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Never had that brand but my thoughts would be...
Reverse the Watermelon & Strawberry percents.
Strawberry is way stronger than the Watermelon IMO.
Once you get these 2 (alone) to taste right, then add some others.
Vanilla Swirl 3%
Sweet Cream or Bavarian 2%
Coconut 1%

Just some ideas to try...


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Yep, that would be my next thought, try some FA (FlavourArt) flavorings instead.
Some like CAP Sweet Strawberry and Strawberry Cream, but I have trouble with all I've tried so far.
I just prefer it at a lower percent, like 4% or less.


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Their description: "Texas Strawberries fresh from the fields with just a touch of cream"

If I wanted to copy that flavor, first thing I'd do is buy every strawberry flavor I could find, in the smallest sample sizes possible. Once you get main part just right, try with whatever cream flavors you already have. If you find an acceptable one, then move on to those minor flavors (I assume you taste them, even though the description doesn't mention them). If none of your creams work, there will be some others to search out - but that'll probably be quicker to find than the strawberry.

Smoky Blue

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ok.. pet peeve with me..

"i created a recipe, but unless anyone asks.. i wont post it up"

if this site was like that.. no one would have an idea to start with, much less people to learn from.. :)

Smoky Blue

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Interesting reply and was kinda of rude . Let me elaborate more; I can post the current recipe now , or wait until the final version and it WILL be posted .

I wasn't trying to be rude.
I see it happen a lot.

My point is, share.. perhaps someone will learn something by seeing what you do.

We all do that here. ;)


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You have a lot of dedication! I am glad you kept at it, so rewarding. I will hhave to get a few of the flavors to try this, will let you know when I do. Go ahead with your next recipe! Keep on mixing, and posting.

Smoky Blue

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only when i said something. ;)

no worries.. and if i do get the time..
thought i was mixing today, but other important things have come up and I am only now getting to go thru my mail etc..

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