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In need of help buying cheap pre-built coils


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Hello all! Anyone there know a vendor or a site that sells these spec of coils for cheap? 28gx2/36g 0.21 or 0.22 ohms per coil Stainless Steel Fused Clapton for 10 packs or so. Im aiming to buy it for $5 or less. If they offer Paypal, that would be awesome. Im planning to get cheap coils because im experimenting on builds and such. I cant find anywhere in FastTech that has these specs or i just dont know how to pin point down my selection. If anyone knows about these specs in FastTech, please do reply it.


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I cannot personally vouch for these, as I am a builder and like full control over my coil specs. but they look fairly legit to me. Much better than anything on fasttech or made by geekvape etc.

But saw them suggested by another VU member

If you want "cheap" prices, you will most likely get "cheap" quality.

I would personally buy coils from an experienced builder on here. Will cost more, but will be made with quality wire and will be flawless. Plus, quality coils last a month at the very very very least. More likely a few months. So the cost shouldn't be prohibitive.


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Anything but Geek Vapes, someone told me to stay away from their coils specifically. As well as CoilMasters.

If you have not personally tried them yourself going by someones opinion in my mind is not a good decision. If I went by other people opinions which are not usually based on first hand experience I would not have a hell of a lot of great gear and other devices.


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If you have not personally tried them yourself going by someones opinion in my mind is not a good decision. If I went by other people opinions which are not usually based on first hand experience I would not have a hell of a lot of great gear and other devices.

Pretty sure geekvape only uses 32g wrap. I second the "opinion" that they are garbage.


Diamond Contributor
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Pretty sure you have never used any of their awesome coils for yourself............


Diamond Contributor
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Nothing like hearing the old saying someone told me and they were so trusted as a source that they are called someone. Or I heard it somewhere..... Really if you want to offer an opinion it should be your own or at least be able to list who it was and provide a link to the source. Oh I heard they suck so since I read it on the Internet it must be fact...............


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Member For 4 Years
Pretty sure you have never used any of their awesome coils for yourself............

Never have. Absolutely. Never will.

Prefer to be self sufficient as I can.

And prefer my aliens and ssfc coils to not have a single rectangular wire core in place of ribbon or multiple pieces of round wire. And prefer my aliens not to have a 30g wrap. And prefer my ssfc not to have a 32g wrap.

But, I am after flavor, battery life, and ramp up over convenience and price.

I am willing to bet you have never vaped an appropriately made hand built coil by someone who gives a damn about how it will vape.


Diamond Contributor
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I build my own coils and the first coils I ever made were Clapton's, even though asshole vape shop owner reviewers disagreed with my plan. Only thing I can figure it was beyond their capabilities to build a Clapton coil for a 1st attempt. You see all the wire in that picture well that is only a small portion of what I have in stock regularly. A very very small portion..............


Diamond Contributor
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ello all! Anyone there know a vendor or a site that sells these spec of coils for cheap?

But lets not hijack this thread with a pissing contest and let the OP get the information they are searching for. If you do not have personal experience with something someone recommends especially me then keep your comments to yourself because hearsay will not make my personal opinion change. CoilArt makes some awesome coils to screw into your atomizers or mount on a an RDA/RBA! Real use and owning them overrides your I heard it somewhere.


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Member For 4 Years
But lets not hijack this thread with a pissing contest and let the OP get the information they are searching for. If you do not have personal experience with something someone recommends especially me then keep your comments to yourself because hearsay will not make my personal opinion change. CoilArt makes some awesome coils to screw into your atomizers or mount on a an RDA/RBA! Real use and owning them overrides your I heard it somewhere.

I never said I heard it somewhere.

I know from experience that a 30g wrap on a ss fused clapton does not vape well. I dont care who made that coil. That coil sucks. It will ramp slowly, eat battery, and not wick as well as an appropiate wrap gauge.

This is my personal experience. Not second hand.

It is also my personal experience that having a twisted fused clapton has the same symptoms. And almost all cheap "fused claptons" are actually are twisted fused claptons. Once again, my personal experience.

