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Subliminal Vapors Box Round ShutDown!


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Sorry everyone for the thread being locked the mod felt the need to cease all traffic while we sorted this out
in rough to save all the gory deatils that has taken nearly all day to sort out...kinda

The box will be shut down Due to it being a mutli community Box Vu has expressed its opinion and they support the community so long as its the vaping underground community only

and i dont want to put words in anyone moth so this is what i received as a response after trying to make it work

I tried different options just to be told the same thing over and over One box,One forum

i hate ultimatums but when given one i always go the opposite way kinda like when you say My way or the Highway!!!" well i like traveling so the highway sounds nice to me

so that's where this is going the "highway" per-say

i just wanted to let all of you who showed interest in the box and supported the idea ... good for you this box was made for people like you vapers and vapers alike

But i want to ensure you that i will delete the messages you sent me with your contact information and i will ensure the forum owner/mods i wont be taking any of them with me so chillax your ratings are fine =P

But anyway as this is said it was a great idea but wasn't support by all and was prevented in the long run but hey I TRIED!!! and thats what counts

anyway see you guys later hope viewpoints change in the future
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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Roses are red, Violets are blue,
Rhyming is hard, I'm Batman

Sent from the Batcave


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Just popping in with some logistical questions (please don't tar/feather me!)...I responded initially thinking this was going to be a VU box to replace the one that got ripped from the site. I've got to admit given some of the drama I'm a little apprehensive about this, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm out - I've already got nine 30 ml bottles of liquid sealed and steeping to go in, plus a few other goodies.

I don't do FB, and I doubt I'd be welcome over at VB for obvious reasons - my main question is how will I, as a VU-only member, be able to participate in and keep up to date on the box? @Geauxst, as the VU contact will you be cross-posting info on the box when it travels into FB and VB land, and will the contacts over there be doing the same for their single-site members when the box is here?


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Just popping in with some logistical questions (please don't tar/feather me!)...I responded initially thinking this was going to be a VU box to replace the one that got ripped from the site. I've got to admit given some of the drama I'm a little apprehensive about this, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm out - I've already got nine 30 ml bottles of liquid sealed and steeping to go in, plus a few other goodies.

I don't do FB, and I doubt I'd be welcome over at VB for obvious reasons - my main question is how will I, as a VU-only member, be able to participate in and keep up to date on the box? @Geauxst, as the VU contact will you be cross-posting info on the box when it travels into FB and VB land, and will the contacts over there be doing the same for their single-site members when the box is here?
Will be updating all the places at the same time so everyone can be up to date on what's goin on with the box I understand your concern and it's a legit question all three of us admins will be on all three of the different sections so we will have someone updating at all times ;)

Roses are red, Violets are blue,
Rhyming is hard, I'm Batman

Sent from the Batcave


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If there are any questions please don't hesitate to ask any of us admins we three are all equal in part of this box and would be more then happy to help any way we can :)

Roses are red, Violets are blue,
Rhyming is hard, I'm Batman

Sent from the Batcave


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Will be updating all the places at the same time so everyone can be up to date on what's goin on with the box I understand your concern and it's a legit question all three of us admins will be on all three of the different sections so we will have someone updating at all times ;)

Roses are red, Violets are blue,
Rhyming is hard, I'm Batman

Sent from the Batcave
Cool - thanks for the quick response as well! While it seems like a logistical nightmare on the surface, I've seen the dedication you guys have put into these in the past and I've got faith someone can find a way to make it work - as long as it's not me all is good in the world!


Silver Contributor
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Cool - thanks for the quick response as well! While it seems like a logistical nightmare on the surface, I've seen the dedication you guys have put into these in the past and I've got faith someone can find a way to make it work - as long as it's not me all is good in the world!
No problem lol and it's something new to cross platform the pif but it's gonna be an awesome experience and we will all have fun in sharing the experience with our fellow vapors I'm really excited to kick off this pif i honestly think it will be the bet one yet being we have three different admins including myself that have a love for vaping and a love for helping people out I have faith it's gonna run very smooth :)

Roses are red, Violets are blue,
Rhyming is hard, I'm Batman

Sent from the Batcave


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Just popping in with some logistical questions (please don't tar/feather me!)...I responded initially thinking this was going to be a VU box to replace the one that got ripped from the site. I've got to admit given some of the drama I'm a little apprehensive about this, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm out - I've already got nine 30 ml bottles of liquid sealed and steeping to go in, plus a few other goodies.

