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New Nicotine


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I've been getting nic screwed lately. I was less than pleased with NR nic as I posted earlier(seriously the worse nic I've ever had). So, I got a sample from Chemnic. Not bad. No odor or off taste. So I took the plunge and got a liter @ 15% off deal. Mine came in with a dark tint. It doesn't smell bad, just darker than what I like to see. I've had my best luck with RTS, and yes, MFS, both have always been crystal clear and odor free with no detectable taste. I think I'm going to stick with what has proven the best for me.

Teresa P

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I've been getting nic screwed lately. I was less than pleased with NR nic as I posted earlier(seriously the worse nic I've ever had). So, I got a sample from Chemnic. Not bad. No odor or off taste. So I took the plunge and got a liter @ 15% off deal. Mine came in with a dark tint. It doesn't smell bad, just darker than what I like to see. I've had my best luck with RTS, and yes, MFS, both have always been crystal clear and odor free with no detectable taste. I think I'm going to stick with what has proven the best for me.
I'll trade you my unopened liter of MFS in my freezer for your ChemNic.


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Hmm, what to think...:)

Well, order is processed. Looking forward to trying it out for myself.


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I'll trade you my unopened liter of MFS in my freezer for your ChemNic.
Although I said I have been getting nic screwed lately, I didn't say I didn't like it lol, just not crystal clear like yours as you mentioned in earlier post. I'm gonna keep it. I already divided and labeled it. I have plenty MFS in the freezer also, thank you though for the kind offer. I will probably get one last liter from RTS to survive the perceived Apocalypse.

Teresa P

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Although I said I have been getting nic screwed lately, I didn't say I didn't like it lol, just not crystal clear like yours as you mentioned in earlier post. I'm gonna keep it. I already divided and labeled it. I have plenty MFS in the freezer also, thank you though for the kind offer. I will probably get one last liter from RTS to survive the perceived Apocalypse.
Cool...:shades: :teehee:


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Although I said I have been getting nic screwed lately, I didn't say I didn't like it lol, just not crystal clear like yours as you mentioned in earlier post. I'm gonna keep it. I already divided and labeled it. I have plenty MFS in the freezer also, thank you though for the kind offer. I will probably get one last liter from RTS to survive the perceived Apocalypse.

Do you know what nic supplier rts uses?


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Is the coupon still valid for the free sample, does anyone know? I know it probably has been answered just wondering if anyone has used it lately?


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I used it earlier today

I'm new to DIY, I've bought most of everything I need to start except the nicotine. What would you suggest as the sample choices they offer. I vape 6mg from a subtank and RTA's, any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.


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Greetings fellow vapers. My name is Joel and I am the majority owner of J&D Tech Group, llc. aka E-Cloud Vapes and ChemNic.

First, I'd like to say Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers out there.

Second, I'd like to thank Teresa for starting this thread in support our our business, ChemNIc. I would also like to thank everyone in this thread who has purchased our product and given us a chance to become your supplier. We truly appreciate each of you and your support.

I'd now like to address an earlier comment of negativity. Since we all participate in forums or groups related to vaping, I believe it's safe to say that at one time or another we've encountered a person who just seems to have a hard on to degrade either someone or someone's business. Well, when it comes to that person for our company, meet "Lisa" aka Smoky Blue.

We initially encountered Lisa in 2014 when we opened our first vape shop. A small little shop in upstate SC. We were 1 of only 3 or 4 at the time. We had little money for advertisement so, we turned to social media. Specifically, Facebook and a closed group named "Upstate SC Vapers". Little did we know we'd stepped into a hell hole. At the time of our joining, Lisa was an admin. At first the group seemed fine. Until, that is, my 19 year old daughter posted a picture of herself beside her car to display the snow that was falling. Because her car had a magnetic sign with the E-Cloud Vapes logo on the door, Lisa attacked her accusing her of advertising. Needless to say hundreds of people came to my daughter's defense. They all left the group and formed a multitude of new groups. No one could figure out why some vape shops were allowed to advertise and, others wasn’t. Well, everything done in the dark eventually comes to light. It was later discovered that she was getting kickbacks in the form of vape gear. If you didn’t send her vape gear you couldn’t advertise. As a result, she was removed from the group completely.

