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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
It turned out to be a sunny day :bliss: windy but warmed up to the 70's, I was surprised....a good day to be outside. Tomorrow down in the upper 30s :( but still gotta go to town. So I :( gotta go and hopefully fall asleep.
Hope everyone sleeps well and have Pleasant Dreams. Love you, Rhianne and Jimi. Lots of love <3 and many hugs :hug: :blowkiss: to everyone.

Sent from....Somewhere on Tapatalk


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It turned out to be a sunny day :bliss: windy but warmed up to the 70's, I was surprised....a good day to be outside. Tomorrow down in the upper 30s :( but still gotta go to town. So I :( gotta go and hopefully fall asleep.
Hope everyone sleeps well and have Pleasant Dreams. Love you, Rhianne and Jimi. Lots of love <3 and many hugs :hug: :blowkiss: to everyone.

Sent from....Somewhere on Tapatalk
Wow what a temp change. You be very careful tomorrow when you leave the safety of home. Good night,:wave: have a good nights sleep and have Sweet Dreams and we will see you tomorrow, Love you too Dear:hug::hug::blowkiss:.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Good afternoon Family:wave:
We're on house lock down here, starts tonight I guess:rolleyes:
This is really becoming a disaster:eek:
Glad I have our family to talk to so I don't go totally insane:giggle:

Hey ho, Jimi. I’m not sure if NY is totally locked down yet, but I’m sure they’ll do it soon. My neighborhood is so quiet but so far, so good. (Thank God!)

Yep, if I didn’t have our MG fam and VU now, this would be so much harder!

I finally got some CS, and I took it with Quercetin and it’s making me feel a bit better. My nose was running but I was stuffed up (?!) and my sinus headaches were getting bad. I had to take 3 Quercetin at once last night. :cry: I know it’s allergies but it makes going outside uncomfortable! I really never get colds, so I’m not used to this. :blech:

How’re you doing? I’m sorry to hear you’re locked down, but it’s actually safer for you, my friend. This way no unwanted germs can get to you.
Please think positive and don’t forget to pray. We’ll get through this, but it’s still a crazy ass situation.

Love you, Jimi. :hug::heart::hug:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey ho, Jimi. I’m not sure if NY is totally locked down yet, but I’m sure they’ll do it soon. My neighborhood is so quiet but so far, so good. (Thank God!)

Yep, if I didn’t have our MG fam and VU now, this would be so much harder!

I finally got some CS, and I took it with Quercetin and it’s making me feel a bit better. My nose was running but I was stuffed up (?!) and my sinus headaches were getting bad. I had to take 3 Quercetin at once last night. :cry: I know it’s allergies but it makes going outside uncomfortable! I really never get colds, so I’m not used to this. :blech:

How’re you doing? I’m sorry to hear you’re locked down, but it’s actually safer for you, my friend. This way no unwanted germs can get to you.
Please think positive and don’t forget to pray. We’ll get through this, but it’s still a crazy ass situation.

Love you, Jimi. :hug::heart::hug:
Yes your state has the same "shelter in place" order starting Sunday eve I think:eek:.

Did you get some liposomal Vitamin C:huh:? EVERYONE should get a bottle or two to beef up their immune system during this;).

I'm doin pretty good today;), just tired as can be, thank you for asking my friend:hug:. it's all the same to me cause I already have myself on lockdown:), if I got it I doubt if i would survive it as compromised as my immune system is:eek:. I pray a lot. Yes it is crazy and might get even crazier before it straightens up:eek:.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Yes your state has the same "shelter in place" order starting Sunday eve I think:eek:.

Did you get some liposomal Vitamin C:huh:? EVERYONE should get a bottle or two to beef up their immune system during this;).

I'm doin pretty good today;), just tired as can be, thank you for asking my friend:hug:. it's all the same to me cause I already have myself on lockdown:), if I got it I doubt if i would survive it as compromised as my immune system is:eek:. I pray a lot. Yes it is crazy and might get even crazier before it straightens up:eek:.

I bought Nutricost Vitamin C caps, since they don’t upset my tummy. It was also cheaper than liposomal. So since it’s 240 caps of 1000mg, I can take 5 at a time and be okay.

There’s still some stuff I need to get, though. :cry:

If you stay away from people, you should be okay! You know you’ve got good energy from everyone here to stay healthy, Jimi. Love you lots, my friend. :hug::hug:

Oh, I started a thread in the PIF section for Amber to get nic. Hopefully someone will send her some. Although a member already volunteered to send her juice. @Amber Petti. We’re trying to help you out!!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I bought Nutricost Vitamin C caps, since they don’t upset my tummy. It was also cheaper than liposomal. So since it’s 240 caps of 1000mg, I can take 5 at a time and be okay.

There’s still some stuff I need to get, though. :cry:

If you stay away from people, you should be okay! You know you’ve got good energy from everyone here to stay healthy, Jimi. Love you lots, my friend. :hug::hug:

Oh, I started a thread in the PIF section for Amber to get nic. Hopefully someone will send her some. Although a member already volunteered to send her juice. @Amber Petti. We’re trying to help you out!!
Yes but none works like the liposomal delevery system, it's right up there with intravenious

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