I don't do FB, and I doubt I'd be welcome over at VB for obvious reasons - my main question is how will I, as a VU-only member, be able to participate in and keep up to date on the box? @Geauxst, as the VU contact will you be cross-posting info on the box when it travels into FB and VB land, and will the contacts over there be doing the same for their single-site members when the box is here?

i know it was stated already but ill give my side i know i kept it in the dark and it may turn alot of people away being that it will be on VU VB AND FB ....But to answer that its not about where the box is... its about the members that are in the box becoming one so long as you can get along with the person what does it matter where they are from its the premis of how this box will succeed i didnt make this box because of any other box... i tried to save the spirit of 5.1 but it was obvious that it was a sinking ship so i finally bailed off it this box is completely due to random brainstorming between me and dodyhearts and the willingness of momabear to pull it all together into one epic bash.

now i understand the no FB and no VB im not requiring you join them and if you had direct problems with people from there you might not want to venture there... and i support that and thought about what to do to tie them together... you basically summed it up we have means in place that will hopefully allow members to not have to migrate while still being part of the community as a whole .. this is why this box has 3 admins most boxes run 1-2 maybe 3 but they are mainly back up admins for when one is to busy to respond the other takes over... we are going to have 3 full time admins all pulling roles everyday to keep this community rolling this doesnt mean dody will always be on facebook or you wont see momabear unless you go to vb we all will be everywhere but we each control 1 part of the trifecta

Will be updating all the places at the same time so everyone can be up to date on what's goin on with the box I understand your concern and it's a legit question all three of us admins will be on all three of the different sections so we will have someone updating at all times ;)

Roses are red, Violets are blue,
Rhyming is hard, I'm Batman

Sent from the Batcave
and see this is a perfect example of how things are gonna work ... i was in the midst of finalizing details and couldnt answer your question but dody was on spot and had you covered allowing me to finish up ... if this box flows half this smooth we will have a huge hit on our hands
Cool - thanks for the quick response as well! While it seems like a logistical nightmare on the surface, I've seen the dedication you guys have put into these in the past and I've got faith someone can find a way to make it work - as long as it's not me all is good in the world!
this is what drives me to pull this off is its not a simple sit back and run it self box... i didnt want anyone thinking i was taking their glory or just continuing what they started.... This ..... THIS IS OUR GLORY
No problem lol and it's something new to cross platform the pif but it's gonna be an awesome experience and we will all have fun in sharing the experience with our fellow vapors I'm really excited to kick off this pif i honestly think it will be the bet one yet being we have three different admins including myself that have a love for vaping and a love for helping people out I have faith it's gonna run very smooth :)

Roses are red, Violets are blue,
Rhyming is hard, I'm Batman

Sent from the Batcave
i figure if 1 admin can run 1 community why cant 3 admins amnage 3 communities


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i know it was stated already but ill give my side i know i kept it in the dark and it may turn alot of people away being that it will be on VU VB AND FB ....But to answer that its not about where the box is... its about the members that are in the box becoming one so long as you can get along with the person what does it matter where they are from its the premis of how this box will succeed i didnt make this box because of any other box... i tried to save the spirit of 5.1 but it was obvious that it was a sinking ship so i finally bailed off it this box is completely due to random brainstorming between me and dodyhearts and the willingness of momabear to pull it all together into one epic bash.

