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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How Beta Glucan Empowers Your Immune System to Fight Cancer

The research on Beta Glucan and immunity is incredible!

And we know that we need a fully functioning immune system to fight off cancer.

-->> Go watch the interview here

Online May 21st-28th - The Biggest Online Fitness Festival for People Over 40

Staying fit means you’ll stay active, healthy, and strong for longer.

And ultimately, isn’t that what we all want?

To run marathons in our 50s and take our grandkids skiing in our 60s…

To hike up mountains in our 70s and play golf or pickleball in our 80s…

It’s a mindset shift that, for most of us, only comes with age and experience.

And because of that, I believe you’re in a better position today to live a long, healthy, fit life than you were in your 20s.

You just need a roadmap to make it happen.

That’s why I’m thrilled to share I'm speaking on the highly praised Plantapalooza online event.

They're dedicating eight days to helping you understand the nutrition, fitness, and mindset practices that will help you feel your best for years to come.

-->> Get your No-Cost Ticket Here and Join Me Online


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi, hope you are doing well today.

Lately there's been a wonderful "blossoming" of truly exceptional, research-based new health reports...

Maybe because it's spring? :) And...

The new Top 26 "Shopping List" Supermarket Foods to Prevent Dementia, Cancer, and Reverse Autoimmune Disease you're getting free here today is no exception!

In this new report authored by health researcher, Jonathan Otto, you'll discover WHY -- in terms of feeling your best now and avoiding and possibly even reversing serious disease -- each of the top 26 "everyday" foods should be on your routine grocery store list.

For example, for most people asparagus is only an occasional side dish.

HOWEVER, asparagus is one of the most beneficial "superfood" veggies out there.

It's sky-high in stress-fighting B vitamins, and loaded with a range of different antioxidants that are potent anti-inflammatories, can help lower blood pressure, and have been shown in studies to have anticancer effects.

Discover all 26 "must have" supermarket foods in the new free report right here

FYI when you download this report you'll also get free access to the excellent 9 episode documentary series, Natural Medicine Secrets, which dives deeper into this very topic.

And in this easy-to-read and research-based new report, you'll also discover:

  • Which specific kind of tea can reduce your risk of dementia by 50%. According to a Harvard study, vulnerable participants reduced their dementia risk by a whooping 86%.
  • Which delicious super spices help treat inflammation and ward of autoimmune disease
  • The everyday food American researchers concluded may decrease women’s risk of colon cancer by 35%.
  • Which particular antioxidant is scientifically-proven to fight inflammation — and the foods in which it’s abundantly found
  • Researchers found people who eat just one serving this side-dish every day have the same cognitive abilities of people who were 11 years younger.
  • Which everyday foods offer high levels of this essential mineral that lowers stress; high stress levels cause inflammation and release harmful chemicals that destroy cells and cause premature aging... and much more!
Head here now for your free copy

Enjoy the important learning and I will talk to you soon.

Brian Vaszily

P.S. Please be sure to see the section on cucumbers.

Many people still tend to think of cucumbers as only a "kind of" healthy vegetable

However, as you'll see, cucumbers contain special compounds that can help fight age-related damage both inside your body and on your skin!

Get the free report here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Seafood Shish Kebobs

Colorful dish of shrimp and bell peppers on skewers and plate
Yield: Four Servings


● 1.5 lbs salmon filets, must be wild-caught, cut into 1-inch cubes OR 1.5 lbs wild-caught prawns or shrimp, peeled and deveined
● 1 green pepper, cut into chunks
● 1 red pepper, cut into chunks
● 1 yellow pepper, cut into chunks
● 1 small red onion, cut into squares
● Sea salt
● Ground pepper

For the marinade:

● 1/2 cup high polyphenol extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
● 2 lemons, juiced & zested
● 7 garlic cloves, minced
● 1 tbsp thyme
● 1 tbsp oregano
● 2 tsp cumin
● 1 tsp coriander


1) Soak your wooden or bamboo skewers in water for 30 minutes; this will prevent them from burning.

2) In a medium bowl, whisk together all the ingredients for the marinade.

3) Split the marinade between two bowls.

4) Place the seafood of choice in one bowl and the vegetables in the other.

5) Season with salt and pepper to taste and let it marinate for 20 minutes.

