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Diamond Contributor
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Hey Jimi!

In the hustle and bustle of December, amid the holiday festivities, carve out moments for self-care and breathwork rituals. As the season whirls with excitement, these intentional pauses become anchors, offering a sanctuary of calm amidst the joyful chaos. Embrace the gift of self-nurturing breathing practices to navigate the holiday whirlwind with grace, fostering not just celebration but a genuine sense of well-being throughout December and beyond.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Did you know you could double your energy levels in 10 minutes a day by using your breath?! I know; I rolled my eyes the first time I heard this. I thought,, I'm breathing wrong. But I promise, it's not snake oil.

My Friend and Energy Expert, Ari Whitten, is hosting a live virtual event on December 7th at 4:30pm PST to share his secret.

He promises to teach you the fastest method to boost energy levels based on 25 years of health science studies. Ari will show you specific breathing practices to measure vitality, reduce stress, lower anxiety, optimize breathing, combat brain fog, and enhance sleep quality.

I have personally taken several of Ari's courses, and they have been game-changers. Check it out with an open mind and register to attend this free event.

I promise this simple and powerful 10-minute morning routine will transform your day!

Secure your spot for the free live event on December 7th at 4:30pm PST, and you'll be rewarded with a revitalizing experience!
Click here to register for free.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Can You “Breathe Away” Alzheimer’s Memory Loss?

This breakthrough discovery is shocking the medical world…

New scientific research is showing a simple “Breathing Technique” to reverse memory loss

In one case, researchers called it the best improvement they’ve ever seen.

And it couldn’t be simpler. All you need to do is THIS…

– Dr. Kevin Dobrzynski


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Did you know that stress is responsible for over 70% of doctor’s visits?

It turns out that actually the fastest and most powerful way to get your brain and body out of stress and anxiety isn’t to work on your mind but to use your breath.

CLICK HERE to learn more about how to effectively use your breathing in a live, virtual event. >>

I’m incredibly excited to share a new live virtual event with you from energy expert Ari Whitten. The techniques he’s sharing can revolutionize your relationship with stress and rewire your nervous system from “anxious and fatigued” to “relaxed and energized.”

If you're interested in learning about how to use your breathing to optimize your overall wellbeing, you won't want to miss out.

You can join HERE. >>

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Unleash 2024 with a FREE Airheads Breathwork Masterclass

Hi Jimi,

We're excited to share some practical and transformative advice to elevate your breathwork practice, whether you're just starting or you're a seasoned pro. Below, you'll find links to a couple of FREE powerful videos that we believe will significantly enhance your journey.

We are Mike and Tom, a.k.a The Airheads. Our mission is to share the incredible power of breath in a fun, sometimes geeky way, so we can all reap the benefits of this wonderful thing called breathing.

In 2023, Airheads hosted a masterclass featuring the world's top breath experts, made possible by our friends at the Breath Source app, particularly Travis Steffens, the CEO. To kick off 2024, we're bringing you exclusive learning opportunities from Travis. In this email, you'll find links to a FREE guided breathing exercise by Travis Steffens and a masterclass interview from last year that's not available anywhere else online. You're getting exclusive access to these recordings!

In these videos, expect to learn how to use breathwork to shift your state, discover the Breath Source app and how it can support your journey, learn about Travis's journey to becoming CEO of Breath Source, explore the future of breathwork, and enjoy an extra bonus breathing exercise.

We're fortunate that Breath Source powered The Airheads Masterclass, so please click below to enjoy learning more from the wonderful Travis Steffens.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi ,

Good sleep is the cornerstone of health, and we're here to help you achieve just that. Dive into the transformative world of breathwork with a special clip from our 'Ask the Experts' series.
Exclusive Insight: Mastering Breathwork for Deep Sleep
  • Discover Proven Techniques: Learn about various breathing rhythms and visualization exercises that can enhance the quality of your sleep.
  • Expert Guidance: Our recent Live Q&A Ask the Experts session with Jen Broyles offers invaluable advice on how to use breathwork to ensure restful nights.
  • Perfect for Anyone: Whether you're a beginner or looking to deepen your practice, these insights are tailored for all.