now i understand the no FB and no VB im not requiring you join them and if you had direct problems with people from there you might not want to venture there... and i support that and thought about what to do to tie them together... you basically summed it up we have means in place that will hopefully allow members to not have to migrate while still being part of the community as a whole .. this is why this box has 3 admins most boxes run 1-2 maybe 3 but they are mainly back up admins for when one is to busy to respond the other takes over... we are going to have 3 full time admins all pulling roles everyday to keep this community rolling this doesnt mean dody will always be on facebook or you wont see momabear unless you go to vb we all will be everywhere but we each control 1 part of the trifecta

and see this is a perfect example of how things are gonna work ... i was in the midst of finalizing details and couldnt answer your question but dody was on spot and had you covered allowing me to finish up ... if this box flows half this smooth we will have a huge hit on our hands
this is what drives me to pull this off is its not a simple sit back and run it self box... i didnt want anyone thinking i was taking their glory or just continuing what they started.... This ..... THIS IS OUR GLORY
i figure if 1 admin can run 1 community why cant 3 admins amnage 3 communities
Amen to all bro man \m/

Roses are red, Violets are blue,
Rhyming is hard, I'm Batman

Sent from the Batcave


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Please post your city and state only. Then pm one of the co-organizers with your real name, address, and phone number

Let's get this party started

I will be messaging people that showed interest in my starter thread as well if you already posted tour city and state make sure you pm one of us with your info please

Sorry for any confusion trying to sum it up between that platforms

Sent from my LabRatory
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Don't think I've heard it called that before, it was always labeled PIF and that doesn't necessarily clearly define it to some...

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


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It would if you all stopped calling it a PIF or tying yourselves in knots trying to justify why it's not a PIF.

It's not a PIF. It bears no relation to a PIF. It's not remotely like a PIF. It's a box pass. Box Pass.
Thank you for input.

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


Under Ground Hustler
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Could the guys over at the other forum possibly leave the pif box thread open to the public so we could see it too?
They can read this thread without logging in to VU why shouldn't we be able to see that one thread over there without having to log in?:
Just an idea.:)


Bronze Contributor
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I'm interested - this sounds like fun!
I'm in Royal Oak, Michigan

Thanks to all of you for putting this together and keeping it going.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Just popping in with some logistical questions (please don't tar/feather me!)...I responded initially thinking this was going to be a VU box to replace the one that got ripped from the site. I've got to admit given some of the drama I'm a little apprehensive about this, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm out - I've already got nine 30 ml bottles of liquid sealed and steeping to go in, plus a few other goodies.

I don't do FB, and I doubt I'd be welcome over at VB for obvious reasons - my main question is how will I, as a VU-only member, be able to participate in and keep up to date on the box? @Geauxst, as the VU contact will you be cross-posting info on the box when it travels into FB and VB land, and will the contacts over there be doing the same for their single-site members when the box is here?

Same here, My intentions were for the donations to be for VU community exclusively, The idea of anything I donate reaching the hands of some in the VB community are not something I can agree to after what has happened. Why combine outside places in on a pif box for VU?
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thought i posted here all ready. I'm interested
Fort Myers Florida


Diamond Contributor
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i know it was stated already but ill give my side i know i kept it in the dark and it may turn alot of people away being that it will be on VU VB AND FB ....But to answer that its not about where the box is... its about the members that are in the box becoming one so long as you can get along with the person what does it matter where they are from its the premis of how this box will succeed i didnt make this box because of any other box... i tried to save the spirit of 5.1 but it was obvious that it was a sinking ship so i finally bailed off it this box is completely due to random brainstorming between me and dodyhearts and the willingness of momabear to pull it all together into one epic bash.

For me this is key, and it does make a difference where my donations are to be offered, you speak of the 5.1 as a sinking ship, well the reason that happened we all know, I offered to pick up the ball and rescue the sinking ship and get it sailing again here on VU, you accepted my donation offers under this ideal, so you can understand my surprise when I saw this, this morning....LOL, I am sorry, but after all that has taken place, I cannot support this type of 3 way PIF box
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Diamond Contributor
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Is this a "collections box" for centralized PIFing?
I tried to make it clear... the OP's mental gymnastics kept me from getting through even the first post.

Sadly... all my unused, cleaned and stored kit is multi-ohm, EVOD style, Ego batts and clearos type stuff.
Check your pm's


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Im interested and have stuff laying around to contribute.

Azle, TX

sure are a lot of people from TX lol


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I edited post 15 because you had the center members name mispelled and @dodyhearts name was not lit up in red with a direct link to that members profile.

I figured I'd mention it so you would know the reason if you saw I edited your post.;)


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I edited post 15 because you had the center members name mispelled and @dodyhearts name was not lit up in red with a direct link to that members profile.