6) Thread the protein with the vegetables of your choice through your skewer.

7) Heat up your grill to a low temperature and arrange the skewers; grill covered for 8 to 10 minutes or until the fish or shellfish is opaque and starting to brown. (Be careful not to allow the seafood or vegetables to char to avoid advanced glycation end products.) Make sure you turn them once at the halfway point.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Vibrant sky and ground next to arid ground and dark sky
False Hopelessness Yet Again?
In his blog "False Hopelessness Yet Again," Dr. Bredesen pushes back against a recent research study that claims that anyone who has two copies of the ApoE4 gene is predetermined to develop a distinct form of Alzheimer’s. Dr. Bredesen explains that nothing could be further from the truth, citing the success of hundreds of case studies and his clinical trial — demonstrating that ApoE4 homozygotes can prevent and reverse cognitive decline.
Caregiver and Son embraces his father
Our Overlooked Heroes
Julie Gregory’s blog, “Our Overlooked Heroes,” celebrates the vital role played by our care partners, who make practicing the protocol possible. While their efforts are yielding unprecedented cognitive improvements for their loved ones, They often come at a great personal cost. Julie offers helpful tips to our care partners on how to best protect themselves during this difficult period while still getting best outcomes for their affected partner.
Mindful Breathing for Brain Health
In addition to finding a cure for Alzheimer’s disease (AD)-associated dementia, researchers are also exploring novel ways of reducing the risk. In his blog “Mindful Breathing for Brain Health,” Dr. Rao discusses Deep Slow Breathing (DSB) — a simple technique that provides immense cognitive benefits.
Mindfulness for Beginners —and we are all beginners
In her blog "Mindfulness for Beginners," Valerie Driscoll recommends her favorite book for those who are ready to open the door to the lifelong practice of mindfulness — leading to improved self-understanding and access to inner wisdom.
Woman in a colorful hammock relaxing and reading a book
Nature is calling; let us do the cooking
Whether you’re taking a hike or just reading a book in the backyard, Nutrition for Longevity’s KetoFLEX 12/3 meal delivery service simplifies brain-healthy meals, giving you more time to enjoy the great outdoors.

New customers can take advantage of our upcoming Memorial Day special with $25.00 off their first 3 boxes using the code SUMMER25 on checkout. This code will be good through May 31st at 11:59 p.m. ET.
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Coming Soon! Pioneering Diagnostics to
Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline
BRAINSCAN is a simple blood test, a brain health check-up that may be your most important test this year. It combines three blood tests to help you avoid Alzheimer’s disease by “scanning for it” many years before any problems arise.

Select the button below to learn more and submit your email address so you can be among the first to be notified when BRAINSCAN is available so you can assess your risk!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi

In the previous episode...

We revealed that addressing childhood trauma, stress, and the fear around a cancer diagnosis is the REAL way to conquer or prevent cancer for good...

It’s the “missing link” that stands between you and a happy, healthy life where you don’t have to worry about this terrible disease.

And now all you need is a simple plan to make that possible.
You’ll find that plan in Episode 4, The Missing Link to Cancer Treatment & Prevention: Tools and Strategies (Part 2).


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you tired of the same old skincare routine that promises the world but falls short of results? Trust me, you're not alone.
The beauty industry is flooded with products that claim to work wonders and turn back the clock on aging, but do they really deliver on their promises?
Let's take retinol, for example - a hot-topic-bigshot in skincare right now…
While it's praised for boosting collagen and enhancing skin texture, did you know it could actually be speeding up signs of aging?
Yes, you heard it right. The very ingredient you trusted as your skincare hero might be doing more harm than good.
Now picture a skincare routine that not only helps you achieve youthful, glowing skin but also shields you from harmful chemicals and potential health hazards...
Sounds too good to be true? Well, it's not!
Get ready for a free masterclass hosted by the renowned healthy aging expert, Brian Vaszily.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Wow. What an exhilarating couple of weeks it’s been.
I'll get straight to the BIG NEWS:
The Remedy docuseries ended on Thursday evening and we’ve received an influx of emails from viewers who weren’t able to watch all of the 9 Episodes during our free event.
So… we’ve decided to do a 48-Hour Replay to make sure you have time to watch any episodes you’ve missed - or re-watch the ones that are particularly important to you. The Remedy series is back open for 2 days!
Click the link below to access the replay page and all the episodes:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,
Join us on May 20th at 4 pm PDT | 7 pm EDT for our next LIVE with Dr. Eliaz. In this month’s community webinar, Dr. Eliaz will discuss healing trauma by integrating both the psychological and physiological aspects.
He will emphasize the connection between mind and body and highlight the importance of addressing trauma not only through cognitive processes but also at a cellular level. He will address the challenge with trauma-release work, which is how to deliver the message to “let go” on a cellular level to a place where there is resistance because we are blocking and protecting ourselves.​
Dr. Eliaz’s discussion on dissociation and its relationship to trauma will shed light on how traditional meditation practices can help trauma healing but at the same time, may inadvertently exacerbate dissociative tendencies. This is a natural process but ultimately not what we want to do. Specific meditation guidelines will be touched on.
He will also discuss a comprehensive framework for addressing trauma that goes beyond conventional methods, discussing both Galectin-3 and apheresis.
We hope you will join us as Dr. Eliaz shares valuable insights into the complexities of trauma healing and offers practical tools for your healing journey.
Yours in health,
Team Dr. Eliaz​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