Watch this 5 Minute excerpt Now
Click here to watch "Mastering Breathwork for Deep Sleep"

As a preview of what Healing Life membership offers, this clip is just the beginning. Join us as a member for full access to our complete library of expert interviews, live Q&A Ask the Experts sessions, and much more.

Join Healing Life Today
Don't let another sleepless night pass you by. Sign up for Healing Life now and begin your journey to better health and peaceful nights.

Sweet dreams,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi

Discovering the Power of Meditation and Breathwork for Cognitive Wellness:​

I like to start every day off with meditation. It’s a guaranteed few moments of peace for myself. Other times a moment of practiced breathing techniques between recording summit interviews, a patient visit, or dropping my daughter off at school is all that I need to regain my focus.
Mindfulness practices can provide comfort and improve the quality of life for those with dementia and for their caregivers. They can contribute to increased gray matter density and enhanced connectivity between different regions of the brain.

I love that it’s an act that can be done together. The staff and residents at Marama spend time every day doing one of my favorite, research-backed meditation practices – a 12-minute Kirtan Kriya practice.

Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa and Dr. Andrew Newberg’s research found Kirtan Kiyra meditation specifically is a crucial component in the development of enhanced cognition and well-being. Kirtan Kirya’s impact on the brain are changes in the frontal lobes that regulate emotional responses and in the thalamus which helps regulate information flow in the nervous system. This may help prevent and reverse cognitive decline.

“When we brought people back after doing the practice for about eight weeks as part of our study, even at rest, their brain had more function in their frontal lobes, even when they weren’t meditating” quoted Dr. Newberg by Jefferson Health.

Another study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that Kirtan Kirya meditation not only improved memory, cognitive function, quality of life, sleep, stress, and mood, but also affected the blood biomarker of Beta-amyloid 40 that is linked as a potential predictor of Alzheimer’s disease.

How can you learn Kirtan Kirya?

It’s easy! Use this video guide of Kirtan Kirya and/or these written instructions from the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation.

Take a Breath

Breathing exercises or breathwork is another practice backed by research for its benefits on cognitive function. “We know the sympathetic [fight or flight] and parasympathetic systems [rest and digest] influence the production and clearance of Alzheimer’s related peptides and proteins,” said USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology Professor Mara Mather in an article by the University of Southern California on breathing exercises and alzheimer’s risk.

Deep and slow breathing improved all measurements of retention and attention, working memory, and spatial perception in participants aged 65 and older according to a study published just last year.

Another study found that daily breathing exercises may help release peptides in the bloodstream which could lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease according to this study.

There’s so much evidence that adding just one or a few of these mindfulness techniques into your day will improve cognitive performance. And for those of you that are caregiving, a few moments of practice can give you a moment of peace and resilience for all the difficulties you face in a day.

Dr. Heather Sandison

P.S. – Energy expert, Ari Whitten, M.S. is offering a free webinar this Thursday all about 10-minute morning breathwork practice! In this personalized webinar, you’ll learn how to breathe for vibrancy, longevity, balanced mood, boosted metabolism, and better fitness…plus, how to test your current respiratory function and whether it contributes to low energy and chronic disease. Click here to save your spot in Breathing for Energy: How To Dramatically Increase Your Energy and Squash Anxiety In Just 10 Minutes A Day.

You can read and share the letters on my site.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

9 Research-Backed Ways to Improve Lung Health​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,
In this episode, I’m speaking with world-renowned breathing expert, Patrick McKeown, who shares his amazing expertise on the breathing habits you need to know to reduce stress and anxiety, raise your energy levels, and boost performance…and they’re NOT what you expect!
I’m also incredibly excited to share that I’ve partnered with Patrick to develop a one-of-its-kind Breathing for Energy program, a powerful course with content from both Patrick and I showing you how to use your breath to battle low energy, brain fog, depression, sleep issues, and chronic anxiety.
(FYI… Right now, we’re offering 40% off this transformational course when you order today!)
In this podcast, Patrick and I discuss:

  • The negative impact modern life has on our breathing patterns and why just 24 hours of stress or being sedentary can shift us out of optimal breathing habits
  • Why the popular advice of “just take a deep breath!” might be the worst thing you can do for your physical and mental health!

