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Groove 2 anyone?


Vapor's Dream
Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
While looking up box mods recently I found the Groove 2. I reaad about all the problems with the orginal, but cant dind much on this new version other than those issues were apparently addressed. I lobe mu MVP2. I like habing the charge thru, I only wish that the fire button was on the top or side. Was looking at the 30 watr boxes, but honeatly, not beinh a dripper, what is this box going to do for me? Need your answers heee please.
Or does anyone have any other suggestions? Thanla in addvance for your input. So does anyone have any recommendations? I did watch reviews, but so far I have found all of you to be very helpful, so I went to the masses with this question!


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well here is my two cents, I started with Tube Mods and just for the heck of It I bought a box mod it was a MVP2 by Innokin and I found out I love box mods and have 6 different box styles now. I had the groove 1 and loved it I was all bummed that I had to destroy it so I was really happy about the Groove 2 so I now have one and Love it, don't be afraid and just order one I think you will be impressed.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well here is my two cents, I started with Tube Mods and just for the heck of It I bought a box mod it was a MVP2 by Innokin and I found out I love box mods and have 6 different box styles now. I had the groove 1 and loved it I was all bummed that I had to destroy it so I was really happy about the Groove 2 so I now have one and Love it, don't be afraid and just order one I think you will be impressed.


Vapor's Dream
Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
Thank you! Glad to hear it! On vacation and going to stop at madvapes on my way home, hoping they have it for the same price at their B&M store as online. I wasnt really afraid, just know I love my mvp2, but love the looks of
Groove, so if it sucked I would just order another mvp2

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