If you´ve been following us for a while now, you might have heard of our good friend, Nataliya Voloshin.

She was once energetic and full of life, but after eating ceviche in Peru…

She found herself battling a series of illnesses that left her feeling weak, and helpless…

For five long years, she endured excruciating pain.

Despite consulting over 20 specialists… None of the conventional solutions seemed to help!

In the end she was told,

"You'll have to take chemo or steroids or have your legs amputated, these are your only options”

And this was all because she ate ONE wrong meal.

Thankfully, after following our detox protocols, she fully restored her health… to even greater heights than before she got sick!

But it all just goes to show that the food that you put into your body can either nourish you…

Or like in Nataliya’s case… It can send you on a long painful downhill spiral.

But if you can identify the healthiest foods…

It could help you drastically reduce your risk of developing life threatening and debilitating diseases.

I know that sometimes… with all the marketing and media out there…

You can be left feeling overwhelmed, trying to decide which foods are truly nutritious…

And which ones are just a marketing ploy.

So together with one of our top experts, a pioneer in nutrition, Dr. Russell Marz…

We have compiled an eBook with the top 20 MOST nutritious foods that you can eat!

It's absolutely f.ree to download.
This is our way of giving you as much support as possible…

As well as thanking you for all the support you´ve given Jonathan and I!

If you´re ready to uncover the best foods you should be eating to maximize your health…

>>> Click HERE to discover which foods you should be eating!

With love and care,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

Our bodies have the natural ability to heal themselves.

But if your body is not healing as quickly or your immune system isn’t as strong as it should be…

… then it might be because of something that’s often overlooked — mitochondrial dysfunction.

Our cells rely on mitochondria to heal and support our immune system. They are crucial for energy production, cognitive function and overall cell function.

When they’re not working properly, our body struggles to repair itself and fend off illnesses. This is called mitochondrial dysfunction and it affects your healing process because it hampers cell function.

And since healing starts at the cellular level, this has a significant impact on your overall health — including your immune response.

I’ve been exploring a fascinating technology that's designed to support your cells in a truly holistic way, optimizing your health at the cellular level.

Here’s a glimpse of what it offers:

  • It helps improve cellular energy production, crucial for healing and overall vitality
  • It strengthens your body’s natural defenses, helping you stay healthier and more resilient
  • It has an easy-to-use design that fits into your daily routine
  • And so much more!
It basically offers a practical way to support your body’s natural processes and gives your body the tools it needs to heal and thrive from the inside out.

I was genuinely impressed by the potential benefits and the science behind it, and I think you might find it as intriguing as I did.

Find out more about mitochondrial dysfunction and how this innovative technology can address that and improve your health.

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Who’s at Risk for Sudden Cardiac Death?

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Sudden cardiac death is an unexpected death caused by loss of heart function within a short time period, and is the largest cause of natural death in the U.S.

People who are at risk of coronary artery disease are perhaps the largest group vulnerable to sudden cardiac death because this condition can result in the stoppage of blood to the heart, which can trigger a lethal arrhythmia.

Special: 4 Signs Your Heart Is Quietly Failing

Other heart conditions that increase the risk of sudden cardiac death include:

Cardiomyopathy. This condition causes the heart muscle to become thickened and unable to pump enough blood.