  • The “oxygen paradox” and the extreme importance of a balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide…and how to achieve this health-enhancing equilibrium
  • The nearly unbelievable role of carbon dioxide in getting oxygen into your cells and how it’s not the waste product you think it is

  • The fascinating interplay between stress and breathing…stress affects your breathing, but did you know the way you breathe affects your levels of stress?

  • A practical, easy-to-use tool that takes less than 1 minute to track your breathing patterns and if they’re leading to health or fatigue and disease

  • How sleep apnea, grinding your teeth at night, and waking up exhausted are connected to your breathing patterns…and how to stop these problems for good!

  • 2 specific breathing tips for people with chronic fatigue

  • How most yoga, pilates, and stress counselors are not teaching you the right way to breathe
Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi ,

Mitochondria are tiny energy generators in our bodies, but how do we "turn them on"?

Eating healthfully helps, of course, but there's something crucial that few think about: Breathing.

In all our summits, we briefly touched on breathwork, but it deserves much more attention. Ignoring your breath is like driving a car with a missing wheel...

That's why I'm excited to share with you a free web-class with Ari Whitten on how to ramp up your energy in just a few minutes each morning.

>> Click here to get free access.

You'll discover:

  • The critical link between breathing and mitochondria (your cellular energy generators) -- and how a specific breathing routine can supercharge them
  • Science-backed breathing techniques that optimize your brain function (decrease anxiety, balance neurotransmitters, eliminate brain fog, and protect against brain diseases).
  • Specific breathing practices can help you sleep like you did when you were a kid
  • How dysfunctional breathing wires your nervous system into stress/anxiety mode, and how to fix it
  • Why resetting your CO2 threshold is the big key to conquering anxiety and getting supercharging oxygen delivery to your brain
  • The 4 keys to optimal breathing (and how to rewire your brain into doing it automatically)
This "Breathing For Energy" web-class happens tomorrow (Thursday), so be sure to register here today.

Wishing you a great day, and remember to take a deep breath while you're reading this :)

Yours in health,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Free Breathwork Class This Sunday (Tomorrow)

Hi Jimi,

Did you know that samurai warriors were renowned for their exceptional breathing techniques?

It's said that, before battle, a feather was placed beneath their noses to test their breathing steadiness.

If the feather moved too much, they were considered unfit for service.

Fascinating, isn't it? How the significance of controlled breathing was acknowledged centuries ago!

This Sunday 25 Feb (tomorrow), I'm excited to invite you to a workshop titled "Breathe Like a Samurai," where I'll share some of these ancient and powerful breathing skills with you.

Register here

We'll start at 8pm London Time (3pm ET / 12pm PST). Sunday 25 Feb.

In this session, I'll guide you through essential slow breathing exercises designed to improve sleep, boost concentration, and enhance longevity. It's a great opportunity to learn techniques that can significantly impact your daily life.

Plus, I have a special announcement for those who join us live on the call. It's something you won't want to miss!

Spaces are limited, so make sure to register as soon as possible to secure your spot. Here's where you can sign up: Register here

I can't wait to breathe with you tomorrow. Let's take this opportunity to focus on our wellbeing together.

Breathe Well,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Quick one today, Jimi.

I had a bunch of emails yesterday from people who wanted to attend my (last ever) live Sunday Breath Workshop, but couldn’t make it.

Didn’t work for their timezone, spending time with their family, ‘out and about’ etc…

Which is why I’ve just uploaded the full recording for you to watch (no charge).

CLICK HERE to go watch it now
Simply click through, pop in your name and email, and you’ll be able to instantly access the entire recording ‘on demand’ - i.e. you don’t have to wait around, you can watch it from start to finish.

One thing to note though:

On the recording, I announce something that’s already causing a stir in the breathwork community.

And you need to watch it ahead of Thursday to find out what that is (and take advantage).

I won’t spoil the surprise for you…

But I recommend you CLICK HERE and go watch it right now!

Breathe well,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The most powerful healing tools are often very simple, Jimi.

And one of the most accessible of all is conscious breathing, which you can use at any time to calm anxiety, reduce stress, and foster healing.

The good news is that conscious breathing is easier than you think, and we are excited to share a FREE eBook on the power of conscious breathing!

