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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Mph. Morning again. GFYs. The only reason I'm up this early is because of my arrangement with the mate to keep the truck after lunch and try to learn it, but I woke up so early, I dunno; by mid-day, it may be naptime. I may just fix his lunch and just tell him to go on back to work since I'll have the truck tomorrow anyway, since it'll be payday. Depends on if I wake up sufficiently to put my learning cap on. RTFM is difficult when your eyes aren't open enough to RTFM.



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Buncha meanies. I am injured, I tell ya! :sad: My favorite silly comedy in many years!

But I went on to Ep 8 and Ep 9; Ep 10 is also OnDemand, but my husband went to bed, and I didn't think my belly laughs, chuckles, and guffaws were very conducive to good sleep. :D So I'll watch ep 10 tomorrow or Thursday. One more thing I despise about this ridiculous merry fucking hoho season: total dearth of our usual shows to watch.

I LOVE that show. It's my favorite sitcom.
1 (that's right ONE) degree here right at this minute...:mad:
I'd tell you to GFY but, well I'm gonna tell everyone to do that anyway.:giggle:
So good morning and GFY fugees!
1? OMG. Blech!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I LOVE that show. It's my favorite sitcom.

IKR? It's hysterical. But I have to watch it by myself, on my own time, because my husband can't get past Sheldon's annoyance factor, no matter how much laughter he hears from the living room. :giggle: He's married to a geek, has a geek for a son, but somehow doesn't seem to get geek humor. I don't get THAT. :giggle:

I've been enjoying the casting for the various parental figures -- Katey Sagal as Penny's mom? HAR! Judd Hirsch as Leonard's dad... Judd Hirsch is always funny. And the woman from The Good Wife as Leonard's mom. Not sure who that is that plays Sheldon's mom, but she's funny too.



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IKR? It's hysterical. But I have to watch it by myself, on my own time, because my husband can't get past Sheldon's annoyance factor, no matter how much laughter he hears from the living room. :giggle: He's married to a geek, has a geek for a son, but somehow doesn't seem to get geek humor. I don't get THAT. :giggle:

I've been enjoying the casting for the various parental figures -- Katey Sagal as Penny's mom? HAR! Judd Hirsch as Leonard's dad... Judd Hirsch is always funny. And the woman from The Good Wife as Leonard's mom. Not sure who that is that plays Sheldon's mom, but she's funny too.

She played Roseanne's sister on Roseanne.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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At these temperatures, the glass is neither half empty or half full, because the water in it has frozen and shattered the glass.

This highlights one of the coolest things about PG -- it doesn't freeze in a normal freezer, so nicotine can be poured in the bottle all the way (almost) to the top, with no worries about it busting the bottle in the freezer. The only reason I don't fill the bottles all the way to the top is to prevent spillage when the bottle is eventually opened, but I fill till the liquid is into the neck of the bottle.

Yeah, anti-freeze. :giggle:



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Just think, only six more months of that shit......:devil:

Bet Hawaii is lookin better each day.......:)

Used to love winters here, but my arthritis is starting to really baulk, lol

I'm going to miss a lot about this place though: Aurora Borealis , the salmon run through my backyard, permissive gun laws, no income tax, no sales tax, no snakes, deep respect for individuality and the best fishing in the world


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Used to love winters here, but my arthritis is starting to really baulk, lol

I'm going to miss a lot about this place though: Aurora Borealis , the salmon run through my backyard, permissive gun laws, no income tax, no sales tax, no snakes, deep respect for individuality and the best fishing in the world

I can certainly understand missing the aurora borealis, that is simply magical. Then gun laws, and taxes.

BUT: There is good fishing off the coast of Hawaii, just different species....:shades:


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I can certainly understand missing the aurora borealis, that is simply magical. Then gun laws, and taxes.

BUT: There is good fishing off the coast of Hawaii, just different species....:shades:

Yeah, but not a 12 bag daily limit you can get in less than two hours, lol


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Yesterday evening was rough. Our dog Thistle left to go on to the next level. He is the one what I think had some bit of cancer in his rump area, it had been coming. Sometime between 13:00 to 17:00 EST he lay down for his last nap.