Congestive heart failure. With this condition, the heart becomes weak and unable to pump blood effectively.

Valvular heart disease. Leaking or narrowing of your heart valves can lead to stretching or thickening of your heart muscle.

Heartbeat disorders. Disorders that can cause arrhythmias can also lead to sudden cardiac death, especially atrial fibrillation.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
The Food Revolution Network team is about to get to work on a new course about gut health. Before we get too far with it, we want to be sure that we cover the topics that will be most helpful to you.
So, I’d like to ask you this:
When it comes to your digestive and gut health, what’s the single biggest challenge you’ve been facing?
Would you please CLICK HERE to tell me so that our team can be sure that our new course addresses your concerns?
Please reply to the survey—NOT to this email directly. I’m sure there will be a lot of responses, and we need you to use the survey form linked above to include your incredibly valuable feedback.
Thank you SO much!
Yours for a healthy digestive system,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. When it comes to your digestive and gut health, what’s the single biggest challenge you’ve been facing? Please click here to tell me, and thank you!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
I hope you’re enjoying the 48-hour replay of our Remedy docuseries! Remember, you have until Sunday night at 11:59pm Eastern Time to squeeze in all the episodes.
There is one episode in particular that I think EVERYONE should make sure to watch. It's our Episode 2 on Herbs for Stress & Pain - and I'll tell you why it's so vital for all of us to see...
But before I get to that, here is your link again to watch the entire Remedy 48-Hour Replay:
Why is Episode 2 so important to watch?
While we were filming Remedy, there was one topic that seemed to come up again and again, no matter who we were talking to or what disease we were talking about. It’s a condition that has been called the “silent killer of our time.”
I’m talking about STRESS.
Now, when our mind and body encounters a moderate amount of stress it can actually be beneficial to our health - even strengthening. Not unlike the notion that exposure to a tiny amount of a foreign toxin can actually boost our natural resistance to it.
But when we encounter constant levels of stress, this is how disease forms. The disharmony that stress creates within us can take away our ability to recover from illnesses we otherwise would never have contracted in the first place.
The Tiger Chase Theory
The body we inhabit is pretty much the same model as our ancestors inhabited thousands of years ago - and our capacity for stress hasn't changed too much. However, our lifestyles and external stressors certainly have.
Our hunter-gatherer predecessors were not hit with high stress levels throughout the day for years on end - like we are. Here and there, they had to flee from a predator (maybe even a tiger!) or fight for their lives - but afterwards they enjoyed long periods of recovery. Science shows that this is how we are still wired and that the stress response of our evolutionary design is based on occasional high stress with extended rest afterward.
Yet, in our modern age, stress is often a daily encounter and recovery is sometimes nowhere in sight. Sitting at an office desk in a deadline-oriented environment, our stress response is heightened and constant. Over the course of years, our organs, especially the adrenals, become completely drained.
We humans are hardwired to flee from an attacking tiger. Now the tiger is your boss - or your bank account balance - or a fearful news headline. And unsurprisingly, this unremitting stress comes with soaring rates of disease.
Why am I telling you all this?
Because, this is where the super-herbs and other ancient medicines of our ancestors are a literal life-saver. And guess what - we have an entire episode dedicated to herbs for STRESS along with its favorite co-conspirator - PAIN.
It’s Episode 2 and you can watch it now using the replay link below:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

From award-winning TV host to influential podcaster to renowned internist, Dr. Drew is one of America’s most-loved doctors.
With 40 years of medical experience, he’s best known for his honest, practical, and science-based advice on health.
And on today's episode of his new show “Health Uncensored with Dr. Drew,” he’s talking about PectaSol!
It’s all happening today on Fox Business at 2:30 PM PST / 5:30 PM EST — don’t miss it!
Intrigued by the sheer volume of research, Dr. Drew invited us on his show to discuss exactly how PectaSol works to transform people’s health.
You’ll learn why Dr. Drew was blown away by PectaSol’s #1 mode of action and its far-reaching applications.
We couldn’t be more honored to appear on this important show.


“We can all make better decisions when we are informed.”

