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You sound like someone who has just returned from the outside forum of ECF after talking to some of the trolls there. So i don't think you are guessing at all, not at all.

I hope you make a few new friends.


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No ones too stupid to insult. In fact the stupider they are the funnier it is to insult them. That wouldn't be a poor script from a crappy movie would it. Let me guess, if it's in a movie then it's credible ?.

You'd do better using your own dialog instead of sourcing it from a crappy movie script.

Give it a try, be yourself.


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You sound like someone who has just returned from the outside forum of ECF after talking to some of the trolls there. So i don't think you are guessing at all, not at all.

I hope you make a few new friends.

I don't know the history of that sub, I only checked it out after seeing you start this thread.
I will say... it's a good idea that seems to have gotten away from them.

There are contentious issues (religion, science, politics etc.) which strain ones' ability to remain levelheaded and logical. There needs to be some leeway in the rules of behavior.

But only some. The maxim "address the argument, not the person" helps, but needs considerable monitoring. They let that part go, and it all went to hell.

If they get a new leash on the place, I could be happy there. I'll watch and see.
So, thanks for pointing it out... I just scan "New Posts" and had no idea it existed.
(for those wondering... it's a sub-sub-section that doesn't appear in "New Posts")


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@OBDave you are right about the mods now getting paid either through direct cash monies or freebies the one item i got as a thank you back in the day was a baby bullet from altsmoke or was it something from puresmoker i don't quite remember to damm long ago. i left when they were bringing in the uninformed paid staff and rules for use volunteers like changing passwords and stripping all but a select few of the admin rights we earned.

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No ones too stupid to insult. In fact the stupider they are the funnier it is to insult them. That wouldn't be a poor script from a crappy movie would it. Let me guess, if it's in a movie then it's credible ?.

You'd do better using your own dialog instead of sourcing it from a crappy movie script.

Give it a try, be yourself.[/QUOTE]
how about this then...
Grow up and quit looking for people on this forum to go fight your battles for you. Pull up your britches and man the fuck up already.
and try and venture out of this cave you set yourself up with and be an active member here if that is what you want


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I don't know the history of that sub, I only checked it out after seeing you start this thread.
I will say... it's a good idea that seems to have gotten away from them.

There are contentious issues (religion, science, politics etc.) which strain ones' ability to remain levelheaded and logical. There needs to be some leeway in the rules of behavior.

But only some. The maxim "address the argument, not the person" helps, but needs considerable monitoring. They let that part go, and it all went to hell.

If they get a new leash on the place, I could be happy there. I'll watch and see.
So, thanks for pointing it out... I just scan "New Posts" and had no idea it existed.

The few basic rules do seem to get ignored. So it does prove the outside isn't monitored.


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The few basic rules do seem to get ignored. So it does prove the outside isn't monitored.

There doesn't appear to be enough traffic in that sub to warrant it anymore.
Probably constantly having to respond to butthurt reports of "personal attacks".
At some point, they just gave up.
That's the issue I touched on...having someone debunk your claim is not an attack.
But completely restricting insulting language will stifle the conversation.
Bit of a tightrope for the mod staff.
This is the Net not Harvard. People get steamy. Gotta roll with it, to a point.

But even now... over use of the report function 'cause you got your feels bruised, is a quick path to a time-out.

It's an adult section, for more adult debate.
Even Surf, intelligent though dickish he may be, is not immune from many of the others calling him out for being argumentative. And a dick.

I'd do the same (if I was opposite him in a debate) but I haven't found a topic I want to jump in on, yet.
That BuyBull Thumper's Big Bang thread is tempting (I'm on SM's side there though). :p


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For the members here I think it has a lot less to do with being able to cuss.

I cuss like a fucking sailor in real life and believe it or not I am actually showing hardcore restraint while posting here.

I'm a grimey motherfucker when I need to be.

The reason people (Who aren't here because they are banned for life from ECF for telling classless lowlife to eat a bag of dicks) like it here is simple.

Vaping Underground Rules:

Be an Adult! (and yes, that means members are 18+, no exceptions)

1. No Drug/Dry Herb related pics, videos, posts, or Drug/Dry Herb references in comments please.

2. No racist, homophobic, bigoted, sexist terms will be tolerated.

3. Only one user membership per person.

4. No posting of nudity pictures- Removals/warnings will be up to the Staff/Admin to determine

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Christ. Your still going on?!

Dude: you reallly need to get your dick dipped...



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i give up.
He is going to keep at it until we stop replying entirely.


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He's just dumb.

He says he swears all the time, got his hand slapped for evading the censor but then says the policy is good and people shouldn't swear on a forum. He also claims that subforum isn't monitored but he got banned from it. How the hell do you get banned if it isn't monitored? LOL.