I was unable to find a ss fused clapton made by geekvape that has a wrap smaller than 30g. Do they exist?


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People have personal opinions on what a good build is to them, personally I wouldn't use 30g either but someone else might, it's just personal preference ain't it.


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Been using Advanced Vape Supply's 2 x 28/34 SSFC spools and it works good for me in single and dual coil RTA's. Not sure if they sell it in pre wrapped coils.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk


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if you want ten good coils for $5 youll have to learn how to make your own. if you learn how to make your own, and experiment with different gauges and materials, you can learn how/what/why things work, and your frame of reference will much broader. experimenting with factory coils will not teach you half of what making your own will teach you, and it has almost a 0% chance to be 'perfect' (for your style of vaping). even if you stop at fused claptons and never try aliens or anything fancier, you will be better off. fused claptons are easy enough that most people can make them on their first try, or first day of building, and they perform way better than any build 'below' them, and they almost compete with much harder builds 'above' them in difficulty. you can make them work for anything from tubes/parallel/series/regulated/rda/rta/large/small etc. they are a great build to master, and after a few tries you can make a pair in a few minutes. spend some time in 'post your builds'. the builders in there are all different skill levels and have different preferences and experiences, and all of us want to help each other get better.

People have personal opinions on what a good build is to them, personally I wouldn't use 30g either but someone else might, it's just personal preference ain't it.
the problem here (in the realm of coil building and vaping) is that most of the people sharing opinions have only made it half way up the mountain and chosen to stop, and then they are trying to tell you what the top looks like. preference is one thing, experience is another.

from my frame of reference (i have been building for a couple years and can make anything i want), i cant imagine anyone saying '32g wrap is fine' with a straight face. i know for a fact that 32g wrap sucks when compared side by side to 38g on the same builds/atty/mod/day because i have done it. i would never choose to use 32g for wrap on anything* that i was going to actually vape because it is physically too big to ramp up/cool down efficiently (compared to anything smaller than 36g), which leads to either a bad vape, or a requirement to up the wattage, which leads to hot atty/mod, and bad battery life. most people would only choose to do that if they didnt know better...or dont care about that either case, its not recommended to take their advice on these matters, imo...

* aside from cat tracks, which have a fat wrap by design, but you hammer it flat at the end, which kind of fixes its shortcomings by making it thinner...

CrazyChef v2.0

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^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^

And especially this part:
even if you stop at fused claptons and never try aliens or anything fancier, you will be better off. fused claptons are easy enough that most people can make them on their first try, or first day of building, and they perform way better than any build 'below' them, and they almost compete with much harder builds 'above' them in difficulty. you can make them work for anything from tubes/parallel/series/regulated/rda/rta/large/small etc. they are a great build to master, and after a few tries you can make a pair in a few minutes.



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
if you want ten good coils for $5 youll have to learn how to make your own. if you learn how to make your own, and experiment with different gauges and materials, you can learn how/what/why things work, and your frame of reference will much broader. experimenting with factory coils will not teach you half of what making your own will teach you, and it has almost a 0% chance to be 'perfect' (for your style of vaping). even if you stop at fused claptons and never try aliens or anything fancier, you will be better off. fused claptons are easy enough that most people can make them on their first try, or first day of building, and they perform way better than any build 'below' them, and they almost compete with much harder builds 'above' them in difficulty. you can make them work for anything from tubes/parallel/series/regulated/rda/rta/large/small etc. they are a great build to master, and after a few tries you can make a pair in a few minutes. spend some time in 'post your builds'. the builders in there are all different skill levels and have different preferences and experiences, and all of us want to help each other get better.

the problem here (in the realm of coil building and vaping) is that most of the people sharing opinions have only made it half way up the mountain and chosen to stop, and then they are trying to tell you what the top looks like. preference is one thing, experience is another.

from my frame of reference (i have been building for a couple years and can make anything i want), i cant imagine anyone saying '32g wrap is fine' with a straight face. i know for a fact that 32g wrap sucks when compared side by side to 38g on the same builds/atty/mod/day because i have done it. i would never choose to use 32g for wrap on anything* that i was going to actually vape because it is physically too big to ramp up/cool down efficiently (compared to anything smaller than 36g), which leads to either a bad vape, or a requirement to up the wattage, which leads to hot atty/mod, and bad battery life. most people would only choose to do that if they didnt know better...or dont care about that either case, its not recommended to take their advice on these matters, imo...

