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Avoid Like the Plague !!!


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Member For 2 Years
This might not fit here, but I didn't know where else to put it. I know alot of us buy & sell on Ebay, and I just thought I would give my experience & opinion here of a really shitty vendor, and one you should avoid like the plague.

I bought a Fogger V4 from a vendor named Twizted-Affliction, and the night I bought the tank, they had excellant feedback, which made me feel comfortable. They said the Fogger V4 was coming from New Hampshire, so I made the purchase.

After 2 weeks of no Fogger, I started digging. I saw that their feedback had dropped to 80% positive, which threw me into shock, because I WILL NOT buy from anyone with less that 99.5% positive. I read through the comments, and found out that the claim they put on their sale ads, that say the item you are buying is in New Hampshire, is in fact, a fucking lie!

The truth is, the item you buy and paid for, up front, is in fucking China! They are a goddamn front for a Chinese vendor, and have decieved and conned many buyers this way. And because they put a bullshit time frame of delivery of 3 weeks, you cannot open a claim against them because PayPal will not let you. You have to sit and wait until the estimated time frame has passed before PayPal & Ebay will get off of their fat fucking asses and help you.

So, I thought it would be worth it to let others know about this, and possibly prevent another customer screw over. I do, after the 3 week waiting period DO intend on filing a very strongly worded complaint to Ebay & PayPal, in the hopes they will investigate this shitty, deceptive vendor, and shut them down, permanently.

It does not matter if I get my item by then or not, the point is, they are regularly decieving good people into beleaving that they are getting their item in a couple of days time, when in fact, they will have to wait weeks, or months to recieve what they paid for. And I feel that that is a deceptive and dishonest practice orchestrated to purposely decieve buyers, and generate revenue for them.

And forget about communication, the cocksuckers send out a generated message through Ebay that says they are out of the office, and they appreciate your business. BAH!! It's not business when you decieve people, it is theft. So, this is just my opinion, & I hope it helps others.....

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