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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Member For 4 Years
Fuck that. The violent left is counting on us to remain silent while they beat people in the streets, burn shit, break windows and otherwise terrorize the population to prevent them from speaking. In fact, it is their openly stated goal.

The second amendment was intended to protect the first amendment(and other things). It's precisely what they should be doing. Fuck 'em if the snowflakes don't like it.
Hey I agree with the sentiment.....

I just think a side arm in a holster or even a shot gun.. makes the same point. Without overly triggering the snowflakes. Plastic guns are scary.

Besides an AR isn't any better for crowd control as a scatter gun or big pistol anyway.

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That woman should NOT be allowed to "teach" anything. You would think that a college professor would at least know the definition of the word fascism before protesting against it.
Blind bigotry.......

Bigotry is the historical basis of the party. Ever thing they have done in the last 150 plus years is based on thier prejudices.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That woman should NOT be allowed to "teach" anything. You would think that a college professor would at least know the definition of the word fascism before protesting against it.

It's either ignorance or self hatred

It could be both
She is a militant recruiter and militant commander for the ANTIFA BAMN militant army of the DNC resistance. Reason will never work with these people. They know who she is and she admits responsibility for the Berkeley Riot and has no regrets.

Charge her with Inciting Felony Rioting and lock her up. See how smug she is when she cannot vote in the next election.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That woman should NOT be allowed to "teach" anything. You would think that a college professor would at least know the definition of the word fascism before protesting against it.
This woman teaches in a public school in Berkeley Ca...she was caught physically attacking a peacefull person...and yet she is allowed to continue to teach....This is Berkeley Ca...not Tehran...not Beruit...not Somalia....Berkeley, imagine how free you are to be a consevative in be a Libertarian, a Consitutionalist...the people of berkeley the "community" of Berkeley is just fine with you being beaten and silinced.....can someone explain to me how Berkeley is any diffrent than an Aparthied regime, how is it any different than Bull Connor's south.....Berkeley and the political thought that it is the epicenter of is regressive...there is nothing progressive about it, they are a blight on enlightenment.As someone who lived in Berkeley.. your job, your physical saftey, your property is all at risk of being taken away from you..if anyone finds out you are politcally dissent.....THIS is not who we are as Americans.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I have seen teachers in NJ suspended and fired for calling in sick and posting pictures on their Facebook pages of them attending an event that day.
  • She admits to organizing the protest and shutting the event down By Any Means Necessary.
  • She is on video pushing Milo supporters and telling them to leave the area.
  • She is on video motioning to her troops to beat a guy in the street.
She should not be allowed to continue to teach.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I have seen teachers in NJ suspended and fired for calling in sick and posting pictures on their facebook pages of them attending an event that day. She admits to organizing the protest and shutting the event down By Any Means Necessary. She is on film pushing Milo supporters and telling them to leave and motioning to her troops to beat a guy in the street. She should not be allowed to continue to teach.
She won't be ....she is doing what every liberal in the City of Berkeley would do if they came out of the shadows...Robert Riech a proffesor at the University supported the violence, The Chancellor of the University supported the violence, the Mayor of the city of Berkeley conspired with the Chancellor of the University to make sure the violence happened....this bitch could run for the mayor of Berkeley and win....and that is not a joke.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Precisely. They've been extremely lucky over the years getting away with being so liberal. The world held them up as an example and in many ways have protected them from themselves. They are in a heap of trouble now because the rest of the EU needs to pay attention to their own house, and Sweden is being left to take care of itself. They simply aren't prepared or willing to fight for their own survival. It's a shame. The mental disorder known as progressive liberalism is beginning to take them to it's inevitable conclusion. Death, destruction, and the collapse of civility. Yes, there are no Vikings left to defend them. They were feminized out of existence.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I love that pic. I wonder if it is a good photoshop job or a real photo. He always said that he carried.


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That's what happens when culture of Vikings become culture of metrosexuals. Bunch of pretty boys that can't fight their way out of the paper bag. They became dependent on a government, to the point that they can't even protect themselves,...and government seems to be overwhelmed as well.
It is happening here as well.
Every major city in U.S. has at least few areas that are not safe for general population because of "gang activity " , and PDs don't want to deal with it. Most dangerous gangs on our territory originated in South, and Central America and were "imported" with "refugee" programs sponsored by our government. We are just as crippled as Sweden, it is a taboo that no one wants to deal with. We will never get it solved, unless "open carry " becomes legal across the U.S. , people grow balls again , and stop depending on a corrupted and politically influenced law enforcement agencies. Too many people expect one man to fix everything for them, he is a president, not a magician.
We are posting memes, and they are burning cars, ...and he is supposed to fix it all for us. Will end up like Sweden. No balls, no glory.
On the end, none of that matters, most important thing is: is that new dna250 in a square box , or in a round box? Does it fit my hand like my cock does, or more like a cigarette box??? Why it doesn't come in blue color??? What the fuck are they thinking?? How am I supposed to match my shoes with it?,,,and they are setting cars on fire while I am looking for a baby blue door for my new mod.
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Happy Presidents' Day big boi...

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He went to get his hero's autograph?.
Because, everyone needs a hero

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah I saw that. They really went after the guy didn't they?

I have in watching his YT posts seen him denounce pedophilia consistently. On Bill Mahr, he was ridiculed for saying that he felt a transgenders should not be allowed to use pubic restrooms due to possible dangers of predatory behavior toward children. He certainly wasn't advocating it there & was mocked for the opinion.

I saw the video clips & they certainly showed him saying that he felt age of consent laws were right or pretty close on the age but was making a point that people mature differently so he had a lot of issues with a one size fits all classification. He seemed to be reflecting on his own personal experience more so than advocating it as far as I could tell if you watched the unedited version since he was a victim himself. There was another version where it was purposely cut to bring the statements together make it appear like he was advocating it. Funny thing is that he has exposed 3 separate Pedophiles in his journalistic career, so you know it is total bulls*it.

He will overcome it & probably sell twice as many books then he finally gets it published.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That's what ur mom said

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See, now you're making it personal. Did I mention your mother? No.
Did I specify that you're a trouble making bastard? No.

That's the difference between a boy who wants to seem like a man (you)
and an old man who ain't a boy..

I'm lobbying for the good people on this thread to ignore you
but I'm also watching your ass and will report you for the many violations you keep getting away with
because of...well, you know why, Doncha?


VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
See, now you're making it personal. Did I mention your mother? No.
Did I specify that you're a trouble making bastard? No.

That's the difference between a boy who wants to seem like a man (you)
and an old man who ain't a boy..

I'm lobbying for the good people on this thread to ignore you
but I'm also watching your ass and will report you for the many violations you keep getting away with
because of...well, you know why, Doncha?

Simple as that!!
That's what adult people do...

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
He will overcome it & probably sell twice as many books then he finally gets it published.

Indeed, you can't keep a good man down..even if he is gay.
If the guy was a closet case they'd have him by the balls but he isn't
and not one of the people he goes up against, including Bill what's his name
can beat him at debate.
Yup, he'll sell more soon as he finds a publisher who isn't afraid of a riot.
Riots sell books.
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