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Youth gathering to rally against big tobacco

Here is a reverse psychology hit piece against vaping. It is the first i have seen done in such a comprehensive manner, complete with images of politicians, and useful idiots abound. While I haven't been paying much attention as of late what with enjoying life as a one year non-smoker, the underhanded nature of this headline and article prompted me to forward it here.

We can be certain at this point we are now at war, and the useful idiots are our greatest enemy, or should I say 'the ignorance of'.

If you read the article and are not recognizing it as an insincere piece of active propaganda intended to confuse the general public ala "black is white" "day is night", I strongly suggest to you that you underestimate your enemy.

Article in question which has no date or author is found on Toronto star website

Oh and everyone to a person working for the Canadian Cancer Society, you're going to burn in hell and you know it. Have a nice day.

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