– Dr. Drew Pinsky



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Exercise Improves Brain Function
New research from the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois shows the benefits of physical activity can help to support and strengthen brain functions such as task coordination, working memory, planning, and the ability to multi-task...
Toxic BPA Additive Found in Canned Goods
Bisphenol A, also known as BPA, is a chemical used as a plastic hardener that has been under increased scrutiny for potentially causing re-productive abnormalities and leading to increased risks of cancer and diabetes. BPA is a component of epoxy resin and is also the leading chemical found to preserve foods...
Soda Consumption Linked to an Assortment of Diseases
What do heart disease, stroke, cancer, obesity, tooth decay, osteoporosis, diabetes, and dementia have in common? Would you believe soft drink consumption? Soft drinks contain little or no vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, or other essential nutrients. These drinks are loaded with simple sugars or sugar substitutes, carbonation, caffeine, and additives, such as artificial coloring, flavoring, and preservatives...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Adolescents Drink an Average of 20 Teaspoons of Sugar a Day
Soft drinks now make up one-third of an adolescent’s daily beverage intake. This depletes bone-building calcium. Ninth and tenth grade girls who drink sodas have three times the risk of bone fractures compared with those who don’t drink carbonated beverages....
Vitamin B12 May Protect the Aging Brain
Recent research shows that people with higher vitamin B12 levels are six times less likely to experience brain shrinkage (as compared to those with lower levels of vitamin B12 in their blood).”Low vitamin B12 status should be further investigated as a modifiable cause of brain atrophy and of likely subsequent cognitive impairment in the elderly,” the scientists urge for further research to ascertain whether preventing brain shrinkage may save memory function. My advice – take a good optimal daily allowance multivitamin/mineral formula, one with plenty of vitamin B12...
Relax – More Reasons To Love Chocolate!
A recent study found that eating about an ounce and a half of dark chocolate a day for two weeks reduced levels of stress hormones in the bodies of people feeling highly stressed. Everyone’s favorite treat also partially corrected other stress-related biochemical imbalances....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
You’ve probably heard that stress is responsible for over 70% of doctor’s visits. It is one of the biggest drains on your energy levels, and a major contributor to mood problems like depression and anxiety.
Stress and anxiety are rampant in today’s world (for many reasons you’re certainly well aware of).
But here’s what you may not know…
It turns out that one of the fastest and most powerful ways to get your brain and body out of stress and anxiety isn’t to think your way out of it, but to use your BREATH.
We're excited to share a new live, virtual event with you from Ari Whitten and breathing expert, coach, and bestselling author Patrick McKeown. This brand new 1-hour masterclass is designed to teach you just how to use breathwork to soothe anxiety and get your brain and body out of fight-or-flight.
You will learn:
  • Breathing practices to rewire your nervous system out of stress mode and dramatically decrease anxiety levels
  • Specific breathing practices to open your airways and calm your nervous system before bed to help you sleep deeper than you have since you were a kid
  • Why dysfunctional breathing is a common cause of brain fog and anxiety (and why adjusting your breathing is one of the keys to addressing anxiety)
  • A specific 10-minute morning routine that can reset your anxiety and dramatically help increase energy
-->> Grab your FREE spot in this live virtual event HERE
It’s happening this Thursday, May 23rd.

Yours in health,
-The Science of Prevention Team

- This is NOT your typical “take deep breaths and relax” advice. This is breathing science to help rewire your brain and body for relaxation and energy.
-->> Register HERE


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
It’s time we bust the myth that fitness always declines with age.
There are new considerations and challenges, for sure. But with the right plan and knowledge, your physical and mental fitness can expand, at almost any age.
However many times the earth has gone around the sun since you were born, the time is now to lay the groundwork for the most vibrant and healthy elderhood possible.
That’s why I’m thrilled to share that my friends at Complement are hosting Plantapalooza: Fit Over 40. They're dedicating eight days to helping you understand the nutrition, fitness, and mindset practices that could help you feel your best for many healthy years to come.
They’re convening a brilliant line-up of plant-based doctors, registered dietitians, bestselling authors, Olympians, fitness experts, and meditation specialists to share our life-changing health secrets and strategies for improved energy, mobility, strength, and wellness.
>> Claim your free VIP ticket to Plantapalooza, here.
Throughout the eight-day event, you'll get exclusive access to more than 20 headliner interviews with experts from the plant-based community, plus fitness plans and programs, recipes, discounts, and access to a thriving community with tens of thousands of like-minded people.
All to help you live a longer, more vibrant, energized, and fulfilling life.
Whether you're new to a plant-forward diet, simply curious, or a longtime vegan, Plantapalooza will be packed with life-changing motivation and advice so that you can walk away from the event with a clear roadmap for lasting health and fitness.
>> Click here to get your free access.
Yours for thriving at every age and stage,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Your registration also gives you the new Plantapalooza cookbook for free, plus instant access to the Plant-Based Longevity Toolkit, filled with over 15 fitness and nutrition guides.
Get it all here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How to Befriend the Discomfort of Change​