Thistle never seemed to give up on living, did not seem to suffer. Oh, I know he had pain and often felt a general crappy. But he never lay and carry on, never seemed done with it. I went up to get feed and go get all the critters fed, found him laying. First saw him laying in the barn as I approached, too still.

Will attend to him later on this morning. Figure I'll have a joy in digging in frozen ground. It'll be done though. He was a good buddy and deserves as much. Excuse me if I'm not great company a few days. Y'all run 'er slow.


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Yesterday evening was rough. Our dog Thistle left to go on to the next level. He is the one what I think had some bit of cancer in his rump area, it had been coming. Sometime between 13:00 to 17:00 EST he lay down for his last nap.

Thistle never seemed to give up on living, did not seem to suffer. Oh, I know he had pain and often felt a general crappy. But he never lay and carry on, never seemed done with it. I went up to get feed and go get all the critters fed, found him laying. First saw him laying in the barn as I approached, too still.

Will attend to him later on this morning. Figure I'll have a joy in digging in frozen ground. It'll be done though. He was a good buddy and deserves as much. Excuse me if I'm not great company a few days. Y'all run 'er slow.
Sorry to hear you lost your dog.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I used to own a little espresso shop in town, and would often work the front counter weekday mornings.

There was this one guy who used to come in every morning and he'd vent about whatever was happening in his life that day - the usual stuff, the wife, the kids, the boss, and usually he'd be running late.

One morning he came in and started complaining that he was late for work - again - and that his boss had just given him a talking-to the day before about always coming in late and that he knew he was really going to be in big trouble for doing it again.

Just as he was about to leave, he yelled "Shit, I forgot my dog! I totally gotta go back home and get my dog!"

I said dude, maybe you should go ahead and leave the dog at home today if you are already in trouble and running late!

"No, you don't understand," he said. "It died on the couch last night and we left him there, and I was going to take him out of the house this morning before the kids got up!"


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Yesterday evening was rough. Our dog Thistle left to go on to the next level. He is the one what I think had some bit of cancer in his rump area, it had been coming. Sometime between 13:00 to 17:00 EST he lay down for his last nap.

Thistle never seemed to give up on living, did not seem to suffer. Oh, I know he had pain and often felt a general crappy. But he never lay and carry on, never seemed done with it. I went up to get feed and go get all the critters fed, found him laying. First saw him laying in the barn as I approached, too still.

Will attend to him later on this morning. Figure I'll have a joy in digging in frozen ground. It'll be done though. He was a good buddy and deserves as much. Excuse me if I'm not great company a few days. Y'all run 'er slow.
Sorry to hear that Morely.


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Yesterday evening was rough. Our dog Thistle left to go on to the next level. He is the one what I think had some bit of cancer in his rump area, it had been coming. Sometime between 13:00 to 17:00 EST he lay down for his last nap.

Thistle never seemed to give up on living, did not seem to suffer. Oh, I know he had pain and often felt a general crappy. But he never lay and carry on, never seemed done with it. I went up to get feed and go get all the critters fed, found him laying. First saw him laying in the barn as I approached, too still.

Will attend to him later on this morning. Figure I'll have a joy in digging in frozen ground. It'll be done though. He was a good buddy and deserves as much. Excuse me if I'm not great company a few days. Y'all run 'er slow.
:hug:So sorry for your loss Morely:hug:


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I know he was at least ten to fifteen human years old. He showed up here I think in 2005, it was the year my step dad died. He was at least a year old then by what my wife's granddad saw of him.

This past year he dealt with what I figured was some cancer on his rear flank. He had cataracts, or milky eyes brought on from just being a good old fellow. So, it was kind of a gradual natural course for him. He did not appear to have suffered, as I said, he just lay down.

I'll head out around 7:45 to 8:00 and get started. Will go get everyone fed then, go find a spot and dig him a bed out. Will take him over then and probably be followed by the rest of the 'hellions'. Getting motivated presently, need :coffee: morning medicines.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yesterday evening was rough. Our dog Thistle left to go on to the next level. He is the one what I think had some bit of cancer in his rump area, it had been coming. Sometime between 13:00 to 17:00 EST he lay down for his last nap.