To address her allegations, I will be the first to admit that I struggled with alcoholism for a number of years. As a result there are things in my past that I completely regret. If there were a way to go back and change parts of my life I definitely would. However, nothing of that nature has ever affected my business as she seems to claim. Moreover, neither my partner nor myself have ever filed for bankruptcy. So, I’m not sure where she’s getting the information she claims she “knows” but, it’s absolutely false. In fact, should she read this thread, I’m willing to offer her $1000.00 cash if she can substantiate any of her claims. If she can do that, I will give her $1000.00 no questions asked. If she can’t , well, that’s libel.

She also claimed we mixed in a Dr’s office. That’s only partially true. We did, in the beginning, rent a space in a medical facility. It wasn’t a lab nor did we ever claim it was. However, we felt that it was better than mixing in store. Approximately 2 years ago we had our own facility built complete with all the necessary elements including air exchange equipped with HEPA filters, dehumidifier, temperature control, sealed walls and floors and much more. The room stays a constant 65 degrees year round. Although completely compliant, that is not where the nicotine we sell is processed. We contracted with a third party bottling company. They handle the 99.9% nicotine and break it down in their own lab. We then fulfill orders as they come in. Regardless, I think there is too much emphasis placed on clean rooms. I say this because every time you open your bottle of juice in public, you’ve just exposed it to whatever elements surround you. This is not to say that I disagree with juice being made in sanitary environments. I completely agree with it.

It is much to my regret that any of this even came up. I will never understand why some people get off trying to ruin what someone else has busted their ass to achieve. Some people just can’t handle other people’s success.

In any event, again I apologize that you had to deal with such childish rhetoric from a known lunatic. I guess, however, it is what it is and we wanted the chance to set the record straight.

Thanks again to everyone who ordered or who will order. We truly appreciate your business and will always go above and beyond to take the very best care of our customers. We didn’t survive with three vape shops for almost three years doing anything to the contrary.

Kind regards,



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Although I said I have been getting nic screwed lately, I didn't say I didn't like it lol, just not crystal clear like yours as you mentioned in earlier post. I'm gonna keep it. I already divided and labeled it. I have plenty MFS in the freezer also, thank you though for the kind offer. I will probably get one last liter from RTS to survive the perceived Apocalypse.

Thanks for the comment. Please be advised that the color of your nic has absolutely no bearing on either quality nor purity. There are two primary processes used to extract nicotine from tobacco. The the first, and most common in pharmaceutical grade manufacturers, is the distillation process. In this process they remove the natural impurities from the plant based liquid and leave you with the nicotine liquid. The alternative practice is to utilize salt processing and turn the liquid into a sulfate. This requires a bleaching agent to remove the impurities and then is reconstituted with a liquid to turn it back into a useable form. Bleached liquid appears to be more clear and is therefore is frequently mistaken as being more pure. In fact, the nicotine that goes through the distillation process is more refined. If the nicotine never changes colors and has no odor it was not extracted using the best method. Regardless of method, the color of the nicotine is purely cosmetic and plays no real determining factor in judging which is purer or of higher quality. Pure nicotine extracted using the distillation process even has a slight earthy odor. If not properly stored the smell will become even worse and possibly unbearable. The slight earth odor from properly stored nicotine should not affect the tasted of your e-juice.


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Member For 4 Years
Thanks for the comment. Please be advised that the color of your nic has absolutely no bearing on either quality nor purity. There are two primary processes used to extract nicotine from tobacco. The the first, and most common in pharmaceutical grade manufacturers, is the distillation process. In this process they remove the natural impurities from the plant based liquid and leave you with the nicotine liquid. The alternative practice is to utilize salt processing and turn the liquid into a sulfate. This requires a bleaching agent to remove the impurities and then is reconstituted with a liquid to turn it back into a useable form. Bleached liquid appears to be more clear and is therefore is frequently mistaken as being more pure. In fact, the nicotine that goes through the distillation process is more refined. If the nicotine never changes colors and has no odor it was not extracted using the best method. Regardless of method, the color of the nicotine is purely cosmetic and plays no real determining factor in judging which is purer or of higher quality. Pure nicotine extracted using the distillation process even has a slight earthy odor. If not properly stored the smell will become even worse and possibly unbearable. The slight earth odor from properly stored nicotine should not affect the tasted of your e-juice.
Wow, thanks for the information you shared with us, putting everything out in the open as you did takes some guts. I'm glad you let us know about the thorn in your side you've had to deal with, along with the under handed things you've had to deal with. We welcome your attempt at a new market as we have many talented mixers here and we value each other's opinion, mixers like Teresa sharing new vendors is priceless! Keep us informed about discounts and specials and you'll have the opportunity to earn our business!

