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Best strawberry flavoring

Knight Maric

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I've been trying to find the best strawberry flavoring. A strong sharp sweet strawberry to be exact. So far I have tried FA Strawberry (light flavor that has the real strawberry taste, but not amazing on its own) & Cap's Sweet Strawberry (sweet strawberry flavor but not bold enough)
Any good suggestions?


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I've been trying to find the best strawberry flavoring. A strong sharp sweet strawberry to be exact. So far I have tried FA Strawberry (light flavor that has the real strawberry taste, but not amazing on its own) & Cap's Sweet Strawberry (sweet strawberry flavor but not bold enough)
Any good suggestions?
I am just starting experimenting mixing FA Strawberry with TFA Strawberry and TFA Ripe Strawberry. My favorite combinations so far have them in that order of percentage--with the FA as the highest % of the blend, TFA regular about half as much again, and varying lesser amounts of Ripe. To me, the natural aspect of the FA strawberry is really important, so I want to get something that doesn't overpower but still boosts it.

I will try follow this thread and let you know if I find a blend that seems to meet your specs of "strong, sharp and sweet". It's a description I'm interested in, too. I want to get organized and make it an official "project", but ATM I don't even have good notes on this.

Hope you share your progress here too--it would be great to have a generic STRAWBERRY thread where various strawberries from different manufacturers are discussed both on their own & as parts of blends.


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I tried TFA's Organic Strawberry, but it wasn't satisfying either. In addition, it needed a real long steeping time. I'll keep an eye on this thread myself, or update if I find something better myself.


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I'm using TFA Strawberry at %6 in a milky mix and it has is a nice strawberry candy flavor. There's %2 TFA Dragonfruit in there too so i am not tasting it pure. I used TFA Strawberries and Cream before that and it was similar but less sharp.

Knight Maric

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Hummmm. I wonder if layering the strawberries flavors would work. 2 local shops have the strawberry I like, but won't sell or share the secret. Hahaha all they are willing to say is it isn't a big name company and took lots of searching.

Smoky Blue

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i like FE Strawberry.. and sometimes I blend tfa, cap, fa and fe together..
comes out pretty sweet ;)

Smoky Blue

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Hummmm. I wonder if layering the strawberries flavors would work. 2 local shops have the strawberry I like, but won't sell or share the secret. Hahaha all they are willing to say is it isn't a big name company and took lots of searching.

they probably do.. you need to be familiar with all brands of strawberry to figure it out, how you would like it..


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Hummmm. I wonder if layering the strawberries flavors would work. 2 local shops have the strawberry I like, but won't sell or share the secret. Hahaha all they are willing to say is it isn't a big name company and took lots of searching.

Lol, maybe why I haven't found one I like yet...
Probably try the FE brand next.

Smoky Blue

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Lol, maybe why I haven't found one I like yet...
Probably try the FE brand next.

I have seen some of your posts, Heabob.. and yes they do a good job with that line up..
just keep in mind, they are similar to vapingzone type flavoring.. a little goes a long! way..


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I have seen some of your posts, Heabob.. and yes they do a good job with that line up..
just keep in mind, they are similar to vapingzone type flavoring.. a little goes a long! way..

Figured as much, and was wondering if VZ-SC had a Strawberry but haven't looked for it yet.


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Might try a drop of lemon to make the strawberry pop
I was thinking of trying this with the key limes growing in my backyard. But I know that citric acid breaks down/goes rancid pretty quickly, so I doubt it would be a solution for anything other than juices one intends to use immediately.

maybe @Smoky Blue or somebody else more knowledgeable than I could weigh in on this?


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I was thinking of trying this with the key limes growing in my backyard. But I know that citric acid breaks down/goes rancid pretty quickly, so I doubt it would be a solution for anything other than juices one intends to use immediately.

maybe @Smoky Blue or somebody else more knowledgeable than I could weigh in on this?

Though I've never done it myself, I know lots of people who put lemon juice in their liquids. As for rancidity, we had a bottle of RealLemon in the fridge when I was a kid that probably saw 8 years of action.