This eBook will teach you how the breath directly influences your nervous system, and you’ll also get specific, guided breathing practices to help you achieve balance and feel more grounded, fast.

Get immediate access to the Conscious Breathing eBook.

In support of your journey to greater health and wellbeing,

Laura Trumbull

P.S. After you receive the eBook, you’ll also get the chance to save a seat for the Beyond Functional Medicine: Deep Healing & Advanced Therapies event coming up this month!

Learn the Subtle Art of Conscious Breathing


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

For centuries, it has been understood that simple breath techniques can reduce stress, calm anxiety, improve sleep, and foster a state of healing and vitality. 🍃

Now, backed by both ancient wisdom and modern research, Michael Roesslein is excited to share this powerful guide about the profound impact that conscious breathing can have on your life.

--->>Download your complimentary guide, Breathing for Nervous System Regulation.

You'll delve into the fascinating science behind breathing and its direct influence on your nervous system.

From understanding basic nervous system physiology to recognizing the signs of dysfunctional breathing versus optimal breathing patterns, you'll gain invaluable insights into how you can harness the innate power of your breath and enter into a healing state.

You will be guided through practices to harness this natural tool for balance, grounding, and resilience, enhancing your life with ease and energy. The invitation is to try all of the practices and see which ones resonate the most for you!

Embrace the power of breath and embark on a journey towards greater well-being today.

Gain immediate access to Breathing for Nervous System Regulation now.

You’ll also save a seat for the online Beyond Functional Medicine: Deep Healing & Advanced Therapies.

In it, 35+ experts will teach you more about the therapies, practices, and tools that can facilitate lasting physical, emotional, and psychological healing in a way that diet, lifestyle changes, and supplements alone cannot achieve.

Yes, you can truly get started on better health today!

To your health,

Your DrTalks Family

P.S. Enjoy learning from this powerful guide, Breathing for Nervous System Regulation, when you unlock it now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

I thought it was time to let you know what's been going on lately...

You might be wondering why there's been radio silence on the podcast.

It's been nearly two months since our last guest, (which by the way, was an absolute belter with Dr. Alan Watkins - one of the most downloaded podcasts so far)

So, why did I stop the podcast?

This last year has been a rollercoaster with the arrival of my little one. It's been the best of times but also quite rough. It's been hard to venture out as much, mingle, and dive into breath retreats, leaving me feeling a bit lonely at times.

I must confess, one of my biggest regrets in 2023 was letting my breathing practice slide amid the joys and challenges of parenting and running TAKE A DEEP BREATH full-time.

My clients were smashing their goals, but my own practice was gasping for air!

A couple of months back, I hit pause for a bit of soul-searching. I realized just how much I missed community and holding myself to my own practices.

This led to a difficult choice:
putting the podcast on hold to pour my energy into fostering a community where we can:

- Deepen our breathing practice.
- Learn and teach the art of breathwork.
- Make connections with amazing people.
- Have accountability and structure to improve our health.

And guess what? It's been two weeks since we kicked off this adventure.


Yeh, but what is it, you ask?

It's a vibrant breathing community on an amazing platform called Skool, (no more sad Facebook groups) and it's become my new daily hangout with over 120 kindred spirits.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
would you like a VERY easy solution for when you are feeling anxious or fatigued?

Because research shows that simple breathing techniques may be the fastest, most effective way for you to quickly stop anxiety and boost your energy.

Head here now to find out the BEST simple breathing techniques to help you in this completely free one-time online class taking place TOMORROW

If it do ever experience feelings of anxiety or feel more exhausted than you ought to, what you'll discover in this free class can truly be life-changing.

It's hosted by my good friend and energy expert, Ari Whitten...

...And it's entirely geared to help you dramatically increase your energy, stop stress, and even help your immune health in just 10 minutes a day.

