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Muted flavor in zephyrus RDA


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I've had the zephyrus for a few months now and have never had this issue once I got the wicking correct....

Recently I started doing twisted kanthal builds in it and the flavor was amazing....

The other night I was in a rush threw a new coil on did a 26g 6 wrap at 2.5mm about .4 ohm and the flavor seems muted now

Is it just me and the twisted builds are that much better or am I crazy and doing something incorrect?
I thoroughly clean my tank once or twice a week (OCD) I know for a fact there isn't anything wrong with my wick I can run this thing at 45w chain vaping and get no dry hits (just wanted to clarify that)

Input please, all is welcome


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ECF Refugee
Twisted coil do have more flavor. However, the lack of flavor is more likely "vapor's tongue", due to vaping the same juice over and over, you're getting used to the flavor, thus loosing the taste of the flavor. Ideally, you switch between 3-4 different juices during the day. In addition, keep hydrated.


Member For 4 Years
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Twisted coil do have more flavor. However, the lack of flavor is more likely "vapor's tongue", due to vaping the same juice over and over, you're getting used to the flavor, thus loosing the taste of the flavor. Ideally, you switch between 3-4 different juices during the day. In addition, keep hydrated.
I always have a bottle of water on hand and switch between 2-3 different flavor profiles on a daily basis

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