Sent from my SM-G925P using Tapatalk


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I'm new to DIY, I've bought most of everything I need to start except the nicotine. What would you suggest as the sample choices they offer. I vape 6mg from a subtank and RTA's, any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Welcome to DIY Vaping Horizon, If you haven't bought nicotine yet get it from I tested my self (I do not claim by any mean I am expert) it seems and tasted to me very good nicotine, not different from any good nicotine vender like VT or NicotineRiver. Thanks


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Greetings fellow vapers. My name is Joel and I am the majority owner of J&D Tech Group, llc. aka E-Cloud Vapes and ChemNic.

First, I'd like to say Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers out there.

Second, I'd like to thank Teresa for starting this thread in support our our business, ChemNIc. I would also like to thank everyone in this thread who has purchased our product and given us a chance to become your supplier. We truly appreciate each of you and your support.

I'd now like to address an earlier comment of negativity. Since we all participate in forums or groups related to vaping, I believe it's safe to say that at one time or another we've encountered a person who just seems to have a hard on to degrade either someone or someone's business. Well, when it comes to that person for our company, meet "Lisa" aka Smoky Blue.

We initially encountered Lisa in 2014 when we opened our first vape shop. A small little shop in upstate SC. We were 1 of only 3 or 4 at the time. We had little money for advertisement so, we turned to social media. Specifically, Facebook and a closed group named "Upstate SC Vapers". Little did we know we'd stepped into a hell hole. At the time of our joining, Lisa was an admin. At first the group seemed fine. Until, that is, my 19 year old daughter posted a picture of herself beside her car to display the snow that was falling. Because her car had a magnetic sign with the E-Cloud Vapes logo on the door, Lisa attacked her accusing her of advertising. Needless to say hundreds of people came to my daughter's defense. They all left the group and formed a multitude of new groups. No one could figure out why some vape shops were allowed to advertise and, others wasn’t. Well, everything done in the dark eventually comes to light. It was later discovered that she was getting kickbacks in the form of vape gear. If you didn’t send her vape gear you couldn’t advertise. As a result, she was removed from the group completely.

To address her allegations, I will be the first to admit that I struggled with alcoholism for a number of years. As a result there are things in my past that I completely regret. If there were a way to go back and change parts of my life I definitely would. However, nothing of that nature has ever affected my business as she seems to claim. Moreover, neither my partner nor myself have ever filed for bankruptcy. So, I’m not sure where she’s getting the information she claims she “knows” but, it’s absolutely false. In fact, should she read this thread, I’m willing to offer her $1000.00 cash if she can substantiate any of her claims. If she can do that, I will give her $1000.00 no questions asked. If she can’t , well, that’s libel.

She also claimed we mixed in a Dr’s office. That’s only partially true. We did, in the beginning, rent a space in a medical facility. It wasn’t a lab nor did we ever claim it was. However, we felt that it was better than mixing in store. Approximately 2 years ago we had our own facility built complete with all the necessary elements including air exchange equipped with HEPA filters, dehumidifier, temperature control, sealed walls and floors and much more. The room stays a constant 65 degrees year round. Although completely compliant, that is not where the nicotine we sell is processed. We contracted with a third party bottling company. They handle the 99.9% nicotine and break it down in their own lab. We then fulfill orders as they come in. Regardless, I think there is too much emphasis placed on clean rooms. I say this because every time you open your bottle of juice in public, you’ve just exposed it to whatever elements surround you. This is not to say that I disagree with juice being made in sanitary environments. I completely agree with it.