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Tip for new members : If you want to troll someone, just brand them a troll first. Then you're free to be as insulting as you want, you'll always look good. Though it is the kind of thing you'd expect from a teenager just starting their first menstrual cycle. Not that there is anything wrong with that though.
"Tip for new members?"
Seriously, you come here and give tips for new members?
Here is mine for you, get over it , get a grip on reality,
Brand someone as a troll? You just did a very good job of doing that of yourself, I am going to send a message to my friends Surf Monkey and Bones and see if they'd like to come over here and say hello, that would be interesting now wouldn't it:)
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No ones too stupid to insult.
That's provably incorrect. One can only be insulted if they have the capacity to be insulted. E.g.: You cannot insult a plant, for the plant neither understands nor cares. The plant hasn't the capacity to do so. Some people are like plants. Others are even less aware than plants. More like... bricks. You know: Thick?

In fact the stupider they are the funnier it is to insult them.
So you enjoy picking on people you feel to be less capable than yourself? What an admirable human being you appear to be!

Or brick. I'm favouring "brick." Only less useful.

Please just go away, @Taser. You took your best shot. You failed. Miserably. Time to slink away. You're neither as smart nor as funny as you seem to fancy yourself to be. All you'll accomplish from now on is to embarrass yourself further.


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I feel the need to swear to make what i'm saying more profound, just like anyone else. And people take it for granted. Can't swear in ECF but can swear here, so this place is better etc..

In the real world, in my real world, the UK, it is a criminal offense to swear in a public place. It's called a section five public order offense. Sits on a list of hundreds of things people cannot do in a public place, common decency really, like not being allowed to take a shit in the middle of the mall, that kind of thing.

Most people, and i do mean most people, have absolutely no idea that swearing in a public place is a criminal offense. And when they do get arrested, usually when they're drunk, they say stupid shit like "what the "fuck" am i being arrested for i've done nothing wrong, you "fucking arsehole" !. It's the stupidest thing, and i laugh my arse off.

Even people who wouldn't normally swear start swearing in a forum such as this one just because the forum rules say they can. So it's not like they are using their free will, they're doing it because the forum says they should.

So is ECF being unfair by not letting members swear ?. No, they're just maintaining some integrity and trying to provide a family atmosphere, which a lot of people prefer.

And would you let your kids use the vaping underground forum ?. I hope not !.

I have no control over what my "kid" does or doesn't do, as he's nearly 28 yrs old. I've probably heard nearly as many 4 letter words out of him as from his dad -- his dad was a Marine, our son was a sailor, so he cusses like one. :D The only thing I've ever asked of him is that he not do it around his grandparents, as they don't care for that sort of language, and don't use it themselves (well, my mom does a little, but then my stepdad pipes up and she says "I didn't say anything!" :D).

And yeah, that sort of language is pretty normal around this house -- not allowing it at ECF to provide a "family atmosphere" is kinda lame, since it's supposed to be an ADULTS ONLY forum, but there are enough prim little tightasses there to make that rule necessary. They say it's to make the forum "suitable for work" -- but most workplaces will fire you just for surfing the internet on company time; what forum you use or what language is allowed there is utterly irrelevant.



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Funny, ECF is so far from the Google search compared to VU.

These days Google rules the world and when someone searches vaping guess what pops up first, I mean I'm sure some people search Electronic cigarette form but not many. I have combed over the site intermittently over the past year with some searches but it just seems lame to me.

Wait, where the fuck was I going with this, I forgot. Come to think of it what the fuck was the point of this thread.....I forgot and that's where and what this thread should be is forgot......


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Not sure about "cretin" but you definitely can't use "moron" -- I guess too many people called the mods morons so they made it a "bad word." :rolleyes: And if you try to do it like "m.o.r.o.n" then you get one of their fucking "rule reminders" about "bypassing the censor." I really have no fucking clue how I put up with that silly shit for 2 yrs.

wow seriously? moron is a "bad" word? lmao lah dee dah dee i love to skadi


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I'd have to say that the best thing about VU is the lack of prim little tightasses -- they might visit, but as soon as they see the language, they faint dead away and then go over to ECF! I've always thought that using *only* profanity to get one's point across shows a real lack of vocabulary skills, but if profane language keeps the prim little tightasses away... FUCKING A! :D



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There doesn't appear to be enough traffic in that sub to warrant it anymore.
Probably constantly having to respond to butthurt reports of "personal attacks".
At some point, they just gave up.
That's the issue I touched on...having someone debunk your claim is not an attack.
But completely restricting insulting language will stifle the conversation.
Bit of a tightrope for the mod staff.
This is the Net not Harvard. People get steamy. Gotta roll with it, to a point.

