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First build

I wanna build my first mod and rda but I want it to be kickass but I'm new at this and I do not want a box mod. Please help me there are so many different ones!! What is a really awesome one that I am gonna be so happy I built? Without wanting to build another a month later. If that's possible

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State O' Flux

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Welcome to VU, Dawn...

Your post is interesting. A little vague and gushy, perhaps a few misguided assumptions and some terminology weakness... but interesting, because you're new, seemingly sincere... and you're trying.
I'm kinda surprised no one has tried to respond yet. Perhaps because to give you a decent answer, it would take more than a sentence or two, or that a good percentage simply don't know how to respond.

I read that you currently use a MVP and a Nautilus... so you just toss in a new coil head and go. You're limited to 11 watts/3 amps with a MVP... which means you're also limited to 1.2Ω resistance. All in all, not a bad set-up... but it does have it's limits, especially with the atomizer you currently use.

With RDAs (Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer), you have to make your own coils from scratch using the appropriate gauge of Kanthal wire.Once you've done that, you fit the coil, and then verify the desired resistance with an ohm meter.

Then, if you're using a high wattage APV, you do a basic Ohm's Law calculation to obtain a baseline wattage starting point... and adjust up or down a bit for best performance.

If you're using an unregulated mech mod (and I'm not sure that's what you want, so I won't spend much time on it), you approach from a slightly different direction where current (amperage) is your critical value (and I do mean critical... unregulated means no built in safety limiters) and use a battery that will support your desired resistance. Resistance to amperage parity is the prime factor.

Depending on the juice you like... you may also find yourself replacing wicks ever day or two, and dry burning coils just as often.

All this still sound interesting... something you want to do? Let me offer a few suggestions. First, read the article found at the end of my second sig line hyperlink... and all the articles contained within. For now, you'll still be using your MVP... because I don't want you to piss away money like a mad woman, just yet. :rolleyes:

Go ahead and get a 3 post RDA (or RTA - Rebuildable TANK Atomizer - the Kayfun Lite Plus is still the most popular) - if an RDA, one with AFC (Air Flow Control) that will allow for single or dual coils.
Get some Kanthal wire in 28 (and 30 gauge if you get an RDA). Get a cheap little coil building tool. Get a good ohm meter/build box. You'll need a few "personal care" tools, which you probably already have, like cutters and tweezers. I've used 101 & VaporTek for most links, because it's just convenient... you can buy from whoever you want.

You might want to look at my first sig line hyperlink now... but it's not that important just yet.
Build a 1.3Ω single coil with 28 gauge Kanthal. On a 2mm mandrel, it will end up being around 9 wraps. Verify it's 1.2Ω +/- 0.1Ω. Screw it onto your MVP, set at 11 watts... and vape away.

Like that? Want more? "Do not want a box mod"... but want a tube type APV with more power? Scroll through this link and look at what's available, that you like and can afford.
Some members may now decide to hop on and offer suggestions for a higher wattage, tube type APV. A consensus isn't a bad thing, but 50 watts is more than enough for most, and 30 watts may be just fine.
Now you have enough power to support sub-ohm coils... down to what ever the maximum current output will allow.

That's it... I could go on for several more paragraphs, but you're probably already spinning from the above. Good luck, don't believe every bit of pin-headed BS that you read... and have fun!

VH fan

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I wanna build my first mod and rda but I want it to be kickass but I'm new at this and I do not want a box mod. Please help me there are so many different ones!! What is a really awesome one that I am gonna be so happy I built? Without wanting to build another a month later. If that's possible

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You want to build your first non box styled mod ? I don't even know where to start with that one , a tube type i assume , i would just buy a mod instead of build one since your new to this .

Yes, there are countless types of mods out there and new ones are being released constantly , if you don't know what you prefer and your vaping preferences you can really drain your bank account searching so i would try to narrow down your personal ideal vape .

The MVP is one of the most popular and standout vaping products you can buy and all you got to do is read the reviews for it on most any website , you constantly hear people mentioning that even though they have much more expensive mods they still prefer their MVP . Yes, it's that good.

I bought a few higher powered devices thinking i could improve the vape (although i was very satisfied with the MVP) and i found out i still much prefer vaping at much lower wattages .

Regarding you not wanting to build another mod a month later , nobody is going to promise that , figure out what your vape is not doing for you first , what is it exactly thats not getting the job done ? Most people i know vape between 8 watts and 10 watts on the MVP and are extremely satisfied, your pick of a Nautilus and MVP are a superb match as well , especially if you use the BDC coils instead of the BVC (which also work great but like higher wattage).
I use the bvc coils, I will definitely try the bdc coils. What's different about the two? I like the mvp but liked holding tube type better. It was more comfortable. I vape at 10 watts usually. I feel like I should be getting a much better throat hit, is there a better tank then the nautilus mini? MayB something's wrong with my tank, I could've sworn it used to be a lot better. I was thinking mayB I'd get a piece together. Do u know of any good ones? I notice a lot of people like the box mods, I just find the tube style more comfortable to hold.

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Thank u so much state o flux! I am super new at this but now I have a step by step so I can do this!! I'll letcha know how this goes!

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