It is much to my regret that any of this even came up. I will never understand why some people get off trying to ruin what someone else has busted their ass to achieve. Some people just can’t handle other people’s success.

In any event, again I apologize that you had to deal with such childish rhetoric from a known lunatic. I guess, however, it is what it is and we wanted the chance to set the record straight.

Thanks again to everyone who ordered or who will order. We truly appreciate your business and will always go above and beyond to take the very best care of our customers. We didn’t survive with three vape shops for almost three years doing anything to the contrary.

Kind regards,

Thanks for posting and setting the record straight - and welcome to VU!


Platinum Contributor
Vape Media
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i said fuck it. and just ordered a liter base don teresap's recomendation. she was right about nicotine river even though i skunked that batch...ooops

so for less then $50 i got a liter delivered. Works for me

welcome to the forum chemnic. glad to have another vendor posting informative things and join conversations respectfully and being helpful, not just trying to sell their wares.


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Thanks for the comment. Please be advised that the color of your nic has absolutely no bearing on either quality nor purity. There are two primary processes used to extract nicotine from tobacco. The the first, and most common in pharmaceutical grade manufacturers, is the distillation process. In this process they remove the natural impurities from the plant based liquid and leave you with the nicotine liquid. The alternative practice is to utilize salt processing and turn the liquid into a sulfate. This requires a bleaching agent to remove the impurities and then is reconstituted with a liquid to turn it back into a useable form. Bleached liquid appears to be more clear and is therefore is frequently mistaken as being more pure. In fact, the nicotine that goes through the distillation process is more refined. If the nicotine never changes colors and has no odor it was not extracted using the best method. Regardless of method, the color of the nicotine is purely cosmetic and plays no real determining factor in judging which is purer or of higher quality. Pure nicotine extracted using the distillation process even has a slight earthy odor. If not properly stored the smell will become even worse and possibly unbearable. The slight earth odor from properly stored nicotine should not affect the tasted of your e-juice.
Joel, thanks for the clarification. I've been a Diy'er for over 5 years. That doesn't mean I know what I'm talking about though. As a Diy'er I have seen many post on what makes or who has the best Nic. It has been my understanding from what others may have posted that the clear is the best. Your explanation tells me that clear Nic just means a different process. That's good to know. When I received the sample Nic I liked it. I pulled it into a glass syringe and could see a slight tint. It was nothing I haven't seen before. It had no odor I could detect. My mix I made was as good as I could expect. I didn't hesitate to buy a liter. In fact you went well out of your way for me because you put the 15% discount on my order when I forgot to do so. It was last Saturday evening, and you personally emailed me back and said you would take care of it Monday as you did...Thanks again btw. The reason I ever made my comment about the dark color was because Teresa had made a comment about hers being clear in color. However, It's well known that Teresa is a forum trouble maker... J/K Teresa:blowkiss:. I really have nothing to complain about thus far about the quality. The explanation you gave about the processes clears things up for me. If I have anything to critique would be to seal the bottle tops. My liter was received in perfect condition. So take that for what it's worth. Glad to do business with you, Welcome to the Vaping Underground. :wave:


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Just tried to place an order but the "stockup" code isn't working

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Platinum Contributor
Vape Media
Member For 5 Years
did you create an acct first some of these websites only apply coupons if you are logged in


Platinum Contributor
Vape Media
Member For 5 Years
try it again others have reported it not working the first try
worked for me an hour or so ago with no issues


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Joel, thanks for the clarification. I've been a Diy'er for over 5 years. That doesn't mean I know what I'm talking about though. As a Diy'er I have seen many post on what makes or who has the best Nic. It has been my understanding from what others may have posted that the clear is the best. Your explanation tells me that clear Nic just means a different process. That's good to know. When I received the sample Nic I liked it. I pulled it into a glass syringe and could see a slight tint. It was nothing I haven't seen before. It had no odor I could detect. My mix I made was as good as I could expect. I didn't hesitate to buy a liter. In fact you went well out of your way for me because you put the 15% discount on my order when I forgot to do so. It was last Saturday evening, and you personally emailed me back and said you would take care of it Monday as you did.