I figured I'd mention it so you would know the reason if you saw I edited your post.;)
Hey friend Why does my highlighted name go to a watch ad?

Roses are red, Violets are blue,
Rhyming is hard, I'm Batman

Sent from the Batcave


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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Sorry, I couldn't get through the first post watching you stumble over what to call this... is vaping, are all of you so new to this?

This is very old school shit... it's called a "Box Pass".

General idea is simple... take what you want... leave what you want... try to meet or exceed the value of what you take... DON'T BE CHEAP.

They're tons of fun. Enjoy :D
I didn't stumble over anything its just a fluffed up way of introducing the box Sorry you felt that way we arent new to this i was just trying to hype the box up with the way i presented it

cant say i have ever once heard it called a "box pass" to me if someone asked do you want to join a "box pass" i would be like o_O" a wtf!!! kinda like saying "Car move" is another word for automobile... its just wierd

The General idea IS simple as its basically what you said with the added thought of somepeople just want to liberate old gear so they doate old gear and take nothing out in return they just enjoy seeing others benefit from their items. so theres a bit more to it then that but yes still simple


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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It would if you all stopped calling it a PIF or tying yourselves in knots trying to justify why it's not a PIF.

It's not a PIF. It bears no relation to a PIF. It's not remotely like a PIF. It's a box pass. Box Pass.

Its labeled as a PIF cause these forums commonly recognize what a PIF is and that was the idea behind what i said in the beginning is i didnt want to call it that because of post like this isnt a pif.... but it is... but its not.....then what

Point is you know what the box is no matter the name or label used! if i have to ill call it a Giraffe box and we can all move along from this subject


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so i am confused

you post a convo saying just dont put it in the PIF forum basically but other then that go ahead and do the box. Then decide to not include VU in the box.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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so i am confused

you post a convo saying just dont put it in the PIF forum basically but other then that go ahead and do the box. Then decide to not include VU in the box.
Yeah sorry but most of the conversation was in private message we asked about splitting the boxes to a VU only a VB on and fb only and I asked for clear guidelines on what would and wouldn't be accepted and have yet to get a response on how to integrate it according to the guidelines so ATM its the only option I have untill we can work out the details

Sorry but for now I can't include VU under the suggestions stated

Me and my admins were even talking about allowing VU members to join our box through email or other means but I'm afraid to suggest that cause they might see it as us trying to recruit people away so I don't know if its worth mentioning and if it could even work like thay

Sent from my LabRatory

Mike H.

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I wouldnt go for the combined forum deal either myself..Alot of this in my opinion is a way to get traffic to the other forum and increase it.....All of these members doing this are members of the other site who followed the trouble makers and support to an extent the bull crap that happened here....Just my .02 cents.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I wouldnt go for the combined forum deal either myself..Alot of this in my opinion is a way to get traffic to the other forum and increase it.....All of these members doing this are members of the other site who followed the trouble makers and support to an extent the bull crap that happened here....Just my .02 cents.
Actually the 3 here are the 3 that backed VU in that subject matter yes we had accounts from when VU went down for 3-4 days and it was created but semantics aside

My actual thoughts was the VU thread was gonna be the main thread and the others were gonna feed it I was just wanting to provide a place on all three sites where people that love pifing could join in together

But I understand not everyone shares the same vision but one thing I don't care for is how malicious the accusations from here the other sites were skeptical but yet supportive and curious to see it work yet it seems to be slapped down over here

But its what it is I can't change that so moving on I guess

Sent from my LabRatory


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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IM still confused. wish you all the best of luck

Im gonna go make an acct over at ECF and try to do a VU/ECF PIF
Good luck let me know if they are interested in supporting a multi community pif box I'll be glad to join as well just gotta get around the bannhammer of doon

Sent from my LabRatory

Mike H.

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If it was a VU only box i think you would find more support...We dont want to support or give something to someone who doesnt care to be here and i recognize alot of names on that other forum and most have nothing nice to say about us...So i wouldnt give some of them a dead ego battery in a pif...Despite some differences, some ive talked to before and made deals with and such and dont have an issue with.