Thistle never seemed to give up on living, did not seem to suffer. Oh, I know he had pain and often felt a general crappy. But he never lay and carry on, never seemed done with it. I went up to get feed and go get all the critters fed, found him laying. First saw him laying in the barn as I approached, too still.

Will attend to him later on this morning. Figure I'll have a joy in digging in frozen ground. It'll be done though. He was a good buddy and deserves as much. Excuse me if I'm not great company a few days. Y'all run 'er slow.

So sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. :hug:

Today's the last payday before xmas, and I just heard, the check is a good one. So today... I GET THAT NEW PHONE! Since we're dispensing with xmas festivities of any kind, there's no point in waiting. :) :) :)

My husband's xmas gift is that nice nearly-new truck, but we may also get him a bench grinder, and/or a multipack of 4GB thumb drives, to keep in the nice new truck, for music storage. Our old truck had a CD player, but those things seem to be going the way of the dinosaur. I tried out the single thumb drive I have in it yesterday, and was VERY pleased that a thumb drive can be inserted in one of the USB ports, and the music played over the truck's sound system. :) :) :) It will also play music stored on a phone, thx to BlueTooth sync'ing, but the volume is very low, using that technique; the thumb drive music storage works better, and sure are easier to store in the console than CDs would be. :D



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Yesterday evening was rough. Our dog Thistle left to go on to the next level. He is the one what I think had some bit of cancer in his rump area, it had been coming. Sometime between 13:00 to 17:00 EST he lay down for his last nap.

Thistle never seemed to give up on living, did not seem to suffer. Oh, I know he had pain and often felt a general crappy. But he never lay and carry on, never seemed done with it. I went up to get feed and go get all the critters fed, found him laying. First saw him laying in the barn as I approached, too still.

Will attend to him later on this morning. Figure I'll have a joy in digging in frozen ground. It'll be done though. He was a good buddy and deserves as much. Excuse me if I'm not great company a few days. Y'all run 'er slow.
Awe I'm sorry. (((Morely)))


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Yesterday evening was rough. Our dog Thistle left to go on to the next level. He is the one what I think had some bit of cancer in his rump area, it had been coming. Sometime between 13:00 to 17:00 EST he lay down for his last nap.

Thistle never seemed to give up on living, did not seem to suffer. Oh, I know he had pain and often felt a general crappy. But he never lay and carry on, never seemed done with it. I went up to get feed and go get all the critters fed, found him laying. First saw him laying in the barn as I approached, too still.

Will attend to him later on this morning. Figure I'll have a joy in digging in frozen ground. It'll be done though. He was a good buddy and deserves as much. Excuse me if I'm not great company a few days. Y'all run 'er slow.

Condolences on the loss of your buddy.


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Afternoon fugee's and GFY

Im in a sour mood today and dont know why. Just one of those days. Maybe run to town later just to get out. My boy Rascal is suppose to be spending the weekend with me so need to go get some food anyways because he believes if papa is eating, then so must he :giggle:

Wonder if we are going to hear much from @JuicyLucy this weekend. News says the first legal Removed store in Alaska opens today :teehee:
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My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Afternoon fugee's and GFY

Im in a sour mood today and dont know why. Just one of those days. Maybe run to town later just to get out. My boy Rascal is suppose to be spending the weekend with me so need to go get some food anyways because he believes if papa is eating, then so must he :giggle:

Wonder if we are going to hear much from @JuicyLucy this weekend. News says the first legal Removed store in Alaska opens today :teehee:

Bull, first legal Removed store in Alaska opened over a month ago right here in Valdez.

Others are finally opening around the state, lol.
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My dad is Mr. Wheeler, I am Paul
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Bull, first legal Removed store in Alaska opened over a month ago right here in Valdez.

Others are finally opening around the state, lol.
Wish they'd open some here. Probably work much better than ibuprofen and gabapentin that is a daily diet for me.

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