Smoky Blue

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I was thinking of trying this with the key limes growing in my backyard. But I know that citric acid breaks down/goes rancid pretty quickly, so I doubt it would be a solution for anything other than juices one intends to use immediately.

maybe @Smoky Blue or somebody else more knowledgeable than I could weigh in on this?

lemon juice can make things pop.. as far as rancid.. the only times i see that is when i play with extracts..
they tend to go south real quick, if the temps aren't warm enough.. only due to my area (location)

but there is a slight difference between lemon flavor and lemon juice.. you will have to play with both and see what fits..
they both are good for different things, at least to me. ;)


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RealLemon has some kind of preservative in it, I think. (I buy that when the limones aren't growing for cooking--and it's very good in light beer along with picante sauce :))

I'm basing my notion about citric acid changing on some cosmetic recipe i read a while back--a natural facial spritz with a citric acid base. It was recommended to keep in the fridge and to remix each week. I will have to re-research that.

I'm surprised you say that organic compounds go south faster in cooler weather, Smoky--or is that what you meant? Usually it would be the other way around: hotter weather=goes bad faster.

Smoky Blue

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RealLemon has some kind of preservative in it, I think. (I buy that when the limones aren't growing for cooking--and it's very good in light beer along with picante sauce :))

I'm basing my notion about citric acid changing on some cosmetic recipe i read a while back--a natural facial spritz with a citric acid base. It was recommended to keep in the fridge and to remix each week. I will have to re-research that.

I'm surprised you say that organic compounds go south faster in cooler weather, Smoky--or is that what you meant? Usually it would be the other way around: hotter weather=goes bad faster.

it's actually my house, I am on the side of a mountain, and unless it is warm, I do not have good luck with my extracts..
it's not cold enough to notice, but it does extremely well in summer.. the rest of the time, might as well hang things up..


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it's actually my house, I am on the side of a mountain, and unless it is warm, I do not have good luck with my extracts..
it's not cold enough to notice, but it does extremely well in summer.. the rest of the time, might as well hang things up..

Living on the side of a mountain sounds pretty awesome. Like a hobbit :)
I wonder if I should be encouraged to hear about warmer weather being better for extracts. I am not making organic extracts myself, but I wonder whether that would apply to regular store-bought flavors, too. The climate where I live is uniformly warm--the fridge is the only place that ever changes and there's no room in there for stuff that's not food. I worry that my flavors will have a shorter shelf life because of it.
It can tend to be more humid when it's warmer, adn might lead one to attribute the cause of changes in how well an extract or flavor keeps to the temperature, when it's actually the humidity/aridity. Just a thought.


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I just remembered I got some nice Frankenberry-like results with a combination of FA Strawberry, TFA Ripe Straw, and FA Meringue at 3, 2, and 1 % each. Adding a little bit of FA Lemon Sicily - 0.5% or TFA Cranberry is nice, too. It has that "popping" effect people talk about.

Hopefully I'll get around to remixing this soon because I'd like to add some FA Custard to that blend and see what the citrus element in the custard does to it. I should probably just wait until I've done it and THEN post about it, but I think I'm more likely to get around to it if I talk about if first. I mean, I'm disorganized enough that I might still not do it...
I'm working on getting better about this!


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Nice, Panther! What is it like?

Nice to see they say it has no baddie ingredients:

"This juicy and succulent flavor bursts with ripe red notes, providing the perfect balance of fruity and fresh. With its sweet aroma, it is sure to please all of your senses and leave you wanting more.
Prices start at $4.50 for 1 oz. (30ml) bottles.
This flavor DOES NOT contain diacetyl, acetyl propionyl, or acetoin."

I'm waiting on Flavorah Strawberry and am excited to see if it's anything special. <- This one does have diacetyl in it.
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Nice, Panther! What is it like?

i have yet to use it on its own, i have used it with their peach and green apple (pretty darn good, their peach is great!)

I have also used the strawberry, in a strawberry and cream i made

i do like it, it tastes pretty natural and not overly sweet


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I've just created a strawberry milkshake that uses TFA Strawberry Ripe 5% and CAP Strawberries & Cream 2.5% that had a good amount of flavor to begin with, but I added 4 drops of lemon juice to 10 MLS and it really brightened it up.

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