In your defense, you did stand up and let your thoughts be known and i havent seen anything negative from you in regaurds to VU...So its nothing personal here with me against you...I just dont see it happening.

I sort of see cards from a vendor we wont support inside some of these boxes as well...They get ZERO support through or on VU...Personally i dont even think signature links to this vendor should be allowed either.

I dont even think reviews of this company should even be allowed but its not my call...The reviews are just coming from the buddies anyhow. Rolls eyes.

Hope your venture is a successful and fun one.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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If it was a VU only box i think you would find more support...We dont want to support or give something to someone who doesnt care to be here and i recognize alot of names on that other forum and most have nothing nice to say about us...So i wouldnt give some of them a dead ego battery in a pif...Despite some differences, some ive talked to before and made deals with and such and dont have an issue with.

In your defense, you did stand up and let your thoughts be known and i havent seen anything negative from you in regaurds to VU...So its nothing personal here with me against you...I just dont see it happening.

I sort of see cards from a vendor we wont support inside some of these boxes as well...They get ZERO support through or on VU...Personally i dont even think signature links to this vendor should be allowed either.

I dont even think reviews of this company should even be allowed but its not my call...The reviews are just coming from the buddies anyhow. Rolls eyes.

Hope your venture is a successful and fun one.
And see this is what I dislike is because of the hatred for a few people the good ones there suffer for the actions of others that's just the sad truth

Thing is noone over there has even signed up really so to say its because of a specific one its not really accurate

I was looking out for the vapers and vapers only regardless where they come from

To me I'm trying to make a place for all humans to go to and have fun and I'm being told only if they are VU humans fuck the rest of them

I'm sorry but I see vapers as a whole I may not agree with your opinion but your still on my side cause your a vaper

Between big tobacco , most media , and everything else now we have to fight amongst ourselveswe shall slowly dwindle down till were nothing

But I digress I just hope someone sees I wasn't malicious in my intent of doing this box... But in the end what does it matter if they do or dont

Sent from my LabRatory

Mike H.

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We dont have a problem with all the other vapors..just the cheerleaders for the company who left here who im sure are part of these pif boxes.

What you are trying to do is commendable and it could very well be the largest of its kind but you're asking an angry dog and cat to chill in the same my opinion its way to early for that.

The ones who dont have an issue with VU are more than welcome im sure to participate in doesnt have to be what you think it is....The ones who left with bad words or got banned are the ones we or at least i dont care to associate with or support or even care to give something to.


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You know, I slept on this, then went out and did things in the real world. Then I came back here and found all sorts of goings-on that seem to have stopped the box in its tracks, meaning I'm off the hook for my donations. But I still feel the need to share my thoughts, hate 'em or not...

VB was a forum formed specifically as a means of hating on VU - that's its whole reason to exist. It even says so in their "founding principles" thread, so far as I know the only one that non-members are even allowed to see.

Now, I can imagine that not everyone who's joined up there since has the primary motivation of hating VU and/or its staff (of which I'm a part), but the fact remains that hatred of my community is a central tenet of that community's reality.

I can really appreciate the sentiment you put in with trying to do this multi-forum box, @Geauxst, though perhaps the way it was announced could have been done with a little more transparency than announcing me and @Whiskey as the initial sponsors of a "Subliminal Vapors tri-community box" when we'd signed up for "PIF Box 7" on VU (the title of which was subsequently changed). I trust your heart was/is in the right place trying to pull this off.

But I just can't get on board with PIF'ing gear to people who aren't here because they either find me and my peers too detestable to associate with or they've been ejected for taking part in launching attacks on us. If a new VU box gets going, I'm still on board - and since I know there are a lot of VB members who don't take the official position of that forum, I'm more than happy to PIF gear to those folks - as long as they're also members in good standing here at VU. If anyone does get something going here, feel free to get in touch with me for a startup booster pack. If not, good luck with your endeavors elsewhere!


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Wasn't one of the tenets of starting VU was to hate on ecf? :p I guess alot of boards start that way.....