Click here for a QUICK SUMMARY of what will be covered in this free event and to sign up if interested

This online event happens tomorrow, March 14, at 7:30pm Eastern / 4:30pm Pacific and Ari is giving away the secrets on:

  • How to quickly rewire your nervous system out of stress mode and dramatically decrease anxiety levels
  • Why deep breathing is actually bad advice (and what the right approach is to increase your energy and decrease anxiety)
  • How to improve your health, energy, and mood by increasing oxygen delivery to your cells
  • The 4 keys to optimal breathing (and how to rewire your brain into doing it automatically)
  • Why dysfunctional breathing is a common cause of brain fog and anxiety (and why fixing your breathing is the hidden key to fixing your anxiety)
  • Specific breathing practices to calm your nervous system and open your airways to help you sleep deeper than you have since you were a kid
  • A specific 10-minute morning routine that resets your anxiety and dramatically increases energy levels
Find out more and register completely free right here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

This Saturday (16th March), I'll be hosting a live breathing class that you won't want to miss. (register here)

The best part? It's completely free!

During this session, we'll explore the NATURE breathing method, a technique I've developed to help you harness the power of your breath.

I'll walk you through some calming breathwork exercises, and afterwards, we'll have a Q&A session to discuss any questions you might have.

The workshop will last for an hour, and I'm looking forward to guiding you through this soothing experience.

When is it?
Saturday 16th March @ 8pm London (4pm ET, 1pm PST) - Register here.

Spaces are limited—our last session had over 700 interested participants, but my Zoom can only accommodate 500.

So, if you're interested, click here to secure your spot. If you register but later find you can't make it, please let me know so I can offer your spot to someone on the waiting list.

Wondering what you'll gain from this class?

I'll demonstrate how to use breathwork to significantly reduce stress and anxiety, share quick tips for cooling down and calming yourself in under 5 minutes, and teach you how to breathe more efficiently for sports and physical activities.

Plus, I'll share secrets on achieving some of the best deep sleep of your life.

For those who may not know me...

I'm Mike Maher, the creator of TAKE A DEEP BREATH on YouTube, where our community of over 200,000 followers shares a passion for breathwork. So why not join us? It's a fantastic opportunity to say hello, learn valuable breathing techniques, and take a few rejuvenating breaths together. Click here to register.

Breathe well,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

As a breath coach, I guide people towards better breathing every day, people often describe me as a calm, happy, relaxed person.

But i need to make a confession.

One that often shocks people when they first find out...

I've lived with stress and anxiety for what feels like forever!

It always seemed normal, an unavoidable part of life. That was until eight years ago, at a breathwork workshop, where everything changed.

In just one hour, by changing how I breathed, my anxiety melted away, leaving calmness in its place. It was a revelation that transformed my mindset and well-being - all through the power of breath.

Since that pivotal moment, I've dedicated the last eight years to exploring everything about breathwork.

Initially, it was a quest for personal peace. Soon, it evolved into sharing what I learned with friends, family, and beyond.

This passion led me to create the "TAKE A DEEP BREATH" YouTube channel, now with over 30 million streams, and 200,000 followers, and start a podcast to dive even deeper into breathing techniques with world-renowned experts.

Now, I want to extend an invitation to you.

Join me for a free breathing workshop this Saturday (16th March) at 8pm London time (4pm ET/1pm PST). Register here.

It's an opportunity to discover the most powerful breathing techniques that have not only helped me but countless others to find tranquility, improve sleep, reduce stress, and enhance presence.

Space is limited to 500 participants - our last workshop saw over 700 registrations, so please, reserve your spot only if you can attend live. This is to ensure those who really need this can benefit from being there.Register here.

I'm excited to share with you the N.A.T.U.R.E breathing method, a technique that's been a game-changer for me. Looking forward to breathing together this Saturday.

Breathe well, and see you soon,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Qi Gong Master: Thrive using THESE Ancient Breath Techniques​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Release | Prana Portals Vol. 3:
Music for Breathing
Berkshire Yoga Festival
I'm excited to share my latest release, Prana Portals Vol. 3: Music for Breathing, now available on Apple Music and Spotify.
This 35-minute continuous play, cinematic sound journey is perfect for breathwork. Simply hit play and breathe along to the beat of the music for an epic experience.
Listen on Spotify 🎶
Listen on Apple Music 🎶


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Join me for a free breathing workshop this Saturday (16th March) at 8pm London time (4pm ET/1pm PST). Register here.

It's an opportunity to discover the most powerful breathing techniques that have not only helped me but countless others to find tranquility, improve sleep, reduce stress, and enhance presence.

