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Vaping: A Modern Manifestation of Liberty


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Vaping: A Modern Manifestation of Liberty


Since the birth of the first modern E-cigarette in 2003, vaping has quickly gained wide-spread popularity, developed mature industry mechanism, and established a new branch of sub-culture. It's practical function as smoking cessation agent remains unverified and as far as its influence is concerned, vaping should not be viewed as a means to an end, a tool, but, if anyone were to do it justice, be considered and respected as a symbol for an institution incorporeal, a manifestation of an ideal, a conception perfect. In this article I will try to unveil the links between vaping and liberty and to demonstrate their natural inclination towards each other---all in the most concise language of course.

Let me first clarify what meaning do I wish to convey by "liberty". Liberty is defined as "the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views".


Now, when someone vapes, it is possible that by doing so he/she incurs the displeasure or disapproval of other people, who, either because of ignorance, prejudice, or conflict of interests, dislike or abhor the practice of vaping (To read more about the enemies of vaping, click here). The said people who do not approve of vaping, if they are in a position which confers upon them the power to impose restrictions and prohibitions on vaping, as in the case of the FDA, may, with their power and premeditated regulations hostile to vaping, inflict certain inconveniences or persecutions upon vapers. And if, these said people who do not approve of vaping are not in a position which enables them to physically effect constraints, they commence the task by discharging antagonistic sentiments and creating social uneasiness and obstacles. To conclude, vapers are at a state in which their way of life and behaviors are being imposed upon oppressive restrictions by other people, authority included, and their persistence in pursuing their conviction, under pain of misunderstanding and inconvenience, constitutes the spirit of liberty.


Let us research the links between vaping and liberty from the opposite direction, and hopefully we may reach the same conclusion. A man with free spirit is more inclined to venture upon novelties and undertake risks which other people are naturally averse to, and the said man is more disposed to disregard approvals or disapprovals from outside unless they are proved true without disputes. Now this man, in spite of the numerous rumors and calumnies concerning vaping, may very likely initiate experiments instead of remaining undecided without proceeding to undergo the experience. This man, though he be not a miserable smoker desperately in search of a means of quitting, may very likely approach vaping as a novelty, a new world, and if by chance he is attracted and henceforth attach, we may safely assume that the man with a free spirit would till his last breath esteem vaping as his scared habit, however tumultuous and tyrannical outside objections may be.


From the above arguments, I hope it may be clear that vaping requires a firm resolution to withstand criticisms and oppositions, and the liberty to forge, dispense, and persist in such resolution, and that a man with free spirit is naturally inclined to experiment on vaping. And it may be of some truth that I hereby declare vaping to be a modern manifestation of liberty.

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