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Diamond Contributor
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In the 1940s and 1950s, the synthetic pesticide DDT was used to kill bugs that spread malaria and typhus in several parts of the world, including the USA, where it was sprayed at public swimming pools, elementary schools, and across other highly populated areas.

Advertisements for the DDT ran in magazines and on the radio with the ironic slogan “DDT is good for Me-e-e!”

Apparently it wasn’t actually “good for you” since it was banned by the US government in 1972, and has been declared a human carcinogen and linked specifically to non-Hodgkin lymphoma, testicular cancer and liver cancer.


Remember thalidomide? Thalidomide was used in the late 1950s and early 1960s to combat morning sickness, but led to children being born without limbs. But don’t worry about it. No big deal. The German inventor issued an apology. I guess that makes everything OK.

But do you know what’s more toxic than DDT and Thalidomide?


We’ve been lied to over and over and over…by the “fake news” mainstream media!

Most of the “facts” we are expected to accept as true are nothing more than monumental myths told by double-dealing liars.

It reminds us of ancient Rome. “Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus,” translated “false in one thing, false in everything,” is a Roman legal principle indicating that a witness who willfully falsifies one matter is not credible on any matter.

So why do we continue to believe the proven liars?

We decided to EXPOSE the fake news of the mainstream media and the result was our “conspiracy fact” magnum opus -- Monumental Myths.

The Cromwell

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How toxic is your cell phone? Fox News on radiation testing and lawsuit
by TBYP Staff

Occasionally, the media gets it right. Tucker Carlson on the iPhone testing at 5x higher than the legal radiation limits: "Twenty years from now, we’re going to look at that and laugh bitterly, like one of those Camel ads with smoking doctors." Watch video...

Heck even if humans had in your face proof about cell phones causing great harm it would be like trying to get a junkie to give up h e r o i n

And with 5G ALL of us users or not will be subjected to much more EM radiation.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Thank you my friend, it's in Chicago so it will be here before long. They say it's killing those that are already health compromised. Scares the hell outta me


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Heck even if humans had in your face proof about cell phones causing great harm it would be like trying to get a junkie to give up h e r o i n

And with 5G ALL of us users or not will be subjected to much more EM radiation.
You're right Robert, I have pretty much gave mine up, I only use it a couple times a week and then use it on speaker.

The Cromwell

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Thank you my friend, it's in Chicago so it will be here before long. They say it's killing those that are already health compromised. Scares the hell outta me
Hide and wear surgical masks and avoid hospitals and doctors office where the infected will congregate.

The Cromwell

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good article and truly something to consider, thanks for sharing my friend. I am glad I don't take drugs, even the thought of the virus hitch hiking it way into your system via some big pharma poison.:eek:

The Cromwell

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Good article and truly something to consider, thanks for sharing my friend. I am glad I don't take drugs, even the thought of the virus hitch hiking it way into your system via some big pharma poison.:eek:
Glad for you. However most Mericans do take and many depend on prescription drugs.

I take 1 to help sleep. melitonin and such will just not cut it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I used to take a lot of big pharma poisons and they only made it worse but since I changed my Diet I could throw them all away, it was a great feeling to do so to.
Have you tried nutmeg? You haveta use fresh whole nutmeg nuts and grind them, as you need them one at a time, and cap it up. One of the very best natural sleep aids out there IMO.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do You Care About Re-Cycled Urine In Your Tap Water
I do! On Monday I announced a webinar for this week. I’m going to be interviewing water scientist Robert Slovak about the problems we face. It’s not just that planet earth is fast running out of freshwater. It’s that clean, pollutant-free drinking water is all but gone!

Look at the diagram here, from US Geological Survey (USGS). It shows that only 2.5% of water on our planet is freshwater. Of that, 98.8% is unavailable: it’s locked up in groundwater, glaciers and the polar ice caps. Of our surface freshwater, 69% of THAT is frozen in permafrost. Freshwater for drinking is less than 1/150th of one percent of our planet’s water! That should scare you, it does me:

It’s scary how little there is to go round and the population is far larger than 1993 when these figures were compiled: 5.5 billion human beings. Now it’s nearly 8 billion (7.7 billion in 2019).

To say that our drinking water is precious is a serious understatement.

Yet it’s filthy! Disgustingly filthy. Everywhere on earth, freshwater supplies are polluted.

And it’s not just Monsanto, Syngenta, BASF and DowDupont and the other Biotech giants. We know about pesticides. We know about environmental carcinogens.

But Big Pharma is now a major contributor too. Used water from factories and homes is now being recycled SEVERAL TIMES OVER. This concentrates whatever is flushed down the toilet. We drink re-cycled urine; LOTS of recycled urine.

That means you and I are drinking other peoples’ anti-depressants, tranquilizers, etc. on a daily basis. Guys are drinking the remains of contraceptive pills and we are all swallowing far too much estrogenic chemical. That results in obesity and other problems: low sperm counts and male genital malformations.

You can actually measure this stuff in our tap water. Yuck! What can we do?

I’ve come to start using the term “Personal Water Cleansing and Management”. You are going to have to deal with this yourself. You are going to have to clean up your own water supplies, on a household by household basis.

To leave it to governments and actions groups, you are going to end up with a disaster.