Space is limited to 500 participants - our last workshop saw over 700 registrations, so please, reserve your spot only if you can attend live. This is to ensure those who really need this can benefit from being there.Register here.

I'm excited to share with you the N.A.T.U.R.E breathing method, a technique that's been a game-changer for me. Looking forward to breathing together this Saturday.

Breathe well, and see you soon,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
3 Free Breathing Techniques For Stress Relief and Better Health
Dr Ed Group interviews Bryan Mirabella for an in-depth discussion on how to relieve stress and lead a healthier lifestyle.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

As a thank you for being on this email list, here is a special breathing treat for you...

As you may have heard, we launched a private breathing community in February, and we go live almost every single day with a guided breathing class.

So, I thought, why not share one of these live classes with you today? (link above to the video)

This way, you can breathe with us, feel more calm and relaxed, and perhaps even consider joining our community (here)

We are just about to raise the price at the end of this week, so if you are looking to join now is the best time.


We have a very special guest...

MR JAMES NESTOR (author of Breath) coming into our community live this Saturday, so what a time to join! (click here to learn more)

When you join our nurturing community, you'll gain access to:

- Regular live breathing classes tailored to your needs 🧘‍♀️ (recorded incase you cannot make them)
- Monthly guest breath expert Q&A's to deepen your knowledge 🗣️
- Community meetups to connect with like-minded people 👥
- A supportive community of knowledgeable, empowered people 🤗

Plus, you get a ton of 'breath goodies' as soon as you join:

- A 5 Week Functional Breath Course ($497 value) to optimize your breathing 📚
- MP3 Breath Bundle ($97 value) for on-the-go practice 🎧
- An extensive breath library to explore at your own pace 📖
- Guest Experts (James Nestor joins us later this week)

Thats not all...

BONUS: 30-minute 1-on-1 session with me, Mike Maher (valued at $397) 🎁

This exclusive bonus 1-on-1 session offer ends at midnight on Friday, so don't miss out on this opportunity to receive personalized guidance on your breathwork journey. 💫

Here's what some of our incredible community members have to say:

"Mike brings a breath of fresh air to the topic with his knowledge interspersed with the cheeky sense of humour, makes the live sessions so much fun for what could be a very serious topic. Definitely join, you will not regret it!" - Lesley

"Take a deeper breath is the best global breathwork community you could find! Amazing content, fascinating people and so much support and positive accountability from everyone." - Katie

"There are so mnay things I love about the Take a Deeper Breath community platform!! There is something for everyone, wherever you are at in terms of fitness and knowing how to breathe. Mike Maher has provided so many resources already that it could take ages to exhaust them, from the training classes to daily breathwok live sessions to help you practice. The community is brilliant and so talented with much experience behind each member." - Rahima

and..Its RISK FREE

To give you complete peace of mind, we offer a 7-day, no-questions-asked money-back promise. If you don't absolutely love your experience, simply request a full refund within the first 7 days. 💗

Click here to join now before the price increases and the bonus 1-on-1 session offer expires at midnight this Friday: [Click Here]

Let's breathe together.

With love and deep breaths,
Mike Maher


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I wanted to share a presentation, one of dozens, created for the Fibro Rescue Coaching members.
Malabsorption or poor digestion is a common problem in fibromyalgia patients. Poor digestion can cause numerous symptoms, including, pain, brain fog, anxiety, depression, food allergies or sensitivities, autoimmune reactions, and irritable bowel (bloating, gas, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea).