Cultivating an Evolutionary Relationship to Life
We all know that change can be uncomfortable. And because spiritual awakening involves a transformation of our very identity, it may be the most challenging form of change any of us will undergo in our lifetime.

How can we embrace this intensity of change, and the potential discomfort that comes with it? What does it take to be comfortable with the natural growing pains that accompany an evolutionary relationship to life?

In an article based on a Q&A with one of his students, Craig discusses the key shift that can transform our relationship to this discomfort and empower us to live a truly evolutionary life.
05.19.24 CH Newsletter - butterfly


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Brain Regeneration: Why it's Real & How to Do it
Have you ever wished you could regenerate those brain cells you sacrificed in college? Do you fear that your aging brain is in a perpetual state of decline? Medical science is being rewritten to show that we CAN improve the health of our brain, and that repairing damage is not only possible, it's something anyone can do.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Let There Be Light
Late last year colleagues in the Orthomolecular News Service published a brilliant paper called Quantum Orthomolecular Medicine: The Bio-Orthophotonic Concept of Healing Energy. This brought together a number of insights that have now become possible into how we can think about using light energy for healing. There is no doubt that this is the medicine of the future, but you don't have to wait for the future to use it; I am here to tell you what you can do. That was the theory, here's the practice.
Choosing Inner Healing & Creating New Systems With Sayer Ji + Derrick Broze
The Conscious Resistance Network presents: The Activation Podcast. On this episode of The Activation podcast Derrick Broze interviews Sayer Ji as they dive deep into the importance of both exposing the underbelly of society, AND healing our internal worlds so we may build a new earth paradigm. In this discussion, Sayer and Derrick share about the beginning of their journey to the activist path, the importance of the inner child, and why we cannot hide from the difficult situations we face as a species.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi

Seems the link we sent out earlier with the replay for Episode 5 did not work properly. If you were affected by this we apologize.

We're going to leave Episode 5 up a little while longer because of this...

So if you need to catch up anything you missed, here's the correct link to watch the replay of Episode 5 - The Best Anti-Cancer Diet.

>> Go here to watch Episode 5 and the bonus interview (replaying until MIDNIGHT tonight)
And then later tonight...

You’ll get the link for Episode 6, which is called: "How to Eliminate Cancer-Causing Toxins From Your Home & Life".

In this episode, we’ll share the most common cancer-causing toxins that are hiding right under your nose...

These are toxins that you can find in your food, home, and even the personal care products that you use.

For example, one of our renowned experts, Paul Barratiero, is going to talk about what’s called toxic water...

And how to know if your water is contaminated with agents that can cause cancer as well as the truth about bottled water...

Should you really drink it? You might be surprised!

Then, Brian Vaszily sits down with us to talk about how to find skincare and beauty products that are "truly toxin-free."

That way you can still take care of your skin without having to worry about dangerous chemicals getting into your body.

And another note, you’re probably going to discover a few toxins that you haven’t thought of yet!

So please keep an eye out for your link to watch tonight’s brand new episode.

>> Just make sure you watch Episode 5 (and the bonus interview) now before it goes offline.

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi

Can you believe we’re already on Episode 6?

It’s been one heck of a ride, but as you know, our journey is FAR from over!

Because tonight’s episode is all about protecting ourselves from the hundred of thousands of cancer-causing toxins we come in contact with — every single day.

We go deep on the little-known cancerous toxins that could be hiding in your home, your food, and even in your beauty products.

And then in our bonus interview with Natasha Parker...

You’ll hear about how when she adjusted her lifestyle and reduced her exposure to these harmful substances, she was finally able to heal her cancer!

