maybe a cigar every two weeks.

I picked up Halo's Captain Jack and Black Calico to see if either would scratch the pipe itch without the ashtray mouth.

To Captain Jack is dominated by a molasses flavor only less sweet. Tobacco under that, I guess, but leaning toward a grainy sorghum taste. Wet rattan? The smell of heated rosin or amber?

I used to smoke the Captain Black that (one assumes) this is inspired and I don't find this expression satisfying. Worse, I don't think the smell would be particularly nice for non-smokers nearby whereas Captain Black could cause the most rabid anti-smoker to lean in for a whiff and a flash memory of their grandfather.

I don't think I will re-order it based on this experience. Add in the cost of $5.99 for 7ml and it isn't a good value for me. Maybe there's a thread where people exchange bottles of stuff they bought but don't really like. I'll look around.
My advice is to head to MyVapeJuice Want2Vape and HeathersHeavenly.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't know of any vendors that work with captain flavoring.

I am a DIYer and I work with it. Not that I ever smoked pipe tobacco, but I do like the taste/smell of captain. I have never added molasses to my tobacco flavors. Sounds hinkey.
It's an old school technique* used mostly in Europe the only American Product that uses this technique is Non-Filtered Camel's & Camel Reds.

*The technique involves braiding together tobacco leaves with Molasses then tamping the braid down into a wooden form then aging it.*

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