Glad I could help. I didn't perceive your post as a complaint. Let me clarify though. While color is not an indication of purity nor quality. It is an indication of oxidation. As I'm sure you know, nicotine has 3 enemies. Heat, light and oxygen. We take steps to prevent 2 of the elements by placing the nic in solid colored containers and by purging the bottle with argon. Unfortunately, we have no control over heat during shipment. So, whether the nic arrives completely clear or with a slight tint is largely dependant on the amount of time it takes to reach the customer and the storage conditions during shipment.

Jimi D

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ECF Refugee
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Clarification No.2. Being clear doesn't necessarily determine its extraction process. Staying clear does. If nic never becomes tinted it's been bleached.
What country is your nic from ?


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What country is your nic from ?
We import our nicotine from India as Teresa stated. Don't let our prices fool you. We are a vape chain. As such, we're constantly looking for ways to save money without compromising quality. By importing our nic we could get some of the finest nicotine available for quite a bit less. The problem was the amount we had to order. Hence came ChemNic. We could offload top notch nicotine to other shops or diy at a discounted price and be able to meet the MOQ of the supplier. It's a win win for everyone.
Last edited:


Bronze Contributor
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Is it even possible nowadays to source nicotine, PG, VG , and flavourings from countries that tend to have a bit more regulation and oversight ?
I dont mind paying more for something I can trust..
Im not making my own yet, but the supplier I use gets the Nicotine from Switzerland, the VG from Indonesia, and apparently they dont know where the PG comes from as the upstream supplier relabels the containers.
Maybe Im making a mountain out of a molehill, since really.. where does any of the ingredients in food etc that we consume every day come from anyhow..


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Glad I could help. I didn't perceive your post as a complaint. Let me clarify though. While color is not an indication of purity nor quality. It is an indication of oxidation. As I'm sure you know, nicotine has 3 enemies. Heat, light and oxygen. We take steps to prevent 2 of the elements by placing the nic in solid colored containers and by purging the bottle with argon. Unfortunately, we have no control over heat during shipment. So, whether the nic arrives completely clear or with a slight tint is largely dependant on the amount of time it takes to reach the customer and the storage conditions during shipment.
Great to hear that you use argon when bottling! That takes a worry off of my mind. Unless I need to xfer to amber glass upon arrival (and, of course, use argon when capping), my gallon will go straight into the deep freeze (I won't need it until about 10 yrs from now *laf*).


Platinum Contributor
Vape Media
Member For 5 Years
its simple
as stated before
oxygen is makes nic go bad
argon does not
so when they bottle it
they push argon gas into the bottle to push out the oxygen making it last longer in storage


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
its simple
as stated before
oxygen is makes nic go bad
argon does not
so when they bottle it
they push argon gas into the bottle to push out the oxygen making it last longer in storage
Thanks for the explanation!!! You are one of good person like me. :tigercat:


Member For 4 Years
I think creating vacuum it works the same and easy.
Argon is use in wine bottles at bars that sell wine in a

Sorry @Elites i'm from oporto and wine is around since I'm a child

May the battery be with you!


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If you spray argon into the open bottle (after the nic liquid is put in it), the air will be displaced and pushed out (and become replaced with argon). Since argon is heavier than oxygen, the argon will prevent oxygen from entering the bottle before you cap it.

You can get spray cans of argon that people (and restaurants) use for wine, to extend the shelf life of opened bottles of wine.

Smoky Blue

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Greetings fellow vapers. My name is Joel and I am the majority owner of J&D Tech Group, llc. aka E-Cloud Vapes and ChemNic.

First, I'd like to say Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers out there.

Second, I'd like to thank Teresa for starting this thread in support our our business, ChemNIc. I would also like to thank everyone in this thread who has purchased our product and given us a chance to become your supplier. We truly appreciate each of you and your support.

I'd now like to address an earlier comment of negativity. Since we all participate in forums or groups related to vaping, I believe it's safe to say that at one time or another we've encountered a person who just seems to have a hard on to degrade either someone or someone's business. Well, when it comes to that person for our company, meet "Lisa" aka Smoky Blue.