>> Watch Episode 6 and the bonus interview here.

You actually have an entire system that’s dedicated to filtering these toxins out (the lymphatic system)...

But when too many toxins build up, your lymphatic system gets clogged up, and that’s what leads to diseases like cancer.

So, in Episode 6, we talk about exactly what happens to the lymphatic system, and how to reverse the damage so that you can basically turn your body into an "Anti-Cancer Fortress."

As Dr. Melissa Gallagher talks about this episode...

Your body has a natural way to flush these toxins out... and it’s one of the front line defenses that your body has against tumor growth.

>> Watch Episode 6 now and see how to flush these cancer-causing toxins out of your body.

And here’s a few more teasers from Episode 6:

  • Cutting-edge information from experts like Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Brian Vaszily, Paul Barratiero, and Jenn Edden.
  • How to "turbocharge" your body’s first line of defense against toxins that are known to cause cancer.
  • The hidden link between water, toxins, and cancer. (Should you really be drinking bottled water? After watching this episode you’ll know the truth.)
  • Skincare and beauty products that you should avoid if you want to prevent or treat cancer.
  • What really happens when toxins flood your lymphatic system? (Most people don’t talk about this.)
  • And don’t miss the bonus interview with Natasha Parker below the episode video!
As you can see, this is a VALUE-PACKED episode and you won’t want to miss a single second of it.

>> Go here to watch Episode 6 of The Missing Link (airing now for the next 24 hours).

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,
Join us today at 4 pm PDT | 7 pm EDT for our next LIVE with Dr. Eliaz. In this month’s community webinar, Dr. Eliaz will discuss healing trauma by integrating both the psychological and physiological aspects.
He will emphasize the connection between mind and body and highlight the importance of addressing trauma not only through cognitive processes but also at a cellular level. He will address the challenge with trauma-release work, which is how to deliver the message to “let go” on a cellular level to a place where there is resistance because we are blocking and protecting ourselves.​
Dr. Eliaz’s discussion on dissociation and its relationship to trauma will shed light on how traditional meditation practices can help trauma healing but at the same time, may inadvertently exacerbate dissociative tendencies. This is a natural process but ultimately not what we want to do. Specific meditation guidelines will be touched on.
He will also discuss a comprehensive framework for addressing trauma that goes beyond conventional methods, discussing both Galectin-3 and apheresis.
We hope you will join us as Dr. Eliaz shares valuable insights into the complexities of trauma healing and offers practical tools for your healing journey.
Yours in health,
Team Dr. Eliaz​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We all know that having good sources of iron and vitamin B12 are super important on raw food, plant-based, or any other type of dietary approach.

We recently covered these, along with other important nutrients, in one of the final videos for our Raw Food and Plant-Based Mastery Summit 2024 and wanted to share much more on them with you!

We invite you to join us for our webinar Where do you get your iron and vitamin B12? It's scheduled for:

Friday, May 24th at 10 AM Pacific Time (1 PM Eastern Time)
(7pm / 19:00 Central European Time)


Click here to register for the webinar

In this webinar, you'll learn:
  • Reliable raw food and plant-based sources of one of the most talked about minerals - iron!
  • Important information on oxalate and its effects on iron use in the body.
  • The oxalate-microbiome connection.
  • Who needs to be concerned about vitamin B12?
  • Essential information on vitamin B12, its forms, and reliable sources.
  • How a simple blood test can determine the similarities and differences between iron deficiency and vitamin B12 deficiency.
  • How a simple blood test can determine one's iron status without needing to measure iron directly.
  • Which B12 tests are best and why in different circumstances.
  • The B12-folate-inflammation-vascular disease connection.
  • Why MTHFR genetic variants are less of a concern for plant eaters than conventional eaters; which lab test confirms this and why.
  • And more!

We will also share details with you about our upcoming online class offerings and we'll be there live at the end of the webinar to answer questions. We invite you to join us for the webinar:

Healthfully yours,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

We had a great session on Saturday with the 'Breathe Away Stress & Anxiety' Masterclass.

If you missed the live session or simply want to revisit the powerful techniques we explored, I've got great news for you!

📣 The replay is now available for your viewing breathing pleasure. 🎥 (here)

In this masterclass, I've distilled 8 years of breathwork study into 7 essential rules for maintaining a more balanced and calm nervous system. 🧠😌 These rules will serve as your foundation for lasting stress relief and inner peace.