But even now... over use of the report function 'cause you got your feels bruised, is a quick path to a time-out.

It's an adult section, for more adult debate.
Even Surf, intelligent though dickish he may be, is not immune from many of the others calling him out for being argumentative. And a dick.

I'd do the same (if I was opposite him in a debate) but I haven't found a topic I want to jump in on, yet.
That BuyBull Thumper's Big Bang thread is tempting (I'm on SM's side there though). :p

Start your own thread there !. :)


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Start your own thread there !. :)

I'm actually used to getting my ass kicked by working cosmologists and physicists.
And aerospace engineers, and rational skeptics, and etc...
I suspect something would be lacking, there or here. :p

eta: my only chance would be against the woos... but they just play dumb, go all circular logic then claim victory when everyone has head-desked themselves unconscious.
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"Tip for new members?"
Seriously, you come here and give tips for new members?
Here is mine for you, get over it , get a grip on reality,
Brand someone as a troll? You just did a very good job of doing that of yourself, I am going to send a message to my friends Surf Monkey and Bones and see if they'd like to come over here and say hello, that would be interesting now wouldn't it:)

I'd love that !.


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That's provably incorrect. One can only be insulted if they have the capacity to be insulted. E.g.: You cannot insult a plant, for the plant neither understands nor cares. The plant hasn't the capacity to do so. Some people are like plants. Others are even less aware than plants. More like... bricks. You know: Thick?

So you enjoy picking on people you feel to be less capable than yourself? What an admirable human being you appear to be!

Or brick. I'm favouring "brick." Only less useful.

Please just go away, @Taser. You took your best shot. You failed. Miserably. Time to slink away. You're neither as smart nor as funny as you seem to fancy yourself to be. All you'll accomplish from now on is to embarrass yourself further.

Anonymity Allows me to go out on a limb where normally i, nor would anyone else, wouldn't go. So embarrassed ?, not at all, water off a ducks back.


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So allow me to try to bring this thread to a head by saying that all you people who took part in this thread seem to well and truly up your own arses, the kind of people that the outside needs in fact. You'd fit in well in the outside.

So congratulations. I'll give you an A+.

Now would be a good time to lock this thread.

Thank you all very much for participating. I'm all done.

Good night.


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Yeah right... 2 threads of the same crap.
They have weird people on the internets


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I know I wouldn't fit at all in the Outside, since I refuse to hold a battle of wits with the unarmed.



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So allow me to try to bring this thread to a head by saying that all you people who took part in this thread seem to well and truly up your own arses, the kind of people that the outside needs in fact. You'd fit in well in the outside.

So congratulations. I'll give you an A+.

Now would be a good time to lock this thread.

Thank you all very much for participating. I'm all done.

Good night.

Bwaaaahahaaaaaaa, what does "Lock thread" Mean?????
Carry on folks


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I used to enjoy debating with Katmar, Surf and Monkey boy in the "Outside". They would break the rules when they felt they were losing the debate, and I got put on vacation a few times, then a time-out. That was for behavior far less egregious than what surf and monkey were laying down.

So, I asked them to close my account, and came here. Then I invited the monkey, classless-one and surfer-boy over here to have a REAL debate where the mods couldn't drop their protective skirts around them.

What happened?

Surf joined here, "liked" a bunch of my posts, then disappeared.

I would still be happy to debate them here. It would be interesting to see how they formed arguments when they were not under protection....




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Ten bucks says his three day vacation from there just ended


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Oh, my bad. I think I referred to Bones as "monkey boy", since they seem a little too close to each other. Maybe bones is surf's "pet"?

Not that there's anything wrong with that....



Diamond Contributor
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I used to enjoy debating with Katmar, Surf and Monkey boy in the "Outside". They would break the rules when they felt they were losing the debate, and I got put on vacation a few times, then a time-out. That was for behavior far less egregious than what surf and monkey were laying down.

So, I asked them to close my account, and came here. Then I invited the monkey, classless-one and surfer-boy over here to have a REAL debate where the mods couldn't drop their protective skirts around them.

What happened?

Surf joined here, "liked" a bunch of my posts, then disappeared.

I would still be happy to debate them here. It would be interesting to see how they formed arguments when they were not under protection....


monkey boy is a piece of shit and I always assumed was just untamed rose under another avatar......what a pig untamed rose is.

John Q Public

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Nothing new here. For years I've been on a couple no-holds-barred boards, and invariably there is a knob or three who goes out looking for trouble. Then gets in over his head and comes back begging for backup from the strong.
I am so over being the hired gun. Pulling the weak out of their own self-created pile of shit.
If you're going out to hammer people, have the game to hold your own. Don't come begging for backup.

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