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Deep In The Soil with Sharknado-2

How much you wanna know? Well, Sharknado-2 is on the SciFi Channel tonight. When I first geared-up to watch Sharknado-1, I got higher than I thought possible, and enjoyed the hell outta that stupid moive! That should tell you a lot about me. For those who wish to venture further, okay, I got nothin' goin' on. If you're reading this, neither do you. Too much information? Then just skip the rest and don't bitch about it. So....

If this is the Vaping Underground, then I am Deep In The Soil. Lone stealth-vaper here. Cig-free for 1 year almost on the dot, thanks to vaping, and thanks to guys like Joe and his easy-to-find-&-click deals. Jolly good to be here and meet you....Most of you.. Maybe one or two of you. God, I hate all of you little trolls. But that's just because I'm old. My body works about as well as a 5-year-old leaky CE clone clearo from Fasttech, and that leaves me pissed off at everything and everyone. But as long as I still have a few good puffs left in me, I figure I'd post/read here once in a while....Maybe often. No, probably a lot, all day and night. Hopefully, among friends who can relate. If you will have me.

Truth is, I like the chit-chat most of all. The brainless recipe threads where everyone is half asleep or hung over and spaced out, and people just...kinda...blurt stuff out. How many friggin times can you read about how to build a Kayfun anyway? Though I do very much appreciate the how-to info threads, as well. (In fact, I have a "long lost friend" here who is a great reviewer and helps everyone with everything, and I must get back in touch. So, double-cool!! See you soon, old friend!)

Most of all, there is a degree of freedom and laid-backiness (wtf, what a word!) about this site -- unlike the fear and restraint and self-censorship one feels, which tends to take over one's psyche, at sites like ECF. Always having to watch what you say, even when you are "just sayin'" -- always having to be On Guard against the Guards (mods, and long-time-posters-who-think-they-are-mods) -- always having to kiss ass. Oh, if you are a frequent poster there, you had better kiss their ass once in a while, show that you are on their side, and an ECF team player. Or you will wind up on their radar. At least it seems that way to me. I want to describe ECF in terms of adolescent vaginas and geriatric flatulence just because, here, I can, but now it seems I don't want to. Damn, VU has already forced some maturity on me! Feel like a little kid. Here, I can say the F word. But I don' wanna now! So there!

Been vaping for almost 40 years. Vaping nicotine e-liquid for one year, all by my lonesome .... So yeah, I'm pretty fucking underground. Being "highly" allergic to ridiculous life-screwing legislation, I tend toward hermitage and isolation.

Thank the stars and Al Gore for the internet, though. When I was a kid, all we had were straws, tin foil, and Bics to vape with, and had to use "telephones" as the only type of social media. But we made due and had a blast. The only e-liquid available was honey flavored, but was very oily and tasted nothing like honey, maybe a bit like cinnamon. Came from Canada and you would not believe the "high" prices. However, we not only "blew clouds" way back then, we also blew our minds. And can you believe this: in the music of the day, artists used to actually write and sing their own songs, and play actual musical instruments. No shit. No autotune or lip-sync -- that would have been considered the height of no-talent musical blasphemy. No one "laid down a beat" from a friggin computer with a million preconceived snippets and loops. There were these guys called "drummers" and they .... awww, forget it....anyways....

Promise, my posts won't be so windy in the future. I am really a man of few words. Peace. Love. Those are a few good ones. So I give them to all of you. Thanks for having me.



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tl;dr* but HI & WELCOME!!! :D

*j/k you're funneh... That movie musta sucked tho if you wrote all that whilst watching?

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