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Flavour art mix? help!


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Hi there iv mixed up some flavours all at 8% and some dont seem that strong othets just rite.
Not so strong are the fruits strawberry and banana what i cant even taste! I did mix these only last night putting in warm water and left in dar over night! These were only 5ml samples so i now need to make 30ml of each so my question is.
Will these flavour get stronger once steeped for a week? Or should i mix them at 10% and the flavours what are right will they get stronger after a week steeping if so i may need to drop in percentage?
Thnx in advanced

happy vaping


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That's really pretty high for single Flavor Art flavors. These single flavors won't change after steeping, so what you taste now is what you get pretty much! You might try starting much lower - say around 2-3 percent. If you check HIC's notes on FA flavors they can be very helpful

All HIC's posts on the FA flavors start with 'my notes on...' so you can search that way if you like.


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That's really pretty high for single Flavor Art flavors. These single flavors won't change after steeping, so what you taste now is what you get pretty much! You might try starting much lower - say around 2-3 percent. If you check HIC's notes on FA flavors they can be very helpful

All HIC's posts on the FA flavors start with 'my notes on...' so you can search that way if you like.
Ok thnx but surly i would need to add more for more flavour? I did ask john he said start with 8% :/ btw if i get a stinging in my throat from it does that mean ther is to much in there?

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Platinum Contributor
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Ok thnx but surly i would need to add more for more flavour? I did ask john he said start with 8% :/ btw if i get a stinging in my throat from it does that mean ther is to much in there?

happy vaping
Who's John?

The stinging in your throat could be from that or from the nicotine.

Sometimes flavors are muted if the mix is too high!


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Cant be iv only got 3mg nic and i cant find the post ur talking about

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I gave you the link to the forum where HIC posts all the 'about' threads. There are a gazillion threads about the different FA flavors, so you'll need to search within that forum.

Also, different types of nic most certainly do affect flavor - even at 3mg:p


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Ok cheers i wonder why john said to start around 8% :/ thats the owner of fa btw i was emailing him so mabe il re make them all at 3%? And vape steaight away?

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Ok cheers i wonder why john said to start around 8% :/ thats the owner of fa btw i was emailing him so mabe il re make them all at 3%? And vape steaight away?

happy vaping

You mean FA UK?

Yes, people in the UK do use higher percentages from what I've seen. My taste buds are not particularly refined, but I find FA does much better at lower percentages!

With some of the flavors, particularly strawberry, you really have to shake the heck out of the bottle. Other flavors, like apricot, I have a hard time tasting - just my taste buds.

Do read through HIC's posts in that forum link I posted. You'll learn a ton about FA flavors, and there's some extremely useful information. For instance, the new flavor Joy is weak at 3%, but a great flavor at 2% (that's from HIC's notes, not mine). Some of the flavors will be nasty at higher percentages but awesome lower. It's worth spending some time in that forum - and you'll avoid some easy mistakes!


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You mean FA UK?

Yes, people in the UK do use higher percentages from what I've seen. My taste buds are not particularly refined, but I find FA does much better at lower percentages!

With some of the flavors, particularly strawberry, you really have to shake the heck out of the bottle. Other flavors, like apricot, I have a hard time tasting - just my taste buds.

Do read through HIC's posts in that forum link I posted. You'll learn a ton about FA flavors, and there's some extremely useful information. For instance, the new flavor Joy is weak at 3%, but a great flavor at 2% (that's from HIC's notes, not mine). Some of the flavors will be nasty at higher percentages but awesome lower. It's worth spending some time in that forum - and you'll avoid some easy mistakes!
Yes uk ok then i will retry and i just found these

happy vaping


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Ever hear of the point of diminishing returns? Or wonder why everyone doesn't just vape flavor at 100%. I would disagree with "John" and say most FA flavors are fine at 2%. Your tastebuds could easily disagree. I think Banana for one is weak but wouldn't go above 4% don't quite remember it from my testing. I've been using mostly weaker TFA Strawberry Ripe at around 6-8% or mix it with Cap's Strawberry Sweet at half of that. I don't have FA's version yet.


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Ever hear of the point of diminishing returns? Or wonder why everyone doesn't just vape flavor at 100%. I would disagree with "John" and say most FA flavors are fine at 2%. Your tastebuds could easily disagree. I think Banana for one is weak but wouldn't go above 4% don't quite remember it from my testing. I've been using mostly weaker TFA Strawberry Ripe at around 6-8% or mix it with Cap's Strawberry Sweet at half of that. I don't have FA's version yet.
Thnx for the tip what about the blended flavours? Should i do them at 3%? As i thought ry4 nutzilla was ok at 8% but its my first proper mix so i dont really know lol

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Platinum Contributor
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Thnx for the tip what about the blended flavours? Should i do them at 3%? As i thought ry4 nutzilla was ok at 8% but its my first proper mix so i dont really know lol

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The blended flavors are probably a little different, so if I was trying it out I would start low and work up to what I liked.

Those flavor percentages you listed are totally weird to me - some of them are insanely high!

But there is no right or wrong - it's what appeals to you. Just don't write something off as bad because you didn't try it lower % though- because many flavors shine at 2% and are downright nasty higher (cookie at 10%? LOL)!


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The blended flavors are probably a little different, so if I was trying it out I would start low and work up to what I liked.

Those flavor percentages you listed are totally weird to me - some of them are insanely high!

But there is no right or wrong - it's what appeals to you. Just don't write something off as bad because you didn't try it lower % though- because many flavors shine at 2% and are downright nasty higher (cookie at 10%? LOL)!
One more thing is blended flavours shake and vape or should i steep it and would they be better at a higher percentage?

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One more thing is blended flavours shake and vape or should i steep it and would they be better at a higher percentage?

happy vaping

I've never tried them so I can't say. Best guess is start low, shake the heck out of them and vape. If that doesn't work go higher. I never find FA flavors need more than 2 or 3 days to mature, but then again I use low percentages.


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I've never tried them so I can't say. Best guess is start low, shake the heck out of them and vape. If that doesn't work go higher. I never find FA flavors need more than 2 or 3 days to mature, but then again I use low percentages.
So iv just made the stawberry at 2% and really cant taste hardly anything :/

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Quick update still no joy even at 14% the banana has no flavour 10% strawberry very little flavour! What is going on here?

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Do you guys think they need steeping a good week cuz of the 70% vg?

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I think your taster is busted or you got ripped off. Have someone else taste something.
It definitely aint my taste buds and my missis has tryed it and she dont even smoke and not been ripped of cuz its from flavour art and people say they use theres to as little as 2% fa are very concentrated

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It definitely aint my taste buds and my missis has tryed it and she dont even smoke and not been ripped of cuz its from flavour art and people say they use theres to as little as 2% fa are very concentrated

happy vaping

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Barbara E.

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Making juices is not as simple as 'add xxx flavor at yyy percent'. Lots of things affect what you will taste. Which flavor from which manufacturer. The PG/VG ratio. The nicotine level and where the nicotine is from. (Some nicotines are harsher than others.)

Then, once you make the liquid, other factors come into play. What setup are you running? (The same liquid can taste dramatically different on different setups.) How long as the liquid steeped. (This can make a tremendous difference on some liquids, not so much on others.) How sensitive are you to that particular flavor. (I simply don't really taste anything at flavoring levels other people enjoy so I tend to use much higher flavoring levels.)

All you can hope to find is what *you* enjoy and this requires lots of experimentation. Do your research, read lots of threads, look at different recipes and try them out.

FlavourArt is a well-known and very respected flavoring company among the vaping crowd.

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