And don’t just think “I’ll drink bottled water”. The carcinogens in plastic bottles won’t save you!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today's Health Thought:
“You'll never get bored when you try something new.
There's really no limit to what you can do.”


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Sorry, But It’s Your Responsibility to Know Your Apology Languages

Saying we’re sorry is a confusing experience, but we’re presented the rules like they’re simple and immutable: If you hurt someone, say you’re sorry. If someone says they’re sorry, say you forgive them.

For most of us, those rules don’t get reexamined much since we’re taught them in kindergarten.

But Dr. Gary Chapman thinks they should be.

Recognize the name?

He’s the same man who brought us the five love languages… And in case you don’t remember those, they are:

  • Words of Affirmation
  • Acts of Service
  • Receiving Gifts
  • Quality Time
  • Physical Touch

Chapman believes it’s important to healthy, functioning relationships for each partner to understand how they prefer to receive love as well as give love. The idea is that being able to reflect on your preferences allows you to effectively communicate them to your partner, and understand the ways they’re showing you love even if it isn’t the same way you would show love.

Turns out, knowing your apology language preferences is vitally important for conflict resolution.

How often have you found yourself frustrated that your partner thought a bunch of flowers would soften your ire when all you really wanted was for them to help with the laundry? Or said they were sorry, but didn’t seem to understand that you wanted them to show you that they were committed to changing the offending behavior?

Let’s break down the five apology languages, so that you can clearly rank them for yourself.

Apology Language #1: Accepting Responsibility

This apology language is all about eliminating the “but” clause of an apology. “I’m sorry I didn’t make dinner tonight, but there wasn’t anything in the fridge.”

It’s an unequivocal admission of remorse. “I made you a promise and I broke it.”

If this is your preferred apology language, you probably don’t often provide reasons or excuses for your behavior. No mention of the traffic when you were late, because it doesn’t matter. You were still late.

If this is your preferred apology receipt, it may not be clear to those around you and can cause friction when you feel like your needs can only be honored if the external circumstances allow it. You may just want to hear someone say “I was wrong” without any decorative reasoning.

Apology Language #2: Expressing Regret

Here’s where you can include the “but” clause of an apology, as long as your remorse is sincere.

“I’m sorry I didn’t get here on time, but the traffic was really heavy. I know that it impacted your day and I regret it.”

This may be your default apology-style, and it may be enough to hear when someone else is sorry. Consider carefully whether hearing this apology really solves the problem for you, and if giving this kind of apology really solves the problem for the intended party.

Apology Language #3: Requesting Forgiveness

This kind of apology style can serve as an addendum to any apology, and is often overlooked.


Because it means giving up control. It means accepting the possibility that the answer to “Will you forgive me?” might be “no”. But for someone you’ve hurt or offended, knowing that you’re willing to respect their decision about how to move forward from a transgression can be immensely healing.

Do you need to be asked for forgiveness? Are you also willing to ask if that’s what your loved one needs to hear?

Apology Language #4: Genuinely Repenting

Everyone’s interpretation of “genuine” is a little different, so you’ll have to get as granular as possible if this is your apology language.

Genuinely repenting can look like making a plan of action to prevent the offensive behavior from occurring again. “I’m sorry I was late. I didn’t plan for traffic. In the future, I’ll make sure that I leave 15 minutes earlier than I usually do.”

It can look like creating new systems to make the offended party feel more comfortable trusting you not to cause them hurt again.

Apology Language #5: Making Restitution

This apology style leans on knowledge of the five languages for it to work.

What will make you feel better when you’ve been hurt? Is it spending quality time together to make up for the time lost when your loved one was late? Is it words of affirmation, hearing from the person who hurt you that they care about you and factor you into their decisions? That being late wasn’t about not caring enough about being on time?

Making restitution is about reassuring the person you’ve offended that they’re loved and cared for, in their language — not yours.

It’s always worth having a conversation with your loved ones about your personal styles and preferences, and being equally curious about theirs.

Love doesn’t last without work — and the real work is knowing yourself and your loved ones well enough to know what they need.

The Cromwell

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The Cromwell

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People who LIVE ON FARMS are more likely to survive the CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC

going out in a few days to buy lots of canned goods and dried milk, etc if I feel the need to hole up for a month or so.

The less contact with those outside your household the safer you are from any pandemic type of thing.
good time to be retired and free from having to go out and work.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
going out in a few days to buy lots of canned goods and dried milk, etc if I feel the need to hole up for a month or so.

The less contact with those outside your household the safer you are from any pandemic type of thing.
Sounds like a good plan Robert, I been doin the same. They say this, if it gets goin in the US, will be around for over a year.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Sounds like a good plan Robert, I been doin the same. They say this, if it gets goin in the US, will be around for over a year.
Damn! I can store up that much food. I figure it will sweep areas for a few months maybe 6 and then move on?

If it hits I figure that Krogers and Wally worlds curbside pickups will be busy.

I just hope that food and such keep on being distributed. We are such a just in time society now that any disruption can be bad.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Damn! I can store up that much food. I figure it will sweep areas for a few months maybe 6 and then move on?

If it hits I figure that Krogers and Wally worlds curbside pickups will be busy.
I hope it goes that way, if it comes around. They say you can keep catching this one that there's no immunity from having it once like most virus's do

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