We initially encountered Lisa in 2014 when we opened our first vape shop. A small little shop in upstate SC. We were 1 of only 3 or 4 at the time. We had little money for advertisement so, we turned to social media. Specifically, Facebook and a closed group named "Upstate SC Vapers". Little did we know we'd stepped into a hell hole. At the time of our joining, Lisa was an admin. At first the group seemed fine. Until, that is, my 19 year old daughter posted a picture of herself beside her car to display the snow that was falling. Because her car had a magnetic sign with the E-Cloud Vapes logo on the door, Lisa attacked her accusing her of advertising. Needless to say hundreds of people came to my daughter's defense. They all left the group and formed a multitude of new groups. No one could figure out why some vape shops were allowed to advertise and, others wasn’t. Well, everything done in the dark eventually comes to light. It was later discovered that she was getting kickbacks in the form of vape gear. If you didn’t send her vape gear you couldn’t advertise. As a result, she was removed from the group completely.

To address her allegations, I will be the first to admit that I struggled with alcoholism for a number of years. As a result there are things in my past that I completely regret. If there were a way to go back and change parts of my life I definitely would. However, nothing of that nature has ever affected my business as she seems to claim. Moreover, neither my partner nor myself have ever filed for bankruptcy. So, I’m not sure where she’s getting the information she claims she “knows” but, it’s absolutely false. In fact, should she read this thread, I’m willing to offer her $1000.00 cash if she can substantiate any of her claims. If she can do that, I will give her $1000.00 no questions asked. If she can’t , well, that’s libel.

She also claimed we mixed in a Dr’s office. That’s only partially true. We did, in the beginning, rent a space in a medical facility. It wasn’t a lab nor did we ever claim it was. However, we felt that it was better than mixing in store. Approximately 2 years ago we had our own facility built complete with all the necessary elements including air exchange equipped with HEPA filters, dehumidifier, temperature control, sealed walls and floors and much more. The room stays a constant 65 degrees year round. Although completely compliant, that is not where the nicotine we sell is processed. We contracted with a third party bottling company. They handle the 99.9% nicotine and break it down in their own lab. We then fulfill orders as they come in. Regardless, I think there is too much emphasis placed on clean rooms. I say this because every time you open your bottle of juice in public, you’ve just exposed it to whatever elements surround you. This is not to say that I disagree with juice being made in sanitary environments. I completely agree with it.

It is much to my regret that any of this even came up. I will never understand why some people get off trying to ruin what someone else has busted their ass to achieve. Some people just can’t handle other people’s success.

In any event, again I apologize that you had to deal with such childish rhetoric from a known lunatic. I guess, however, it is what it is and we wanted the chance to set the record straight.

Thanks again to everyone who ordered or who will order. We truly appreciate your business and will always go above and beyond to take the very best care of our customers. We didn’t survive with three vape shops for almost three years doing anything to the contrary.

Kind regards,


And there is the Man of the Hour.. yeah Joel.. Drama creator, instigator etc.. no.. when he met me.. he dished his wares out of a flea market. Well we all have to start from somewhere.. mhmm. I have heard so many stories about how he was doing, its amazing he doesnt own all the b&ms in the state, or at least in partenership. Yeps. and no.

The issue then was I asked for people vaping in the snow.. not a advertisement attached to a car and no one in the pic, no one vaping, period.. so get it straight. I have a lot to back me on this and yes, I did hear on that kind Dr, renting his lab out to you.. Really?? LoL.. the group wasnt for advertising, and it was MY group. My friend David and I started it, and had you had any sort of interest back then.. you and your whole family would have known what was up.. but yet here now today I find a post from you, of course slanting it in good light.. ;)

And again.. if You were selling bottled water.. and it was the last on earth.. I still wont buy it. so... coming from the "business man you are", typical. Personally, I dont care what you think or do.. but yes.. I felt a warning spoken, based on my experience with you, your kids, and anyone around you.. to stay clear. Don't like it.. tough. Like I said.. call around to some of the local shops here.. listen to the perspectives they can give.. It's not all me.. :)

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