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Istick mini with a rda?

z man

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hey Vapers and Vaperettes!...I want to run the subtank mini rda on the mini,so the stock coil is to low Ohms(.6) to fire on the mini and I have some 28ga kanthal ....How many wraps and what I.D. to reach at least 1.2/1.5 Ohms?....Z

John C

VU Donator
Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
my guess is 8 wraps on a 2.0 or 2.4 mm screw would give you something around that

z man

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yup!....I'll give it a go latter on today,and see if Your guesstament will do I have a little dripper I used on a ego twist battery from My early vape start,it's an A7 clone, I built a micro coil around a paper clip with two strands of silica wick it came out to 1.4 and hits real good on the mini,it needs more air,will drill it out to 3/32 and see how it vapes....It runs out of juice quick and I wanted to use a tank type setup so the nano with the 1.2 coil is too restricted of a draw but the ez draw on the S/T Mini with the occ .5 coil has spoiled Me!....I have a mini with the rda with the stock coil (.6) I run on a 30 watt Kamry 30 v2 and the draw is what I want but need more OHMS for the Lil'Stick....Z


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hey Vapers and Vaperettes!...I want to run the subtank mini rda on the mini,so the stock coil is to low Ohms(.6) to fire on the mini and I have some 28ga kanthal ....How many wraps and what I.D. to reach at least 1.2/1.5 Ohms?....Z
Just wanted to say I just did a build
in the Subtank Mini (RTA) for my sister to run on her low powered Provari...
I used 26g Kanthel with 7 wraps on a 3mm bit that came out to 1.2 ohms if I remember correctly...she vapes it around 4.2-4.3 v with good clouds/flavor ..hope this helped some..

sent from my XT1080 via Tapatalk
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z man

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hi Vapesters!....I have good news!...I spun up a coil out of 28ga kanthal around a 3 mm screwdriver with 8 wraps and it checked out at 1.8 Ohms and the Mini fires it great!..;)..A few secs ramp up, then it billows!..:D..Cant wait to see the looks I'm gonna get when i fog the place up!..:rolleyes:..Z

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