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Wasn't one of the tenets of starting VU was to hate on ecf? :p I guess alot of boards start that way.....
You got me there. But since I'm here, I'm not going back to ECF to try to cross-promote VU over there. I can understand OP's point of view - his group of friends were split up when some of them got way out of line and others followed, and he just wants everyone to get the fuck along and chill. Bans some people disagreed with and subsequent defections are how we got a lot of members, including what I consider the best DIY clique on teh interwebs in terms of both quality of content and openness to noobs. Maybe they think we're Nazis over here, and that's why they're gone.

I personally believe we're a lot more open than either ECF or even (especially?) the forum the hate mob and their fellow defectors fled to. But that's just my take, and anyone who thinks the other group is better suited to what they want to get out of their forum experience, or anyone who can appreciate what both forums offer, is free to leave or to venture back and forth - as long as they're not coming here with the express purpose of starting shit, which the people who truly want to be members of this community shouldn't have to endure.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You know, I slept on this, then went out and did things in the real world. Then I came back here and found all sorts of goings-on that seem to have stopped the box in its tracks, meaning I'm off the hook for my donations. But I still feel the need to share my thoughts, hate 'em or not...

VB was a forum formed specifically as a means of hating on VU - that's its whole reason to exist. It even says so in their "founding principles" thread, so far as I know the only one that non-members are even allowed to see.

Now, I can imagine that not everyone who's joined up there since has the primary motivation of hating VU and/or its staff (of which I'm a part), but the fact remains that hatred of my community is a central tenet of that community's reality.

I can really appreciate the sentiment you put in with trying to do this multi-forum box, @Geauxst, though perhaps the way it was announced could have been done with a little more transparency than announcing me and @Whiskey as the initial sponsors of a "Subliminal Vapors tri-community box" when we'd signed up for "PIF Box 7" on VU (the title of which was subsequently changed). I trust your heart was/is in the right place trying to pull this off.

But I just can't get on board with PIF'ing gear to people who aren't here because they either find me and my peers too detestable to associate with or they've been ejected for taking part in launching attacks on us. If a new VU box gets going, I'm still on board - and since I know there are a lot of VB members who don't take the official position of that forum, I'm more than happy to PIF gear to those folks - as long as they're also members in good standing here at VU. If anyone does get something going here, feel free to get in touch with me for a startup booster pack. If not, good luck with your endeavors elsewhere!
My hero^^^ Never could have put it any better than this right HERE
In fact if any members here on VU wishes to run a PIF Box and be in charge of it, OBdave and I have more than enough things to get it going right now, PM Obdave or myself if your interested in helping to get this organized and going LIVE with it


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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You got me there. But since I'm here, I'm not going back to ECF to try to cross-promote VU over there. I can understand OP's point of view - his group of friends were split up when some of them got way out of line and others followed, and he just wants everyone to get the fuck along and chill. Bans some people disagreed with and subsequent defections are how we got a lot of members, including what I consider the best DIY clique on teh interwebs in terms of both quality of content and openness to noobs. Maybe they think we're Nazis over here, and that's why they're gone.

I personally believe we're a lot more open than either ECF or even (especially?) the forum the hate mob and their fellow defectors fled to. But that's just my take, and anyone who thinks the other group is better suited to what they want to get out of their forum experience, or anyone who can appreciate what both forums offer, is free to leave or to venture back and forth - as long as they're not coming here with the express purpose of starting shit, which the people who truly want to be members of this community shouldn't have to endure.
I've given up on this subject but I just want to point out a few things and clear them up

Yes I had some friend from 5.0 that mouthed off and deserved the bannhammer that they received and for that reason I was shunned from them because I wasn't 100% on their side and following them like a sheep I voiced my opinion and was attacked by a few of them

That being said none of them were in the box on VB probably wasn't gonna be either but in the same respect there are others that have nothing to do with the drama just innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire and I was trying to provide a means to keep doing a box without all the politics

And one more note I had no interest in makeing the forums get along or bring them together. I simply wanted to provide a box for everyone to experience and do it on a massive scale rather then 20 or so members from one place

But I see it's not possible so because I can't provide that experience I shut it down its that simple... I'm not choosing sides or punishing anyone by shutting it down ... I simply can't do what I originally planned out

Aka its a lost cause

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