(SNEAK PEEK) Fibro Rescue Video Preview:​

Dr. Murphree Talks Optimal Digestion​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi - If I ever tell you to eat dog poop for your health… DON’T.
Also, don’t drink bleach and don’t drink urine (yes there’s health “influencers” saying this).
The problem with today’s world is that we have a bunch of chicken littles and charlatans making it almost impossible to figure out the “signal from the noise”.
In other words, now that everyone has a voice, the ones that should be listened to for health advice can get lost in the noisy marketplace.
Well, I know of at least one place that is considered the most credible health docu series ever.
In fact, if you're a healthcare practitioner you can actually get continued education credits by watching it.
It’s called the Inflammation Equation (and you watch it free here).
It’s all about inflammation and the sources that are really hurting us on a day-to-day level.
Dr. Tom has done a great job of skipping the small but loud stuff and focusing on the bigger most important subjects first.
They also have a pretty delicious recipe book you can get here for free (try to mix up your meal plans next week).
My talk apparently is a good one​
I say it like that because each of my talks… to me is one of my babies. I’m proud of it. This one in this docu series however struck a lot of nerves on the inflammation equation team.
I hope it helps you.
And I hope this event helps you adopt some of the big levers that can lower inflammation in your life. That’s Dr. Tom’s goal. It’s also my goal.
Get signed up here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
What if we were to breathe deeply and mindfully more regularly, taking in as much oxygen as we can? This would have great impact on our overall wellness!
10 Ways Deep, Mindful Breathing Can Make Us Well
  1. Reduces Stress
  2. Calms Nervous System
  3. Improves Respiratory System & Posture
  4. Increases Energy Levels
  5. Aids In Proper Digestion
  6. Better, Deeper Sleep
  7. Enhanced Immunity​

  8. Can Provide Ease In Pain Management
  9. May Lead To Trauma Release​

  10. Brings Harmony In Mind, Body, & Spirit​

Mindful breathing activates our rest-and-digest system and supports our lymphatic system. It helps release tension stored in the diaphragm and primary breathing muscles to relieve respiratory issues such as asthma and breathlessness.
Try this 5-minute breathing technique to start, or explore the full range of benefits of breathwork with an experienced guide.

Low energy levels, burnout, and fatigue can significantly affect our quality of life and be a key indicator of our overall health.
Ari Whitten is an energy and fatigue specialist who uses breathwork, nutrition, and other tools to help people overcome fatigue for good! Tune into our conversation with Ari for easy solutions you can make to improve your energy levels.

Overcome Fatigue for Good, & Reclaim Your Energy with Ari Whitten

Breathwork can bring us clarity, inner and outer harmony, and limitless health benefits. We hope you take the time to explore what breathwork can do for you.
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Healing Meditation and Breathwork -
Now Available on YouTube
Join us every Wednesday at 6pm PST LIVE on Instagram for an extraordinary healing experience led by some of our talented HEAL team members and friends. This past week, HEAL producer Adam Schomer led us through a transformative Breathwork and Meditation session. If you missed the live session or wish to revisit its powerful impact, you can now watch the replay on our YouTube channel. Click the link below to immerse yourself in the healing energies and wisdom shared by Adam.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What if I told you that at this very moment, you have one of the most powerful healing resources on earth, right Jimi?
Can you guess what it is?
It’s your very own breath.
When used correctly, breathwork is scientifically proven to help reduce anxiety, release trauma, increase relaxation, and reset your nervous system for optimal wellbeing.
Breathwork can even improve your relationships, intuition, self awareness, and spirituality.
If you’d like to learn how to do NeuroDynamic breathwork as a gateway to personal empowerment, conscious embodiment, and vibrant health, then I strongly encourage you to sign up for a FREE session right here.
And, when you do, you’ll also receive one full month of FREE access to BreathworkOnline, including LIVE deep dive sessions, workshops, and meditations.
Here are just some of the many reasons this unique and highly effective healing modality is worth exploring:
  • It’s rooted in a scientific research and is shown to quiet mind chatter, rewire neural pathways, and reset your nervous system
  • It’s led by experienced facilitators in real-time, utilizing a 12-layer safety protocol
  • It can be done as a self-guided practice to unlock deeper connection and inner wisdom
  • It incorporates specially curated music that facilitates a transformative journey of self discovery and healing, right from the comfort of your home
Breathwork is more than a popular trend — it’s a powerful healing tool fusing ancient techniques and modern science, and I hope you’ll give it a try.
→ Go here to register for a FREE breathwork session today and claim this limited-time offer
P.S. BreathworkOnline is a global community of diverse but like-minded individuals who are all on a powerful healing journey. At the end of each breathwork session, participants convene in a sharing circle where they can feel seen, heard, and supported. Please don’t miss this opportunity to experience this incredible community firsthand. Join here for FREE


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Open Your Mind, Close Your Mouth: Oral Breathing Impedes Optimal Brain Activity
Breathe in, breathe out. It's automatic, instinctual. But the way you breathe may be impacting your brain more than you realize. A groundbreaking study has revealed that breathing through your mouth could be hindering your cognitive abilities, while nasal respiration provides a neural boost.
Live Your Best Life One Breath At a Time
In this Breathing 101 Masterclass, Sachin Patel shares practical and simple ways to improve your health one breath at a time.