* aside from cat tracks, which have a fat wrap by design, but you hammer it flat at the end, which kind of fixes its shortcomings by making it thinner...
I know how to build anything but I use single coil spaced claptons cos they work for me, as I said it's personal preference but I do agree with what your saying.
As long as people don't build too low an harm their selves I say go ahead an experiment a bit :)


Bronze Contributor
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I know how to build anything but I use single coil spaced claptons cos they work for me

Single wire 26/34 or 28/34 spaced claptons work just dandy for my vaping needs. Easy on the batts and ok ramp up time. All you need is 8-10 inches of core wire to build 2 claptons. It took me a few attempts to get it down holding the spool by hand then after that it was ingenuity and I made a jig that I clamp onto the table, the drill standing up, use a empty protank head and a bobbin threader I made, now I just have to get it started and the jig does the bunch of bucks spent on a clapton maker. My first few claptons were something to be desired as was expected with a learning curve.
I comes to be that the thinner the wrap wire the better on the batts with ramp up time cause the wraps just transfer heat and gauges like 30 and 32 really take a toll heating up and your pretty much finished your vape before those gauges wrap wire can properly heat up.
The money on wire spent learning to clapton is peanuts compared to buying premade clapton wire and you really don't know what or where the wire is coming from.


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Pretty sure geekvape only uses 32g wrap. I second the "opinion" that they are garbage.
Yeqh, I've tried a few of their coils, alien Claptons, staple staggered fused Claptons, regular and fused Claptons. I didn't care for any of them. Flavor was OK, but they take forever very to heat, or taste burnt if you give them more power. I won't ever by their coils again. I bought a few coiloligy coils, and have been pretty happy so far. Spend a bit extra, it will be a much better experience.


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Single wire 26/34 or 28/34 spaced claptons work just dandy for my vaping needs. Easy on the batts and ok ramp up time. All you need is 8-10 inches of core wire to build 2 claptons. It took me a few attempts to get it down holding the spool by hand then after that it was ingenuity and I made a jig that I clamp onto the table, the drill standing up, use a empty protank head and a bobbin threader I made, now I just have to get it started and the jig does the bunch of bucks spent on a clapton maker. My first few claptons were something to be desired as was expected with a learning curve.
I comes to be that the thinner the wrap wire the better on the batts with ramp up time cause the wraps just transfer heat and gauges like 30 and 32 really take a toll heating up and your pretty much finished your vape before those gauges wrap wire can properly heat up.
The money on wire spent learning to clapton is peanuts compared to buying premade clapton wire and you really don't know what or where the wire is coming from.
Exactly same as me 28g spaced claptons, I have arthritic nerves though so takes me a while to build! I do a few wraps round a screwdriver, I've never felt the need to buy any tools. I just use my coilmaster kit, some pliers & a screwdriver do me :)


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Yeqh, I've tried a few of their coils, alien Claptons, staple staggered fused Claptons, regular and fused Claptons. I didn't care for any of them. Flavor was OK, but they take forever very to heat, or taste burnt if you give them more power. I won't ever by their coils again. I bought a few coiloligy coils, and have been pretty happy so far. Spend a bit extra, it will be a much better experience.
Whatever works for you :)


Member For 2 Years
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Due to time being in short supply lately I have been looking for pre made coils myself. I can get coilart local for crazy over priced, but I might try them and if I like them try to find them cheaper online. Unless someone can point me in the direction of some decent coils for a decent price. I'm gonna check out the posted sites on this thread and see but if anybody else has some good info let me know, I would apreciate it!


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I also have to try out stainless wire, iv been afraid to try it because it is different and I don't like change lol! But I hear a lot of good stuff I just don't know how to use it realy.


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I also have to try out stainless wire, iv been afraid to try it because it is different and I don't like change lol! But I hear a lot of good stuff I just don't know how to use it realy.

