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Moron Utah lawmaker aims to regulate, tax e-cigarette sales (for the cheeldrenz)


Under Ground Hustler
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"We've had a 500 percent increase of youth using e-cigarettes in the past couple of years," Ray said

"past couple years"???
That could mean 1 kid was using ecigs in 2009 and now 5 kids are using them.
That would be a 500% increase.
I bet they had a 500% increase of smokers quitting smoking but hey who gives a shit right?

"A likely point of contention, however, will likely center around taxing the vapor industry, similar to the way tobacco products are already taxed. Ray said the primary purpose would be to make vapor products too expensive for kids."

So how much is a pack of cigarettes in Utah? Maybe $10.00 max
How much is a second generation starter kit? With juice probably $30 to $40 dollars.
Gas station disposable (big tobacco) cigalikes are ruining it for us and I wouldn't be surprised one bit if BT were lobbying FOR the tax!!!
Now why are they trying to tax ecigs again??? - 5150

"Anybody with common sense understands the target market is youth," Ray said. "That's what they have to do to get the addictions going in order to maintain their business and revenue."

Anybody with common sense would see that this greedy fuck was talking out of his ass.
Just what ACS, ALA, and CFTFK told him to say.

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