The timeless principles discussed here will help you significantly improve your energy, mood, digestion, sleep, and more.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
5-Minute Breathing Exercise Lowers Blood Pressure

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

A daily "workout" for the breathing muscles may help lower blood pressure to a degree similar to the effects of exercise or even medication, a study suggests.

The technique is called inspiratory muscle strength training (IMST), and it involves using a device that provides resistance as the user inhales — essentially exercising the diaphragm and other breathing muscles.

Researchers found that over six weeks, the exercises lowered study participants' blood pressure by nine points, on average. And all it took was five minutes of training per day, said lead researcher Daniel Craighead, assistant research professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Special: Discover The Hidden Health Secrets of Breathing

After six weeks, people in the IMST group saw their systolic blood pressure drop from an average of 135 mm Hg to 126 mm Hg. The improvement is on par with medication, according to Craighead, and even better than what's typical with exercise.

However, study participants had higher-than-normal blood pressure but were healthy. It's unclear how well the technique would work for people in poorer health.

There's also the question of how long the benefits last, Craighead said, though this study turned up some encouraging results. Even after the training ended, most of the blood pressure reductions were sustained for another six weeks.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

I don't know about you, but the world seems to get busier and faster every week. 🌍💨

I've found that for most of us, all we really want is the ability to slow down, pause, reflect, and relax. 😌

I've personally struggled with stress and anxiety for as long as I can remember, which is why I became obsessed with breathwork.

Hi, my name is Mike Maher and I am a breath coach. 🙏

🙋‍♂️ You might know me from my YouTube channel, TAKE A DEEP BREATH, with over 225,000 followers and 30 million views. We are a breathing resource for the world, and I look forward to breathing with you! 🌍

When I first changed the way I breathed, my whole reality shifted. I became obsessed, seeking out doctors, researchers, authors, and yogis to unlock the secret of breathing for stress and anxiety relief.

It's been nearly 8 years on this breath journey, during which I've interviewed around 100 experts on my podcast. Now, I'm finally ready to share some of the lessons I've learned along the way.

These are the habits, tricks, and techniques I use daily, and my clients use to reduce overwhelm, feel calm, sleep better, and find peace no matter how busy the day is.

🌟 Join me for a FREE breathing class:
🗓️ Date: Saturday, 18th May
🕖 Time: 7 PM London Time (2pm ET, 11am PST)
🔗 [Register Here]

What you will learn:

🔬 Science-based breathing techniques to reduce stress and anxiety
😴 How to get a great night's restorative sleep
🛡️ Techniques to prevent stress
🚨 "Break glass in case of emergency" techniques for stressful situations
🤝 How to work more with Mike, either 1:1 or in a group setting

What to Expect:

- Teaching and guidance on breathwork techniques
- Q&A sessions
- Practical breathing exercises you can use to improve your life

How to Join:
If you're ready to reduce stress and anxiety, register now! But please, if you decide to register, make sure to attend. We have limited spots, and it would be great to save a spot for someone who can definitely make it.

🔗 [Register Here]

See you on Saturday,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

We had a great session on Saturday with the 'Breathe Away Stress & Anxiety' Masterclass.

If you missed the live session or simply want to revisit the powerful techniques we explored, I've got great news for you!

📣 The replay is now available for your viewing breathing pleasure. 🎥 (here)

In this masterclass, I've distilled 8 years of breathwork study into 7 essential rules for maintaining a more balanced and calm nervous system. 🧠😌 These rules will serve as your foundation for lasting stress relief and inner peace.

But that's not all! I also guided you through 5 of my all-time favorite breathing techniques. 🫁 These techniques are designed to help you quickly and effectively manage stress, reduce anxiety, and find your center in any situation.

To access the replay and start your breathwork journey, simply click the link below:

[Watch Here on YouTube ]

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