That's OK because they have kanthal and nichrome too.:)
Maybe buy a small roll of stainless steel wire when you place your order to tinker with it.
When I first tried it I never went back to other wire because it ramps up and cools down faster.
The only difference is the ohms come out a bit lower with SS than with kanthal.
You would have to add 1 or 2 wraps to whatever your regular build is to make up for it.


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The only difference is the ohms come out a bit lower with SS than with kanthal.
You would have to add 1 or 2 wraps to whatever your regular build is to make up for it.

SS has half the ohms/foot that kanthal does. So would need to basically double your wraps to match the resistance of a kanthal coil.

CrazyChef v2.0

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When working with SS316L, to get a similar resistance as KA1 I'll usually increase the wire gauge (thinner wire) and increase the number of wraps. With the thinner wire, most times the increased wraps won't widen the coil too dramatically.

For instance, a 2x24/36 set of KA1 fused Claptons at 6 wraps with an inside diameter of 2.5mm will be around 0.25Ω per coil. To achieve a similar resistance with SS316L, I would use 2x26/36, 7 wraps, and increase the inside diameter to 3.0mm. This will end up at about 0.26Ω per coil.


Citrus Junkie
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I have been very happy with AVS. Been using their wire and prebuilt coils for about a year. Customer service is awesome. I will probably never make my own clapton wire. Admire those of you who do. I find AVS prices reasonable considering quality and life of products. $1.40 for a coil that lasts min 7 weeks, usually 10-12 weeks good for me.


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I have been very happy with AVS. Been using their wire and prebuilt coils for about a year. Customer service is awesome. I will probably never make my own clapton wire. Admire those of you who do. I find AVS prices reasonable considering quality and life of products. $1.40 for a coil that lasts min 7 weeks, usually 10-12 weeks good for me.
I'll have to try them, I use pre-built myself!


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It's just weather they'll deliver, I'm in the UK. I've never actually tried 3 core claptons, I've pretty much kept to spaced claptons since starting building.
My mate does all these fancy builds in RDA'S but not my thing!


Citrus Junkie
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Leave a message on website, you'll get an answer fairly quickly. Their customer support is unbeatable. I have tried all of their fc coils and all perform very well. Ordered 2 and 3 core this time. Spooled wire works well too. I keep in case money tight and juice cabinet looking bare.


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Leave a message on website, you'll get an answer fairly quickly. Their customer support is unbeatable. I have tried all of their fc coils and all perform very well. Ordered 2 and 3 core this time. Spooled wire works well too. I keep in case money tight and juice cabinet looking bare.
Thanks for the info, my friend owns a shop & I get discount but he's no claptons left.
He said "you've bought out my stock" hahaha. I buy in bulk but ill definitely be trying some of there's!
I'm working alot atm carrying my kit an having to wrap wire is a pain.
I mean I work with animals. don't fancy a tank full of shit lmao


Bronze Contributor
Member For 1 Year
Hello all! Anyone there know a vendor or a site that sells these spec of coils for cheap? 28gx2/36g 0.21 or 0.22 ohms per coil Stainless Steel Fused Clapton for 10 packs or so. Im aiming to buy it for $5 or less. If they offer Paypal, that would be awesome. Im planning to get cheap coils because im experimenting on builds and such. I cant find anywhere in FastTech that has these specs or i just dont know how to pin point down my selection. If anyone knows about these specs in FastTech, please do reply it. sells 28×2+38 nichrome fused claptons that ohm out at .31 for to coils. They r the only coils I use period. Great flavor and vapor. They just started selling roll of 2p feet of the same wire. I buy the rolls. They r very cheap and good. Try them.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 1 Year
Hello all! Anyone there know a vendor or a site that sells these spec of coils for cheap? 28gx2/36g 0.21 or 0.22 ohms per coil Stainless Steel Fused Clapton for 10 packs or so. Im aiming to buy it for $5 or less. If they offer Paypal, that would be awesome. Im planning to get cheap coils because im experimenting on builds and such. I cant find anywhere in FastTech that has these specs or i just dont know how to pin point down my selection. If anyone knows about these specs in FastTech, please do reply it. i use their nichrome 28×2+38 fused claptons. 7 wraps 2 coils ohm out at .31.