But that's not all! I also guided you through 5 of my all-time favorite breathing techniques. 🫁 These techniques are designed to help you quickly and effectively manage stress, reduce anxiety, and find your center in any situation.

To access the replay and start your breathwork journey, simply click the link below:

[Watch Here on YouTube ]


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello, my friend!

We’re in the midst of a major worldwide health crisis, chronic illness and disease are on the rise, and much of this is due to the food we eat.
Most people are eating food that is suboptimal for our long term health and in fact is fueling chronic diseases and illness such as Alzheimer's, dementia, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.
But here’s the great news. The right foods, and the right lifestyle that is in alignment with your body’s specific needs can not only help protect you and your loved ones from chronic illness and disease but can help you to increase your life span and give optimal health for life.
Our good friend Damian at Legend Life and the Wellness Life Collective is about to release the 2024 NUTRITIONAL WELLNESS SUMMIT — and you’re invited to watch for free June 10-19!

In this 9-Day event, you’ll discover what 78+ of the world’s top doctors, nutritionists and health experts want you to know about the power of food for your health.

You’ll learn:
  • How to protect yourself from the world’s #1 killer heart disease.
  • The breakthrough nutrition protocols that show how to prevent Alzheimer’s disease whilst optimizing your cognitive health.
  • The research about the microbiome and how to optimize your gut and digestive health for optimal immunity, mental health and disease prevention.
  • Why traditional diets fail — and the better approach to weight loss and how to overcome food addictions and emotional eating.
  • What to eat to keep blood sugar levels in a healthy range so you can avoid metabolic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes.
  • What supplements will help you avoid nutrient deficiencies and how to use herbs, spices, mushrooms and super foods such as sprouts and algae to help you achieve optimal health.
  • How to use food as medicine to help you not only live longer but healthier.

These experts are at the forefront of the research, sharing things most medical practitioners might not yet know.
At the end of the Summit’s 9 days you will have a complete nutritional blueprint that will assure you of optimal health, disease and illness prevention and a long healthy life.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

Start your week with a transformative insight into Cancer Detection: Clean Living.

We’re excited to share an excerpt from our exclusive 1-hour live Q&A session, “Unexpected: Finding Resilience Through Functional Medicine” with the renowned Dr. Jill Carnahan.

In this session, you’ll learn:
  • The importance of a clean lifestyle in early cancer detection.
  • How functional medicine approaches resilience and healing.
  • Practical steps to incorporate clean living into your daily routine.

For the full, enlightening interview, visit us at where our community members enjoy full access to our extensive library of health and wellness resources.

Join us at Healing Life International
and empower your journey to health with the wisdom of experts like Dr. Carnahan.​

To your health and vitality ,

Healing Life​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How Beta Glucan Empowers Your Immune System to Fight Cancer

The research on Beta Glucan and immunity is incredible!

And we know that we need a fully functioning immune system to fight off cancer.

-->> Go watch the interview here



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Today, we are excited to release the 5 Simple Things You Can Do To Heal Your Gut, Boost Your Mood & Shift Stubborn Weight Masterclass!
Unlock Now
This Masterclass is exclusively for our Food Matters community to celebrate the launch of our BRAND NEW Food As Medicine Nutrition Program.
Inside of this Masterclass, you will learn:
  • Why there’s no “one size fits all” approach to nutrition and why this is significant for YOU
  • The ultimate morning ritual for your mental wellbeing
  • Our most effective strategies for shifting weight
  • The relationship between gut health and stress
  • The top 5 medicinal foods to add to your diet
And so much more! (When you unlock this Masterclass, you will also gain access to 3 sample classes and workbooks from the NEW Food As Medicine Nutrition Program.)
We look forward to hearing your biggest takeaways!
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Episode 372: BAD MEDICINE
First Major Lawsuit Against For COVID Vaccine Injury Filed; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on Astrazeneca Fallout, Whooping cough outbreak prompts re-evaluation of DTaP vaccine, and the fight over puberty blockers for children heats up; A Texas Whistleblower exposes unethical transitioning of children in Texas’ Largest Pediatric Hospital.
Guests: Bri Dressen, Aaron Siri, Esq., Eithan Haim, M.D.​

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