Silver Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Hello all! Anyone there know a vendor or a site that sells these spec of coils for cheap? 28gx2/36g 0.21 or 0.22 ohms per coil Stainless Steel Fused Clapton for 10 packs or so. Im aiming to buy it for $5 or less. If they offer Paypal, that would be awesome. Im planning to get cheap coils because im experimenting on builds and such. I cant find anywhere in FastTech that has these specs or i just dont know how to pin point down my selection. If anyone knows about these specs in FastTech, please do reply it.

As far as buying pre-built coils..a vape shop employee told me about this website called "vapecrawler".. and you can plug in a search term, and highlight in green the way you want to sort it-
So if you want the lowest price at the top of the list.. click on the arrow that sorts it by Price (which is the arrow pointing down), on the far right on the left side of the page..
and if you only want it to ship from within the United States, make sure that only the United States is in green, (so tap the countries to make them all turn black and the USA turn green)-
And you should see a list- in order by lowest price at the top of the list - of what you are looking for.
Sometimes you have to use different in your search, (like clearomizer instead of tank), or something, but it is how I find good deals, I buy my coils cheaper than the shops by then they tell me, and saved $25 buying the same vaporizer that I bought for $25 more in the store nearby.
-Note that it is best to do a search each time you need to purchase coils, as prices with companies will change often.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello all! Anyone there know a vendor or a site that sells these spec of coils for cheap? 28gx2/36g 0.21 or 0.22 ohms per coil Stainless Steel Fused Clapton for 10 packs or so. Im aiming to buy it for $5 or less. If they offer Paypal, that would be awesome. Im planning to get cheap coils because im experimenting on builds and such. I cant find anywhere in FastTech that has these specs or i just dont know how to pin point down my selection. If anyone knows about these specs in FastTech, please do reply it. ----> strictly stainless steel


Diamond Contributor
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Hello all! Anyone there know a vendor or a site that sells these spec of coils for cheap? 28gx2/36g 0.21 or 0.22 ohms per coil Stainless Steel Fused Clapton for 10 packs or so. Im aiming to buy it for $5 or less. If they offer Paypal, that would be awesome. Im planning to get cheap coils because im experimenting on builds and such. I cant find anywhere in FastTech that has these specs or i just dont know how to pin point down my selection. If anyone knows about these specs in FastTech, please do reply it.

You mean ones like these? All one needed to do was go to the Fast Tech site put the following without quotes into the search box, press enter. "28gx2/36g 0.21 or 0.22 ohms coils"

Two, or more strands of wire bound together by another strand is what is considered fused. One might not specifically desire "staggered" Clapton, nonetheless the ones I link to are indeed fused Clapton coils. They are Stainless Steel, meet your ohm specifications, meet your wire gauge specifications and are on Fast Tech.

Apologies if this reads as mean or harsh, but did you genuinely search? Was your query here meant as a bit of marketing research? "Can users find what they look for on the Fast Tech site?" Amazon dot com offers mechanical turks where workers are paid pennies to do such simple tasks as locate items on sites. That's why I think your query might have been marketing research.

Why spend pennies to answer simple questions, huh? No, better to go ask a free resource pool of captive users who are helpful enough to do it freely. I agree that does seem a better way to go about doing it, save for exploring users at someone else's site. Of course it may be you simply did not find these. I find that doubtful but it is plausible I suppose, anything is possible. If so I apologize for "reading too much into your query", or "misreading the context, subtext, pretext of your query".


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Good Morning @MyMagicMist but the OP has not been back in a really long time.

View attachment 147410

Ah. Okay well the Internet never forgets, or so is said. That in mind I apologize if I respond to something after quite a bit of time has passed.

I often do not notice time. Kind of live outside of time in my own manner. If I had noticed the time, I might not have responded, or I still might have. Time does not dictate for me what I feel compelled to respond to. Should it? Why?

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